void allupdate(Window *w, void*) { Text *t; int i; File *f; t = &w->body; f = t->file; if(f->curtext != t) /* do curtext only */ return; if(f->elog.type == Null) elogterm(f); else if(f->elog.type != Empty){ elogapply(f); if(f->editclean){ f->mod = FALSE; for(i=0; i<f->ntext; i++) f->text[i]->w->dirty = FALSE; } } textsetselect(t, t->q0, t->q1); textscrdraw(t); winsettag(w); }
/* called while row is locked */ void flushrefresh(void) { Refresh *r, *next; Page *p; qlock(&refreshlock); for(r=refreshs; r!=nil; r=next) { p = r->p; if(p->changed==TRUE && p->aborting==FALSE) { p->changed = FALSE; if(p->parent==nil || p->loading==FALSE) pagerender(p); if(!p->refresh.t) pagesetrefresh(p); } if(p->status) { winsetstatus(p->w, p->status); free(p->status); p->status = nil; } winseturl(p->w); winsettag(p->w); decref(p->w); next = r->next; free(r); } refreshs = nil; qunlock(&refreshlock); }
/* this thread, in the main proc, allows fsysproc to get a window made without doing graphics */ void newwindowthread(void*) { Window *w; threadsetname("newwindowthread"); for(;;){ /* only fsysproc is talking to us, so synchronization is trivial */ recvp(cnewwindow); w = makenewwindow(nil); winsettag(w); sendp(cnewwindow, w); } }
/* called while row is locked */ void flushwarnings(void) { Warning *warn, *next; Window *w; Text *t; int owner, nr, q0, n; Rune *r; for(warn=warnings; warn; warn=next) { w = errorwin(warn->md, 'E'); t = &w->body; owner = w->owner; if(owner == 0) w->owner = 'E'; wincommit(w, t); /* * Most commands don't generate much output. For instance, * Edit ,>cat goes through /dev/cons and is already in blocks * because of the i/o system, but a few can. Edit ,p will * put the entire result into a single hunk. So it's worth doing * this in blocks (and putting the text in a buffer in the first * place), to avoid a big memory footprint. */ r = fbufalloc(); q0 = t->file->nc; for(n = 0; n < warn->buf.nc; n += nr){ nr = warn->buf.nc - n; if(nr > RBUFSIZE) nr = RBUFSIZE; bufread(&warn->buf, n, r, nr); textbsinsert(t, t->file->nc, r, nr, TRUE, &nr); } textshow(t, q0, t->file->nc, 1); free(r); winsettag(t->w); textscrdraw(t); w->owner = owner; w->dirty = FALSE; winunlock(w); bufclose(&warn->buf); next = warn->next; if(warn->md) fsysdelid(warn->md); free(warn); } warnings = nil; }
void readfile(Column *c, char *s) { Window *w; Rune rb[256]; int nb, nr; Runestr rs; w = coladd(c, nil, nil, -1); cvttorunes(s, strlen(s), rb, &nb, &nr, nil); rs = cleanrname((Runestr){rb, nr}); winsetname(w, rs.r, rs.nr); textload(&w->body, 0, s, 1); w->body.file->mod = FALSE; w->dirty = FALSE; winsettag(w); textscrdraw(&w->body); textsetselect(&w->tag, w->tag.file->nc, w->tag.file->nc); }
