void initLCDSPI() { volatile unsigned char temp = 0; // enable output compare channel 0 TIOS |= 0x01; TSCR1 = 0x90; // enable timer and allow fast flag clear TCTL2 &= ~0x03; // Select do nothing as output compare action for channel 0 // Wait 100 mS for LCD to initialize display controller waitus(100000); SPICR1 = 0x5E; // 0(SPIE) 1(SPE) 0(SPTIE) 1(MSTR) 1(CPOL) 1(CPHA) 1(SSOE) 0(LSBFE) SPICR2 = 0x12; // N(N/A) N(N/A) N(N/A) 1(MODFEN) 0(BIDIROE) N(N/A) 1(SPISWAI) 0(SPC0) SPIBR = 0x57; // baud rate is close to 12 KHz; could have been set higher for LCD // Tried 75kHz and LCD seems to miss one character every few(~6-8) characters at that baud rate waitus(3); clearScreen(); turnBlinkingCursorOn(); //printFirmwareVersion(); }
/*! * Uebertraegt ein Kommando an das Display * @param cmd Das Kommando */ void display_cmd(BK_U8B cmd) { /* Kommando cmd an das Display senden */ shift_data_out(cmd, SHIFT_LATCH, SHIFT_REGISTER_DISPLAY); /* 47 us warten */ waitus(47); DISPLAY_PORT = DPC; // Alles zurueck setzen ==> Fallende Flanke von Enable if (cmd == DISPLAY_CLEAR) { /* 1.52 ms warten */ waitus(1520); } }
// Move cursor position right 1 space, whether the cursor is turned on or not void cursorRightOne() { char2LCD(0xFE); char2LCD(0x4A); // 100 micro second execution time waitus(101); }
// clear LCD and move cursor to line 1 column 1 void clearScreen() { char2LCD(0xFE); char2LCD(0x51); // 1.5 ms execution time waitus(2000); }
// move cursor to line 1 column 1 void cursorHome() { char2LCD(0xFE); char2LCD(0x46); // 1.5 ms execution time waitus(1700); }
void printFirmwareVersion() { char2LCD(0xFE); char2LCD(0x70); // 4 ms execution time waitus(4500); }
// Move cursor back one space, delete last character void backspace() { char2LCD(0xFE); char2LCD(0x4E); // 100 us execution time waitus(101); }
int sio_read(int fd, void *buffer, word maxlen) { int ret; ssize_t rx; rx = 0; FD_ZERO(&ttyfds); FD_SET(fd, &ttyfds); waitus(5000); /* I'd prefer poll(2) but it is not implemented on OS X */ ret = select(fd+1, &ttyfds, NULL, NULL, &ttytimeout); if(!ret) return 0; /* Timeout */ else if(ret == -1) { /* Error (interrupted, bad fd) */ rigel_error("read select failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if(FD_ISSET(fd, &ttyfds)) { rx = read(fd, buffer, maxlen); //if(rx == -1) rigel_error("Cannot read from serial port! (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); } return rx; }
void turnUnderlineCursorOff() { char2LCD(0xFE); char2LCD(0x48); // 1.5ms micro second execution time waitus(1700); }
// turns on the LCD display. Default: LCD screen is on void turnLCDOn() { char2LCD(0xFE); char2LCD(0x41); // 100 micro second execution time waitus(101); }
void turnBlinkingCursorOff() { char2LCD(0xFE); char2LCD(0x4C); // 100 micro second execution time waitus(101); }
void main(void) { int i; unsigned char buf[80]; unsigned char str[5]; unsigned char first; unsigned char second; str[0]='0'; str[1]='x'; MCU_init_24MHz(); initLCDSPI(); // To display normal text, just enter its ASCII number. A number from 0x00 to 0x07 displays the user defined // custom character, 0x20 to 0x7F displays the standard set of characters, 0xA0 to 0xFD display characters and // symbols that are factory-masked on the ST7066U controller. 0xFE is reserved. // Refer to manual for full character table str2LCD("Voltage:"); // Have to manually move cursor after 16 characters // It will eventually move to second line, but it has to go through cursor positions 0x10-0x3F from my understanding setCursor(0x40); // line 2 ATD_init(); ATDCTL5 = 0x23; // start an A/D conversion, scan, single channel (7) while(1) { for(i=0; i<80; i+=8) { while(!(ATDSTAT0 & 0x80)); // wait until conversion is complete //ATDCTL5 = 0x07; // start the next A/D conversion (NO NEED in scan mode) buf[i] = ATDDR0H; // ignore ATDDR0L since the conversion is 8-bit only buf[i+1] = ATDDR1H; buf[i+2] = ATDDR2H; buf[i+3] = ATDDR3H; buf[i+4] = ATDDR4H; buf[i+5] = ATDDR5H; buf[i+6] = ATDDR6H; buf[i+7] = ATDDR7H; } first=buf[0]>>4; second=buf[0]&0x0F; if (first > 0x09) { str[2]=first+'A'-10; } else { str[2]=first+'0'; } if (second > 0x09) { str[3]=second+'A'-10; } else { str[3]=second+'0'; } str[4]='\0'; clearScreen(); str2LCD("Voltage:"); setCursor(0x40); // line 2 str2LCD(str); waitus(500000); } // set up a breakpoint here to observe buf[] values }
// Put cursor at location position // Values 0x00-0x0F for row 1, 0x40-0x4F for row 2 void setCursor(unsigned char position) { char2LCD(0xFE); char2LCD(0x45); char2LCD(position); // 100 us execution time waitus(110); }
/*! * Schreibt ein Zeichen auf das Display * @param data Das Zeichen */ void display_data(const char data) { /* Zeichen aus data in den Displayspeicher schreiben */ shift_data_out((BK_U8B) data, SHIFT_LATCH, SHIFT_REGISTER_DISPLAY | DISPLAY_RS); /* 47 us warten */ waitus(47); DISPLAY_PORT = DPC; // Alles zurueck setzen ==> Fallende Flanke von Enable }
// Set the display contrast, value between 1 and 50. Default: 40 void setContrast(unsigned char value) { if(value < 1 || value > 50) { return; } char2LCD(0xFE); char2LCD(0x52); char2LCD(value); // 500 us execution time waitus(510); }
// set the backlight brightness level, value between 1 and 8. Default: 8 void setBacklightBrightness(unsigned char value) { if(value < 1 || value > 8) { return; } char2LCD(0xFE); char2LCD(0x53); char2LCD(value); // 100 us execution time waitus(110); }
int main (void) { // init lcam_initport(); lcam_reset(); lcam_setup(); waitms(20); // global vars unsigned char buffer[102]; unsigned char pic_pos = 0; unsigned char led_val = 1; while(1) { digitalWrite(C,2,led_val); // start acquiring image lcam_startintegration(); waitus(INTEGRATION); // end integration lcam_stop(buffer); // delay between two successive acquisitions waitms(DELAY); pic_pos = lcam_getpic(buffer); // begin frame uartSendString("START"); //uartSendByte(pic_pos); unsigned char i = 0; for(i=0;i<102;i++) { uartSendByte((buffer[i]>>3)+'0'); //waitus(100); } uartSendByte('\0'); led_val ^= 1; } // never reached }
/*! * wartet 100 us */ static void mouse_sens_wait(void) { waitus(100); }