void winReorderWindowsMultiWindow (void) { HWND hwnd = NULL; WindowPtr pWin = NULL; WindowPtr pWinSib = NULL; XID vlist[2]; static Bool fRestacking = FALSE; /* Avoid recusive calls to this function */ DWORD dwCurrentProcessID = GetCurrentProcessId (); DWORD dwWindowProcessID = 0; #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG || CYGWINDOWING_DEBUG winTrace ("winReorderWindowsMultiWindow\n"); #endif if (fRestacking) { /* It is a recusive call so immediately exit */ #if CYGWINDOWING_DEBUG ErrorF ("winReorderWindowsMultiWindow - " "exit because fRestacking == TRUE\n"); #endif return; } fRestacking = TRUE; /* Loop through top level Window windows, descending in Z order */ for ( hwnd = GetTopWindow (NULL); hwnd; hwnd = GetNextWindow (hwnd, GW_HWNDNEXT) ) { /* Don't take care of other Cygwin/X process's windows */ GetWindowThreadProcessId (hwnd, &dwWindowProcessID); if ( GetProp (hwnd, WIN_WINDOW_PROP) && (dwWindowProcessID == dwCurrentProcessID) && !IsIconic (hwnd) ) /* ignore minimized windows */ { pWinSib = pWin; pWin = GetProp (hwnd, WIN_WINDOW_PROP); if (!pWinSib) { /* 1st window - raise to the top */ vlist[0] = Above; ConfigureWindow (pWin, CWStackMode, vlist, wClient(pWin)); } else { /* 2nd or deeper windows - just below the previous one */ vlist[0] = winGetWindowID (pWinSib); vlist[1] = Below; ConfigureWindow (pWin, CWSibling | CWStackMode, vlist, wClient(pWin)); } } } fRestacking = FALSE; }
static void SecuritySend(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer unused, pointer calldata) { XaceSendAccessRec *rec = calldata; SecurityStateRec *subj, *obj; if (rec->client) { int i; subj = dixLookupPrivate(&rec->client->devPrivates, stateKey); obj = dixLookupPrivate(&wClient(rec->pWin)->devPrivates, stateKey); if (SecurityDoCheck(subj, obj, DixSendAccess, 0) == Success) return; for (i = 0; i < rec->count; i++) if (rec->events[i].u.u.type != UnmapNotify && rec->events[i].u.u.type != ConfigureRequest && rec->events[i].u.u.type != ClientMessage) { SecurityAudit("Security: denied client %d from sending event " "of type %s to window 0x%x of client %d\n", rec->client->index, LookupEventName(rec->events[i].u.u.type), rec->pWin->drawable.id, wClient(rec->pWin)->index); rec->status = BadAccess; return; } } }
void winMWExtWMReorderWindows (ScreenPtr pScreen) { winScreenPriv(pScreen); HWND hwnd = NULL; win32RootlessWindowPtr pRLWin = NULL; win32RootlessWindowPtr pRLWinSib = NULL; DWORD dwCurrentProcessID = GetCurrentProcessId (); DWORD dwWindowProcessID = 0; XID vlist[2]; #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG && FALSE winDebug ("winMWExtWMReorderWindows\n"); #endif pScreenPriv->fRestacking = TRUE; if (pScreenPriv->fWindowOrderChanged) { #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug ("winMWExtWMReorderWindows - Need to restack\n"); #endif hwnd = GetTopWindow (NULL); while (hwnd) { GetWindowThreadProcessId (hwnd, &dwWindowProcessID); if ((dwWindowProcessID == dwCurrentProcessID) && GetProp (hwnd, WIN_WINDOW_PROP)) { pRLWinSib = pRLWin; pRLWin = (win32RootlessWindowPtr)GetProp (hwnd, WIN_WINDOW_PROP); if (pRLWinSib) { vlist[0] = pRLWinSib->pFrame->win->drawable.id; vlist[1] = Below; ConfigureWindow (pRLWin->pFrame->win, CWSibling | CWStackMode, vlist, wClient(pRLWin->pFrame->win)); } else { /* 1st window - raise to the top */ vlist[0] = Above; ConfigureWindow (pRLWin->pFrame->win, CWStackMode, vlist, wClient(pRLWin->pFrame->win)); } } hwnd = GetNextWindow (hwnd, GW_HWNDNEXT); } } pScreenPriv->fRestacking = FALSE; pScreenPriv->fWindowOrderChanged = FALSE; }
static void SecurityReceive(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer unused, pointer calldata) { XaceReceiveAccessRec *rec = calldata; SecurityStateRec *subj, *obj; subj = dixLookupPrivate(&rec->client->devPrivates, stateKey); obj = dixLookupPrivate(&wClient(rec->pWin)->devPrivates, stateKey); if (SecurityDoCheck(subj, obj, DixReceiveAccess, 0) == Success) return; SecurityAudit("Security: denied client %d from receiving an event " "sent to window 0x%x of client %d\n", rec->client->index, rec->pWin->drawable.id, wClient(rec->pWin)->index); rec->status = BadAccess; }
void winMWExtWMResizeXWindow(WindowPtr pWin, int w, int h) { CARD32 *vlist = malloc(sizeof(CARD32) * 2); vlist[0] = w; vlist[1] = h; ConfigureWindow(pWin, CWWidth | CWHeight, vlist, wClient(pWin)); free(vlist); }
