bool getFilteredData( string rows, string table, ocString filterTemplate, string defaultSort = "", string groupBy = "", string countTable = "" ) // for cases where grouping limits the real count. { string sql = "select count(*) from "; sql += countTable.length()?countTable:table; sql += whereClause( filterTemplate ); webIO << "<!--" << sql << "-->"; opened =; if( opened ) { recCount = atol(rs.getField(0).format().c_str()); maxPageFixup(); rs.close(); } sql = "select "; sql += rows; sql += " from "; sql += table; sql += whereClause( filterTemplate ); if( groupBy.length() ) { sql += " group by "; sql += groupBy; } if( sort.length() && rows.find(sort) != string::npos) { sql += " order by "; sql += sort; sql += " "; sql += direction; } else if ( defaultSort.length() ) { sql += " order by "; sql += defaultSort; } sql += limitClause(); webIO << "<!--" << sql << "-->"; opened =; if( opened ) { dsetCount = rs.getRecordCount(); } return opened; }
void SimpleDBStorage::save(QString table) { if (!setting->isChanged()) return; MSqlBindings bindings; QString querystr = QString("SELECT * FROM " + table + " WHERE " + whereClause(bindings) + ";"); MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon()); query.prepare(querystr); query.bindValues(bindings); if (!query.exec()) { MythContext::DBError("SimpleDBStorage::save() query", query); return; } if (query.isActive() && { // Row already exists // Don"t change this QString. See the CVS logs rev 1.91. MSqlBindings bindings; querystr = QString("UPDATE " + table + " SET " + setClause(bindings) + " WHERE " + whereClause(bindings) + ";"); query.prepare(querystr); query.bindValues(bindings); if (!query.exec()) MythContext::DBError("SimpleDBStorage::save() update", query); } else { // Row does not exist yet MSqlBindings bindings; querystr = QString("INSERT INTO " + table + " SET " + setClause(bindings) + ";"); query.prepare(querystr); query.bindValues(bindings); if (!query.exec()) MythContext::DBError("SimpleDBStorage::save() insert", query); } }
void SimpleDBStorage::load(void) { MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon()); MSqlBindings bindings; query.prepare( "SELECT " + column + " " "FROM " + table + " " + "WHERE " + whereClause(bindings)); query.bindValues(bindings); if (!query.exec() || !query.isActive()) { MythContext::DBError("SimpleDBStorage::load()", query); } else if ( { QString result = query.value(0).toString(); if (!result.isNull()) { result = QString::fromUtf8(query.value(0).toString()); setting->setValue(result); setting->setUnchanged(); } } }
OGRErr AOLayer::SetAttributeFilter( const char* pszQuery ) { if( pszQuery == NULL ) { CComBSTR whereClause(_T("")); m_ipQF->put_WhereClause(whereClause); } else { CComBSTR whereClause(pszQuery); m_ipQF->put_WhereClause(whereClause); } ResetReading(); return OGRERR_NONE; }
bool IDBIndexBackendImpl::addingKeyAllowed(IDBKey* key) { if (!m_unique) return true; SQLiteStatement query(sqliteDatabase(), "SELECT id FROM IndexData " + whereClause(key)); bool ok = query.prepare() == SQLResultOk; ASSERT_UNUSED(ok, ok); // FIXME: Better error handling? bindWhereClause(query, m_id, key); bool existingValue = query.step() == SQLResultRow; return !existingValue; }
void IDBObjectStoreBackendImpl::remove(PassRefPtr<IDBKey> key, PassRefPtr<IDBCallbacks> callbacks) { SQLiteStatement query(sqliteDatabase(), "DELETE FROM ObjectStoreData " + whereClause(key->type())); bool ok = query.prepare() == SQLResultOk; ASSERT_UNUSED(ok, ok); // FIXME: Better error handling? bindWhereClause(query, m_id, key.get()); if (query.step() != SQLResultDone) { callbacks->onError(IDBDatabaseError::create(IDBDatabaseException::NOT_FOUND_ERR, "Key does not exist in the object store.")); return; } callbacks->onSuccess(); }
