Esempio n. 1
void widgetResizeImpl(widget *self, int w, int h)
	const size minSize = widgetGetMinSize(self);
	const size maxSize = widgetGetMaxSize(self);

	// Create an event
	eventResize evtResize;
	evtResize.event = widgetCreateEvent(EVT_RESIZE);

	// Save the current size in the event
	evtResize.oldSize = self->size;

	assert(minSize.x <= w);
	assert(minSize.y <= h);
	assert(w <= maxSize.x);
	assert(h <= maxSize.y);

	self->size.x = w;
	self->size.y = h;

	// Re-create the cairo context at this new size
	widgetCairoCreate(&self->cr, CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, w, h);

	// If a mask is enabled; re-create it also
	if (self->maskEnabled)
		widgetCairoCreate(&self->maskCr, CAIRO_FORMAT_A1, w, h);

		// Re-draw the mask (only done on resize)

	// If OpenGL is enabled disable and re-enable it
	if (self->openGLEnabled)

	// Set the needs redraw flag
	self->needsRedraw = true;

	// If we have any children, we need to redo their layout
	if (vectorSize(self->children))

	// Fire any EVT_RESIZE callbacks
	widgetFireCallbacks(self, (event *) &evtResize);
Esempio n. 2
 * Computes the minimum row/column size for each row/column in the table. It is
 * important to note that the widths/heights are inclusive of padding. Therefore
 * all but the rightmost column and bottom row will have either self->rowPadding
 * or self->columnPadding added onto their sizes.
 * @param self  The table to get the minimum cell sizes of.
 * @param minRowHeight  The array to place the minimum row heights for the table
 *                      into; assumed to be tableGetRowCount(self) in size.
 * @param minColumnWidth    The array to place the minimum column widths for the
 *                          table into; assumed to be tableGetColumnCount(self)
 *                          in size.
static void tableGetMinimumCellSizes(const table *self, int *minRowHeight,
                                     int *minColumnWidth)
	int i;
	int spanningIndex;
	const int numChildren = vectorSize(WIDGET(self)->children);
	const int numRows = tableGetRowCount(self);
	const int numColumns = tableGetColumnCount(self);
	size *minChildSize = alloca(sizeof(size) * numChildren);
	// Zero the min row/column sizes
	memset(minRowHeight, '\0', sizeof(int) * numRows);
	memset(minColumnWidth, '\0', sizeof(int) * numColumns);
	// Get the minimum row/column sizes for single-spanning cells
	for (i = 0; i < numChildren; i++)
		const childPositionInfo *pos = vectorAt(self->childPositions, i);
		const int row = pos->row - 1;
		const int col  = pos->column - 1;
		// Get the minmum size of the cell
		minChildSize[i] = widgetGetMinSize(vectorAt(WIDGET(self)->children, i));
		// Take cell padding into account where appropriate
		if (pos->column < numColumns)
			minChildSize[i].x += self->columnPadding;
		if (pos->row < numRows)
			minChildSize[i].y += self->rowPadding;
		// If the row has a rowspan of 1; see if it is the highest thus far
		if (pos->rowspan == 1)
			minRowHeight[row] = MAX(minRowHeight[row], minChildSize[i].y);
		// If the column has a colspan of 1; see if it is the widest thus far
		if (pos->colspan == 1)
			minColumnWidth[col] = MAX(minColumnWidth[col], minChildSize[i].x);
	// Handle spanning rows
	while ((spanningIndex = tableGetMostOversizedRow(self,
	                                                 minChildSize)) != -1)
		int i;
		const childPositionInfo *pos = vectorAt(self->childPositions, spanningIndex);
		// Calculate how much larger we need to make the spanned rows
		int delta = minChildSize[spanningIndex].y - tablePartialSum(minRowHeight,
																	pos->row - 1,
		// Loop over the rows spanned increasing their height by 1
		for (i = pos->row; delta; i = pos->row + (i + 1) % pos->rowspan, delta--)
	// Handle spanning columns
	while ((spanningIndex = tableGetMostOversizedColumn(self,
	                                                    minChildSize)) != -1)
		int i;
		const childPositionInfo *pos = vectorAt(self->childPositions, spanningIndex);
		// Calculate how much larger we need to make the spanned columns
		int delta = minChildSize[spanningIndex].x - tablePartialSum(minColumnWidth, 
		                                                            pos->column - 1,
		for (i = pos->column; delta; i = pos->column + (i + 1) % pos->colspan, delta--)