// Returns a unit arrow vx_object_t * _vxo_arrow_private(vx_style_t * style, ...) { vx_object_t * vc = vxo_chain_create(); va_list va; va_start(va, style); for (vx_style_t * sty = style; sty != NULL; sty = va_arg(va, vx_style_t *)) { vx_style_inc_ref(sty); vxo_chain_add(vc, vxo_chain( vxo_mat_scale3(.75, .06, .06), vxo_mat_translate3(.5,0,0), vxo_box(sty)), vxo_chain(vxo_mat_translate3(0.75,0,0), vxo_mat_rotate_y(M_PI/2), vxo_mat_scale(.25), vxo_square_pyramid(sty))); vx_style_dec_destroy(sty); } va_end(va); return vc; }
static void* render_thread1(void * data) { state_t * state = data; vx_world_t * world = state->world; float multcolors[] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}; vx_object_t * solid = vxo_chain(vxo_mat_translate3(3.0,0,0), vxo_mat_scale3(2,2,2), vxo_box(vxo_mesh_style(vx_orange))); // switch above to vxo_box to get a different bug vx_object_inc_ref(solid); vx_object_t * multi = vxo_chain(vxo_mat_translate3(3.0,0,0), vxo_mat_scale3(2,2,2), vxo_rect(vxo_lines_style_multi_colored(vx_resc_copyf(multcolors,4*4), 2.0))); vx_object_inc_ref(multi); uint64_t count = 0; while(1) { //printf("CASE %ld\n", count %4); switch(count % 4) { case 0: // Draw pattern A vx_buffer_add_back(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "thread1"), solid); break; case 2: // Draw pattern B vx_buffer_add_back(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "thread1"), multi); break; case 1: // Do nothing case 3: break; } count++; // swap every time vx_buffer_swap(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "thread1")); usleep(1000000); } pthread_exit(NULL); }
void add_circle_to_buffer(vx_buffer_t* buf, double size, loc_t loc, const float* color) { vx_buffer_add_back(buf, vxo_pix_coords(VX_ORIGIN_BOTTOM_LEFT, vxo_chain(vxo_mat_translate3(loc.x, loc.y, 0), vxo_mat_scale(size), vxo_circle(vxo_mesh_style(color))))); }
void BoundingBox::draw(vx_buffer *buf, const float color[]) { float translucentColor[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { translucentColor[i] = color[i]; } translucentColor[3] = 0.3f; vx_object_t *box = vxo_chain( // Base vxo_mat_scale3(CM_TO_VX, CM_TO_VX, CM_TO_VX), vxo_mat_translate3(this->getX(), this->getY(), this->getZ()), vxo_mat_scale3(this->getW(), this->getH(), this->getD()), vxo_box(vxo_mesh_style(translucentColor), vxo_lines_style(vx_black, 2.0f)) ); vx_buffer_add_back(buf, box); }
void project_measurements_through_homography(matd_t* H, vx_buffer_t* buf, zarray_t* pix_found, int size) { int npoints = NUM_CHART_BLOBS * 2; // line per chart blob float points[npoints*3]; float* real_world_coords; if(size == NUM_TARGETS) real_world_coords = target_coords; else if(size == NUM_CHART_BLOBS) real_world_coords = chart_coords; else assert(0); for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { // run each real world point through homography and add to buf double tmp[3] = {real_world_coords[i*2], real_world_coords[i*2+1], 1}; matd_t* xy_matrix = matd_create_data(3,1,tmp); matd_t* pix_estimated = matd_op("(M)*M",H, xy_matrix); MATD_EL(pix_estimated,0,0) /= MATD_EL(pix_estimated,2, 0); MATD_EL(pix_estimated,1,0) /= MATD_EL(pix_estimated,2, 