bool DatabaseController::UpdateEntry(string table, vector<dbDataPair> data, dbDataPair WhereClause, string &output) { string querey = ("UPDATE " + table + " SET "); string whereClause(" WHERE " + WhereClause.first + "= \""+ WhereClause.second +"\""); for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { querey += (data[i].first + "= \""+ data[i].second +"\""); if (i < data.size() - 1) { querey += ","; } } return db->executeSQL(querey + whereClause, output); }
// ***************************************************************************** // * * // * Function: transferObjectPrivs * // * * // * Transfers object privs from current owner to new owner. * // * * // ***************************************************************************** // * * // * Parameters: * // * * // * <systemCatalogName> const char * In * // * is the location of the system catalog. * // * * // * <catalogName> const char * In * // * is the catalog of the schema whose objects are getting a new owner. * // * * // * <schemaName> const char * In * // * is the schema whose objects are getting a new owner. * // * * // * <newOwnerID> const int32_t In * // * is the ID of the new owner for the objects. * // * * // * <newOwnerName const char * In * // * is the database username or role name of the new owner for the objects.* // * * // ***************************************************************************** // * * // * Returns: bool * // * * // * true: Privileges for object(s) transferred to new owner. * // * false: Privileges for object(s) NOT transferred to new owner. * // * * // ***************************************************************************** static bool transferObjectPrivs( const char * systemCatalogName, const char * catalogName, const char * schemaName, const int32_t newOwnerID, const char * newOwnerName) { PrivStatus privStatus = STATUS_GOOD; // Initiate the privilege manager interface class NAString privMgrMDLoc; CONCAT_CATSCH(privMgrMDLoc,systemCatalogName,SEABASE_PRIVMGR_SCHEMA); PrivMgrCommands privInterface(std::string(,CmpCommon::diags()); std::vector<UIDAndOwner> objectRows; std::string whereClause(" WHERE catalogName = "); whereClause += catalogName; whereClause += " AND schema_name = "; whereClause += schemaName; std::string orderByClause(" ORDER BY OBJECT_OWNER"); std::string metadataLocation(systemCatalogName); metadataLocation += "."; metadataLocation += SEABASE_MD_SCHEMA; PrivMgrObjects objects(metadataLocation,CmpCommon::diags()); privStatus = objects.fetchUIDandOwner(whereClause,orderByClause,objectRows); if (privStatus != STATUS_GOOD || objectRows.size() == 0) return false; int32_t lastOwner = objectRows[0].ownerID; std::vector<int64_t> objectUIDs; for (size_t i = 0; i < objectRows.size(); i++) { if (objectRows[i].ownerID != lastOwner) { privStatus = privInterface.givePrivForObjects(lastOwner, newOwnerID, newOwnerName, objectUIDs); objectUIDs.clear(); } objectUIDs.push_back(objectRows[i].UID); lastOwner = objectRows[i].ownerID; } privStatus = privInterface.givePrivForObjects(lastOwner, newOwnerID, newOwnerName, objectUIDs); return true; }
void IDBObjectStoreBackendImpl::openCursor(PassRefPtr<IDBKeyRange> range, unsigned short direction, PassRefPtr<IDBCallbacks> callbacks) { // FIXME: Fully implement. RefPtr<IDBKey> key = range->left(); SQLiteStatement query(sqliteDatabase(), "SELECT id, value FROM ObjectStoreData " + whereClause(key->type())); bool ok = query.prepare() == SQLResultOk; ASSERT_UNUSED(ok, ok); // FIXME: Better error handling? bindWhereClause(query, m_id, key.get()); if (query.step() != SQLResultRow) { callbacks->onSuccess(); return; } RefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> value = SerializedScriptValue::createFromWire(query.getColumnText(1)); RefPtr<IDBCursorBackendInterface> cursor = IDBCursorBackendImpl::create(this, range, static_cast<IDBCursor::Direction>(direction), key.release(), value.release()); callbacks->onSuccess(cursor.release()); }
