Esempio n. 1
void run_demo(void* db) {
  void *rec = NULL, *firstrec = NULL, *nextrec = NULL;
                                /* Pointers to a database record */
  wg_int enc; /* Encoded data */
  wg_int lock_id; /* Id of an acquired lock (for releasing it later) */
  wg_int len;
  int i;
  int intdata, datedata, timedata;
  char strbuf[80];

  printf("********* Starting demo ************\n");

  /* Begin by creating a simple record of 3 fields and fill it
   * with integer data.

  printf("Creating first record.\n");

  rec=wg_create_record(db, 3);
  if (rec==NULL) {
    printf("rec creation error.\n");

  /* Encode a field, checking for errors */
  enc = wg_encode_int(db, 44);
  if(enc==WG_ILLEGAL) {
    printf("failed to encode an integer.\n");

  /* Negative return value shows that an error occurred */
  if(wg_set_field(db, rec, 0, enc) < 0) {
    printf("failed to store a field.\n");
  /* Skip error checking for the sake of brevity for the rest of fields */
  enc = wg_encode_int(db, -199999);
  wg_set_field(db, rec, 1, enc);
  wg_set_field(db, rec, 2, wg_encode_int(db, 0));

  /* Now examine the record we have created. Get record length,
   * encoded value of each field, data type and decoded value.

  /* Negative return value shows an error. */
  len = wg_get_record_len(db, rec);
  if(len < 0) {
    printf("failed to get record length.\n");
  printf("Size of created record at %p was: %d\n", rec, (int) len);

  for(i=0; i<len; i++) {
    printf("Reading field %d:", i);
    enc = wg_get_field(db, rec, i);
    if(wg_get_encoded_type(db, enc) != WG_INTTYPE) {
      printf("data was of unexpected type.\n");
    intdata = wg_decode_int(db, enc);
    /* No error checking here. All integers are valid. */
    printf(" %d\n", intdata);

  /* Fields can be erased by setting their value to 0 which always stands for NULL value. */
  printf("Clearing field 1.\n");
  wg_set_field(db, rec, 1, 0);

  if(wg_get_field(db, rec, 1)==0) {
    printf("Re-reading field 1 returned a 0 (NULL) field.\n");
  } else {
    printf("unexpected value \n");

  /* Fields can be updated with data of any type (the type is not fixed). */
  printf("Updating field 0 to a floating-point number.\n");

  enc = wg_encode_double(db, 56.9988);
  wg_set_field(db, rec, 0, enc);
  enc = wg_get_field(db, rec, 0);
  if(wg_get_encoded_type(db, enc) == WG_DOUBLETYPE) {
    printf("Re-reading field 0 returned %f.\n", wg_decode_double(db, enc));
  } else {
    printf("data was of unexpected type.\n");

  /* Create a next record. Let's assume we're in an environment where
   * the database is used concurrently, so there's a need to use locking.

  printf("Creating second record.\n");

  /* Lock id of 0 means that the operation failed */
  lock_id = wg_start_write(db);
  if(!lock_id) {
    printf("failed to acquire lock.\n");
  /* Do the write operation we acquired the lock for. */
  rec=wg_create_record(db, 6);
  /* Failing to release the lock would be fatal to database operation. */
  if(!wg_end_write(db, lock_id)) {
    printf("failed to release lock.\n");

  if (!rec) {
    printf("rec creation error.\n");

  /* Reading also requires locking./ */
  lock_id = wg_start_read(db);
  if(!lock_id) {
    printf("failed to acquire lock.\n");

  /* Do our read operation... */
  len = wg_get_record_len(db, rec);

  /* ... and unlock immediately */
  if(!wg_end_read(db, lock_id)) {
    printf("failed to release lock.\n");

  if(len < 0) {
    printf("failed to get record length.\n");
  printf("Size of created record at %p was: %d\n", rec, (int) len);