0); vx_buffer_add_back(buf, vxo_pix_coords(VX_ORIGIN_BOTTOM_LEFT, vxo_chain(vxo_mat_translate3(MATD_EL(pix_estimated,0,0), MATD_EL(pix_estimated,1,0), 0), vxo_mat_scale(2.0), vxo_circle(vxo_mesh_style(vx_green))))); // create endpoints for lines loc_t pos; zarray_get(pix_found, i, &pos); // points[6*i + 0] = pos.x; points[6*i + 1] = pos.y; points[6*i + 2] = 0; points[6*i + 3] = MATD_EL(pix_estimated,0,0); points[6*i + 4] = MATD_EL(pix_estimated,1,0); points[6*i + 5] = 0; } // make lines vx_resc_t *verts = vx_resc_copyf(points, npoints*3); vx_buffer_add_back(buf, vxo_pix_coords(VX_ORIGIN_BOTTOM_LEFT, vxo_lines(verts, npoints, GL_LINES, vxo_points_style(vx_blue, 2.0f)))); }
static void draw(state_t * state, vx_world_t * world) { if (1) { vx_buffer_add_back(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "grid"), vxo_grid()); vx_buffer_set_draw_order(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "grid"), -100); vx_buffer_swap(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "grid")); } // Draw from the vx shape library if (1) { vx_buffer_add_back(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "fixed-cube"), vxo_chain(vxo_mat_translate3(3.0,0,0), vxo_mat_scale3(2,2,2), /* vxo_box(vxo_mesh_style(vx_orange)))); */ vxo_box(vxo_mesh_style_fancy(vx_orange, vx_orange, vx_white, 1.0, 400.0, 2)))); vx_buffer_add_back(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "fixed-cube"), vxo_chain(vxo_mat_translate3(0,3.0,0), vxo_mat_scale3(1,1,1), vxo_depth_test(0, vxo_box(vxo_mesh_style_solid(vx_green))))); vx_buffer_swap(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "fixed-cube")); } if (1) { float Tr = .2; float amb[] = {0.0,0.0,0.0}; float diff[] = {0.0,0.0,0.0}; float spec[] = {1.0,1.0,1.0}; float specularity = 1.0; int type = 2; vx_buffer_add_back(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "window"), vxo_chain(vxo_mat_translate3(0,0,2.5), vxo_mat_rotate_y(-M_PI/7), vxo_mat_rotate_z(M_PI/5), vxo_mat_rotate_x(M_PI/2), vxo_mat_scale3(10,10,1), vxo_rect(vxo_mesh_style_fancy(amb, diff, spec, Tr, specularity, type), vxo_lines_style(vx_black,2)))); vx_buffer_swap(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "window")); vx_buffer_set_draw_order(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "window"), 100); } if (1) { // Draw a custom ellipse: int npoints = 35; float points[npoints*3]; for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++) { float angle = 2*M_PI*i/npoints; float x = 5.0f*cosf(angle); float y = 8.0f*sinf(angle); float z = 0.0f; points[3*i + 0] = x; points[3*i + 1] = y; points[3*i + 2] = z; } vx_buffer_add_back(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "ellipse"), vxo_lines(vx_resc_copyf (points, npoints*3), npoints, GL_LINE_LOOP, vxo_lines_style(vx_purple, 1.0f) )); vx_buffer_swap(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "ellipse")); } if (1) { vx_object_t *vt = vxo_text_create(VXO_TEXT_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT, "<<right,#0000ff>>Heads Up!\n"); vx_buffer_t *vb = vx_world_get_buffer(world, "text"); vx_buffer_add_back(vb, vxo_pix_coords(VX_ORIGIN_TOP_RIGHT,vt)); vx_buffer_swap(vb); } // Draw a texture if (state->img != NULL){ image_u32_t * img = state->img; vx_object_t * o3 = vxo_image_texflags(vx_resc_copyui(img->buf, img->stride*img->height), img->width, img->height, img->stride, GL_RGBA, VXO_IMAGE_FLIPY, VX_TEX_MIN_FILTER | VX_TEX_MAG_FILTER); // pack the image into the unit square vx_buffer_t * vb = vx_world_get_buffer(world, "texture"); vx_buffer_add_back(vb,vxo_chain( vxo_mat_scale(1.0/img->height), vxo_mat_translate3(0, - img->height, 0), o3)); vx_buffer_swap(vb); } }
