Esempio n. 1
void safemode::show( const std::string &custom_name_in, bool is_safemode_in )
    auto global_rules_old = global_rules;
    auto character_rules_old = character_rules;

    const int header_height = 4;
    const int content_height = FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 2 - header_height;

    const int offset_x = ( TERMX > FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH ) ? ( TERMX - FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH ) / 2 : 0;
    const int offset_y = ( TERMY > FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT ) ? ( TERMY - FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT ) / 2 : 0;

    enum Columns : int {

    std::map<int, int> column_pos;
    column_pos[COLUMN_RULE] = 4;
    column_pos[COLUMN_ATTITUDE] = 48;
    column_pos[COLUMN_PROXIMITY] = 59;
    column_pos[COLUMN_WHITE_BLACKLIST] = 66;

    const int num_columns = column_pos.size();

    WINDOW *w_help = newwin( ( FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 ) - 2, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH * 3 / 4,
                             7 + offset_y + ( FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 ) / 2, offset_x + 19 / 2 );
    WINDOW_PTR w_helpptr( w_help );

    WINDOW *w_border = newwin( FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH, offset_y, offset_x );
    WINDOW_PTR w_borderptr( w_border );
    WINDOW *w_header = newwin( header_height, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, 1 + offset_y,
                               1 + offset_x );
    WINDOW_PTR w_headerptr( w_header );
    WINDOW *w = newwin( content_height, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, header_height + 1 + offset_y,
                        1 + offset_x );
    WINDOW_PTR wptr( w );

    draw_border( w_border, BORDER_COLOR, custom_name_in );

    mvwputch( w_border, 3,  0, c_ltgray, LINE_XXXO ); // |-
    mvwputch( w_border, 3, 79, c_ltgray, LINE_XOXX ); // -|

    for( auto &column : column_pos ) {
        mvwputch( w_border, FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1, column.second + 1, c_ltgray,
                  LINE_XXOX ); // _|_

    wrefresh( w_border );

    static const std::vector<std::string> hotkeys = {{
            _( "<A>dd" ), _( "<R>emove" ), _( "<C>opy" ), _( "<M>ove" ),
            _( "<E>nable" ), _( "<D>isable" ), _( "<T>est" )

    int tmpx = 0;
    for( auto &hotkey : hotkeys ) {
        tmpx += shortcut_print( w_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, hotkey ) + 2;

    tmpx = 0;
    tmpx += shortcut_print( w_header, 1, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _( "<+-> Move up/down" ) ) + 2;
    tmpx += shortcut_print( w_header, 1, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _( "<Enter>-Edit" ) ) + 2;
    shortcut_print( w_header, 1, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _( "<Tab>-Switch Page" ) );

    for( int i = 0; i < 78; i++ ) {
        mvwputch( w_header, 2, i, c_ltgray, LINE_OXOX ); // Draw line under header

    for( auto &pos : column_pos ) {
        mvwputch( w_header, 2, pos.second, c_ltgray, LINE_OXXX );
        mvwputch( w_header, 3, pos.second, c_ltgray, LINE_XOXO );

    mvwprintz( w_header, 3, 1, c_white, "#" );
    mvwprintz( w_header, 3, column_pos[COLUMN_RULE] + 4, c_white, _( "Rules" ) );
    mvwprintz( w_header, 3, column_pos[COLUMN_ATTITUDE] + 2, c_white, _( "Attitude" ) );
    mvwprintz( w_header, 3, column_pos[COLUMN_PROXIMITY] + 2, c_white, _( "Dist" ) );
    mvwprintz( w_header, 3, column_pos[COLUMN_WHITE_BLACKLIST] + 2, c_white, _( "B/W" ) );

    wrefresh( w_header );

    int tab = GLOBAL_TAB;
    int line = 0;
    int column = 0;
    int start_pos = 0;
    bool changes_made = false;
    input_context ctxt( "SAFEMODE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "CONFIRM" );
    ctxt.register_action( "QUIT" );
    ctxt.register_action( "NEXT_TAB" );
    ctxt.register_action( "PREV_TAB" );
    ctxt.register_action( "ADD_DEFAULT_RULESET" );
    ctxt.register_action( "ADD_RULE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "REMOVE_RULE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "COPY_RULE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "ENABLE_RULE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "DISABLE_RULE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "MOVE_RULE_UP" );
    ctxt.register_action( "MOVE_RULE_DOWN" );
    ctxt.register_action( "TEST_RULE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "HELP_KEYBINDINGS" );

