Esempio n. 1
 * Encodes and appends the array `array` to `w`
void watchman_dump_array(watchman_t *w, VALUE array) {
    long i;
    watchman_append(w, &watchman_array_marker, sizeof(watchman_array_marker));
    watchman_dump_int(w, RARRAY_LEN(array));
    for (i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(array); i++) {
        watchman_dump(w, rb_ary_entry(array, i));
Esempio n. 2
 * RubyWatchman.dump(serializable)
 * Converts the Ruby object, `serializable`, into a binary string in the
 * Watchman binary protocol format.
 * Examples of serializable objects include arrays, hashes, strings, numbers
 * (integers, floats), booleans, and nil.
VALUE RubyWatchman_dump(VALUE self, VALUE serializable) {
    watchman_t *w = watchman_init();
    watchman_dump(w, serializable);

    // update header with final length information
    uint64_t *len =
        (uint64_t *)(w->data + sizeof(WATCHMAN_HEADER) - sizeof(uint64_t) - 1);
    *len = w->len - sizeof(WATCHMAN_HEADER) + 1;

    // prepare final return value
    VALUE serialized = rb_str_buf_new(w->len);
    rb_str_buf_cat(serialized, (const char*)w->data, w->len);
    return serialized;
Esempio n. 3
 * Helper method that encodes and appends a key/value pair (`key`, `value`) from
 * a hash to the watchman_t struct passed in via `data`
int watchman_dump_hash_iterator(VALUE key, VALUE value, VALUE data) {
    watchman_t *w = (watchman_t *)data;
    watchman_dump_string(w, StringValue(key));
    watchman_dump(w, value);
    return ST_CONTINUE;