//----- Begin Code ------------------------------------------------------------ int main(void) { // initialize our libraries // initialize the UART (serial port) uartInit(); uartSetBaudRate(115200); // make all rprintf statements use uart for output rprintfInit(uartSendByte); // initialize the timer system timerInit(); // initialize vt100 terminal vt100Init(); timerPause(100); // print welcome message vt100ClearScreen(); vt100SetCursorPos(1,0); rprintfProgStrM("\r\nWelcome to the MMC Test Suite!\r\n"); timerPause(1000); mmcTest(); return 0; }
//----- Begin Code ------------------------------------------------------------ int main(void) { // initialize our libraries // initialize the UART (serial port) uartInit(); // set the baud rate of the UART for our debug/reporting output uartSetBaudRate(9600); // initialize the timer system timerInit(); // initialize rprintf system // - use uartSendByte as the output for all rprintf statements // this will cause all rprintf library functions to direct their // output to the uart // - rprintf can be made to output to any device which takes characters. // You must write a function which takes an unsigned char as an argument // and then pass this to rprintfInit like this: rprintfInit(YOUR_FUNCTION); rprintfInit(uartSendByte); // initialize vt100 library vt100Init(); // clear the terminal screen vt100ClearScreen(); // run the test rprintfTest(); return 0; }
//----- Begin Code ------------------------------------------------------------ int main(void) { // initialize our libraries // initialize the UART (serial port) uartInit(); // set the baud rate of UART 0 for our debug/reporting output uartSetBaudRate(0,9600); // set uart0SendByte as the output for all rprintf statements rprintfInit(uart0SendByte); // initialize the timer system timerInit(); // initialize vt100 library vt100Init(); // print a little intro message so we know things are working vt100ClearScreen(); rprintf("\r\nWelcome to GPS Test!\r\n"); // run example gps processing loop // (pick the one appropriate for your GPS packet format) // gpsTsipTest(); gpsNmeaTest(); return 0; }
//----- Begin Code ------------------------------------------------------------ int main(void) { // initialize our libraries // initialize the UART (serial port) uartInit(); uartSetBaudRate(9600); // make all rprintf statements use uart for output rprintfInit(uartSendByte); // turn on and initialize A/D converter a2dInit(); // initialize the timer system timerInit(); // initialize vt100 terminal vt100Init(); // configure port B for led output and pushbutton input outb(DDRB, 0x0F); // all LEDs on outb(PORTB, 0x00); // wait for hardware to power up timerPause(100); // all LEDs off outb(PORTB, 0x0F); // start command line goCmdline(); return 0; }
void setup() { uart0Init(); uartSetBaudRate(0, 9600); rprintfInit(uart0SendByte); //rprintf("Hello.."); rprintfCRLF(); rprintf("$Id: psp_joystick.c,v 2007/08/21 05:14:23 julian Exp $"); vt100Init(); sbi(DDRD, DDD4); // output PD4 sbi(PORTD, PD4); // set it high cbi(DDRD, DDD5); // input PD5 sbi(PORTD, PD5); // set it low cbi(DDRA, DDA0); // input (one axis) cbi(DDRA, DDA1); // input (the other axis) //cbi(DDRA, DDA2); // input //sbi(DDRA, DDA3); // output //sbi(PORTA, PA0); //sbi(PINA, PINA0); // set high //sbi(PINA, PA3); a2dInit(); // set up the power pulse LED TCCR0A |= (1<<WGM00) | (1<<COM0A1); // mode 1, phase-correct PWM TCCR0B |= (1<<CS02); // clk/256 from prescaler //TCCR0B |= (0<<CS02) | (1<<CS01) | (1<<CS00); // clk/64 // set up and enable the power pulse thing TCNT0 = 0x00; sbi(TIMSK0, TOIE0); sbi(DDRB, DDB3); // output on the LED sbi(PORTB, PB3); // turn it on u08 i, j; for(j=0; j<1; j++) { for(i=0; i<10; i++) { _delay_ms(32); } cbi(PORTB, PB3); for(i=0; i<10; i++) { _delay_ms(32); } sbi(PORTB, PB3); for(i=0; i<10; i++) { _delay_ms(32); } } cbi(PORTB, PB3); sei(); }
int main(void) { uartInit(); uartSetBaudRate(115200); rprintfInit(uartSendByte); a2dInit(); timerInit(); vt100Init(); return 0; }
