// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void AlignSectionsMutualInformation::form_features_sections()
  DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getDataContainerName());

  size_t udims[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
#if (CMP_SIZEOF_SIZE_T == 4)
  typedef int32_t DimType;
  typedef int64_t DimType;
  DimType dims[3] =

  DimType point = 0;
  DimType seed = 0;
  bool noseeds = false;
  int32_t featurecount = 1;
  DimType neighbor = 0;
  QuatF q1 = QuaternionMathF::New();
  QuatF q2 = QuaternionMathF::New();
  QuatF* quats = reinterpret_cast<QuatF*>(m_Quats);
  float w = 0.0f;
  float n1 = 0.0f;
  float n2 = 0.0f;
  float n3 = 0.0f;
  DimType randx = 0;
  DimType randy = 0;
  bool good = false;
  DimType x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
  DimType col = 0, row = 0;
  size_t size = 0;
  size_t initialVoxelsListSize = 1000;

  featurecounts = m_FeatureCounts->getPointer(0);

  std::vector<DimType> voxelslist(initialVoxelsListSize, -1);
  DimType neighpoints[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
  neighpoints[0] = -dims[0];
  neighpoints[1] = -1;
  neighpoints[2] = 1;
  neighpoints[3] = dims[0];

  uint32_t phase1 = 0, phase2 = 0;

  for (DimType slice = 0; slice < dims[2]; slice++)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Aligning Sections || Identifying Features on Sections || %1% Complete").arg(((float)slice / dims[2]) * 100);
    notifyStatusMessage(getMessagePrefix(), getHumanLabel(), ss);
    featurecount = 1;
    noseeds = false;
    while (noseeds == false)
      seed = -1;
      randx = DimType(float(rg.genrand_res53()) * float(dims[0]));
      randy = DimType(float(rg.genrand_res53()) * float(dims[1]));
      for (DimType j = 0; j < dims[1]; ++j)
        for (DimType i = 0; i < dims[0]; ++i)
          x = randx + i;
          y = randy + j;
          z = slice;
          if (x > dims[0] - 1) { x = x - dims[0]; }
          if (y > dims[1] - 1) { y = y - dims[1]; }
          point = (z * dims[0] * dims[1]) + (y * dims[0]) + x;
          if ((m_UseGoodVoxels == false || m_GoodVoxels[point] == true) && m_FeatureIds[point] == 0 && m_CellPhases[point] > 0)
            seed = point;
          if (seed > -1) { break; }
        if( seed > -1) { break; }
      if (seed == -1) { noseeds = true; }
      if (seed >= 0)
        size = 0;
        m_FeatureIds[seed] = featurecount;
        voxelslist[size] = seed;
        for (size_t j = 0; j < size; ++j)
          DimType currentpoint = voxelslist[j];
          col = currentpoint % dims[0];
          row = (currentpoint / dims[0]) % dims[1];
          QuaternionMathF::Copy(quats[currentpoint], q1);
          phase1 = m_CrystalStructures[m_CellPhases[currentpoint]];
          for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            good = true;
            neighbor = currentpoint + neighpoints[i];
            if ((i == 0) && row == 0) { good = false; }
            if ((i == 3) && row == (dims[1] - 1)) { good = false; }
            if ((i == 1) && col == 0) { good = false; }
            if ((i == 2) && col == (dims[0] - 1)) { good = false; }
            if (good == true && m_FeatureIds[neighbor] <= 0 && m_CellPhases[neighbor] > 0)
              w = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
              QuaternionMathF::Copy(quats[neighbor], q2);
              phase2 = m_CrystalStructures[m_CellPhases[neighbor]];
              if (phase1 == phase2)
                w = m_OrientationOps[phase1]->getMisoQuat(q1, q2, n1, n2, n3);
              if (w < m_MisorientationTolerance)
                m_FeatureIds[neighbor] = featurecount;
                voxelslist[size] = neighbor;
                if (std::vector<DimType>::size_type(size) >= voxelslist.size())
                  size = voxelslist.size();
                  voxelslist.resize(size + initialVoxelsListSize);
                  for (std::vector<DimType>::size_type v = size; v < voxelslist.size(); ++v) { voxelslist[v] = -1; }
        voxelslist.erase(std::remove(voxelslist.begin(), voxelslist.end(), -1), voxelslist.end());
        voxelslist.assign(initialVoxelsListSize, -1);
    featurecounts[slice] = featurecount;
Esempio n. 2
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SegmentGrains::execute()
  VoxelDataContainer* m = getVoxelDataContainer();
  std::stringstream ss;
  if(NULL == m)
    ss << " DataContainer was NULL";
    addErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss.str(), -1);

  size_t udims[3] =
  { 0, 0, 0 };
#if (CMP_SIZEOF_SIZE_T == 4)
  typedef int32_t DimType;
  typedef int64_t DimType;
  DimType dims[3] =
  { static_cast<DimType>(udims[0]), static_cast<DimType>(udims[1]), static_cast<DimType>(udims[2]), };

  size_t gnum = 1;
  int seed = 0;
  int neighbor;
  bool good = 0;
  DimType col, row, plane;
  size_t size = 0;
  size_t initialVoxelsListSize = 1000;
  std::vector<int> voxelslist(initialVoxelsListSize, -1);
  DimType neighpoints[6];
  neighpoints[0] = -(dims[0] * dims[1]);
  neighpoints[1] = -dims[0];
  neighpoints[2] = -1;
  neighpoints[3] = 1;
  neighpoints[4] = dims[0];
  neighpoints[5] = (dims[0] * dims[1]);

  // Burn volume with tight orientation tolerance to simulate simultaneous growth/aglomeration
  while (seed >= 0)
    seed = getSeed(gnum);
    if(seed >= 0)
      size = 0;
      voxelslist[size] = seed;
      for (size_t j = 0; j < size; ++j)
        // Get the current Voxel
        size_t currentpoint = voxelslist[j];
        // Figure out the Row, Col & Plane the voxel is located in
        col = currentpoint % dims[0];
        row = (currentpoint / dims[0]) % dims[1];
        plane = currentpoint / (dims[0] * dims[1]);

        // Now loop over its 6 neighbors
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
          good = true;
          neighbor = currentpoint + neighpoints[i];
          // Make sure we have a valid neighbor taking into account the edges of the volume
          if(i == 0 && plane == 0) good = false;
          if(i == 5 && plane == (dims[2] - 1)) good = false;
          if(i == 1 && row == 0) good = false;
          if(i == 4 && row == (dims[1] - 1)) good = false;
          if(i == 2 && col == 0) good = false;
          if(i == 3 && col == (dims[0] - 1)) good = false;

          if(good == true)
            // We got a good voxel to check so check to see if it can be grouped with this point
            if(determineGrouping(currentpoint, neighbor, gnum) == true)
              // The voxel can be grouped with this voxel so add it to the list of voxels for this grain
              voxelslist[size] = neighbor;
              // Increment the size of the list which affects the "j" loop
              // Sanity check the size of the voxelslist vector. If it is not large enough, double the size of the vector
              if(size >= voxelslist.size())
                voxelslist.resize(size + size, -1); // The resize is a hit but the doubling mitigates the penalty somewhat
      voxelslist.resize(initialVoxelsListSize, -1);
      ss << "Total Grains: " << gnum;
      if(gnum%100 == 0) notifyStatusMessage(ss.str());
      if (getCancel() == true)

  // If there is an error set this to something negative and also set a message