size_t IdealGasReactor::componentIndex(const string& nm) const { size_t k = speciesIndex(nm); if (k != npos) { return k + 3; } else if (nm == "m" || nm == "mass") { if (nm == "m") { warn_deprecated("IdealGasReactor::componentIndex(\"m\")", "Using the name 'm' for mass is deprecated, and will be " "disabled after Cantera 2.3. Use 'mass' instead."); } return 0; } else if (nm == "V" || nm == "volume") { if (nm == "V") { warn_deprecated("IdealGasReactor::componentIndex(\"V\")", "Using the name 'V' for volume is deprecated, and will be " "disabled after Cantera 2.3. Use 'volume' instead."); } return 1; } else if (nm == "T" || nm == "temperature") { if (nm == "T") { warn_deprecated("IdealGasReactor::componentIndex(\"T\")", "Using the name 'T' for temperature is deprecated, and will be " "disabled after Cantera 2.3. Use 'temperature' instead."); } return 2; } else { return npos; } }
size_t Reactor::componentIndex(const string& nm) const { size_t k = speciesIndex(nm); if (k != npos) { return k + 3; } else if (nm == "m" || nm == "mass") { if (nm == "m") { warn_deprecated("Reactor::componentIndex(\"m\")", "Using the name 'm' for mass is deprecated, and will be " "disabled after Cantera 2.3. Use 'mass' instead."); } return 0; } else if (nm == "V" || nm == "volume") { if (nm == "V") { warn_deprecated("Reactor::componentIndex(\"V\")", "Using the name 'V' for volume is deprecated, and will be " "disabled after Cantera 2.3. Use 'volume' instead."); } return 1; } else if (nm == "U" || nm == "int_energy") { if (nm == "U") { warn_deprecated("Reactor::componentIndex(\"U\")", "Using the name 'U' for internal energy is deprecated, and " "will be disabled after Cantera 2.3. Use 'int_energy' instead."); } return 2; } else { return npos; } }
void ImplicitSurfChem::getInitialConditions(doublereal t0, size_t lenc, doublereal* c) { warn_deprecated("ImplicitSurfChem::getInitialConditions", "Use getState instead. To be removed after Cantera 2.3."); getState(c); }
//===================================================================================================================== std::string logfileName(const std::string& infile) { warn_deprecated("logfileName", "To be removed after Cantera 2.2."); std::string logfile = getBaseName(infile); logfile += ".log"; return logfile; }
void MetalSHEelectrons::getParameters(int& n, doublereal* const c) const { warn_deprecated("MetalSHEelectrons::getParameters"); doublereal rho = density(); n = 1; c[0] = rho; }
void Phase::addElement(const XML_Node& e) { warn_deprecated("Phase::addElement(XML_Node&)", "To be removed after Cantera 2.2."); doublereal weight = 0.0; if (e.hasAttrib("atomicWt")) { weight = fpValue(stripws(e["atomicWt"])); } int anum = 0; if (e.hasAttrib("atomicNumber")) { anum = atoi(stripws(e["atomicNumber"]).c_str()); } string symbol = e["name"]; doublereal entropy298 = ENTROPY298_UNKNOWN; if (e.hasChild("entropy298")) { XML_Node& e298Node = e.child("entropy298"); if (e298Node.hasAttrib("value")) { entropy298 = fpValueCheck(stripws(e298Node["value"])); } } if (weight != 0.0) { addElement(symbol, weight, anum, entropy298); } else { addElement(symbol); } }
void ConstPressureReactor::getInitialConditions(double t0, size_t leny, double* y) { warn_deprecated("ConstPressureReactor::getInitialConditions", "Use getState instead. To be removed after Cantera 2.3."); getState(y); }