    if( is_safemode_in ) {
        ctxt.register_action( "SWITCH_SAFEMODE_OPTION" );
        ctxt.register_action( "SWAP_RULE_GLOBAL_CHAR" );

    while( true ) {
        int locx = 17;
        locx += shortcut_print( w_header, 2, locx, c_white,
                                ( tab == GLOBAL_TAB ) ? hilite( c_white ) : c_white, _( "[<Global>]" ) ) + 1;
        shortcut_print( w_header, 2, locx, c_white,
                        ( tab == CHARACTER_TAB ) ? hilite( c_white ) : c_white, _( "[<Character>]" ) );

        locx = 55;
        mvwprintz( w_header, 0, locx, c_white, _( "Safe Mode enabled:" ) );
        locx += shortcut_print( w_header, 1, locx,
                                ( ( get_option<bool>( "SAFEMODE" ) ) ? c_ltgreen : c_ltred ), c_white,
                                ( ( get_option<bool>( "SAFEMODE" ) ) ? _( "True" ) : _( "False" ) ) );
        locx += shortcut_print( w_header, 1, locx, c_white, c_ltgreen, "  " );
        locx += shortcut_print( w_header, 1, locx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _( "<S>witch" ) );
        shortcut_print( w_header, 1, locx, c_white, c_ltgreen, "  " );

        wrefresh( w_header );

        // Clear the lines
        for( int i = 0; i < content_height; i++ ) {
            for( int j = 0; j < 79; j++ ) {
                mvwputch( w, i, j, c_black, ' ' );

            for( auto &pos : column_pos ) {
                mvwputch( w, i, pos.second, c_ltgray, LINE_XOXO );

        auto &current_tab = ( tab == GLOBAL_TAB ) ? global_rules : character_rules;

        if( tab == CHARACTER_TAB && g-> ) {
            mvwprintz( w, 8, 15, c_white, _( "Please load a character first to use this page!" ) );
        } else if( empty() ) {
            mvwprintz( w, 8, 15, c_white, _( "Safe Mode manager currently inactive." ) );
            mvwprintz( w, 9, 15, c_white, _( "Default rules are used. Add a rule to activate." ) );
            mvwprintz( w, 10, 15, c_white, _( "Press ~ to add a default ruleset to get started." ) );

        draw_scrollbar( w_border, line, content_height, current_tab.size(), 5 );
        wrefresh( w_border );

        calcStartPos( start_pos, line, content_height, current_tab.size() );

        // display safe mode
        for( int i = start_pos; i < ( int )current_tab.size(); i++ ) {
            if( i >= start_pos &&
                i < start_pos + std::min( content_height, static_cast<int>( current_tab.size() ) ) ) {

                auto rule = current_tab[i];

                nc_color line_color = ( ) ? c_white : c_ltgray;

                mvwprintz( w, i - start_pos, 1, line_color, "%d", i + 1 );
                mvwprintz( w, i - start_pos, 5, c_yellow, ( line == i ) ? ">> " : "   " );

                auto draw_column = [&]( Columns column_in, std::string text_in ) {
                    mvwprintz( w, i - start_pos, column_pos[column_in] + 2,
                               ( line == i && column == column_in ) ? hilite( line_color ) : line_color,
                               "%s", text_in.c_str()

                draw_column( COLUMN_RULE, ( rule.rule.empty() ) ? _( "<empty rule>" ) : rule.rule );
                draw_column( COLUMN_ATTITUDE, Creature::get_attitude_ui_data( rule.attitude ).first );
                draw_column( COLUMN_PROXIMITY, ( !rule.whitelist ) ? to_string( rule.proximity ).c_str() : "---" );
                draw_column( COLUMN_WHITE_BLACKLIST, ( rule.whitelist ) ? _( "Whitelist" ) : _( "Blacklist" ) );

        wrefresh( w );

        const std::string action = ctxt.handle_input();

