Esempio n. 1
   void dvhat_c ( ConstSpiceDouble s1  [6],
                  SpiceDouble      sout[6] )



   --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
   s1        I     State to be normalized.
   sout      O     Unit vector s1 / |s1|, and its time derivative.


   s1       This is any double precision state. If the position
            component of the state is the zero vector, this routine
            will detect it and will not attempt to divide by zero.


   sout     sout is a state containing the unit vector pointing in
            the direction of position component of s1 and the
            derivative of the unit vector with respect to time.

            sout may overwrite s1.




   Error free.

   1) If s1 represents the zero vector, then the position
      component of sout will also be the zero vector.  The
      velocity component will be the velocity component
      of s1.




   Let s1 be a state vector with position and velocity components p
   and v respectively.  From these components one can compute the
   unit vector parallel to p, call it u and the derivative of u
   with respect to time, du.  This pair (u,du) is the state returned
   by this routine in sout.


   Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
   platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
   and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.
   Suppose that 'state' gives the apparent state of a body with
   respect to an observer.  This routine can be used to compute the
   instantaneous angular rate of the object across the sky as seen
   from the observers vantage.

      #include "SpiceUsr.h"
      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <math.h>

      int main()

         SpiceDouble       et;
         SpiceDouble       ltime;
         SpiceDouble       omega;
         SpiceDouble       state  [6];
         SpiceDouble       ustate [6];

         SpiceChar       * epoch  = "Jan 1 2009";
         SpiceChar       * target = "MOON";
         SpiceChar       * frame  = "J2000";
         SpiceChar       * abcorr = "LT+S";
         SpiceChar       * obsrvr = "EARTH BARYCENTER";

         Load SPK, PCK, and LSK kernels, use a meta kernel for convenience.
         furnsh_c ( "" );

         Define an arbitrary epoch, convert the epoch to ephemeris time.
         str2et_c ( epoch, &et );

         Calculate the state of the moon with respect to the earth-moon
         barycenter in J2000, corrected for light time and stellar aberration
         at ET.

         spkezr_c ( target, et, frame, abcorr, obsrvr, state, &ltime );

         Calculate the unit vector of STATE and the derivative of the
         unit vector.
         dvhat_c ( state, ustate );

         Calculate the instantaneous angular velocity from the magnitude of the
         derivative of the unit vector.

            v = r x omega

             ||omega|| = ||v||  for  r . v = 0

             ||omega|| = ||v||  for  ||r|| = 1
         omega = vnorm_c( &ustate[3] );

         printf( "Instantaneous angular velocity, rad/sec %.10g\n", omega );
         return 0;

   The program outputs:
      Instantaneous angular velocity, rad/sec 2.48106658e-06






     W.L. Taber      (JPL)
     E.D. Wright     (JPL)


   -CSPICE Version 1.0.1, 06-MAY-2010  (EDW)

      Reordered header sections to proper NAIF convention.
      Minor edit to code comments eliminating typo.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 07-JUL-1999  (EDW)


   State of a unit vector parallel to a state vector


{ /* Begin dvhat_c */

   Local variables
   SpiceDouble       length;
   SpiceDouble       posin [3];
   SpiceDouble       posout[3];
   SpiceDouble       velin [3];
   SpiceDouble       velout[3];

   We'll do this the obvious way for now.  Unpack the input vector
   into two working vectors.
   posin[0] = s1[0];
   posin[1] = s1[1];
   posin[2] = s1[2];
   velin[0] = s1[3];
   velin[1] = s1[4];
   velin[2] = s1[5];

   Get the position portion of the output state and the length of
   the input position.
   unorm_c ( posin, posout, &length );

   if ( length == 0. )

      If the length of the input position is zero, just copy
      the input velocity to the output velocity.
      vequ_c ( velin, velout );


      Otherwise the derivative of the unit vector is just the
      component of the input velocity perpendicular to the input
      position, scaled by the reciprocal of the length of the
      input position.
      vperp_c ( velin    , posout, velout );
      vscl_c  ( 1./length, velout, velout );


   Pack everything and return.  Hazar!
   sout[0] = posout[0];
   sout[1] = posout[1];
   sout[2] = posout[2];
   sout[3] = velout[0];
   sout[4] = velout[1];
   sout[5] = velout[2];