void Phase::addElementsFromXML(const XML_Node& phase) { warn_deprecated("Phase::addElementsFromXML", "Use 'addElements' function. " "To be removed after Cantera 2.2."); installElements(*this, phase); }
void PDSS_IonsFromNeutral::constructPDSSFile(VPStandardStateTP* tp, size_t spindex, const std::string& inputFile, const std::string& id) { warn_deprecated("PDSS_IonsFromNeutral::constructPDSSFile", "To be removed after Cantera 2.3."); if (inputFile.size() == 0) { throw CanteraError("PDSS_IonsFromNeutral::constructPDSSFile", "input file is null"); } std::string path = findInputFile(inputFile); ifstream fin(path); if (!fin) { throw CanteraError("PDSS_IonsFromNeutral::constructPDSSFile","could not open " +path+" for reading."); } // The phase object automatically constructs an XML object. Use this object // to store information. XML_Node fxml;; XML_Node* fxml_phase = findXMLPhase(&fxml, id); if (!fxml_phase) { throw CanteraError("PDSS_IonsFromNeutral::constructPDSSFile", "ERROR: Can not find phase named " + id + " in file named " + inputFile); } XML_Node& speciesList = fxml_phase->child("speciesArray"); XML_Node* speciesDB = get_XML_NameID("speciesData", speciesList["datasrc"], &fxml_phase->root()); const XML_Node* s = speciesDB->findByAttr("name", tp->speciesName(spindex)); constructPDSSXML(tp, spindex, *s, *fxml_phase, id); }
std::string string16_EOSType(int EOSType) { warn_deprecated("string16_EOSType", "Use vcs_VolPhase::eos_name instead." " To be removed after Cantera 2.3."); char st[32]; st[16] = '\0'; switch (EOSType) { case VCS_EOS_CONSTANT: sprintf(st,"Constant "); break; case VCS_EOS_IDEAL_GAS: sprintf(st,"Ideal Gas "); break; case VCS_EOS_STOICH_SUB: sprintf(st,"Stoich Sub "); break; case VCS_EOS_IDEAL_SOLN: sprintf(st,"Ideal Soln "); break; case VCS_EOS_DEBEYE_HUCKEL: sprintf(st,"Debeye Huckel "); break; case VCS_EOS_REDLICK_KWONG: sprintf(st,"Redlick_Kwong "); break; case VCS_EOS_REGULAR_SOLN: sprintf(st,"Regular Soln "); break; default: sprintf(st,"UnkType: %-7d", EOSType); break; } st[16] = '\0'; return st; }
void StoichSubstanceSSTP::getParameters(int& n, doublereal* const c) const { warn_deprecated("StoichSubstanceSSTP::getParameters"); doublereal rho = density(); n = 1; c[0] = rho; }
MultiSpeciesThermo& MultiSpeciesThermo::operator=(const MultiSpeciesThermo& b) { warn_deprecated("MultiSpeciesThermo assignment operator", "To be removed after Cantera 2.3"); if (&b == this) { return *this; } m_sp.clear(); // Copy SpeciesThermoInterpType objects from 'b' for (const auto& sp : b.m_sp) { for (size_t k = 0; k < sp.second.size(); k++) { size_t i = sp.second[k].first; shared_ptr<SpeciesThermoInterpType> spec( sp.second[k].second->duplMyselfAsSpeciesThermoInterpType()); m_sp[sp.first].emplace_back(i, spec); } } m_tpoly = b.m_tpoly; m_speciesLoc = b.m_speciesLoc; m_tlow_max = b.m_tlow_max; m_thigh_min = b.m_thigh_min; m_p0 = b.m_p0; return *this; }
GasTransportParams::GasTransportParams() : TransportParams(), visccoeffs(0), condcoeffs(0), diffcoeffs(0), poly(0), omega22_poly(0), astar_poly(0), bstar_poly(0), cstar_poly(0), zrot(0), crot(0), polar(0), alpha(0), fitlist(0), eps(0), sigma(0), reducedMass(0, 0), diam(0, 0), epsilon(0, 0), dipole(0, 0), delta(0, 0) { warn_deprecated("class GasTransportParams", "To be removed after Cantera 2.2."); }
