Esempio n. 1
:QWidget(parent)//,ui(new Ui::Form)

#ifdef DEBUG
    setWindowFlags(Qt::Popup);// убираем окно состояния

    connect(ui.comboBox_menu,SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(QString )),this,SLOT(generator()));//выбор главного меню
    connect(ui.comboBox_settings_param,SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(QString )),this,SLOT(parametri()));//выбор параметры
    connect(ui.comboBox_settings_extParam,SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(QString)),this,SLOT(dop_nastr()));// выбор доп.параметров
    connect(ui.comboBox_settings_timeSet,SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(QString)),this,SLOT(date()));//выбор дата/время
    connect(ui.comboBox_settings_2chann,SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(QString)),this,SLOT(channel_kanal()));//выбор параметров канала
    //connect(ui.comboBox_settings_2chann_2,SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(QString)),this,SLOT(change_language()));//выбор языка





Esempio n. 2
/* compute sky circumstances of an object in heliocentric hyperbolic orbit.
static int
obj_hyperbolic (Now *np, Obj *op)
	double lsn, rsn;	/* true geoc lng of sun; dist from sn to earth*/
	double dt;		/* light travel time to object */
	double lg;		/* helio long of earth */
	double nu;		/* true anomaly and eccentric anomaly */
	double rp=0;		/* distance from the sun */
	double lo, slo, clo;	/* angle from ascending node */
	double inc;		/* inclination */
	double psi=0;		/* heliocentric latitude */
	double spsi=0, cpsi=0;	/* trig of heliocentric latitude */
	double lpd; 		/* heliocentric longitude */
	double rho=0;		/* distance from the Earth */
	double om;		/* arg of perihelion */
	double Om;		/* long of ascending node. */
	double lam;    		/* geocentric ecliptic longitude */
	double bet;    		/* geocentric ecliptic latitude */
	double e;		/* fast eccentricity */
	double ll=0, sll, cll;	/* helio angle between object and earth */
	double mag;		/* magnitude */
	double a;		/* mean distance */
	double tp;		/* time from perihelion (days) */
	double rpd=0;
	double y;
	int pass;

	/* find solar ecliptical longitude and distance to sun from earth */
	sunpos (mjed, &lsn, &rsn, 0);

	lg = lsn + PI;
	e = op->h_e;
	a = op->h_qp/(e - 1.0);

	/* correct for light time by computing position at time mjd, then
	 *   again at mjd-dt, where
	 *   dt = time it takes light to travel earth-object distance.
	dt = 0;
	for (pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) {

	    reduce_elements (op->h_epoch, mjd-dt, degrad(op->h_inc),
			    degrad (op->h_om), degrad (op->h_Om),
			    &inc, &om, &Om);

	    tp = mjed - dt - op->h_ep;
	    if (vrc (&nu, &rp, tp, op->h_e, op->h_qp) < 0)
		op->o_flags |= NOCIRCUM;
	    nu = degrad(nu);
	    lo = nu + om;
	    slo = sin(lo);
	    clo = cos(lo);
	    spsi = slo*sin(inc);
	    y = slo*cos(inc);
	    psi = asin(spsi);
	    lpd = atan(y/clo)+Om;
	    if (clo<0) lpd += PI;
	    range (&lpd, 2*PI);
	    cpsi = cos(psi);
	    rpd = rp*cpsi;
	    ll = lpd-lg;
	    rho = sqrt(rsn*rsn+rp*rp-2*rsn*rp*cpsi*cos(ll));

	    dt = rho*5.775518e-3;	/* light travel time, in days */

	/* compute sin and cos of ll */
	sll = sin(ll);
	cll = cos(ll);

	/* find geocentric ecliptic longitude and latitude */
	if (rpd < rsn)
	    lam = atan(-1*rpd*sll/(rsn-rpd*cll))+lg+PI;
	    lam = atan(rsn*sll/(rpd-rsn*cll))+lpd;
	range (&lam, 2*PI);
	bet = atan(rpd*spsi*sin(lam-lpd)/(cpsi*rsn*sll));

	/* fill in all of op->s_* stuff except s_size and s_mag */
	cir_sky (np, lpd, psi, rp, &rho, lam, bet, lsn, rsn, op);