void IDBObjectStoreBackendImpl::put(PassRefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> prpValue, PassRefPtr<IDBKey> prpKey, bool addOnly, PassRefPtr<IDBCallbacks> callbacks) { RefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> value = prpValue; RefPtr<IDBKey> key = prpKey; if (!m_keyPath.isNull()) { if (key) { callbacks->onError(IDBDatabaseError::create(IDBDatabaseException::UNKNOWN_ERR, "A key was supplied for an objectStore that has a keyPath.")); return; } Vector<RefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> > values; values.append(value); Vector<RefPtr<IDBKey> > idbKeys; IDBKeyPathBackendImpl::createIDBKeysFromSerializedValuesAndKeyPath(values, m_keyPath, idbKeys); if (idbKeys.isEmpty()) { callbacks->onError(IDBDatabaseError::create(IDBDatabaseException::UNKNOWN_ERR, "An invalid keyPath was supplied for an objectStore.")); return; } key = idbKeys[0]; } if (!key) { callbacks->onError(IDBDatabaseError::create(IDBDatabaseException::DATA_ERR, "No key supplied.")); return; } SQLiteStatement getQuery(sqliteDatabase(), "SELECT id FROM ObjectStoreData " + whereClause(key->type())); bool ok = getQuery.prepare() == SQLResultOk; ASSERT_UNUSED(ok, ok); // FIXME: Better error handling? bindWhereClause(getQuery, m_id, key.get()); bool existingValue = getQuery.step() == SQLResultRow; if (addOnly && existingValue) { callbacks->onError(IDBDatabaseError::create(IDBDatabaseException::CONSTRAINT_ERR, "Key already exists in the object store.")); return; } String sql = existingValue ? "UPDATE ObjectStoreData SET keyString = ?, keyDate = ?, keyNumber = ?, value = ? WHERE id = ?" : "INSERT INTO ObjectStoreData (keyString, keyDate, keyNumber, value, objectStoreId) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; SQLiteStatement putQuery(sqliteDatabase(), sql); ok = putQuery.prepare() == SQLResultOk; ASSERT_UNUSED(ok, ok); // FIXME: Better error handling? switch (key->type()) { case IDBKey::StringType: putQuery.bindText(1, key->string()); putQuery.bindNull(2); putQuery.bindNull(3); break; // FIXME: Implement date. case IDBKey::NumberType: putQuery.bindNull(1); putQuery.bindNull(2); putQuery.bindInt(3, key->number()); break; case IDBKey::NullType: putQuery.bindNull(1); putQuery.bindNull(2); putQuery.bindNull(3); break; default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } putQuery.bindText(4, value->toWireString()); if (existingValue) putQuery.bindInt(5, getQuery.getColumnInt(0)); else putQuery.bindInt64(5, m_id); ok = putQuery.step() == SQLResultDone; ASSERT_UNUSED(ok, ok); // FIXME: Better error handling? callbacks->onSuccess(key.get()); }
void IDBObjectStoreBackendImpl::get(PassRefPtr<IDBKey> key, PassRefPtr<IDBCallbacks> callbacks) { SQLiteStatement query(sqliteDatabase(), "SELECT keyString, keyDate, keyNumber, value FROM ObjectStoreData " + whereClause(key->type())); bool ok = query.prepare() == SQLResultOk; ASSERT_UNUSED(ok, ok); // FIXME: Better error handling? bindWhereClause(query, m_id, key.get()); if (query.step() != SQLResultRow) { callbacks->onError(IDBDatabaseError::create(IDBDatabaseException::NOT_FOUND_ERR, "Key does not exist in the object store.")); return; } ASSERT((key->type() == IDBKey::StringType) != query.isColumnNull(0)); // FIXME: Implement date. ASSERT((key->type() == IDBKey::NumberType) != query.isColumnNull(2)); callbacks->onSuccess(SerializedScriptValue::createFromWire(query.getColumnText(3))); ASSERT(query.step() != SQLResultRow); }
void SqliteTableModel::updateFilter(int column, const QString& value, bool applyQuery) { // Check for any special comparison operators at the beginning of the value string. If there are none default to LIKE. QString op = "LIKE"; QString val, val2; QString escape; bool numeric = false, ok = false; // range/BETWEEN operator if (value.contains("~")) { int sepIdx = value.indexOf('~'); val = value.mid(0, sepIdx); val2 = value.mid(sepIdx+1); val.toFloat(&ok); if (ok) { val2.toFloat(&ok); ok = ok && (val.toFloat() < val2.toFloat()); } } if (ok) { op = "BETWEEN"; numeric = true; } else { val.clear(); val2.clear(); if(value.left(2) == ">=" || value.left(2) == "<=" || value.left(2) == "<>") { // Check