        if( action == "NEXT_TAB" ) {
            if( tab >= MAX_TAB ) {
                tab = 0;
                line = 0;
        } else if( action == "PREV_TAB" ) {
            if( tab < 0 ) {
                tab = MAX_TAB - 1;
                line = 0;
        } else if( action == "QUIT" ) {
        } else if( tab == CHARACTER_TAB && g-> ) {
            //Only allow loaded games to use the char sheet
        } else if( action == "DOWN" ) {
            if( line >= ( int )current_tab.size() ) {
                line = 0;
        } else if( action == "UP" ) {
            if( line < 0 ) {
                line = current_tab.size() - 1;
        } else if( action == "ADD_DEFAULT_RULESET" ) {
            changes_made = true;
            current_tab.push_back( rules_class( "*", true, false, Creature::A_HOSTILE, 0 ) );
            line = current_tab.size() - 1;
        } else if( action == "ADD_RULE" ) {
            changes_made = true;
            current_tab.push_back( rules_class( "", true, false, Creature::A_HOSTILE,
                                                get_option<int>( "SAFEMODEPROXIMITY" ) ) );
            line = current_tab.size() - 1;
        } else if( action == "REMOVE_RULE" && !current_tab.empty() ) {
            changes_made = true;
            current_tab.erase( current_tab.begin() + line );
            if( line > ( int )current_tab.size() - 1 ) {
            if( line < 0 ) {
                line = 0;
        } else if( action == "COPY_RULE" && !current_tab.empty() ) {
            changes_made = true;
            current_tab.push_back( current_tab[line] );
            line = current_tab.size() - 1;
        } else if( action == "SWAP_RULE_GLOBAL_CHAR" && !current_tab.empty() ) {
            if( ( tab == GLOBAL_TAB && !g-> ) || tab == CHARACTER_TAB ) {
                changes_made = true;
                //copy over
                auto &temp_rules_from = ( tab == GLOBAL_TAB ) ? global_rules : character_rules;
                auto &temp_rules_to = ( tab == GLOBAL_TAB ) ? character_rules : global_rules;

                temp_rules_to.push_back( temp_rules_from[line] );

                //remove old
                temp_rules_from.erase( temp_rules_from.begin() + line );
                line = temp_rules_from.size() - 1;
                tab = ( tab == GLOBAL_TAB ) ? CHARACTER_TAB : GLOBAL_TAB;
        } else if( action == "CONFIRM" && !current_tab.empty() ) {
            changes_made = true;
            if( column == COLUMN_RULE ) {
                fold_and_print( w_help, 1, 1, 999, c_white,
                                    "* is used as a Wildcard. A few Examples:\n"
                                    "human          matches every NPC\n"
                                    "zombie         matches the monster name exactly\n"
                                    "acidic zo*     matches monsters beginning with 'acidic zo'\n"
                                    "*mbie          matches monsters ending with 'mbie'\n"
                                    "*cid*zo*ie     multiple * are allowed\n"
                                    "AcI*zO*iE      case insensitive search" )