void winMWExtWMMoveXWindow(WindowPtr pWin, int x, int y) { CARD32 *vlist = malloc(sizeof(CARD32) * 2); vlist[0] = x; vlist[1] = y; ConfigureWindow(pWin, CWX | CWY, vlist, wClient(pWin)); free(vlist); }
static void SecurityProperty(CallbackListPtr *pcbl, pointer unused, pointer calldata) { XacePropertyAccessRec *rec = calldata; SecurityStateRec *subj, *obj; ATOM name = (*rec->ppProp)->propertyName; Mask requested = rec->access_mode; Mask allowed = SecurityResourceMask | DixReadAccess; subj = dixLookupPrivate(&rec->client->devPrivates, stateKey); obj = dixLookupPrivate(&wClient(rec->pWin)->devPrivates, stateKey); if (SecurityDoCheck(subj, obj, requested, allowed) != Success) { SecurityAudit("Security: denied client %d access to property %s " "(atom 0x%x) window 0x%x of client %d on request %s\n", rec->client->index, NameForAtom(name), name, rec->pWin->drawable.id, wClient(rec->pWin)->index, SecurityLookupRequestName(rec->client)); rec->status = BadAccess; } }
void winMWExtWMMoveResizeXWindow(WindowPtr pWin, int x, int y, int w, int h) { CARD32 *vlist = malloc(sizeof(long) * 4); vlist[0] = x; vlist[1] = y; vlist[2] = w; vlist[3] = h; ConfigureWindow(pWin, CWX | CWY | CWWidth | CWHeight, vlist, wClient(pWin)); free(vlist); }
XID winGetWindowID (WindowPtr pWin) { WindowIDPairRec wi = {pWin, 0}; ClientPtr c = wClient(pWin); /* */ FindClientResourcesByType (c, RT_WINDOW, winFindWindow, &wi); #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG ErrorF ("winGetWindowID - Window ID: %d\n", wi.id); #endif return wi.id; }
LRESULT CALLBACK winMWExtWMWindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { WindowPtr pWin = NULL; win32RootlessWindowPtr pRLWinPriv = NULL; ScreenPtr pScreen = NULL; winPrivScreenPtr pScreenPriv = NULL; winScreenInfo *pScreenInfo = NULL; HWND hwndScreen = NULL; POINT ptMouse; static Bool s_fTracking = FALSE; HDC hdcUpdate; PAINTSTRUCT ps; LPWINDOWPOS pWinPos = NULL; RECT rcClient; winWMMessageRec wmMsg; Bool fWMMsgInitialized = FALSE; /* Check if the Windows window property for our X window pointer is valid */ if ((pRLWinPriv = (win32RootlessWindowPtr) GetProp(hwnd, WIN_WINDOW_PROP)) != NULL) { pWin = pRLWinPriv->pFrame->win; pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen; if (pScreen) pScreenPriv = winGetScreenPriv(pScreen); if (pScreenPriv) pScreenInfo = pScreenPriv->pScreenInfo; if (pScreenPriv) hwndScreen = pScreenPriv->hwndScreen; wmMsg.msg = 0; wmMsg.hwndWindow = hwnd; wmMsg.iWindow = (Window) pWin->drawable.id; wmMsg.iX = pRLWinPriv->pFrame->x; wmMsg.iY = pRLWinPriv->pFrame->y; wmMsg.iWidth = pRLWinPriv->pFrame->width; wmMsg.iHeight = pRLWinPriv->pFrame->height; fWMMsgInitialized = TRUE; #if CYGDEBUG winDebugWin32Message("winMWExtWMWindowProc", hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); winDebug("\thWnd %08X\n", hwnd); winDebug("\tpScreenPriv %08X\n", pScreenPriv); winDebug("\tpScreenInfo %08X\n", pScreenInfo); winDebug("\thwndScreen %08X\n", hwndScreen); winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc (%08x) %08x %08x %08x\n", pRLWinPriv, message, wParam, lParam); #endif } /* Branch on message type */ switch (message) { case WM_CREATE: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_CREATE\n"); #endif /* */ SetProp(hwnd, WIN_WINDOW_PROP, (HANDLE) ((LPCREATESTRUCT) lParam)->lpCreateParams); return 0; case WM_CLOSE: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_CLOSE %d\n", pRLWinPriv->fClose); #endif /* Tell window-manager to close window */ if (pRLWinPriv->fClose) { DestroyWindow(hwnd); } else { if (winIsInternalWMRunning(pScreenInfo)) { /* Tell our Window Manager thread to kill the window */ wmMsg.msg = WM_WM_KILL; if (fWMMsgInitialized) winSendMessageToWM(pScreenPriv->pWMInfo, &wmMsg); } winWindowsWMSendEvent(WindowsWMControllerNotify, WindowsWMControllerNotifyMask, 1, WindowsWMCloseWindow, pWin->drawable.id, 0, 0, 0, 0); } return 0; case WM_DESTROY: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_DESTROY\n"); #endif /* Free the shaodw DC; which allows the bitmap to be freed */ DeleteDC(pRLWinPriv->hdcShadow); pRLWinPriv->hdcShadow = NULL; /* Free the shadow bitmap */ DeleteObject(pRLWinPriv->hbmpShadow); pRLWinPriv->hbmpShadow = NULL; /* Free the screen DC */ ReleaseDC(pRLWinPriv->hWnd, pRLWinPriv->hdcScreen); pRLWinPriv->hdcScreen = NULL; /* Free shadow buffer info header */ free(pRLWinPriv->pbmihShadow); pRLWinPriv->pbmihShadow = NULL; pRLWinPriv->fResized = FALSE; pRLWinPriv->pfb = NULL; free(pRLWinPriv); RemoveProp(hwnd, WIN_WINDOW_PROP); break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG && 0 winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_MOUSEMOVE\n"); #endif /* Unpack the client area mouse coordinates */ ptMouse.