Esempio n. 1
 *           server_init_process_done
NTSTATUS server_init_process_done(void)
    PEB *peb = NtCurrentTeb()->Peb;
    IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *nt = RtlImageNtHeader( peb->ImageBaseAddress );
    NTSTATUS status;

    /* Install signal handlers; this cannot be done earlier, since we cannot
     * send exceptions to the debugger before the create process event that
     * is sent by REQ_INIT_PROCESS_DONE.
     * We do need the handlers in place by the time the request is over, so
     * we set them up here. If we segfault between here and the server call
     * something is very wrong... */

    /* Signal the parent process to continue */
    SERVER_START_REQ( init_process_done )
        req->module   = wine_server_client_ptr( peb->ImageBaseAddress );
#ifdef __i386__
        req->ldt_copy = wine_server_client_ptr( &wine_ldt_copy );
        req->entry    = wine_server_client_ptr( (char *)peb->ImageBaseAddress + nt->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint );
        req->gui      = (nt->OptionalHeader.Subsystem != IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI);
        status = wine_server_call( req );

    return status;
Esempio n. 2
 *           SetWinEventHook                            [USER32.@]
 * Set up an event hook for a set of events.
 *  event_min [I] Lowest event handled by pfnProc
 *  event_max [I] Highest event handled by pfnProc
 *  inst      [I] DLL containing pfnProc
 *  proc      [I] Callback event hook function
 *  pid       [I] Process to get events from, or 0 for all processes
 *  tid       [I] Thread to get events from, or 0 for all threads
 *  flags     [I] Flags indicating the status of pfnProc
 *  Success: A handle representing the hook.
 *  Failure: A NULL handle.
HWINEVENTHOOK WINAPI SetWinEventHook(DWORD event_min, DWORD event_max,
                                     HMODULE inst, WINEVENTPROC proc,
                                     DWORD pid, DWORD tid, DWORD flags)
    HWINEVENTHOOK handle = 0;
    WCHAR module[MAX_PATH];
    DWORD len;

    TRACE("%d,%d,%p,%p,%08x,%04x,%08x\n", event_min, event_max, inst,
          proc, pid, tid, flags);

    if (inst)
        if (!(len = GetModuleFileNameW(inst, module, MAX_PATH)) || len >= MAX_PATH)
            inst = 0;

    if ((flags & WINEVENT_INCONTEXT) && !inst)
        return 0;

    if (event_min > event_max)
        return 0;

    /* FIXME: what if the tid or pid belongs to another process? */
    if (tid)  /* thread-local hook */
        inst = 0;

    SERVER_START_REQ( set_hook )
        req->id        = WH_WINEVENT;
        req->pid       = pid;
        req->tid       = tid;
        req->event_min = event_min;
        req->event_max = event_max;
        req->flags     = flags;
        req->unicode   = 1;
        if (inst) /* make proc relative to the module base */
            req->proc = wine_server_client_ptr( (void *)((char *)proc - (char *)inst) );
            wine_server_add_data( req, module, strlenW(module) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
        else req->proc = wine_server_client_ptr( proc );

        if (!wine_server_call_err( req ))
            handle = wine_server_ptr_handle( reply->handle );
            get_user_thread_info()->active_hooks = reply->active_hooks;

    TRACE("-> %p\n", handle);
    return handle;
Esempio n. 3
 *           server_init_thread
 * Send an init thread request. Return 0 if OK.
size_t server_init_thread( int unix_pid, int unix_tid, void *entry_point )
    int ret;
    int reply_pipe[2];
    struct sigaction sig_act;
    size_t info_size;

    sig_act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
    sig_act.sa_flags   = 0;
    sigemptyset( &sig_act.sa_mask );

    /* ignore SIGPIPE so that we get an EPIPE error instead  */
    sigaction( SIGPIPE, &sig_act, NULL );
    /* automatic child reaping to avoid zombies */
    sig_act.sa_flags |= SA_NOCLDWAIT;
    sigaction( SIGCHLD, &sig_act, NULL );