  /* Let's find the first record in the database */
  lock_id = wg_start_read(db);
  firstrec = wg_get_first_record(db);
  wg_end_read(db, lock_id);
  if(!firstrec) {
    printf("Failed to find first record.\n");

  printf("First record of database had address %p.\n", firstrec);
  /* Let's check what the next record is to demonstrate scanning records. */
  nextrec = firstrec;
  lock_id = wg_start_read(db);
  do {
    nextrec = wg_get_next_record(db, nextrec);
      printf("Next record had address %p.\n", nextrec);   
  } while(nextrec);
  printf("Finished scanning database records.\n");
  wg_end_read(db, lock_id);
  /* Set fields to various values. Field 0 is not touched at all (un-
   * initialized). Field 1 is set to point to another record.

  printf("Populating second record with data.\n");

  /* Let's use the first record we found to demonstrate storing
   * a link to a record in a field inside another record. */
  lock_id = wg_start_write(db);
  enc = wg_encode_record(db, firstrec);
  wg_set_field(db, rec, 1, enc);
  wg_end_write(db, lock_id);

  /* Now set other fields to various data types. To keep the example shorter,
   * the locking and unlocking operations are omitted (in real applications,
   * this would be incorrect usage if concurrent access is expected).

  wg_set_field(db, rec, 2, wg_encode_str(db, "This is a char array", NULL));
  wg_set_field(db, rec, 3, wg_encode_char(db, 'a'));

  /* For time and date, we use current time in local timezone */
  enc = wg_encode_date(db, wg_current_localdate(db));
  if(enc==WG_ILLEGAL) {
    printf("failed to encode date.\n");
  wg_set_field(db, rec, 4, enc);

  enc = wg_encode_time(db, wg_current_localtime(db));
  if(enc==WG_ILLEGAL) {
    printf("failed to encode time.\n");
  wg_set_field(db, rec, 5, enc);

  /* Now read and print all the fields. */
  wg_print_record(db, (wg_int *) rec);   

  /* Date and time can be handled together as a datetime object. */
  datedata = wg_decode_date(db, wg_get_field(db, rec, 4));
  timedata = wg_decode_time(db, wg_get_field(db, rec, 5));
  wg_strf_iso_datetime(db, datedata, timedata, strbuf);
  printf("Reading datetime: %s.\n", strbuf);
  printf("Setting date and time to 2010-03-31, 12:59\n");

  /* Update date and time to arbitrary values using wg_strp_iso_date/time */
  wg_set_field(db, rec, 4,
    wg_encode_date(db, wg_strp_iso_date(db, "2010-03-31")));
  wg_set_field(db, rec, 5,
    wg_encode_time(db, wg_strp_iso_time(db, "12:59:00.33")));

  printf("Dumping the contents of the database:\n");

  printf("********* Demo ended ************\n");
Esempio n. 2
char* sprint_value(void *db, wg_int enc, char **buf, int *bufsize, char **bptr,
                 int format, int showid, int depth, int maxdepth, int strenc) {
  wg_int *ptrdata;
  int intdata,strl,strl1,strl2;
  char *strdata, *exdata;
  double doubledata;
  char strbuf[80]; // tmp area for dates
  int limit=MIN_STRLEN;

