Esempio n. 1
 *   Global symbol enumeration callback - fix up this symbol's compiler
 *   metaclass identifier, if this is an object symbol.  
static void fix_obj_meta_cb(void *ctx0, CTcSymbol *sym)
    /* cast our context and set up to access VM globals */
    fix_obj_meta_cb_ctx *ctx = (fix_obj_meta_cb_ctx *)ctx0;

    /* if this is an object symbol, fix up its metaclass identifier */
    if (sym->get_type() == TC_SYM_OBJ)
        CVmObject *obj;
        CVmMetaclass *meta;
        uint idx;
        tc_metaclass_t id;

        /* cast the symbol to an object symbol */
        CTcSymObj *obj_sym = (CTcSymObj *)sym;
        /* get the object */
        obj = vm_objp(vmg_ (vm_obj_id_t)obj_sym->get_obj_id());

        /* look up its metaclass */
        meta = obj->get_metaclass_reg();

        /* get the registration table index */
        idx = meta->get_reg_idx();

        /* that's our index into the translation table - look it up */
        id = ctx->xlat[idx];

        /* store the compiler metaclass ID back in the symbol */
Esempio n. 2
 *   restore 
void CVmObjFrameDesc::restore_from_file(VMG_ vm_obj_id_t self,
                                        class CVmFile *fp,
                                        class CVmObjFixup *fixups)
    /* read the values */
    vm_obj_id_t fref = fixups->get_new_id(vmg_ (vm_obj_id_t)fp->read_uint4());
    int frame_idx = fp->read_int2();
    uint ret_ofs = fp->read_uint2();

    /* allocate the extension */
    alloc_ext(vmg_ fref, frame_idx, ret_ofs);