static void draw(state_t * state, vx_world_t * world) { // Draw from the vx shape library vx_buffer_add_back(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "fixed-cube"), vxo_chain(vxo_mat_translate3(3.0,0,0), vxo_mat_scale(2), vxo_box(vxo_mesh_style(vx_orange)))); vx_buffer_swap(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "fixed-cube")); // Draw some text if (1) { vx_object_t *vt = vxo_text_create(VXO_TEXT_ANCHOR_LEFT, "<<right>>hello!\n<<serif-italic-4>>line 2\nfoo<<#ff0000>>red<<sansserif-bold-30,#0000ff80>>blue semi\n<<serif-italic-4>>foo bar baz"); vx_buffer_t *vb = vx_world_get_buffer(world, "text"); vx_buffer_add_back(vb, vt); vx_buffer_swap(vb); } // Draw a custom ellipse: { int npoints = 35; float points[npoints*3]; for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++) { float angle = 2*M_PI*i/npoints; float x = 5.0f*cosf(angle); float y = 8.0f*sinf(angle); float z = 0.0f; points[3*i + 0] = x; points[3*i + 1] = y; points[3*i + 2] = z; } vx_buffer_add_back(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "ellipse"), vxo_lines(vx_resc_copyf (points, npoints*3), npoints, GL_LINE_LOOP, vxo_lines_style(vx_purple, 1.0f) )); vx_buffer_swap(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "ellipse")); } // Draw a sin wave { int npoints = 100; float points[npoints*3]; for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++) { float angle = 2*M_PI*i/npoints; float x = i*.1; float y = sinf(angle); float z = 0.0f; points[3*i + 0] = x; points[3*i + 1] = y; points[3*i + 2] = z; } vx_buffer_add_back(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "sin"), vxo_points(vx_resc_copyf (points, npoints*3), npoints, vxo_points_style(vx_purple, 10.0))); vx_buffer_swap(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "sin")); } // Draw a cos wave { int npoints = 100; float points[npoints*3]; float colors[npoints*4]; for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++) { float angle = 2*M_PI*i/npoints; float x = i*.1; float y = cosf(angle); float z = 0.0f; points[3*i + 0] = x; points[3*i + 1] = y; points[3*i + 2] = z; float r = angle/(2*M_PI); float g = 0.3f; float b = 1.0f-(angle/(2*M_PI)); colors[4*i + 0] = r; colors[4*i + 1] = g; colors[4*i + 2] = b; colors[4*i + 3] = 1.0f; } vx_buffer_add_back(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "cos"), vxo_points(vx_resc_copyf (points, npoints*3), npoints, vxo_points_style_multi_colored(vx_resc_copyf(colors, npoints*4), 10.0))); vx_buffer_swap(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "cos")); } // Draw a rose if (1) { int npoints = 100; float points[npoints*3]; float colors[npoints*4]; int k = 3; for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++) { float angle = M_PI*i/npoints; // [0, Pi] for Odd float x = cosf(k*angle)*sin(angle); float y = cosf(k*angle)*cos(angle); float z = 