    /* create the server->client communication pipes */
    if (pipe( reply_pipe ) == -1) server_protocol_perror( "pipe" );
    if (pipe( ntdll_get_thread_data()->wait_fd ) == -1) server_protocol_perror( "pipe" );
    wine_server_send_fd( reply_pipe[1] );
    wine_server_send_fd( ntdll_get_thread_data()->wait_fd[1] );
    ntdll_get_thread_data()->reply_fd = reply_pipe[0];
    close( reply_pipe[1] );

    /* set close on exec flag */
    fcntl( ntdll_get_thread_data()->reply_fd, F_SETFD, 1 );
    fcntl( ntdll_get_thread_data()->wait_fd[0], F_SETFD, 1 );
    fcntl( ntdll_get_thread_data()->wait_fd[1], F_SETFD, 1 );

    SERVER_START_REQ( init_thread )
        req->unix_pid    = unix_pid;
        req->unix_tid    = unix_tid;
        req->teb         = wine_server_client_ptr( NtCurrentTeb() );
        req->peb         = wine_server_client_ptr( NtCurrentTeb()->Peb );
        req->entry       = wine_server_client_ptr( entry_point );
        req->reply_fd    = reply_pipe[1];
        req->wait_fd     = ntdll_get_thread_data()->wait_fd[1];
        req->debug_level = (TRACE_ON(server) != 0);
        ret = wine_server_call( req );
        NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess = ULongToHandle(reply->pid);
        NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread  = ULongToHandle(reply->tid);
        info_size         = reply->info_size;
        server_start_time = reply->server_start;

    if (ret) server_protocol_error( "init_thread failed with status %x\n", ret );
    return info_size;
Esempio n. 4
 *		UnhookWindowsHook (USER32.@)
BOOL WINAPI UnhookWindowsHook( INT id, HOOKPROC proc )
    BOOL ret;

    TRACE( "%s %p\n", hook_names[id-WH_MINHOOK], proc );

    SERVER_START_REQ( remove_hook )
        req->handle = 0;
        req->id   = id;
        req->proc = wine_server_client_ptr( proc );
        ret = !wine_server_call_err( req );
        if (ret) get_user_thread_info()->active_hooks = reply->active_hooks;
    if (!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_HOOK_HANDLE );
    return ret;
Esempio n. 5
 *              NtQueueApcThread  (NTDLL.@)
                                  ULONG_PTR arg2, ULONG_PTR arg3 )
    NTSTATUS ret;
    SERVER_START_REQ( queue_apc )
        req->handle = wine_server_obj_handle( handle );
        if (func)
            req->call.type         = APC_USER;
            req->call.user.func    = wine_server_client_ptr( func );
            req->call.user.args[0] = arg1;
            req->call.user.args[1] = arg2;
            req->call.user.args[2] = arg3;
        else req->call.type = APC_NONE;  /* wake up only */
        ret = wine_server_call( req );
    return ret;
Esempio n. 6
 *		set_windows_hook
 * Implementation of SetWindowsHookExA and SetWindowsHookExW.
static HHOOK set_windows_hook( INT id, HOOKPROC proc, HINSTANCE inst, DWORD tid, BOOL unicode )
    HHOOK handle = 0;
    WCHAR module[MAX_PATH];
    DWORD len;

    if (!proc)
        SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_FILTER_PROC );
        return 0;

    if (tid)  /* thread-local hook */
        if (id == WH_JOURNALRECORD ||
                id == WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK ||
                id == WH_KEYBOARD_LL ||
                id == WH_MOUSE_LL ||
                id == WH_SYSMSGFILTER)
            /* these can only be global */
            SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
            return 0;
    else  /* system-global hook */
        if (id == WH_KEYBOARD_LL || id == WH_MOUSE_LL) inst = 0;
        else if (!inst)
            SetLastError( ERROR_HOOK_NEEDS_HMOD );
            return 0;

    if (inst && (!(len = GetModuleFileNameW( inst, module, MAX_PATH )) || len >= MAX_PATH))
        SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER );
        return 0;