                draw_border( w_help );
                wrefresh( w_help );
                current_tab[line].rule = wildcard_trim_rule( string_input_popup()
                                         .title( _( "Safe Mode Rule:" ) )
                                         .width( 30 )
                                         .text( current_tab[line].rule )
                                         .query_string() );
            } else if( column == COLUMN_WHITE_BLACKLIST ) {
                current_tab[line].whitelist = !current_tab[line].whitelist;
            } else if( column == COLUMN_ATTITUDE ) {
                auto &attitude = current_tab[line].attitude;
                switch( attitude ) {
                    case Creature::A_HOSTILE:
                        attitude = Creature::A_NEUTRAL;
                    case Creature::A_NEUTRAL:
                        attitude = Creature::A_FRIENDLY;
                    case Creature::A_FRIENDLY:
                        attitude = Creature::A_ANY;
                    case Creature::A_ANY:
                        attitude = Creature::A_HOSTILE;
            } else if( column == COLUMN_PROXIMITY && !current_tab[line].whitelist ) {
                const auto text = string_input_popup()
                                  .title( _( "Proximity Distance (0=max viewdistance)" ) )
                                  .width( 4 )
                                  .text( to_string( current_tab[line].proximity ) )
                                  .description( _( "Option: " ) + to_string( get_option<int>( "SAFEMODEPROXIMITY" ) ) +
                                                " " + get_options().get_option( "SAFEMODEPROXIMITY" ).getDefaultText() )
                                  .max_length( 3 )
                                  .only_digits( true )
                if( text.empty() ) {
                    current_tab[line].proximity = get_option<int>( "SAFEMODEPROXIMITY" );
                } else {
                    //Let the options class handle the validity of the new value
                    auto temp_option = get_options().get_option( "SAFEMODEPROXIMITY" );
                    temp_option.setValue( text );
                    current_tab[line].proximity = atoi( temp_option.getValue().c_str() );
        } else if( action == "ENABLE_RULE" && !current_tab.empty() ) {
            changes_made = true;
            current_tab[line].active = true;
        } else if( action == "DISABLE_RULE" && !current_tab.empty() ) {
            changes_made = true;
            current_tab[line].active = false;
        } else if( action == "LEFT" ) {
            if( column < 0 ) {
                column = num_columns - 1;
        } else if( action == "RIGHT" ) {
            if( column >= num_columns ) {
                column = 0;
        } else if( action == "MOVE_RULE_UP" && !current_tab.empty() ) {
            changes_made = true;
            if( line < ( int )current_tab.size() - 1 ) {
                std::swap( current_tab[line], current_tab[line + 1] );
                column = 0;
        } else if( action == "MOVE_RULE_DOWN" && !current_tab.empty() ) {
            changes_made = true;
            if( line > 0 ) {
                std::swap( current_tab[line],  current_tab[line - 1] );
                column = 0;
        } else if( action == "TEST_RULE" && !current_tab.empty() ) {
            test_pattern( tab, line );
        } else if( action == "SWITCH_SAFEMODE_OPTION" ) {
            get_options().get_option( "SAFEMODE" ).setNext();

    if( !changes_made ) {

    if( query_yn( _( "Save changes?" ) ) ) {
        if( is_safemode_in ) {
            if( !g-> ) {
        } else {
    } else {
        global_rules = global_rules_old;
        character_rules = character_rules_old;
Esempio n. 2
void auto_pickup::show( const std::string &custom_name, bool is_autopickup )

    const int iHeaderHeight = 4;
    const int iContentHeight = FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 2 - iHeaderHeight;

    const int iOffsetX = (TERMX > FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH) ? (TERMX - FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH) / 2 : 0;
    const int iOffsetY = (TERMY > FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT) ? (TERMY - FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 2 : 0;

    std::map<int, bool> mapLines;
    mapLines[4] = true;
    mapLines[50] = true;
    mapLines[54] = true;

    const int iTotalCols = mapLines.size() - 1;

    WINDOW *w_help = newwin((FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) - 2, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH * 3 / 4,
                                        7 + iOffsetY + (FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) / 2, iOffsetX + 19 / 2);
    WINDOW_PTR w_helpptr( w_help );

    WINDOW *w_border = newwin(FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH, iOffsetY, iOffsetX);
    WINDOW_PTR w_borderptr( w_border );
    WINDOW *w_header = newwin(iHeaderHeight, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, 1 + iOffsetY,
                                          1 + iOffsetX);
    WINDOW_PTR w_headerptr( w_header );
    WINDOW *w = newwin(iContentHeight, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, iHeaderHeight + 1 + iOffsetY,
                                   1 + iOffsetX);
    WINDOW_PTR wptr( w );

    mvwputch(w_border, 3,  0, c_ltgray, LINE_XXXO); // |-
    mvwputch(w_border, 3, 79, c_ltgray, LINE_XOXX); // -|

    for( auto &mapLine : mapLines ) {
        mvwputch( w_border, FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1, mapLine.first + 1, c_ltgray,
                  LINE_XXOX ); // _|_

    mvwprintz(w_border, 0, 29, c_ltred, custom_name.c_str() );

    int tmpx = 0;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<A>dd")) + 2;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<R>emove")) + 2;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<C>opy")) + 2;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<M>ove")) + 2;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<E>nable")) + 2;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<D>isable")) + 2;
    shortcut_print(w_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<T>est"));
    tmpx = 0;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_header, 1, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen,
                           _("<+-> Move up/down")) + 2;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_header, 1, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<Enter>-Edit")) + 2;
    shortcut_print(w_header, 1, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<Tab>-Switch Page"));