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); ptMouse.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); /* Translate the client area mouse coordinates to screen coordinates */ ClientToScreen(hwnd, &ptMouse); /* Screen Coords from (-X, -Y) -> Root Window (0, 0) */ ptMouse.x -= GetSystemMetrics(SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN); ptMouse.y -= GetSystemMetrics(SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN); /* We can't do anything without privates */ if (pScreenPriv == NULL || pScreenInfo->fIgnoreInput) break; /* Has the mouse pointer crossed screens? */ if (pScreen != miPointerGetScreen(inputInfo.pointer)) miPointerSetScreen(inputInfo.pointer, pScreenInfo->dwScreen, ptMouse.x - pScreenInfo->dwXOffset, ptMouse.y - pScreenInfo->dwYOffset); /* Are we tracking yet? */ if (!s_fTracking) { TRACKMOUSEEVENT tme; /* Setup data structure */ ZeroMemory(&tme, sizeof(tme)); tme.cbSize = sizeof(tme); tme.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE; tme.hwndTrack = hwnd; /* Call the tracking function */ if (!TrackMouseEvent(&tme)) ErrorF("winMWExtWMWindowProc - TrackMouseEvent failed\n"); /* Flag that we are tracking now */ s_fTracking = TRUE; } /* Kill the timer used to poll mouse events */ if (g_uipMousePollingTimerID != 0) { KillTimer(pScreenPriv->hwndScreen, WIN_POLLING_MOUSE_TIMER_ID); g_uipMousePollingTimerID = 0; } /* Deliver absolute cursor position to X Server */ winEnqueueMotion(ptMouse.x - pScreenInfo->dwXOffset, ptMouse.y - pScreenInfo->dwYOffset); return 0; case WM_NCMOUSEMOVE: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG && 0 winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_NCMOUSEMOVE\n"); #endif /* * We break instead of returning 0 since we need to call * DefWindowProc to get the mouse cursor changes * and min/max/close button highlighting in Windows XP. * The Platform SDK says that you should return 0 if you * process this message, but it fails to mention that you * will give up any default functionality if you do return 0. */ /* We can't do anything without privates */ if (pScreenPriv == NULL || pScreenInfo->fIgnoreInput) break; /* * Timer to poll mouse events. This is needed to make * programs like xeyes follow the mouse properly. */ if (g_uipMousePollingTimerID == 0) g_uipMousePollingTimerID = SetTimer(pScreenPriv->hwndScreen, WIN_POLLING_MOUSE_TIMER_ID, MOUSE_POLLING_INTERVAL, NULL); break; case WM_MOUSELEAVE: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_MOUSELEAVE\n"); #endif /* Mouse has left our client area */ /* Flag that we are no longer tracking */ s_fTracking = FALSE; /* * Timer to poll mouse events. This is needed to make * programs like xeyes follow the mouse properly. */ if (g_uipMousePollingTimerID == 0) g_uipMousePollingTimerID = SetTimer(pScreenPriv->hwndScreen, WIN_POLLING_MOUSE_TIMER_ID, MOUSE_POLLING_INTERVAL, NULL); return 0; case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK\n"); #endif if (pScreenPriv == NULL || pScreenInfo->fIgnoreInput) break; SetCapture(hwnd); return winMouseButtonsHandle(pScreen, ButtonPress, Button1, wParam); case WM_LBUTTONUP: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_LBUTTONUP\n"); #endif if (pScreenPriv == NULL || pScreenInfo->fIgnoreInput) break; ReleaseCapture(); return winMouseButtonsHandle(pScreen, ButtonRelease, Button1, wParam); case WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK\n"); #endif if (pScreenPriv == NULL || pScreenInfo->fIgnoreInput) break; SetCapture(hwnd); return winMouseButtonsHandle(pScreen, ButtonPress, Button2, wParam); case WM_MBUTTONUP: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_MBUTTONUP\n"); #endif if (pScreenPriv == NULL || pScreenInfo->fIgnoreInput) break; ReleaseCapture(); return