Esempio n. 1
void ECMult(GroupElemJac &out, const GroupElemJac &a, const Number &an, const Number &gn) {
    Number an1, an2;
    Number gn1, gn2;

    SplitExp(an, an1, an2);
//    printf("an=%s\n", an.ToString().c_str());
//    printf("an1=%s\n", an1.ToString().c_str());
//    printf("an2=%s\n", an2.ToString().c_str());
//    printf("an1.len=%i\n", an1.GetBits());
//    printf("an2.len=%i\n", an2.GetBits());
    gn.SplitInto(128, gn1, gn2);

    WNAF<128> wa1(an1, WINDOW_A);
    WNAF<128> wa2(an2, WINDOW_A);
    WNAF<128> wg1(gn1, WINDOW_G);
    WNAF<128> wg2(gn2, WINDOW_G);
    GroupElemJac a2; a2.SetMulLambda(a);
    WNAFPrecomp<GroupElemJac,WINDOW_A> wpa1(a);
    WNAFPrecomp<GroupElemJac,WINDOW_A> wpa2(a2);
    const ECMultConsts &c = GetECMultConsts();

    int size_a1 = wa1.GetSize();
    int size_a2 = wa2.GetSize();
    int size_g1 = wg1.GetSize();
    int size_g2 = wg2.GetSize();
    int size = std::max(std::max(size_a1, size_a2), std::max(size_g1, size_g2));

    out = GroupElemJac();
    GroupElemJac tmpj;
    GroupElem tmpa;

    for (int i=size-1; i>=0; i--) {
        int nw;
        if (i < size_a1 && (nw = wa1.Get(i))) {
            wpa1.Get(tmpj, nw);
            out.SetAdd(out, tmpj);
        if (i < size_a2 && (nw = wa2.Get(i))) {
            wpa2.Get(tmpj, nw);
            out.SetAdd(out, tmpj);
        if (i < size_g1 && (nw = wg1.Get(i))) {
            c.wpg.Get(tmpa, nw);
            out.SetAdd(out, tmpa);
        if (i < size_g2 && (nw = wg2.Get(i))) {
            c.wpg128.Get(tmpa, nw);
            out.SetAdd(out, tmpa);
Esempio n. 2
bool ASMs2DSpec::integrate (Integrand& integrand,
			    GlobalIntegral& glInt,
			    const TimeDomain& time)
  if (this->empty()) return true; // silently ignore empty patches

  // Evaluate integration points (= nodal points) and weights
  Vector wg1,xg1,wg2,xg2;
  if (!Legendre::GLL(wg1,xg1,p1)) return false;
  if (!Legendre::GLL(wg2,xg2,p2)) return false;

  Matrix D1, D2;
  if (!Legendre::basisDerivatives(p1,D1)) return false;
  if (!Legendre::basisDerivatives(p2,D2)) return false;

  // === Assembly loop over all elements in the patch ==========================

  bool ok = true;
  for (size_t g = 0; g < threadGroups.size() && ok; g++)
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
    for (size_t t = 0; t < threadGroups[g].size(); t++)
      FiniteElement fe(p1*p2);
      Matrix dNdu(p1*p2,2), Xnod, Jac;
      Vec4   X;
      for (size_t e = 0; e < threadGroups[g][t].size(); e++)
        int iel = threadGroups[g][t][e]+1;

        // Set up control point coordinates for current element
        if (!this->getElementCoordinates(Xnod,iel))
          ok = false;

        // Initialize element quantities
        fe.iel = MLGE[iel-1];
        LocalIntegral* A = integrand.getLocalIntegral(fe.N.size(),fe.iel);
        if (!integrand.initElement(MNPC[iel-1],*A))
          ok = false;

        // --- Integration loop over all Gauss points in each direction --------

        int count = 1;
        for (int j = 1; j <= p2; j++)
          for (int i = 1; i <= p1; i++, count++)
            // Evaluate the basis functions and gradients using
            // tensor product of one-dimensional Lagrange polynomials

            // Compute Jacobian inverse of coordinate mapping and derivatives
            fe.detJxW = utl::Jacobian(Jac,fe.dNdX,Xnod,dNdu);
            if (fe.detJxW == 0.0) continue; // skip singular points

            // Cartesian coordinates of current integration point
            X.x = Xnod(1,count);
            X.y = Xnod(2,count);
            X.t = time.t;

            // Evaluate the integrand and accumulate element contributions
            fe.detJxW *= wg1(i)*wg2(j);
            if (!integrand.evalInt(*A,fe,time,X))
              ok = false;

        // Assembly of global system integral
        if (ok && !glInt.assemble(A->ref(),fe.iel))
          ok = false;


  return ok;