void init_uart(void) { // initialize our libraries // initialize the UART (serial port) uartInit(); // set the baud rate of the UART for our debug/reporting output uartSetBaudRate(9600); // set uartSendByte as the output for all rprintf statements rprintfInit(uartSendByte); // initialize the timer system timerInit(); // initialize vt100 library vt100Init(); vt100ClearScreen(); // print a little intro message so we know things are working rprintf("\r\nServo tester\r\n"); rprintf("Sebastien CELLES\r\n"); rprintf("IUT de Poitiers\r\n"); rprintf("Genie Thermique et Energie\r\n"); }
//----- Begin Code ------------------------------------------------------------ int main(void) { // initialize our libraries // initialize the UART (serial port) uartInit(); // set the baud rate of the UART for our debug/reporting output uartSetBaudRate(9600); // set uartSendByte as the output for all rprintf statements rprintfInit(uartSendByte); // initialize the timer system timerInit(); // initialize vt100 library vt100Init(); vt100ClearScreen(); // print a little intro message so we know things are working rprintf("\r\nWelcome to Servo Test!\r\n"); // begin servo test servoTest(); return 0; }
//----- Begin Code ------------------------------------------------------------ int main(void) { // initialize our libraries // initialize the UART (serial port) uartInit(); // set the baud rate of the UART for our debug/reporting output uartSetBaudRate(9600); // initialize the timer system timerInit(); // initialize rprintf system rprintfInit(uartSendByte); // initialize vt100 library vt100Init(); // clear the terminal screen vt100ClearScreen(); // run the test encoderTest(); return 0; }
/******************************************************************* * rprintf_test *******************************************************************/ void rprintf_test(void) { u16 val; u08 mydata; u08 mystring[10]; double b; u08 small; u16 medium; u32 big; // initialize the UART (serial port) uartInit(); // set the baud rate of the UART for our debug/reporting output uartSetBaudRate(38400); // initialize rprintf system // - use uartSendByte as the output for all rprintf statements // this will cause all rprintf library functions to direct their // output to the uart // - rprintf can be made to output to any device which takes characters. // You must write a function which takes an unsigned char as an argument // and then pass this to rprintfInit like this: rprintfInit(YOUR_FUNCTION); rprintfInit(uartSendByte); // initialize vt100 library vt100Init(); // clear the terminal screen vt100ClearScreen(); while (!(getkey() == 1)) //do the folling block until enter is pressed { // print a little intro message so we know things are working rprintf("\r\nWelcome to rprintf Test!\r\n"); // print single characters rprintfChar('H'); rprintfChar('e'); rprintfChar('l'); rprintfChar('l'); rprintfChar('o'); // print a constant string stored in FLASH rprintfProgStrM(" World!"); // print a carriage return, line feed combination rprintfCRLF(); // note that using rprintfCRLF() is more memory-efficient than // using rprintf("\r\n"), especially if you do it repeatedly mystring[0] = 'A'; mystring[1] = ' '; mystring[2] = 'S'; mystring[3] = 't'; mystring[4] = 'r'; mystring[5] = 'i'; mystring[6] = 'n'; mystring[7] = 'g'; mystring[8] = '!'; mystring[9] = 0; // null termination // print a null-terminated string from RAM rprintfStr(mystring); rprintfCRLF(); // print a section of a string from RAM // - start at index 2 // - print 6 characters rprintfStrLen(mystring, 2, 6); rprintfCRLF(); val = 24060; mydata = 'L'; // print a decimal number rprintf("This is a decimal number: %d\r\n", val); // print a hex number rprintf("This is a hex number: %x\r\n", mydata); // print a character rprintf("This is a character: %c\r\n", mydata); // print hex numbers small = 0x12; // a char medium = 0x1234; // a short big = 0x12345678; // a long rprintf("This is a 2-digit hex number (char) : "); rprintfu08(small); rprintfCRLF(); rprintf("This is a 4-digit hex number (short): "); rprintfu16(medium); rprintfCRLF(); rprintf("This is a 8-digit hex number (long) : "); rprintfu32(big); rprintfCRLF(); // print a formatted decimal number // - use base 10 // - use 8 characters // - the number is signed [TRUE] // - pad with '.' periods rprintf("This is a formatted decimal number: "); rprintfNum(10, 8, TRUE, '.', val); rprintfCRLF(); b = 1.23456; // print a floating point number // use 10-digit precision // NOTE: TO USE rprintfFloat() YOU MUST ENABLE SUPPORT IN global.h // use the following in your global.h: #define RPRINTF_FLOAT rprintf("This is a floating point number: "); rprintfFloat(8, b); rprintfCRLF(); } }