winMouseButtonsHandle(pScreen, ButtonRelease, Button2, wParam); case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK\n"); #endif if (pScreenPriv == NULL || pScreenInfo->fIgnoreInput) break; SetCapture(hwnd); return winMouseButtonsHandle(pScreen, ButtonPress, Button3, wParam); case WM_RBUTTONUP: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_RBUTTONUP\n"); #endif if (pScreenPriv == NULL || pScreenInfo->fIgnoreInput) break; ReleaseCapture(); return winMouseButtonsHandle(pScreen, ButtonRelease, Button3, wParam); case WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_XBUTTONDOWN: if (pScreenPriv == NULL || pScreenInfo->fIgnoreInput) break; SetCapture(hwnd); return winMouseButtonsHandle(pScreen, ButtonPress, HIWORD(wParam) + 5, wParam); case WM_XBUTTONUP: if (pScreenPriv == NULL || pScreenInfo->fIgnoreInput) break; ReleaseCapture(); return winMouseButtonsHandle(pScreen, ButtonRelease, HIWORD(wParam) + 5, wParam); case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_MOUSEWHEEL\n"); #endif /* Pass the message to the root window */ SendMessage(hwndScreen, message, wParam, lParam); return 0; case WM_MOUSEACTIVATE: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_MOUSEACTIVATE\n"); #endif #if 1 /* Check if this window needs to be made active when clicked */ if (winIsInternalWMRunning(pScreenInfo) && pWin->overrideRedirect) { #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_MOUSEACTIVATE - " "MA_NOACTIVATE\n"); #endif /* */ return MA_NOACTIVATE; } #endif if (!winIsInternalWMRunning(pScreenInfo) && !IsMouseActive(pWin)) return MA_NOACTIVATE; break; case WM_KILLFOCUS: /* Pop any pressed keys since we are losing keyboard focus */ winKeybdReleaseKeys(); return 0; case WM_SYSDEADCHAR: case WM_DEADCHAR: /* * NOTE: We do nothing with WM_*CHAR messages, * nor does the root window, so we can just toss these messages. */ return 0; case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: case WM_KEYDOWN: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_*KEYDOWN\n"); #endif /* * Don't pass Alt-F4 key combo to root window, * let Windows translate to WM_CLOSE and close this top-level window. * * NOTE: We purposely don't check the fUseWinKillKey setting because * it should only apply to the key handling for the root window, * not for top-level window-manager windows. * * ALSO NOTE: We do pass Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to the root window * because that is a key combo that no X app should be expecting to * receive, since it has historically been used to shutdown the X server. * Passing Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to the root window preserves that * behavior, assuming that -unixkill has been passed as a parameter. */ if (wParam == VK_F4 && (GetKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000)) break; /* Pass the message to the root window */ SendMessage(hwndScreen, message, wParam, lParam); return 0; case WM_SYSKEYUP: case WM_KEYUP: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_*KEYUP\n"); #endif /* Pass the message to the root window */ SendMessage(hwndScreen, message, wParam, lParam); return 0; case WM_HOTKEY: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_HOTKEY\n"); #endif /* Pass the message to the root window */ SendMessage(hwndScreen, message, wParam, lParam); return 0; case WM_ERASEBKGND: #if CYGDEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_ERASEBKGND\n"); #endif /* * Pretend that we did erase the background but we don't care, * since we repaint the entire region anyhow * This avoids some flickering when resizing. */ return TRUE; case WM_PAINT: /* BeginPaint gives us an hdc that clips to the invalidated region */ hdcUpdate = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); /* Try to copy from the shadow buffer */ if (!BitBlt(hdcUpdate, ps.rcPaint.left, ps.rcPaint.top, ps.rcPaint.right - ps.rcPaint.left, ps.rcPaint.bottom - ps.rcPaint.top, pRLWinPriv->hdcShadow, ps.rcPaint.left, ps.rcPaint.top, SRCCOPY)) { LPVOID lpMsgBuf; /* Display a fancy error message */ FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL); ErrorF("winMWExtWMWindowProc - BitBlt failed: %s\n", (LPSTR) lpMsgBuf); LocalFree(lpMsgBuf); } /* EndPaint frees the DC */ EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); break; case WM_ACTIVATE: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_ACTIVATE\n"); #endif if (LOWORD(wParam) != WA_INACTIVE) { if (winIsInternalWMRunning(pScreenInfo)) { #if 0 /* Raise the window to the top in Z order */ wmMsg.msg = WM_WM_RAISE; if (fWMMsgInitialized) winSendMessageToWM(pScreenPriv->pWMInfo, &wmMsg); #endif /* Tell our Window Manager thread to activate the window */ wmMsg.msg = WM_WM_ACTIVATE; if (fWMMsgInitialized) if (!pWin || !pWin->overrideRedirect) /* for OOo menus */ winSendMessageToWM(pScreenPriv->pWMInfo, &wmMsg); } winWindowsWMSendEvent(WindowsWMControllerNotify, WindowsWMControllerNotifyMask, 1, WindowsWMActivateWindow, pWin->drawable.id, 0, 0, 0, 0); } return 0; #if 1 case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: pWinPos = (LPWINDOWPOS) lParam; if (!(pWinPos->flags & SWP_NOZORDER)) { if (pRLWinPriv->fRestackingNow || pScreenPriv->fRestacking) { #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("Win %08x is now restacking.\n", (unsigned int) pRLWinPriv); #endif break; } if (winIsInternalWMRunning(pScreenInfo) || IsRaiseOnClick(pWin)) { #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("Win %08x has WINDOWSWM_RAISE_ON_CLICK.\n", (unsigned int) pRLWinPriv); #endif break; } #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("Win %08x forbid to change z order (%08x).\n", (unsigned int) pRLWinPriv, (unsigned int) pWinPos->hwndInsertAfter); #endif pWinPos->flags |= SWP_NOZORDER; } break; #endif case WM_MOVE: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_MOVE - %d ms\n", (unsigned int) GetTickCount()); #endif if (g_fNoConfigureWindow) break; #if 0 /* Bail if Windows window is not actually moving */ if (pRLWinPriv->dwX == (short) LOWORD(lParam) && pRLWinPriv->dwY == (short) HIWORD(lParam)) break; /* Also bail if we're maximizing, we'll do the whole thing in WM_SIZE */ { WINDOWPLACEMENT windPlace; windPlace.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT); /* Get current window placement */ GetWindowPlacement(hwnd, &windPlace); /* Bail if maximizing */ if (windPlace.showCmd == SW_MAXIMIZE || windPlace.showCmd == SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED) break; } #endif #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("\t(%d, %d)\n", (short) LOWORD(lParam), (short) HIWORD(lParam)); #endif if (!pRLWinPriv->fMovingOrSizing) { if (winIsInternalWMRunning(pScreenInfo)) winAdjustXWindow(pWin, hwnd); winMWExtWMMoveXWindow(pWin, (LOWORD(lParam) - wBorderWidth(pWin) - GetSystemMetrics(SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN)), (HIWORD(lParam) - wBorderWidth(pWin) - GetSystemMetrics(SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN))); } return 0; case WM_SHOWWINDOW: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG || TRUE winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_SHOWWINDOW - %d ms\n", (unsigned int) GetTickCount()); #endif /* Bail out if the window is being hidden */ if (!wParam) return 0; if (!pScreenInfo->fInternalWM) //XXXX return 0; winMWExtWMUpdateWindowDecoration(pRLWinPriv, pScreenInfo); if (winIsInternalWMRunning(pScreenInfo)) { #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG || TRUE winDebug("\tMapWindow\n"); #endif /* Tell X to map the window */ MapWindow(pWin, wClient(pWin)); if (!pRLWinPriv->pFrame->win->overrideRedirect) /* Bring the Windows window to the foreground */ SetForegroundWindow(hwnd); /* Setup the Window Manager message */ wmMsg.msg = WM_WM_MAP; wmMsg.iWidth = pRLWinPriv->pFrame->width; wmMsg.iHeight = pRLWinPriv->pFrame->height; /* Tell our Window Manager thread to map the window */ if (fWMMsgInitialized) winSendMessageToWM(pScreenPriv->pWMInfo, &wmMsg); } break; case WM_SIZING: /* Need to legalize the size according to WM_NORMAL_HINTS */ /* for applications like xterm */ return ValidateSizing(hwnd, pWin, wParam, lParam); case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: { pWinPos = (LPWINDOWPOS) lParam; #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED\n"); winDebug("\tflags: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", (pWinPos->flags & SWP_DRAWFRAME) ? "SWP_DRAWFRAME " : "", (pWinPos->flags & SWP_FRAMECHANGED) ? "SWP_FRAMECHANGED " : "", (pWinPos->flags & SWP_HIDEWINDOW) ? "SWP_HIDEWINDOW " : "", (pWinPos->flags & SWP_NOACTIVATE) ? "SWP_NOACTIVATE " : "", (pWinPos->flags & SWP_NOCOPYBITS) ? "SWP_NOCOPYBITS " : "", (pWinPos->flags & SWP_NOMOVE) ? "SWP_NOMOVE " : "", (pWinPos-> flags & SWP_NOOWNERZORDER) ? "SWP_NOOWNERZORDER " : "", (pWinPos->flags & SWP_NOSIZE) ? "SWP_NOSIZE " : "", (pWinPos->flags & SWP_NOREDRAW) ? "SWP_NOREDRAW " : "", (pWinPos-> flags & SWP_NOSENDCHANGING) ? "SWP_NOSENDCHANGING " : "", (pWinPos->flags & SWP_NOZORDER) ? "SWP_NOZORDER " : "", (pWinPos->flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW) ? "SWP_SHOWWINDOW " : ""); winDebug("\tno_configure: %s\n", (g_fNoConfigureWindow ? "Yes" : "No")); winDebug("\textend: (%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", pWinPos->x, pWinPos->y, pWinPos->cx, pWinPos->cy); #endif if (pWinPos->flags & SWP_HIDEWINDOW) break; /* Reorder if window z order was changed */ if ((pScreenPriv != NULL) && !(pWinPos->flags & SWP_NOZORDER) && !(pWinPos->flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW) && winIsInternalWMRunning(pScreenInfo)) { #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("\twindow z order was changed\n"); #endif if (pWinPos->hwndInsertAfter == HWND_TOP || pWinPos->hwndInsertAfter == HWND_TOPMOST || pWinPos->hwndInsertAfter == HWND_NOTOPMOST) { #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("\traise to top\n"); #endif /* Raise the window to the top in Z order */ wmMsg.msg = WM_WM_RAISE; if (fWMMsgInitialized) winSendMessageToWM(pScreenPriv->pWMInfo, &wmMsg); } #if 1 else if (pWinPos->hwndInsertAfter == HWND_BOTTOM) { } else { /* Check if this window is top of X windows. */ HWND hWndAbove = NULL; DWORD dwCurrentProcessID = GetCurrentProcessId(); DWORD dwWindowProcessID = 0; for (hWndAbove = pWinPos->hwndInsertAfter; hWndAbove != NULL; hWndAbove = GetNextWindow(hWndAbove, GW_HWNDPREV)) { /* Ignore other XWin process's window */ GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWndAbove, &dwWindowProcessID); if ((dwWindowProcessID == dwCurrentProcessID) && GetProp(hWndAbove, WIN_WINDOW_PROP) && !IsWindowVisible(hWndAbove) && !IsIconic(hWndAbove)) /* ignore minimized windows */ break; } /* If this is top of X windows in Windows stack, raise it in X stack. */ if (hWndAbove == NULL) { #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("\traise to top\n"); #endif /* Raise the window to the top in Z order */ wmMsg.msg = WM_WM_RAISE; if (fWMMsgInitialized) winSendMessageToWM(pScreenPriv->pWMInfo, &wmMsg); } } #endif } if (!(pWinPos->flags & SWP_NOSIZE)) { if (IsIconic(hwnd)) { #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("\tIconic -> MINIMIZED\n"); #endif if (winIsInternalWMRunning(pScreenInfo)) { /* Raise the window to the top in Z order */ wmMsg.msg = WM_WM_LOWER; if (fWMMsgInitialized) winSendMessageToWM(pScreenPriv->pWMInfo, &wmMsg); } winWindowsWMSendEvent(WindowsWMControllerNotify, WindowsWMControllerNotifyMask, 1, WindowsWMMinimizeWindow, pWin->drawable.id, 0, 0, 0, 0); } else if (IsZoomed(hwnd)) { #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("\tZoomed -> MAXIMIZED\n"); #endif winWindowsWMSendEvent(WindowsWMControllerNotify, WindowsWMControllerNotifyMask, 1, WindowsWMMaximizeWindow, pWin->drawable.id, 0, 0, 0, 0); } else { #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("\tnone -> RESTORED\n"); #endif winWindowsWMSendEvent(WindowsWMControllerNotify, WindowsWMControllerNotifyMask, 1, WindowsWMRestoreWindow, pWin->drawable.id, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } if (!g_fNoConfigureWindow) { if (!pRLWinPriv->fMovingOrSizing /*&& (pWinPos->flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW) */ ) { GetClientRect(hwnd, &rcClient); MapWindowPoints(hwnd, HWND_DESKTOP, (LPPOINT) &rcClient, 2); if (!(pWinPos->flags & SWP_NOMOVE) && !(pWinPos->flags & SWP_NOSIZE)) { #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("\tmove & resize\n"); #endif if (winIsInternalWMRunning(pScreenInfo)) winAdjustXWindow(pWin, hwnd); winMWExtWMMoveResizeXWindow(pWin, rcClient.left - wBorderWidth(pWin) - GetSystemMetrics (SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN), rcClient.top - wBorderWidth(pWin) - GetSystemMetrics (SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN), rcClient.right - rcClient.left - wBorderWidth(pWin) * 2, rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top - wBorderWidth(pWin) * 2); } else if (!