if we're filtering for '<> NULL'. In this case we need a special comparison operator. if(value.left(2) == "<>" && value.mid(2) == "NULL") { // We are filtering for '<>NULL'. Override the comparison operator to search for NULL values in this column. Also treat search value (NULL) as number, // in order to avoid putting quotes around it. op = "IS NOT"; numeric = true; val = "NULL"; } else if(value.left(2) == "<>" && value.mid(2) == "''") { // We are filtering for "<>''", i.e. for everything which is not an empty string op = "<>"; numeric = true; val = "''"; } else { value.mid(2).toFloat(&numeric); op = value.left(2); val = value.mid(2); } } else if(value.left(1) == ">" || value.left(1) == "<") { value.mid(1).toFloat(&numeric); op = value.left(1); val = value.mid(1); } else if(value.left(1) == "=") { val = value.mid(1); // Check if value to compare with is 'NULL' if(val != "NULL") { // It's not, so just compare normally to the value, whatever it is. op = "="; } else { // It is NULL. Override the comparison operator to search for NULL values in this column. Also treat search value (NULL) as number, // in order to avoid putting quotes around it. op = "IS"; numeric = true; } } else { // Keep the default LIKE operator // Set the escape character if one has been specified in the settings dialog QString escape_character = Settings::getValue("databrowser", "filter_escape").toString(); if(escape_character == "'") escape_character = "''"; if(escape_character.length()) escape = QString("ESCAPE '%1'").arg(escape_character); // Add % wildcards at the start and at the beginning of the filter query, but only if there weren't set any // wildcards manually. The idea is to assume that a user who's just typing characters expects the wildcards to // be added but a user who adds them herself knows what she's doing and doesn't want us to mess up her query. if(!value.contains("%")) { val = value; val.prepend('%'); val.append('%'); } } } if(val.isEmpty()) val = value; // If the value was set to an empty string remove any filter for this column. Otherwise insert a new filter rule or replace the old one if there is already one if(val == "" || val == "%" || val == "%%") m_mWhere.remove(column); else { // Quote and escape value, but only if it's not numeric and not the empty string sequence if(!numeric && val != "''") val = QString("'%1'").arg(val.replace("'", "''")); QString whereClause(op + " " + QString(encode(val.toUtf8()))); if (!val2.isEmpty()) whereClause += " AND " + QString(encode(val2.toUtf8())); whereClause += " " + escape; m_mWhere.insert(column, whereClause); } // Build the new query if (applyQuery) buildQuery(); }
void IDBObjectStoreBackendImpl::deleteInternal(ScriptExecutionContext*, PassRefPtr<IDBObjectStoreBackendImpl> objectStore, PassRefPtr<IDBKey> key, PassRefPtr<IDBCallbacks> callbacks) { SQLiteStatement idQuery(objectStore->sqliteDatabase(), "SELECT id FROM ObjectStoreData " + whereClause(key.get())); bool ok = idQuery.prepare() == SQLResultOk; ASSERT_UNUSED(ok, ok); // FIXME: Better error handling? bindWhereClause(idQuery, objectStore->id(), key.get()); if (idQuery.step() != SQLResultRow) { callbacks->onError(IDBDatabaseError::create(IDBDatabaseException::NOT_FOUND_ERR, "Key does not exist in the object store.")); return; } int64_t id = idQuery.getColumnInt64(0); SQLiteStatement osQuery(objectStore->sqliteDatabase(), "DELETE FROM ObjectStoreData WHERE id = ?"); ok = osQuery.prepare() == SQLResultOk; ASSERT_UNUSED(ok, ok); // FIXME: Better error handling? osQuery.bindInt64(1, id); ok = osQuery.step() == SQLResultDone; ASSERT_UNUSED(ok, ok); SQLiteStatement indexQuery(objectStore->sqliteDatabase(), "DELETE FROM IndexData WHERE objectStoreDataId = ?"); ok = indexQuery.prepare() == SQLResultOk; ASSERT_UNUSED(ok, ok); // FIXME: Better error handling? indexQuery.bindInt64(1, id); ok = indexQuery.step() == SQLResultDone; ASSERT_UNUSED(ok, ok); callbacks->onSuccess(); }