} /* End dvhat_c */
Esempio n. 2
   void pjelpl_c ( ConstSpiceEllipse  * elin,
                   ConstSpicePlane    * plane,
                   SpiceEllipse       * elout  ) 


   Variable  I/O  Description 
   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   elin       I   A CSPICE ellipse to be projected. 
   plane      I   A plane onto which elin is to be projected. 
   elout      O   A CSPICE ellipse resulting from the projection. 
   plane          are, respectively, a cspice ellipse and a 
                  cspice plane.  The geometric ellipse represented 
                  by elin is to be orthogonally projected onto the 
                  geometric plane represented by plane. 
   elout          is a cspice ellipse that represents the geometric 
                  ellipse resulting from orthogonally projecting the 
                  ellipse represented by inel onto the plane 
                  represented by plane. 
   1)  If the input plane is invalid, the error will be diagnosed 
       by routines called by this routine. 
   2)  The input ellipse may be degenerate--its semi-axes may be 
       linearly dependent.  Such ellipses are allowed as inputs. 
   3)  The ellipse resulting from orthogonally projecting the input 
       ellipse onto a plane may be degenerate, even if the input 
       ellipse is not. 
   Projecting an ellipse orthogonally onto a plane can be thought of 
   finding the points on the plane that are `under' or `over' the 
   ellipse, with the `up' direction considered to be perpendicular 
   to the plane.  More mathematically, the orthogonal projection is 
   the set of points Y in the plane such that for some point X in 
   the ellipse, the vector Y - X is perpendicular to the plane. 
   The orthogonal projection of an ellipse onto a plane yields 
   another ellipse. 
   1)  With  center  = { 1.,  1.,  1. }, 
             vect1   = { 2.,  0.,  0. }, 
             vect2   = { 0.,  1.,  1. }, 
             normal  = { 0.,  0.,  1. }
       the code fragment 
             nvc2pl_c ( normal,  0.,      plane           ); 
             cgv2el_c ( center,  vect1,   vect2,   elin   ); 
             pjelpl_c ( elin,    plane,   elout           ); 
             el2cgv_c ( elout,   prjctr,  prjmaj,  prjmin ); 
             prjctr  = { 1.,  1.,  0. },
             prjmaj  = { 2.,  0.,  0. },
             prjmin  = { 0.,  1.,  0. } 
   2)  With  vect1   = { 2.,  0.,  0. },
             vect2   = { 1.,  1.,  1. }, 
             center  = { 0.,  0.,  0. }, 
             normal  = { 0.,  0.,  1. }, 
       the code fragment 
             nvc2pl_c ( normal,  0.,      plane           ); 
             cgv2el_c ( center,  vect1,   vect2,   elin   ); 
             pjelpl_c ( elin,    plane,   elout           ); 
             el2cgv_c ( elout,   prjctr,  prjmaj,  prjmin ); 
             prjctr  = { 0.,  0.,  0. };
             prjmaj  = { -2.227032728823213, 
                          0.                  };
             prjmin  = {  2.008114158862273e-1, 
                          0.                  };
   3)    An example of actual use:   Suppose we wish to compute the 
         distance from an ellipsoid to a line.   Let the line be 
         defined by a point P and a direction vector DIRECT; the 
         line is the set of points 
            P   +   t * DIRECT, 
         where t is any real number.  Let the ellipsoid have semi- 
         axis lengths A, B, and C. 
         We can reduce the problem to that of finding the distance 
         between the line and an ellipse on the ellipsoid surface by 
         considering the fact that the surface normal at the nearest 
         point to the line will be orthogonal to DIRECT; the set of 
         surface points where this condition holds lies in a plane, 
         and hence is an ellipse on the surface.  The problem can be 
         further simplified by projecting the ellipse orthogonally 
         onto the plane defined by 
            < X, DIRECT >  =  0. 
         The problem is then a two dimensional one:  find the 
         distance of the projected ellipse from the intersection of 
         the line and this plane (which is necessarily one point). 
         A `paraphrase' of the relevant code is: 
            #include "SpiceUsr.h"
            Step 1.   Find the candidate ellipse cand. 
                      normal is a normal vector to the plane 
                      containing the candidate ellipse.  The 
                      ellipse must exist, since it's the 
                      intersection of an ellipsoid centered at 
                      the origin and a plane containing the 
                      origin.  For this reason, we don't check 
                      inedpl_c's "found flag" found below. 
            normal[0]  =  direct[0] / (a*a); 
            normal[1]  =  direct[1] / (b*b);
            normal[2]  =  direct[2] / (c*c);