	/* compute magnitude and size */
	gk_mag (op->h_g, op->h_k, rp, rho, &mag);
	set_smag (op, mag);
	op->s_size = (float)(op->h_size / rho);

	return (0);
Esempio n. 3
/* compute sky circumstances of an object in heliocentric elliptic orbit at *np.
static int
obj_elliptical (Now *np, Obj *op)
	double lsn, rsn;	/* true geoc lng of sun; dist from sn to earth*/
	double dt;		/* light travel time to object */
	double lg;		/* helio long of earth */
	double nu;		/* true anomaly */
	double rp=0;		/* distance from the sun */
	double lo, slo, clo;	/* angle from ascending node */
	double inc;		/* inclination */
	double psi=0;		/* heliocentric latitude */
	double spsi=0, cpsi=0;	/* trig of heliocentric latitude */
	double lpd; 		/* heliocentric longitude */
	double rho=0;		/* distance from the Earth */
	double om;		/* arg of perihelion */
	double Om;		/* long of ascending node. */
	double lam;    		/* geocentric ecliptic longitude */
	double bet;    		/* geocentric ecliptic latitude */
	double ll=0, sll, cll;	/* helio angle between object and earth */
	double mag;		/* magnitude */
	double e_n;		/* mean daily motion */
	double tp;		/* time from perihelion (days) */
	double rpd=0;
	double y;
	int pass;

	/* find location of earth from sun now */
	sunpos (mjed, &lsn, &rsn, 0);
	lg = lsn + PI;

	/* mean daily motion is derived fro mean distance */
	e_n = 0.9856076686/pow((double)op->e_a, 1.5);

	/* correct for light time by computing position at time mjd, then
	 *   again at mjd-dt, where
	 *   dt = time it takes light to travel earth-object distance.
	dt = 0;
	for (pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) {

	    reduce_elements (op->e_epoch, mjd-dt, degrad(op->e_inc),
					degrad (op->e_om), degrad (op->e_Om),
					&inc, &om, &Om);

	    tp = mjed - dt - (op->e_cepoch - op->e_M/e_n);
	    if (vrc (&nu, &rp, tp, op->e_e, op->e_a*(1-op->e_e)) < 0)
		op->o_flags |= NOCIRCUM;
	    nu = degrad(nu);
	    lo = nu + om;
	    slo = sin(lo);
	    clo = cos(lo);
	    spsi = slo*sin(inc);
	    y = slo*cos(inc);
	    psi = asin(spsi);
	    lpd = atan(y/clo)+Om;
	    if (clo<0) lpd += PI;
	    range (&lpd, 2*PI);
	    cpsi = cos(psi);
	    rpd = rp*cpsi;
	    ll = lpd-lg;
	    rho = sqrt(rsn*rsn+rp*rp-2*rsn*rp*cpsi*cos(ll));
            printf("\nrho from sqrt(): %f\n", rho);

	    dt = rho*LTAU/3600.0/24.0;	/* light travel time, in days / AU */

	/* compute sin and cos of ll */
	sll = sin(ll);
	cll = cos(ll);

	/* find geocentric ecliptic longitude and latitude */
	if (rpd < rsn)
	    lam = atan(-1*rpd*sll/(rsn-rpd*cll))+lg+PI;
	    lam = atan(rsn*sll/(rpd-rsn*cll))+lpd;
	range (&lam, 2*PI);
	bet = atan(rpd*spsi*sin(lam-lpd)/(cpsi*rsn*sll));

	/* fill in all of op->s_* stuff except s_size and s_mag */
	cir_sky (np, lpd, psi, rp, &rho, lam, bet, lsn, rsn, op);

	/* compute magnitude and size */
	if (op->e_mag.whichm == MAG_HG) {
	    /* the H and G parameters from the Astro. Almanac.
	    hg_mag (op->e_mag.m1, op->e_mag.m2, rp, rho, rsn, &mag);
	    if (op->e_size)
		op->s_size = (float)(op->e_size / rho);
		op->s_size = (float)(h_albsize (op->e_mag.m1)/rho);
	} else {
	    /* the g/k model of comets */
	    gk_mag (op->e_mag.m1, op->e_mag.m2, rp, rho, &mag);
	    op->s_size = (float)(op->e_size / rho);
	set_smag (op, mag);

	return (0);