void IDBObjectStoreBackendImpl::putInternal(ScriptExecutionContext*, PassRefPtr<IDBObjectStoreBackendImpl> objectStore, PassRefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> prpValue, PassRefPtr<IDBKey> prpKey, bool addOnly, PassRefPtr<IDBCallbacks> callbacks, PassRefPtr<IDBTransactionBackendInterface> transaction) { RefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> value = prpValue; RefPtr<IDBKey> key = prpKey; // FIXME: Support auto-increment. if (!objectStore->m_keyPath.isNull()) { if (key) { callbacks->onError(IDBDatabaseError::create(IDBDatabaseException::UNKNOWN_ERR, "A key was supplied for an objectStore that has a keyPath.")); return; } key = fetchKeyFromKeyPath(value.get(), objectStore->m_keyPath); if (!key) { callbacks->onError(IDBDatabaseError::create(IDBDatabaseException::UNKNOWN_ERR, "The key could not be fetched from the keyPath.")); return; } } else if (!key) { callbacks->onError(IDBDatabaseError::create(IDBDatabaseException::DATA_ERR, "No key supplied.")); return; } if (key->type() == IDBKey::NullType) { callbacks->onError(IDBDatabaseError::create(IDBDatabaseException::DATA_ERR, "NULL key is not allowed.")); return; } Vector<RefPtr<IDBKey> > indexKeys; for (IndexMap::iterator it = objectStore->m_indexes.begin(); it != objectStore->m_indexes.end(); ++it) { RefPtr<IDBKey> key = fetchKeyFromKeyPath(value.get(), it->second->keyPath()); if (!key) { callbacks->onError(IDBDatabaseError::create(IDBDatabaseException::UNKNOWN_ERR, "The key could not be fetched from an index's keyPath.")); return; } if (key->type() == IDBKey::NullType) { callbacks->onError(IDBDatabaseError::create(IDBDatabaseException::DATA_ERR, "One of the derived (from a keyPath) keys for an index is NULL.")); return; } if (!it->second->addingKeyAllowed(key.get())) { callbacks->onError(IDBDatabaseError::create(IDBDatabaseException::UNKNOWN_ERR, "One of the derived (from a keyPath) keys for an index does not satisfy its uniqueness requirements.")); return; } indexKeys.append(key.release()); } SQLiteStatement getQuery(objectStore->sqliteDatabase(), "SELECT id FROM ObjectStoreData " + whereClause(key.get())); bool ok = getQuery.prepare() == SQLResultOk; ASSERT_UNUSED(ok, ok); // FIXME: Better error handling? bindWhereClause(getQuery, objectStore->id(), key.get()); bool isExistingValue = getQuery.step() == SQLResultRow; if (addOnly && isExistingValue) { callbacks->onError(IDBDatabaseError::create(IDBDatabaseException::CONSTRAINT_ERR, "Key already exists in the object store.")); return; } // Before this point, don't do any mutation. After this point, rollback the transaction in case of error. int64_t dataRowId = isExistingValue ? getQuery.getColumnInt(0) : InvalidId; if (!putObjectStoreData(objectStore->sqliteDatabase(), key.get(), value.get(), objectStore->id(), dataRowId)) { // FIXME: The Indexed Database specification does not have an error code dedicated to I/O errors. callbacks->onError(IDBDatabaseError::create(IDBDatabaseException::UNKNOWN_ERR, "Error writing data to stable storage.")); transaction->abort(); return; } if (!deleteIndexData(objectStore->sqliteDatabase(), dataRowId)) { // FIXME: The Indexed Database specification does not have an error code dedicated to I/O errors. callbacks->onError(IDBDatabaseError::create(IDBDatabaseException::UNKNOWN_ERR, "Error writing data to stable storage.")); transaction->abort(); return; } int i = 0; for (IndexMap::iterator it = objectStore->m_indexes.begin(); it != objectStore->m_indexes.end(); ++it, ++i) { if (!putIndexData(objectStore->sqliteDatabase(), indexKeys[i].get(), it->second->id(), dataRowId)) { // FIXME: The Indexed Database specification does not have an error code dedicated to I/O errors. callbacks->onError(IDBDatabaseError::create(IDBDatabaseException::UNKNOWN_ERR, "Error writing data to stable storage.")); transaction->abort(); return; } } callbacks->onSuccess(key.get()); }