SpeciesThermo* SpeciesThermoFactory::newSpeciesThermoManager(const std::string& stype) const { warn_deprecated("SpeciesThermoFactory::newSpeciesThermo", "To be removed after Cantera 2.2. Use class GeneralSpeciesThermo directly."); std::string ltype = lowercase(stype); if (ltype == "nasa") { return new NasaThermo; } else if (ltype == "shomate") { return new ShomateThermo; } else if (ltype == "simple" || ltype == "constant_cp") { return new SimpleThermo; } else if (ltype == "nasa_shomate_duo") { return new SpeciesThermoDuo<NasaThermo, ShomateThermo>; } else if (ltype == "nasa_simple_duo") { return new SpeciesThermoDuo<NasaThermo, SimpleThermo>; } else if (ltype == "shomate_simple_duo") { return new SpeciesThermoDuo<ShomateThermo, SimpleThermo>; } else if (ltype == "general") { return new GeneralSpeciesThermo(); } else if (ltype == "") { return (SpeciesThermo*) 0; } else { throw UnknownSpeciesThermo("SpeciesThermoFactory::newSpeciesThermoManager", stype); } return (SpeciesThermo*) 0; }
void PDSS_IdealGas::constructPDSSFile(VPStandardStateTP* tp, size_t spindex, const std::string& inputFile, const std::string& id) { warn_deprecated("PDSS_IdealGas::constructPDSSFile", "To be removed after Cantera 2.3."); if (inputFile.size() == 0) { throw CanteraError("PDSS_IdealGas::constructPDSSFile", "input file is null"); } std::string path = findInputFile(inputFile); ifstream fin(path); if (!fin) { throw CanteraError("PDSS_IdealGas::constructPDSSFile","could not open " +path+" for reading."); } /* * The phase object automatically constructs an XML object. * Use this object to store information. */ XML_Node fxml;; XML_Node* fxml_phase = findXMLPhase(&fxml, id); if (!fxml_phase) { throw CanteraError("PDSS_IdealGas::constructPDSSFile", "ERROR: Can not find phase named " + id + " in file named " + inputFile); } constructPDSSXML(tp, spindex, *fxml_phase, id); }
void BandMatrix::copyData(const GeneralMatrix& y) { warn_deprecated("BandMatrix::copyData", "To be removed after Cantera 2.2."); m_factored = false; size_t n = sizeof(doublereal) * m_n * (2 *m_kl + m_ku + 1); GeneralMatrix* yyPtr = const_cast<GeneralMatrix*>(&y); (void) memcpy(DATA_PTR(data), yyPtr->ptrColumn(0), n); }
void StoichSubstance::getUnitsStandardConc(double* uA, int k, int sizeUA) const { warn_deprecated("StoichSubstance::getUnitsStandardConc", "To be removed after Cantera 2.2."); for (int i = 0; i < sizeUA; i++) { uA[i] = 0.0; } }
void TransportFactory::initTransport(Transport* tr, thermo_t* thermo, int mode, int log_level) { warn_deprecated("TransportFactory::initTransport", "To be removed after Cantera 2.2. This initialization is " "now handled directly by GasTransport::init"); tr->init(thermo); }
PDSS_IdealGas::PDSS_IdealGas(VPStandardStateTP* tp, int spindex, const std::string& inputFile, const std::string& id) : PDSS(tp, spindex) { warn_deprecated("PDSS_IdealGas constructor from XML input file", "To be removed after Cantera 2.3."); m_pdssType = cPDSS_IDEALGAS; constructPDSSFile(tp, spindex, inputFile, id); }
SpeciesThermo* newSpeciesThermoMgr(int type, SpeciesThermoFactory* f) { warn_deprecated("newSpeciesThermoMgr", "To be removed after Cantera 2.2. " "Use class GeneralSpeciesThermo directly."); if (f == 0) { f = SpeciesThermoFactory::factory(); } return f->newSpeciesThermo(type); }