(pWinPos->flags & SWP_NOMOVE)) { #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("\tmove\n"); #endif if (winIsInternalWMRunning(pScreenInfo)) winAdjustXWindow(pWin, hwnd); winMWExtWMMoveResizeXWindow(pWin, rcClient.left - wBorderWidth(pWin) - GetSystemMetrics (SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN), rcClient.top - wBorderWidth(pWin) - GetSystemMetrics (SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN), rcClient.right - rcClient.left - wBorderWidth(pWin) * 2, rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top - wBorderWidth(pWin) * 2); } else if (!(pWinPos->flags & SWP_NOMOVE)) { #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("\tmove\n"); #endif if (winIsInternalWMRunning(pScreenInfo)) winAdjustXWindow(pWin, hwnd); winMWExtWMMoveXWindow(pWin, rcClient.left - wBorderWidth(pWin) - GetSystemMetrics(SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN), rcClient.top - wBorderWidth(pWin) - GetSystemMetrics(SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN)); } else if (!(pWinPos->flags & SWP_NOSIZE)) { #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("\tresize\n"); #endif if (winIsInternalWMRunning(pScreenInfo)) winAdjustXWindow(pWin, hwnd); winMWExtWMResizeXWindow(pWin, rcClient.right - rcClient.left - wBorderWidth(pWin) * 2, rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top - wBorderWidth(pWin) * 2); } } } } #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED - done.\n"); #endif return 0; case WM_SIZE: /* see dix/window.c */ /* FIXME: Maximize/Restore? */ #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_SIZE - %d ms\n", (unsigned int) GetTickCount()); #endif #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("\t(%d, %d) %d\n", (short) LOWORD(lParam), (short) HIWORD(lParam), g_fNoConfigureWindow); #endif if (g_fNoConfigureWindow) break; /* Branch on type of resizing occurring */ switch (wParam) { case SIZE_MINIMIZED: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("\tSIZE_MINIMIZED\n"); #endif if (winIsInternalWMRunning(pScreenInfo)) { /* Raise the window to the top in Z order */ wmMsg.msg = WM_WM_LOWER; if (fWMMsgInitialized) winSendMessageToWM(pScreenPriv->pWMInfo, &wmMsg); } winWindowsWMSendEvent(WindowsWMControllerNotify, WindowsWMControllerNotifyMask, 1, WindowsWMMinimizeWindow, pWin->drawable.id, 0, 0, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)); break; case SIZE_RESTORED: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("\tSIZE_RESTORED\n"); #endif winWindowsWMSendEvent(WindowsWMControllerNotify, WindowsWMControllerNotifyMask, 1, WindowsWMRestoreWindow, pWin->drawable.id, 0, 0, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)); break; case SIZE_MAXIMIZED: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("\tSIZE_MAXIMIZED\n"); #endif winWindowsWMSendEvent(WindowsWMControllerNotify, WindowsWMControllerNotifyMask, 1, WindowsWMMaximizeWindow, pWin->drawable.id, 0, 0, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)); break; } /* Perform the resize and notify the X client */ if (!pRLWinPriv->fMovingOrSizing) { if (winIsInternalWMRunning(pScreenInfo)) winAdjustXWindow(pWin, hwnd); winMWExtWMResizeXWindow(pWin, (short) LOWORD(lParam) - wBorderWidth(pWin) * 2, (short) HIWORD(lParam) - wBorderWidth(pWin) * 2); } break; case WM_ACTIVATEAPP: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_ACTIVATEAPP - %d ms\n", (unsigned int) GetTickCount()); #endif if (wParam) { if (winIsInternalWMRunning(pScreenInfo)) { } else { } winWindowsWMSendEvent(WindowsWMActivationNotify, WindowsWMActivationNotifyMask, 1, WindowsWMIsActive, pWin->drawable.id, 0, 0, 0, 0); } else { winWindowsWMSendEvent(WindowsWMActivationNotify, WindowsWMActivationNotifyMask, 1, WindowsWMIsInactive, pWin->drawable.id, 0, 0, 0, 0); } break; case WM_SETCURSOR: if (LOWORD(lParam) == HTCLIENT) { if (!g_fSoftwareCursor) SetCursor(pScreenPriv->cursor.handle); return TRUE; } break; case WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE - %d ms\n", (unsigned int) GetTickCount()); #endif pRLWinPriv->fMovingOrSizing = TRUE; break; case WM_EXITSIZEMOVE: #if CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_EXITSIZEMOVE - %d ms\n", (unsigned int) GetTickCount()); #endif pRLWinPriv->fMovingOrSizing = FALSE; GetClientRect(hwnd, &rcClient); MapWindowPoints(hwnd, HWND_DESKTOP, (LPPOINT) &rcClient, 2); if (winIsInternalWMRunning(pScreenInfo)) winAdjustXWindow(pWin, hwnd); winMWExtWMMoveResizeXWindow(pWin, rcClient.left - wBorderWidth(pWin) - GetSystemMetrics(SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN), rcClient.top - wBorderWidth(pWin) - GetSystemMetrics(SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN), rcClient.right - rcClient.left - wBorderWidth(pWin) * 2, rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top - wBorderWidth(pWin) * 2); break; case WM_MANAGE: ErrorF("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_MANAGE\n"); break; case WM_UNMANAGE: ErrorF("winMWExtWMWindowProc - WM_UNMANAGE\n"); break; default: break; } return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); }
/* * winAdjustXWindow * * Move and resize X window with respect to corresponding Windows window. * This is called from WM_MOVE/WM_SIZE handlers when the user performs * any windowing operation (move, resize, minimize, maximize, restore). * * The functionality is the inverse of winPositionWindowMultiWindow, which * adjusts Windows window with respect to X window. */ int winAdjustXWindow (WindowPtr pWin, HWND hwnd) { RECT rcDraw; /* Rect made from pWin->drawable to be adjusted */ RECT rcWin; /* The source: WindowRect from hwnd */ DrawablePtr pDraw; XID vlist[4]; LONG dX, dY, dW, dH, x, y; DWORD dwStyle, dwExStyle; #define WIDTH(rc) (rc.right - rc.left) #define HEIGHT(rc) (rc.bottom - rc.top) #if CYGWINDOWING_DEBUG ErrorF ("winAdjustXWindow\n"); #endif if (IsIconic (hwnd)) { #if CYGWINDOWING_DEBUG ErrorF ("\timmediately return because the window is iconized\n"); #endif /* * If the Windows window is minimized, its WindowRect has * meaningless values so we don't adjust X window to it. */ vlist[0] = 0; vlist[1] = 0; return ConfigureWindow (pWin, CWX | CWY, vlist, wClient(pWin)); } pDraw = &pWin->drawable; /* Calculate the window rect from the drawable */ x = pDraw->x + GetSystemMetrics (SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN); y = pDraw->y + GetSystemMetrics (SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN); SetRect (&rcDraw, x, y, x + pDraw->width, y + pDraw->height); #ifdef CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("\tDrawable extend {%d, %d, %d, %d}, {%d, %d}\n", rcDraw.left, rcDraw.top, rcDraw.right, rcDraw.bottom, rcDraw.right - rcDraw.left, rcDraw.bottom - rcDraw.top); #endif dwExStyle = GetWindowLongPtr (hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE); dwStyle = GetWindowLongPtr (hwnd, GWL_STYLE); #ifdef CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("\tWindowStyle: %08x %08x\n", dwStyle, dwExStyle); #endif AdjustWindowRectEx (&rcDraw, dwStyle, FALSE, dwExStyle); /* The source of adjust */ GetWindowRect (hwnd, &rcWin); #ifdef CYGMULTIWINDOW_DEBUG winDebug("\tWindow extend {%d, %d, %d, %d}, {%d, %d}\n", rcWin.left, rcWin.top, rcWin.right, rcWin.bottom, rcWin.right - rcWin.left, rcWin.bottom - rcWin.top); winDebug("\tDraw extend {%d, %d, %d, %d}, {%d, %d}\n", rcDraw.left, rcDraw.top, rcDraw.right, rcDraw.bottom, rcDraw.right - rcDraw.left, rcDraw.bottom - rcDraw.top); #endif if (EqualRect (&rcDraw, &rcWin)) { /* Bail if no adjust is needed */ #if CYGWINDOWING_DEBUG ErrorF ("\treturn because already adjusted\n"); #endif return 0; } /* Calculate delta values */ dX = rcWin.left - rcDraw.left; dY = rcWin.top - rcDraw.top; dW = WIDTH(rcWin) - WIDTH(rcDraw); dH = HEIGHT(rcWin) - HEIGHT(rcDraw); /* * Adjust. * We may only need to move (vlist[0] and [1]), or only resize * ([2] and [3]) but currently we set all the parameters and leave * the decision to ConfigureWindow. The reason is code simplicity. */ vlist[0] = pDraw->x + dX - wBorderWidth(pWin); vlist[1] = pDraw->y + dY - wBorderWidth(pWin); vlist[2] = pDraw->width + dW; vlist[3] = pDraw->height + dH; #if CYGWINDOWING_DEBUG ErrorF ("\tConfigureWindow to (%ld, %ld) - %ldx%ld\n", vlist[0], vlist[1], vlist[2], vlist[3]); #endif return ConfigureWindow (pWin, CWX | CWY | CWWidth | CWHeight, vlist, wClient(pWin)); #undef WIDTH #undef HEIGHT }