    SERVER_START_REQ( set_hook )
        req->id        = id;
        req->pid       = 0;
        req->tid       = tid;
        req->event_min = EVENT_MIN;
        req->event_max = EVENT_MAX;
        req->flags     = WINEVENT_INCONTEXT;
        req->unicode   = unicode;
        if (inst) /* make proc relative to the module base */
            req->proc = wine_server_client_ptr( (void *)((char *)proc - (char *)inst) );
            wine_server_add_data( req, module, strlenW(module) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
        else req->proc = wine_server_client_ptr( proc );

        if (!wine_server_call_err( req ))
            handle = wine_server_ptr_handle( reply->handle );
            get_user_thread_info()->active_hooks = reply->active_hooks;

    TRACE( "%s %p %x -> %p\n", hook_names[id-WH_MINHOOK], proc, tid, handle );
    return handle;
Esempio n. 7
 *              RtlCreateUserThread   (NTDLL.@)
NTSTATUS WINAPI RtlCreateUserThread( HANDLE process, const SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *descr,
                                     BOOLEAN suspended, PVOID stack_addr,
                                     SIZE_T stack_reserve, SIZE_T stack_commit,
                                     PRTL_THREAD_START_ROUTINE start, void *param,
                                     HANDLE *handle_ptr, CLIENT_ID *id )
    sigset_t sigset;
    pthread_t pthread_id;
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    struct ntdll_thread_data *thread_data;
    struct startup_info *info = NULL;
    HANDLE handle = 0, actctx = 0;
    TEB *teb = NULL;
    DWORD tid = 0;
    int request_pipe[2];
    NTSTATUS status;

    if (process != NtCurrentProcess())
        apc_call_t call;
        apc_result_t result;

        memset( &call, 0, sizeof(call) );

        call.create_thread.type    = APC_CREATE_THREAD;
        call.create_thread.func    = wine_server_client_ptr( start );
        call.create_thread.arg     = wine_server_client_ptr( param );
        call.create_thread.reserve = stack_reserve;
        call.create_thread.commit  = stack_commit;
        call.create_thread.suspend = suspended;
        status = server_queue_process_apc( process, &call, &result );
        if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) return status;

        if (result.create_thread.status == STATUS_SUCCESS)
            if (id) id->UniqueThread = ULongToHandle(result.create_thread.tid);
            if (handle_ptr) *handle_ptr = wine_server_ptr_handle( result.create_thread.handle );
            else NtClose( wine_server_ptr_handle( result.create_thread.handle ));
        return result.create_thread.status;

    if (server_pipe( request_pipe ) == -1) return STATUS_TOO_MANY_OPENED_FILES;
    wine_server_send_fd( request_pipe[0] );

    SERVER_START_REQ( new_thread )
        req->access     = THREAD_ALL_ACCESS;
        req->attributes = 0;  /* FIXME */
        req->suspend    = suspended;
        req->request_fd = request_pipe[0];
        if (!(status = wine_server_call( req )))
            handle = wine_server_ptr_handle( reply->handle );
            tid = reply->tid;
        close( request_pipe[0] );

    if (status)
        close( request_pipe[1] );
        return status;

    pthread_sigmask( SIG_BLOCK, &server_block_set, &sigset );

    if ((status = signal_alloc_thread( &teb ))) goto error;

    teb->Peb = NtCurrentTeb()->Peb;
    teb->ClientId.UniqueProcess = ULongToHandle(GetCurrentProcessId());
    teb->ClientId.UniqueThread  = ULongToHandle(tid);
    teb->StaticUnicodeString.Buffer        = teb->StaticUnicodeBuffer;
    teb->StaticUnicodeString.MaximumLength = sizeof(teb->StaticUnicodeBuffer);