0.0f; points[3*i + 0] = x; points[3*i + 1] = y; points[3*i + 2] = z; float r = angle/(M_PI); float g = 1.0f-(angle/(M_PI)); float b = 0.3f; colors[4*i + 0] = r; colors[4*i + 1] = g; colors[4*i + 2] = b; colors[4*i + 3] = 1.0f; } vx_buffer_add_back(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "rose"), vxo_lines(vx_resc_copyf (points, npoints*3), npoints, GL_LINE_LOOP, vxo_lines_style_multi_colored(vx_resc_copyf(colors, npoints*4), 1.0))); vx_buffer_swap(vx_world_get_buffer(world, "rose")); } if (1) { // draw a box with all the fixings vx_buffer_t * vb = vx_world_get_buffer(world, "rect"); // should draw purple square, with green lines, all occluded by red corners. vx_buffer_add_back(vb, vxo_depth_test(0,vxo_chain( vxo_mat_translate2(-5,-5), vxo_rect(vxo_mesh_style(vx_purple), vxo_lines_style(vx_green, 6.0f), vxo_points_style(vx_red, 6.0f))))); vx_buffer_swap(vb); } // Draw a texture if (state->img != NULL) { image_u8_t * img = state->img; vx_object_t * o3 = vxo_image(vx_resc_copyub(img->buf, img->width*img->height*img->bpp), img->width, img->height, img->bpp == 4? GL_RGBA : GL_RGB, VXO_IMAGE_FLIPY); // pack the image into the unit square vx_buffer_t * vb = vx_world_get_buffer(world, "texture"); vx_buffer_add_back(vb, vxo_chain(vxo_mat_scale3(1.0/img->width, 1.0/img->height, 1), o3)); vx_buffer_swap(vb); } }
void body_draw(Body *body, vx_buffer_t *buf) { vx_object_t *vo; float scale = 1/20.0; float zoffset = 0; joint_t rShoulder = body->getJoint(RSHOULDER); joint_t rElbow = body->getJoint(RELBOW); joint_t rWrist = body->getJoint(RWRIST); joint_t lWrist = body->getJoint(LWRIST); double rShoulderX = 0; double rShoulderY = 0; double rShoulderZ = scale*(-2 * rShoulder.y); double rElbowX = scale*(rElbow.x - rShoulder.x); double rElbowY = scale*(rElbow.z - rShoulder.z); double rElbowZ = scale*(-rElbow.y - rShoulder.y); double rWristX = scale*(rWrist.x - rShoulder.x); double rWristY = scale*(rWrist.z - rShoulder.z); double rWristZ = scale*(-rWrist.y - rShoulder.y); double lWristX = scale*(lWrist.x - rShoulder.x); double lWristY = scale*(lWrist.z - rShoulder.z); double lWristZ = scale*(-lWrist.y - rShoulder.y); //Draw Axes float axes[12] = {(float) rShoulderX, (float) rShoulderY, (float) rShoulderZ, (float) rElbowX, (float) rElbowY, (float) rElbowZ, (float) rElbowX, (float) rElbowY, (float) rElbowZ, (float) rWristX, (float) rWristY, (float) rWristZ}; vx_resc_t *verts = vx_resc_copyf(axes, 12); vo = vxo_chain( vxo_lines(verts, 4, GL_LINES, vxo_points_style(vx_blue, 2.0f)) ); vx_buffer_add_back(buf, vo); //Draw Joints vo = vxo_chain( vxo_mat_translate3(rShoulderX, rShoulderY, rShoulderZ), vxo_mat_scale3(1.5, 1.5, 1.5), vxo_sphere(vxo_mesh_style(vx_yellow)) ); vx_buffer_add_back(buf, vo); vo = vxo_chain( vxo_mat_translate3(rElbowX, rElbowY, rElbowZ), vxo_mat_scale3(1.5, 1.5, 1.5), vxo_sphere(vxo_mesh_style(vx_blue)) ); vx_buffer_add_back(buf, vo); vo = vxo_chain( vxo_mat_translate3(rWristX, rWristY, rWristZ), vxo_mat_scale3(1.5, 1.5, 1.5), vxo_sphere(vxo_mesh_style(vx_green)) ); vx_buffer_add_back(buf, vo); vo = vxo_chain( vxo_mat_translate3(lWristX, lWristY, lWristZ), vxo_mat_scale3(3, 3, 3), vxo_sphere(vxo_mesh_style(vx_black)) ); vx_buffer_add_back(buf, vo); }