  switch(wg_get_encoded_type(db, enc)) {
    case WG_NULLTYPE:
      str_guarantee_space(buf, bufsize, bptr, MIN_STRLEN);
      if (format!=0) {
        // json
        snprintf(*bptr, limit, JS_NULL);
        return *bptr+strlen(*bptr);
      return *bptr;
      str_guarantee_space(buf, bufsize, bptr, MIN_STRLEN);
      if (!format || depth>=maxdepth) {
        snprintf(*bptr, limit,"%d", (int)enc); // record offset (i.e. id)
        return *bptr+strlen(*bptr);
      } else {
        // recursive print
        ptrdata = wg_decode_record(db, enc);
        return *bptr;
    case WG_INTTYPE:
      intdata = wg_decode_int(db, enc);
      str_guarantee_space(buf, bufsize, bptr, MIN_STRLEN);
      snprintf(*bptr, limit, "%d", intdata);
      return *bptr+strlen(*bptr);
      doubledata = wg_decode_double(db, enc);
      str_guarantee_space(buf, bufsize, bptr, MIN_STRLEN);
      snprintf(*bptr, limit, DOUBLE_FORMAT, doubledata);
      return *bptr+strlen(*bptr);
      doubledata = wg_decode_fixpoint(db, enc);
      str_guarantee_space(buf, bufsize, bptr, MIN_STRLEN);
      snprintf(*bptr, limit, DOUBLE_FORMAT, doubledata);
      return *bptr+strlen(*bptr);
    case WG_STRTYPE:
      strdata = wg_decode_str(db, enc);
      exdata = wg_decode_str_lang(db,enc);
      if (strdata!=NULL) strl1=strlen(strdata);
      else strl1=0;
      if (exdata!=NULL) strl2=strlen(exdata);
      else strl2=0;
      str_guarantee_space(buf, bufsize, bptr, MIN_STRLEN+STRLEN_FACTOR*(strl1+strl2));
      if (exdata!=NULL) {
        snprintf(*bptr+strl1+1,limit,"@%s\"", exdata);
      return *bptr+strlen(*bptr);
    case WG_URITYPE:
      strdata = wg_decode_uri(db, enc);
      exdata = wg_decode_uri_prefix(db, enc);
      if (strdata!=NULL) strl1=strlen(strdata);
      else strl1=0;
      if (exdata!=NULL) strl2=strlen(exdata);
      else strl2=0;
      str_guarantee_space(buf, bufsize, bptr, limit);
      if (exdata==NULL)
        snprintf(*bptr, limit, "\"%s\"", strdata);
        snprintf(*bptr, limit, "\"%s:%s\"", exdata, strdata);
      return *bptr+strlen(*bptr);
      strdata = wg_decode_xmlliteral(db, enc);
      exdata = wg_decode_xmlliteral_xsdtype(db, enc);
      if (strdata!=NULL) strl1=strlen(strdata);
      else strl1=0;
      if (exdata!=NULL) strl2=strlen(exdata);
      else strl2=0;
      str_guarantee_space(buf, bufsize, bptr, limit);
      snprintf(*bptr, limit, "\"%s:%s\"", exdata, strdata);
      return *bptr+strlen(*bptr);
    case WG_CHARTYPE:
      intdata = wg_decode_char(db, enc);
      str_guarantee_space(buf, bufsize, bptr, MIN_STRLEN);
      snprintf(*bptr, limit, "\"%c\"", (char) intdata);
      return *bptr+strlen(*bptr);
    case WG_DATETYPE:
      intdata = wg_decode_date(db, enc);
      str_guarantee_space(buf, bufsize, bptr, MIN_STRLEN);
      snprintf(*bptr, limit, "\"%s\"",strbuf);
      return *bptr+strlen(*bptr);
    case WG_TIMETYPE:
      intdata = wg_decode_time(db, enc);
      str_guarantee_space(buf, bufsize, bptr, MIN_STRLEN);
      snprintf(*bptr, limit, "\"%s\"",strbuf+11);
      return *bptr+strlen(*bptr);
    case WG_VARTYPE:
      intdata = wg_decode_var(db, enc);
      str_guarantee_space(buf, bufsize, bptr, MIN_STRLEN);
      snprintf(*bptr, limit, "\"?%d\"", intdata);
      return *bptr+strlen(*bptr);
    case WG_BLOBTYPE:
      strdata = wg_decode_blob(db, enc);
      strl=wg_decode_blob_len(db, enc);
      str_guarantee_space(buf, bufsize, bptr, limit);
      return *bptr+strlen(*bptr);
      str_guarantee_space(buf, bufsize, bptr, MIN_STRLEN);
      snprintf(*bptr, limit, JS_TYPE_ERR);
      return *bptr+strlen(*bptr);