    /* create default activation context frame for new thread */
    if (actctx)

        frame = RtlAllocateHeap(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(*frame));
        frame->Previous = NULL;
        frame->ActivationContext = actctx;
        frame->Flags = 0;
        teb->ActivationContextStack.ActiveFrame = frame;


    info = (struct startup_info *)(teb + 1);
    info->teb         = teb;
    info->entry_point = start;
    info->entry_arg   = param;

    thread_data = (struct ntdll_thread_data *)teb->SpareBytes1;
    thread_data->request_fd  = request_pipe[1];
    thread_data->reply_fd    = -1;
    thread_data->wait_fd[0]  = -1;
    thread_data->wait_fd[1]  = -1;

    if ((status = virtual_alloc_thread_stack( teb, stack_reserve, stack_commit ))) goto error;

    pthread_attr_init( &attr );
    pthread_attr_setstack( &attr, teb->DeallocationStack,
                           (char *)teb->Tib.StackBase - (char *)teb->DeallocationStack );
    pthread_attr_setscope( &attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM ); /* force creating a kernel thread */
    interlocked_xchg_add( &nb_threads, 1 );
    if (pthread_create( &pthread_id, &attr, (void * (*)(void *))start_thread, info ))
        interlocked_xchg_add( &nb_threads, -1 );
        pthread_attr_destroy( &attr );
        status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
        goto error;
    pthread_attr_destroy( &attr );
    pthread_sigmask( SIG_SETMASK, &sigset, NULL );

    if (id) id->UniqueThread = ULongToHandle(tid);
    if (handle_ptr) *handle_ptr = handle;
    else NtClose( handle );

    return STATUS_SUCCESS;

    if (teb) signal_free_thread( teb );
    if (handle) NtClose( handle );
    pthread_sigmask( SIG_SETMASK, &sigset, NULL );
    close( request_pipe[1] );
    return status;
Esempio n. 8
 *           server_init_thread
 * Send an init thread request. Return 0 if OK.
size_t server_init_thread( void *entry_point )
    static const int is_win64 = (sizeof(void *) > sizeof(int));
    const char *arch = getenv( "WINEARCH" );
    int ret;
    int reply_pipe[2];
    struct sigaction sig_act;
    size_t info_size;

    sig_act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
    sig_act.sa_flags   = 0;
    sigemptyset( &sig_act.sa_mask );

    /* ignore SIGPIPE so that we get an EPIPE error instead  */
    sigaction( SIGPIPE, &sig_act, NULL );

    /* create the server->client communication pipes */
    if (server_pipe( reply_pipe ) == -1) server_protocol_perror( "pipe" );
    if (server_pipe( ntdll_get_thread_data()->wait_fd ) == -1) server_protocol_perror( "pipe" );
    wine_server_send_fd( reply_pipe[1] );
    wine_server_send_fd( ntdll_get_thread_data()->wait_fd[1] );
    ntdll_get_thread_data()->reply_fd = reply_pipe[0];
    close( reply_pipe[1] );

    SERVER_START_REQ( init_thread )
        req->unix_pid    = getpid();
        req->unix_tid    = get_unix_tid();
        req->teb         = wine_server_client_ptr( NtCurrentTeb() );
        req->entry       = wine_server_client_ptr( entry_point );
        req->reply_fd    = reply_pipe[1];
        req->wait_fd     = ntdll_get_thread_data()->wait_fd[1];
        req->debug_level = (TRACE_ON(server) != 0);
        req->cpu         = client_cpu;
        ret = wine_server_call( req );
        NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess = ULongToHandle(reply->pid);
        NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread  = ULongToHandle(reply->tid);
        info_size         = reply->info_size;
        server_start_time = reply->server_start;
        server_cpus       = reply->all_cpus;

    is_wow64 = !is_win64 && (server_cpus & (1 << CPU_x86_64)) != 0;
    ntdll_get_thread_data()->wow64_redir = is_wow64;

