PorousFlowPeacemanBorehole::computeQpBaseOutflowJacobian(unsigned jvar,
                                                         unsigned current_dirac_ptid,
                                                         Real & outflow,
                                                         Real & outflowp) const
  outflow = 0.0;
  outflowp = 0.0;

  const Real character = _character.value(_t, _q_point[_qp]);
  if (character == 0.0)

  if (_dictator.notPorousFlowVariable(jvar))
  const unsigned pvar = _dictator.porousFlowVariableNum(jvar);

  const Real bh_pressure = _p_bot + _unit_weight * (_q_point[_qp] - _bottom_point);
  const Real pp = ptqp();
  const Real pp_prime = dptqp(pvar) * _phi[_j][_qp];

  if (current_dirac_ptid > 0)
  // contribution from half-segment "behind" this point
    if ((character < 0.0 && pp < bh_pressure) || (character > 0.0 && pp > bh_pressure))
      // injection, so outflow<0 || // production, so outflow>0
      const Real wc = wellConstant(_perm_or_cond[_qp],
                                   _rot_matrix[current_dirac_ptid - 1],
                                   _half_seg_len[current_dirac_ptid - 1],
      outflowp += wc * pp_prime;
      outflow += wc * (pp - bh_pressure);

  if (current_dirac_ptid < _zs.size() - 1 || _zs.size() == 1)
  // contribution from half-segment "ahead of" this point
    if ((character < 0.0 && pp < bh_pressure) || (character > 0.0 && pp > bh_pressure))
      // injection, so outflow<0 || // production, so outflow>0
      const Real wc = wellConstant(_perm_or_cond[_qp],
      outflowp += wc * pp_prime;
      outflow += wc * (pp - bh_pressure);

  outflowp *= _test[_i][_qp] * std::abs(character);
  outflow *= _test[_i][_qp] * std::abs(character);
Esempio n. 2
  const Real character = _character.value(_t, _q_point[_qp]);
  if (character == 0.0)
    return 0.0;

  const Real bh_pressure =
      _p_bot +
      _unit_weight *
          (_q_point[_qp] -
           _bottom_point); // really want to use _q_point instaed of _current_point, i think?!

  // Get the ID we initially assigned to this point
  const unsigned current_dirac_ptid = currentPointCachedID();

  // If getting the ID failed, fall back to the old bodge!
  // if (current_dirac_ptid == libMesh::invalid_uint)
  //  current_dirac_ptid = (_zs.size() > 2) ? 1 : 0;

  Real outflow(0.0); // this is the flow rate from porespace out of the system

  Real wc(0.0);
  if (current_dirac_ptid > 0)
  // contribution from half-segment "behind" this point (must have >1 point for
  // current_dirac_ptid>0)
    wc = wellConstant(_permeability[0],
                      _rot_matrix[current_dirac_ptid - 1],
                      _half_seg_len[current_dirac_ptid - 1],
    if ((character < 0.0 && _pp[_i] < bh_pressure) || (character > 0.0 && _pp[_i] > bh_pressure))
      // injection, so outflow<0 || // production, so outflow>0
      outflow +=
          _test[_i][_qp] * std::abs(character) * wc * _mobility[_i] * (_pp[_i] - bh_pressure);

  if (current_dirac_ptid + 1 < _zs.size() || _zs.size() == 1)
  // contribution from half-segment "ahead of" this point, or we only have one point
    wc = wellConstant(_permeability[0],
    if ((character < 0.0 && _pp[_i] < bh_pressure) || (character > 0.0 && _pp[_i] > bh_pressure))
      // injection, so outflow<0 || // production, so outflow>0
      outflow +=
          _test[_i][_qp] * std::abs(character) * wc * _mobility[_i] * (_pp[_i] - bh_pressure);

      outflow * _dt); // this is not thread safe, but DiracKernel's aren't currently threaded
  return outflow;
PorousFlowPeacemanBorehole::computeQpBaseOutflow(unsigned current_dirac_ptid) const
  const Real character = _character.value(_t, _q_point[_qp]);
  if (character == 0.0)
    return 0.0;

  const Real bh_pressure = _p_bot + _unit_weight * (_q_point[_qp] - _bottom_point);
  const Real pp = ptqp();