    for (int i = 0; i < 78; i++) {
        if (mapLines[i]) {
            mvwputch(w_header, 2, i, c_ltgray, LINE_OXXX);
            mvwputch(w_header, 3, i, c_ltgray, LINE_XOXO);
        } else {
            mvwputch(w_header, 2, i, c_ltgray, LINE_OXOX); // Draw line under header

    mvwprintz(w_header, 3, 1, c_white, "#");
    mvwprintz(w_header, 3, 8, c_white, _("Rules"));
    mvwprintz(w_header, 3, 51, c_white, _("I/E"));


    int iCurrentPage = 1;
    int iCurrentLine = 0;
    int iCurrentCol = 1;
    int iStartPos = 0;
    bool bStuffChanged = false;
    input_context ctxt("AUTO_PICKUP");

    if( is_autopickup ) {

    std::ostringstream sTemp;

    while(true) {
        int locx = 17;
        locx += shortcut_print(w_header, 2, locx, c_white,
                               (iCurrentPage == 1) ? hilite(c_white) : c_white, _("[<Global>]")) + 1;
        shortcut_print(w_header, 2, locx, c_white,
                       (iCurrentPage == 2) ? hilite(c_white) : c_white, _("[<Character>]"));

        locx = 55;
        mvwprintz(w_header, 0, locx, c_white, _("Auto pickup enabled:"));
        locx += shortcut_print(w_header, 1, locx,
                               ((OPTIONS["AUTO_PICKUP"]) ? c_ltgreen : c_ltred), c_white,
                               ((OPTIONS["AUTO_PICKUP"]) ? _("True") : _("False")));
        locx += shortcut_print(w_header, 1, locx, c_white, c_ltgreen, "  ");
        locx += shortcut_print(w_header, 1, locx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<S>witch"));
        shortcut_print(w_header, 1, locx, c_white, c_ltgreen, "  ");


        // Clear the lines
        for (int i = 0; i < iContentHeight; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 79; j++) {
                if (mapLines[j]) {
                    mvwputch(w, i, j, c_ltgray, LINE_XOXO);
                } else {
                    mvwputch(w, i, j, c_black, ' ');

        const bool currentPageNonEmpty = !vRules[iCurrentPage].empty();

        if (iCurrentPage == 2 && g-> == "") {
            mvwprintz(w, 8, 15, c_white,
                      _("Please load a character first to use this page!"));

        draw_scrollbar(w_border, iCurrentLine, iContentHeight,
                       vRules[iCurrentPage].size(), 5);

        calcStartPos(iStartPos, iCurrentLine, iContentHeight,

        // display auto pickup
        for (int i = iStartPos; i < (int)vRules[iCurrentPage].size(); i++) {
            if (i >= iStartPos &&
                i < iStartPos + ((iContentHeight > (int)vRules[iCurrentPage].size()) ?
                                 (int)vRules[iCurrentPage].size() : iContentHeight)) {
                nc_color cLineColor = (vRules[iCurrentPage][i].bActive) ?
                                      c_white : c_ltgray;

                sTemp << i + 1;
                mvwprintz(w, i - iStartPos, 1, cLineColor, "%s", sTemp.str().c_str());
                mvwprintz(w, i - iStartPos, 5, cLineColor, "");

                if (iCurrentLine == i) {
                    wprintz(w, c_yellow, ">> ");
                } else {
                    wprintz(w, c_yellow, "   ");

                wprintz(w, (iCurrentLine == i &&
                                        iCurrentCol == 1) ? hilite(cLineColor) : cLineColor, "%s",
                        ((vRules[iCurrentPage][i].sRule == "") ? _("<empty rule>") :

                mvwprintz(w, i - iStartPos, 52, (iCurrentLine == i &&
                          iCurrentCol == 2) ? hilite(cLineColor) : cLineColor, "%s",
                          ((vRules[iCurrentPage][i].bExclude) ? rm_prefix(_("<Exclude>E")).c_str() : rm_prefix(


        const std::string action = ctxt.handle_input();