void Phase::addUniqueElement(const std::string& symbol, doublereal weight, int atomic_number, doublereal entropy298, int elem_type) { warn_deprecated("Phase::addUniqueElement", "Equivalent to Phase::addElement. " "To be removed after Cantera 2.2."); addElement(symbol, weight, atomic_number, entropy298, elem_type); }
void ReactorNet::addReactor(Reactor* r, bool iown) { warn_deprecated("ReactorNet::addReactor(Reactor*)", "To be removed after Cantera 2.2. Use 'addReactor(Reactor&) instead'."); if (iown) { warn_deprecated("ReactorNet::addReactor", "Ownership of Reactors by ReactorNet is deprecated."); } r->setNetwork(this); if (r->type() >= ReactorType) { m_reactors.push_back(r); m_iown.push_back(iown); writelog("Adding reactor "+r->name()+"\n", m_verbose); } else { writelog("Not adding reactor "+r->name()+ ", since type = "+int2str(r->type())+"\n", m_verbose); } }
double vcs_VolPhase::AC_calc_one(size_t kspec) const { warn_deprecated("vcs_VolPhase::AC_calc_one", "Unused. To be removed after Cantera 2.3."); if (! m_UpToDate_AC) { _updateActCoeff(); } return ActCoeff[kspec]; }
void SurfPhase::setParameters(int n, doublereal* const c) { warn_deprecated("SurfPhase::setParameters"); if (n != 1) { throw CanteraError("SurfPhase::setParameters", "Bad value for number of parameter"); } setSiteDensity(c[0]); }
PDSS_ConstVol::PDSS_ConstVol(VPStandardStateTP* tp, size_t spindex, const std::string& inputFile, const std::string& id) : PDSS(tp, spindex) { warn_deprecated("PDSS_ConstVol constructor from XML input file", "To be removed after Cantera 2.3."); m_pdssType = cPDSS_CONSTVOL; constructPDSSFile(tp, spindex, inputFile, id); }
size_t Phase::addUniqueElementAfterFreeze(const std::string& symbol, doublereal weight, int atomicNumber, doublereal entropy298, int elem_type) { warn_deprecated("Phase::addUniqueElementAfterFreeze", "Equivalent to Phase::addElement. " "To be removed after Cantera 2.2"); return addElement(symbol, weight, atomicNumber, entropy298, elem_type); }
Transport::Transport(const Transport& right) { warn_deprecated("Transport copy constructor", "To be removed after" " Cantera 2.3 for all classes derived from Transport."); m_thermo = right.m_thermo; m_ready = right.m_ready; m_nsp = right.m_nsp; m_nDim = right.m_nDim; m_velocityBasis = right.m_velocityBasis; }
SpeciesThermo* newSpeciesThermoMgr(std::vector<XML_Node*> spData_nodes, SpeciesThermoFactory* f) { warn_deprecated("newSpeciesThermoMgr", "To be removed after Cantera 2.2. " "Use class GeneralSpeciesThermo directly."); if (f == 0) { f = SpeciesThermoFactory::factory(); } return f->newSpeciesThermo(spData_nodes); }
SpeciesThermoFactory* SpeciesThermoFactory::factory() { warn_deprecated("class SpeciesThermoFactory", "To be removed after Cantera 2.2."); ScopedLock lock(species_thermo_mutex); if (!s_factory) { s_factory = new SpeciesThermoFactory; } return s_factory; }
void Phase::getMoleFractionsByName(compositionMap& x) const { warn_deprecated("void Phase::getMoleFractionsByName(compositionMap&)", "To be removed after Cantera 2.2. Use" " 'compositionMap getMoleFractionsByName(double threshold)'" " instead"); x.clear(); size_t kk = nSpecies(); for (size_t k = 0; k < kk; k++) { x[speciesName(k)] = Phase::moleFraction(k); } }