  Real outflow = 0.0; // this is the flow rate from porespace out of the system

  if (current_dirac_ptid > 0)
  // contribution from half-segment "behind" this point (must have >1 point for
  // current_dirac_ptid>0)
    if ((character < 0.0 && pp < bh_pressure) || (character > 0.0 && pp > bh_pressure))
      // injection, so outflow<0 || production, so outflow>0
      const Real wc = wellConstant(_perm_or_cond[_qp],
                                   _rot_matrix[current_dirac_ptid - 1],
                                   _half_seg_len[current_dirac_ptid - 1],
      outflow += wc * (pp - bh_pressure);

  if (current_dirac_ptid + 1 < _zs.size() || _zs.size() == 1)
  // contribution from half-segment "ahead of" this point, or we only have one point
    if ((character < 0.0 && pp < bh_pressure) || (character > 0.0 && pp > bh_pressure))
      // injection, so outflow<0 || // production, so outflow>0
      const Real wc = wellConstant(_perm_or_cond[_qp],
      outflow += wc * (pp - bh_pressure);

  return outflow * _test[_i][_qp] * std::abs(character);
Esempio n. 4
Q2PBorehole::jac(unsigned int jvar)
  if (_i != _j)
    return 0.0;

  const Real character = _character.value(_t, _q_point[_qp]);
  if (character == 0.0)
    return 0.0;

  const Real bh_pressure =
      _p_bot +
      _unit_weight *
          (_q_point[_qp] -
           _bottom_point); // really want to use _q_point instaed of _current_point, i think?!

  const Real phi = 1;

  // Get the ID we initially assigned to this point
  const unsigned current_dirac_ptid = currentPointCachedID();

  // If getting the ID failed, fall back to the old bodge!
  // if (current_dirac_ptid == libMesh::invalid_uint)
  //  current_dirac_ptid = (_zs.size() > 2) ? 1 : 0;

  Real outflowp(0.0);

  const bool deriv_wrt_pp =
      (_var_is_pp && (jvar == _var.number())) || (!_var_is_pp && (jvar == _other_var_num));

  Real wc(0.0);
  if (current_dirac_ptid > 0)
  // contribution from half-segment "behind" this point
    wc = wellConstant(_permeability[0],
                      _rot_matrix[current_dirac_ptid - 1],
                      _half_seg_len[current_dirac_ptid - 1],
    if ((character < 0.0 && _pp[_i] < bh_pressure) || (character > 0.0 && _pp[_i] > bh_pressure))
      // injection, so outflow<0 || // production, so outflow>0
      if (deriv_wrt_pp)
        outflowp += std::abs(character) * wc *
                    (_mobility[_i] * phi + _dmobility_dp[_i] * phi * (_pp[_i] - bh_pressure));
        outflowp += std::abs(character) * wc * _dmobility_ds[_i] * phi * (_pp[_i] - bh_pressure);

  if (current_dirac_ptid < _zs.size() - 1 || _zs.size() == 1)
  // contribution from half-segment "ahead of" this point
    wc = wellConstant(_permeability[0],
    if ((character < 0.0 && _pp[_i] < bh_pressure) || (character > 0.0 && _pp[_i] > bh_pressure))
      // injection, so outflow<0 || // production, so outflow>0
      if (deriv_wrt_pp)
        outflowp += std::abs(character) * wc *
                    (_mobility[_i] * phi + _dmobility_dp[_i] * phi * (_pp[_i] - bh_pressure));
        outflowp += std::abs(character) * wc * _dmobility_ds[_i] * phi * (_pp[_i] - bh_pressure);

  return _test[_i][_qp] * outflowp;