            nvc2pl_c ( normal, 0., &candpl );

            inedpl_c ( a, b, c, &candpl, cand, &found );
            Step 2.   Project the candidate ellipse onto a 
                      plane orthogonal to the line.  We'll 
                      call the plane prjpl and the 
                      projected ellipse prjel. 
            nvc2pl_c ( direct,  0.,     &prjpl ); 
            pjelpl_c ( &cand,   &prjpl, &prjel );
            Step 3.   Find the point on the line lying in the 
                      projection plane, and then find the 
                      near point pjnear on the projected 
                      ellipse.  Here prjpt is the point on the 
                      input line that lies in the projection 
                      plane.  The distance between prjpt and 
                      pjnear is dist. 
            vprjp_c  ( linept,  &prjpl,  prjpt          );
            npelpt_c ( &prjel,   prjpt,  pjnear,  &dist );
            Step 4.  Find the near point pnear on the 
                     ellipsoid by taking the inverse 
                     orthogonal projection of PJNEAR; this is 
                     the point on the candidate ellipse that 
                     projects to pjnear.  Note that the output 
                     dist was computed in step 3. 
                     The inverse projection of pjnear is 
                     guaranteed to exist, so we don't have to 
                     check found. 
            vprjpi_c ( pjnear, &prjpl, &candpl, pnear, &found ); 
            The value of dist returned is the distance we're looking 
            The procedure described here is carried out in the routine 
   N.J. Bachman   (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 02-SEP-1999 (NJB)

   project ellipse onto plane 

{ /* Begin pjelpl_c */

   Local variables
   SpiceDouble             center[3];
   SpiceDouble             cnst;
   SpiceDouble             normal[3];
   SpiceDouble             prjctr[3];
   SpiceDouble             prjvc1[3];
   SpiceDouble             prjvc2[3];
   SpiceDouble             smajor[3];
   SpiceDouble             sminor[3];

   Participate in error tracing.
   chkin_c ( "pjelpl_c" );

   Find generating vectors of the input ellipse.
   el2cgv_c ( elin, center, smajor, sminor );
   Find a normal vector for the input plane.
   pl2nvc_c ( plane, normal, &cnst );
   Find the components of the semi-axes that are orthogonal to the
   input plane's normal vector.  The components are generating
   vectors for the projected plane.
   vperp_c ( smajor,  normal,  prjvc1 );
   vperp_c ( sminor,  normal,  prjvc2 );
   Find the projection of the ellipse's center onto the input plane.
   This is the center of the projected ellipse.

   In case the last assertion is non-obvious, note that the
   projection we're carrying out is the composition of a linear
   mapping (projection to a plane containing the origin and parallel
   to PLANE) and a translation mapping (adding the closest point to
   the origin in PLANE to every point), and both linear mappings and
   translations carry the center of an ellipse to the center of the
   ellipse's image.  Let's state this using mathematical symbols.
   Let L be a linear mapping and let T be a translation mapping,

      T(x) = x + A.


         T  (  L ( center + cos(theta)smajor + sin(theta)sminor )  )

      =  A  +  L ( center + cos(theta)smajor + sin(theta)sminor )

      =  A  +  L (center)
            +  cos(theta) L(smajor)
            +  sin(theta) L(sminor)

   From the form of this last expression, we see that we have an
   ellipse centered at

         A  +  L (center)

      =  T  (  L (center)  )

   This last term is the image of the center of the original ellipse,
   as we wished to demonstrate.

   Now in the case of orthogonal projection onto a plane PL, L can be
   taken as the orthogonal projection onto a parallel plane PL'
   containing the origin.  Then L is a linear mapping.  Let M be
   the multiple of the normal vector of PL such that M is contained
   in PL (M is the closest point in PL to the origin).  Then the
   orthogonal projection mapping onto PL, which we will name PRJ,
   can be defined by

     PRJ (x)  =  L (x)  +  M.

   So PRJ is the composition of a translation and a linear mapping,
   as claimed.
   vprjp_c ( center, plane, prjctr );
   Put together the projected ellipse.
   cgv2el_c ( prjctr, prjvc1, prjvc2, elout );

   chkout_c ( "pjelpl_c" );

} /* End pjelpl_c */