        if (action == "NEXT_TAB") {
            if (iCurrentPage > 2) {
                iCurrentPage = 1;
                iCurrentLine = 0;
        } else if (action == "PREV_TAB") {
            if (iCurrentPage < 1) {
                iCurrentPage = 2;
                iCurrentLine = 0;
        } else if (action == "QUIT") {
        } else if (iCurrentPage == 2 && g-> {
            //Only allow loaded games to use the char sheet
        } else if (action == "DOWN") {
            iCurrentCol = 1;
            if (iCurrentLine >= (int)vRules[iCurrentPage].size()) {
                iCurrentLine = 0;
        } else if (action == "UP") {
            iCurrentCol = 1;
            if (iCurrentLine < 0) {
                iCurrentLine = vRules[iCurrentPage].size() - 1;
        } else if (action == "ADD_RULE") {
            bStuffChanged = true;
            vRules[iCurrentPage].push_back(cRules("", true, false));
            iCurrentLine = vRules[iCurrentPage].size() - 1;
        } else if (action == "REMOVE_RULE" && currentPageNonEmpty) {
            bStuffChanged = true;
            vRules[iCurrentPage].erase(vRules[iCurrentPage].begin() + iCurrentLine);
            if (iCurrentLine > (int)vRules[iCurrentPage].size() - 1) {
            if(iCurrentLine < 0){
                iCurrentLine = 0;
        } else if (action == "COPY_RULE" && currentPageNonEmpty) {
            bStuffChanged = true;
            iCurrentLine = vRules[iCurrentPage].size() - 1;
        } else if (action == "SWAP_RULE_GLOBAL_CHAR" && currentPageNonEmpty) {
            if ((iCurrentPage == 1 && g-> != "") || iCurrentPage == 2) {
                bStuffChanged = true;
                //copy over
                vRules[(iCurrentPage == 1) ? 2 : 1].push_back(cRules(

                //remove old
                vRules[iCurrentPage].erase(vRules[iCurrentPage].begin() + iCurrentLine);
                iCurrentLine = vRules[(iCurrentPage == 1) ? 2 : 1].size() - 1;
                iCurrentPage = (iCurrentPage == 1) ? 2 : 1;
        } else if (action == "CONFIRM" && currentPageNonEmpty) {
            bStuffChanged = true;
            if (iCurrentCol == 1) {
                fold_and_print(w_help, 1, 1, 999, c_white,
                                   "* is used as a Wildcard. A few Examples:\n"
                                   "wooden arrow    matches the itemname exactly\n"
                                   "wooden ar*      matches items beginning with wood ar\n"
                                   "*rrow           matches items ending with rrow\n"
                                   "*avy fle*fi*arrow     multiple * are allowed\n"
                                   "heAVY*woOD*arrOW      case insensitive search\n"

                vRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine].sRule = trim_rule(string_input_popup(_("Pickup Rule:"),
                        30, vRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine].sRule));
            } else if (iCurrentCol == 2) {
                vRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine].bExclude =
        } else if (action == "ENABLE_RULE" && currentPageNonEmpty) {
            bStuffChanged = true;
            vRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine].bActive = true;
        } else if (action == "DISABLE_RULE" && currentPageNonEmpty) {
            bStuffChanged = true;
            vRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine].bActive = false;
        } else if (action == "LEFT") {
            if (iCurrentCol < 1) {
                iCurrentCol = iTotalCols;
        } else if (action == "RIGHT") {
            if (iCurrentCol > iTotalCols) {
                iCurrentCol = 1;
        } else if (action == "MOVE_RULE_UP" && currentPageNonEmpty) {
            bStuffChanged = true;
            if (iCurrentLine < (int)vRules[iCurrentPage].size() - 1) {
                          vRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine + 1]);
                iCurrentCol = 1;
        } else if (action == "MOVE_RULE_DOWN" && currentPageNonEmpty) {
            bStuffChanged = true;
            if (iCurrentLine > 0) {
                          vRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine - 1]);
                iCurrentCol = 1;
        } else if (action == "TEST_RULE" && currentPageNonEmpty) {
            test_pattern(iCurrentPage, iCurrentLine);
        } else if (action == "SWITCH_OPTION") {
            // @todo Now that NPCs use this function, it could be used for them too

    if( !bStuffChanged ) {

    if( query_yn( _("Save changes?") ) ) {
        // NPC pickup rules don't need to be saved explicitly
        if( is_autopickup ) {
            save( false );
            if( g-> != "" ) {
        } else {
    } else {
        save_reset_changes( true );