    switch (ret)
        if (arch)
            if (!strcmp( arch, "win32" ) && (is_win64 || is_wow64))
                fatal_error( "WINEARCH set to win32 but '%s' is a 64-bit installation.\n",
                             wine_get_config_dir() );
            if (!strcmp( arch, "win64" ) && !is_win64 && !is_wow64)
                fatal_error( "WINEARCH set to win64 but '%s' is a 32-bit installation.\n",
                             wine_get_config_dir() );
        return info_size;
        fatal_error( "'%s' is a 32-bit installation, it cannot support 64-bit applications.\n",
                     wine_get_config_dir() );
        if (is_win64)
            fatal_error( "wineserver is 32-bit, it cannot support 64-bit applications.\n" );
            fatal_error( "'%s' is a 64-bit installation, it cannot be used with a 32-bit wineserver.\n",
                         wine_get_config_dir() );
        server_protocol_error( "init_thread failed with status %x\n", ret );
Esempio n. 9
 *           OutputDebugStringA   (KERNEL32.@)
 *  Output by an application of an ascii string to a debugger (if attached)
 *  and program log.
 *  str [I] The message to be logged and given to the debugger.
 *  Nothing.
void WINAPI OutputDebugStringA( LPCSTR str )
    static HANDLE DBWinMutex = NULL;
    static BOOL mutex_inited = FALSE;

    if (!str) str = "";

    /* send string to attached debugger */
    SERVER_START_REQ( output_debug_string )
        req->string  = wine_server_client_ptr( str );
        req->length  = strlen(str) + 1;
        wine_server_call( req );

    WARN("%s\n", debugstr_a(str));

    /* send string to a system-wide monitor */
    /* FIXME should only send to monitor if no debuggers are attached */

    if (!mutex_inited)
        /* first call to OutputDebugString, initialize mutex handle */
        static const WCHAR mutexname[] = {'D','B','W','i','n','M','u','t','e','x',0};
        HANDLE mutex = CreateMutexExW( NULL, mutexname, 0, SYNCHRONIZE );
        if (mutex)
            if (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer( &DBWinMutex, mutex, 0 ) != 0)
                /* someone beat us here... */
                CloseHandle( mutex );
        mutex_inited = TRUE;

    if (DBWinMutex)
        static const WCHAR shmname[] = {'D','B','W','I','N','_','B','U','F','F','E','R',0};
        static const WCHAR eventbuffername[] = {'D','B','W','I','N','_','B','U','F','F','E','R','_','R','E','A','D','Y',0};
        static const WCHAR eventdataname[] = {'D','B','W','I','N','_','D','A','T','A','_','R','E','A','D','Y',0};
        HANDLE mapping;

        mapping = OpenFileMappingW( FILE_MAP_WRITE, FALSE, shmname );
        if (mapping)
            LPVOID buffer;
            HANDLE eventbuffer, eventdata;

            buffer = MapViewOfFile( mapping, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0 );
            eventbuffer = OpenEventW( SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, eventbuffername );
            eventdata = OpenEventW( EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, FALSE, eventdataname );

            if (buffer && eventbuffer && eventdata)
                /* monitor is present, synchronize with other OutputDebugString invocations */
                WaitForSingleObject( DBWinMutex, INFINITE );

                /* acquire control over the buffer */
                if (WaitForSingleObject( eventbuffer, 10000 ) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
                    int str_len;
                    struct _mon_buffer_t {
                        DWORD pid;
                        char buffer[1];
                    } *mon_buffer = (struct _mon_buffer_t*) buffer;

                    str_len = strlen( str );
                    if (str_len > (4096 - sizeof(DWORD) - 1))
                        str_len = 4096 - sizeof(DWORD) - 1;

                    mon_buffer->pid = GetCurrentProcessId();
                    memcpy( mon_buffer->buffer, str, str_len );
                    mon_buffer->buffer[str_len] = 0;

                    /* signal data ready */
                    SetEvent( eventdata );
                ReleaseMutex( DBWinMutex );

            if (buffer)
                UnmapViewOfFile( buffer );
            if (eventbuffer)
                CloseHandle( eventbuffer );
            if (eventdata)
                CloseHandle( eventdata );
            CloseHandle( mapping );