/***************************************************************************** * Balance - *****************************************************************************/ void balance(void) { unsigned long TimerMsWork; long int g_bias = 0; double x_offset = 532; //offset value 2.56V * 1024 / 4.93V = 4254 double q_m = 0.0; double int_angle = 0.0; double x = 0.0; double tilt = 0.0; int pwm; InitADC(); init_pwm(); // initialize the UART (serial port) uartInit(); // set the baud rate of the UART for our debug/reporting output uartSetBaudRate(115200); // initialize rprintf system rprintfInit(uartSendByte); // initialize vt100 library vt100Init(); // clear the terminal screen vt100ClearScreen(); TimerMsWork = TimerMsCur(); DDRB |= (1 << PB0); // Make B0 an output for LED /* as a 1st step, a reference measurement of the angular rate sensor is * done. This value is used as offset compensation */ for (int i=1 ; i<=200; i++) // determine initial value for bias of gyro { g_bias = g_bias + GetADC(gyro_sensor); } g_bias = g_bias / 200; while (!(getkey() == 1)) { /* insure loop runs at specified Hz */ while (!TimerCheck(TimerMsWork, (dt_PARAM * 1000) -1)) ; TimerMsWork = TimerMsCur(); // toggle pin B0 for oscilloscope timings. PORTB = PINB ^ (1 << PB0); // get rate gyro reading and convert to deg/sec // q_m = (GetADC(gyro_sensor) - g_bias) / -3.072; // -3.07bits/deg/sec (neg. because forward is CCW) q_m = (GetADC(gyro_sensor) - g_bias) * -0.3255; // each bit = 0.3255 /deg/sec (neg. because forward is CCW) state_update(q_m); // get Accelerometer reading and convert to units of gravity. // x = (GetADC(accel_sensor) - x_offset) / 204.9; // (205 bits/G) x = (GetADC(accel_sensor) - x_offset) * 0.00488; // each bit = 0.00488/G // x is measured in multiples of earth gravitation g // therefore x = sin (tilt) or tilt = arcsin(x) // for small angles in rad (not deg): arcsin(x)=x // Calculation of deg from rad: 1 deg = 180/pi = 57.29577951 tilt = 57.29577951 * (x); kalman_update(tilt); int_angle += angle * dt_PARAM; rprintf(" x:"); rprintfFloat(8, x); rprintf(" angle:"); rprintfFloat(8, angle); rprintf(" rate:"); rprintfFloat(8, rate); // Balance. The most important line in the entire program. // balance_torque = Kp * (current_angle - neutral) + Kd * current_rate; // rprintf("bal_torq: "); // rprintfFloat(8, balance_torque); // rprintfCRLF(); //steer_knob = 0; // change from current angle to something proportional to speed // should this be the abs val of the cur speed or just curr speed? //double steer_cmd = (1.0 / (1.0 + Ksteer2 * fabs(current_angle))) * (Ksteer * steer_knob); //double steer_cmd = 0.0; // Get current rate of turn //double current_turn = left_speed - right_speed; //<-- is this correct //double turn_accel = current_turn - prev_turn; //prev_turn = current_turn; // Closed-loop turn rate PID //double steer_cmd = KpTurn * (current_turn - steer_desired) // + KdTurn * turn_accel; // //+ KiTurn * turn_integrated; // Possibly optional //turn_integrated += current_turn - steer_cmd; // Differential steering //left_motor_torque = balance_torque + steer_cmd; //+ cur_speed + steer_cmd; //right_motor_torque = balance_torque - steer_cmd; //+ cur_speed - steer_cmd; // Limit extents of torque demand //left_motor_torque = flim(left_motor_torque, -MAX_TORQUE, MAX_TORQUE); // if (left_motor_torque < -MAX_TORQUE) left_motor_torque = -MAX_TORQUE; // if (left_motor_torque > MAX_TORQUE) left_motor_torque = MAX_TORQUE; //right_motor_torque = flim(right_motor_torque, -MAX_TORQUE, MAX_TORQUE); // if (right_motor_torque < -MAX_TORQUE) right_motor_torque = -MAX_TORQUE; // if (right_motor_torque > MAX_TORQUE) right_motor_torque = MAX_TORQUE; pwm = (int) ((angle -3.5) * Kp) + (rate * Kd); // + (int_angle * Ki); rprintf(" pwm:%d\r\n", pwm); // Set PWM values for both motors SetLeftMotorPWM(pwm); SetRightMotorPWM(pwm); } SetLeftMotorPWM(0); SetRightMotorPWM(0); }