void plumbshow(Plumbmsg *m) { Window *w; Rune rb[256], *r; int nb, nr; Runestr rs; char *name, *p, namebuf[16]; drawtopwindow(); w = makenewwindow(nil); name = plumblookup(m->attr, "filename"); if(name == nil){ name = namebuf; nuntitled++; snprint(namebuf, sizeof namebuf, "Untitled-%d", nuntitled); } p = nil; if(name[0]!='/' && m->wdir!=nil && m->wdir[0]!='\0'){ nb = strlen(m->wdir) + 1 + strlen(name) + 1; p = emalloc(nb); snprint(p, nb, "%s/%s", m->wdir, name); name = p; } cvttorunes(name, strlen(name), rb, &nb, &nr, nil); free(p); rs = cleanrname(runestr(rb, nr)); winsetname(w, rs.r, rs.nr); r = runemalloc(m->ndata); cvttorunes(m->data, m->ndata, r, &nb, &nr, nil); textinsert(&w->body, 0, r, nr, TRUE); free(r); w->body.file->mod = FALSE; w->dirty = FALSE; winsettag(w); textscrdraw(&w->body); textsetselect(&w->tag, w->tag.file->b.nc, w->tag.file->b.nc); xfidlog(w, "new"); }
void readfile(Column *c, char *s) { Window *w; Rune rb[256]; int nr; Runestr rs; w = coladd(c, nil, nil, -1); if(s[0] != '/') runesnprint(rb, sizeof rb, "%s/%s", wdir, s); else runesnprint(rb, sizeof rb, "%s", s); nr = runestrlen(rb); rs = cleanrname(runestr(rb, nr)); winsetname(w, rs.r, rs.nr); textload(&w->body, 0, s, 1); w->body.file->mod = FALSE; w->dirty = FALSE; winsettag(w); winresize(w, w->r, FALSE, TRUE); textscrdraw(&w->body); textsetselect(&w->tag, w->tag.file->b.nc, w->tag.file->b.nc); }
void mousethread(void *v) { Text *t, *argt; int but; uint q0, q1; Window *w; Plumbmsg *pm; Mouse m; char *act; enum { MResize, MMouse, MPlumb, MWarnings, NMALT }; static Alt alts[NMALT+1]; USED(v); threadsetname("mousethread"); alts[MResize].c = mousectl->resizec; alts[MResize].v = nil; alts[MResize].op = CHANRCV; alts[MMouse].c = mousectl->c; alts[MMouse].v = &mousectl->m; alts[MMouse].op = CHANRCV; alts[MPlumb].c = cplumb; alts[MPlumb].v = ± alts[MPlumb].op = CHANRCV; alts[MWarnings].c = cwarn; alts[MWarnings].v = nil; alts[MWarnings].op = CHANRCV; if(cplumb == nil) alts[MPlumb].op = CHANNOP; alts[NMALT].op = CHANEND; for(;;){ qlock(&row.lk); flushwarnings(); qunlock(&row.lk); flushimage(display, 1); switch(alt(alts)){ case MResize: if(getwindow(display, Refnone) < 0) error("attach to window"); draw(screen, screen->r, display->white, nil, ZP); iconinit(); scrlresize(); rowresize(&row, screen->clipr); break; case MPlumb: if(strcmp(pm->type, "text") == 0){ act = plumblookup(pm->attr, "action"); if(act==nil || strcmp(act, "showfile")==0) plumblook(pm); else if(strcmp(act, "showdata")==0) plumbshow(pm); } plumbfree(pm); break; case MWarnings: break; case MMouse: /* * Make a copy so decisions are consistent; mousectl changes * underfoot. Can't just receive into m because this introduces * another race; see /sys/src/libdraw/mouse.c. */ m = mousectl->m; qlock(&row.lk); t = rowwhich(&row, m.xy); if(t!=mousetext && mousetext!=nil && mousetext->w!=nil){ winlock(mousetext->w, 'M'); mousetext->eq0 = ~0; wincommit(mousetext->w, mousetext); winunlock(mousetext->w); } mousetext = t; if(t == nil) goto Continue; w = t->w; if(t==nil || m.buttons==0) goto Continue; but = 0; if(m.buttons == 1) but = 1; else if(m.buttons == 2) but = 2; else if(m.buttons == 4) but = 3; barttext = t; if(t->what==Body && ptinrect(m.xy, t->scrollr)){ if(but){ if(swapscrollbuttons){ if(but == 1) but = 3; else if(but == 3) but = 1; } winlock(w, 'M'); t->eq0 = ~0; textscroll(t, but); winunlock(w); } goto Continue; } /* scroll buttons, wheels, etc. */ if(w != nil && (m.buttons & (8|16))){ if(m.buttons & 8) but = Kscrolloneup; else but = Kscrollonedown; winlock(w, 'M'); t->eq0 = ~0; texttype(t, but); winunlock(w); goto Continue; } if(ptinrect(m.xy, t->scrollr)){ if(but){ if(t->what == Columntag) rowdragcol(&row, t->col, but); else if(t->what == Tag){ coldragwin(t->col, t->w, but); if(t->w) barttext = &t->w->body; } if(t->col) activecol = t->col; } goto Continue; } if(m.buttons){ if(w) winlock(w, 'M'); t->eq0 = ~0; if(w) wincommit(w, t); else textcommit(t, TRUE); if(m.buttons & 1){ textselect(t); if(w) winsettag(w); argtext = t; seltext = t; if(t->col) activecol = t->col; /* button 1 only */ if(t->w!=nil && t==&t->w->body) activewin = t->w; }else if(m.buttons & 2){ if(textselect2(t, &q0, &q1, &argt)) execute(t, q0, q1, FALSE, argt); }else if(m.buttons & 4){ if(textselect3(t, &q0, &q1)) look3(t, q0, q1, FALSE); } if(w) winunlock(w); goto Continue; } Continue: qunlock(&row.lk); break; } } }
void xfidopen(Xfid *x) { Fcall fc; Window *w; Text *t; char *s; Rune *r; int m, n, q, q0, q1; w = x->f->w; t = &w->body; q = FILE(x->f->qid); if(w){ winlock(w, 'E'); switch(q){ case QWaddr: if(w->nopen[q]++ == 0){ w->addr = range(0, 0); w->limit = range(-1,-1); } break; case QWdata: case QWxdata: w->nopen[q]++; break; case QWevent: if(w->nopen[q]++ == 0){ if(!w->isdir && w->col!=nil){ w->filemenu = FALSE; winsettag(w); } } break; case QWrdsel: /* * Use a temporary file. * A pipe would be the obvious, but we can't afford the * broken pipe notification. Using the code to read QWbody * is n², which should probably also be fixed. Even then, * though, we'd need to squirrel away the data in case it's * modified during the operation, e.g. by |sort */ if(w->rdselfd > 0){ winunlock(w); respond(x, &fc, Einuse); return; } w->rdselfd = tempfile(); if(w->rdselfd < 0){ winunlock(w); respond(x, &fc, "can't create temp file"); return; } w->nopen[q]++; q0 = t->q0; q1 = t->q1; r = fbufalloc(); s = fbufalloc(); while(q0 < q1){ n = q1 - q0; if(n > BUFSIZE/UTFmax) n = BUFSIZE/UTFmax; bufread(&t->file->b, q0, r, n); m = snprint(s, BUFSIZE+1, "%.*S", n, r); if(write(w->rdselfd, s, m) != m){ warning(nil, "can't write temp file for pipe command %r\n"); break; } q0 += n; } fbuffree(s); fbuffree(r); break; case QWwrsel: w->nopen[q]++; seq++; filemark(t->file); cut(t, t, nil, FALSE, TRUE, nil, 0); w->wrselrange = range(t->q1, t->q1); w->nomark = TRUE; break; case QWeditout: if(editing == FALSE){ winunlock(w); respond(x, &fc, Eperm); return; } if(!canqlock(&w->editoutlk)){ winunlock(w); respond(x, &fc, Einuse); return; } w->wrselrange = range(t->q1, t->q1); break; } winunlock(w); } else{ switch(q){ case Qeditout: if(!canqlock(&editoutlk)){ respond(x, &fc, Einuse); return; } break; } } fc.qid = x->f->qid; fc.iounit = messagesize-IOHDRSZ; x->f->open = TRUE; respond(x, &fc, nil); }
void xfidctlwrite(Xfid *x, Window *w) { Fcall fc; int i, m, n, nb, nr, nulls; Rune *r; char *err, *p, *pp, *q, *e; int isfbuf, scrdraw, settag; Text *t; err = nil; e = x->fcall.data+x->fcall.count; scrdraw = FALSE; settag = FALSE; isfbuf = TRUE; if(x->fcall.count < RBUFSIZE) r = fbufalloc(); else{ isfbuf = FALSE; r = emalloc(x->fcall.count*UTFmax+1); } x->fcall.data[x->fcall.count] = 0; textcommit(&w->tag, TRUE); for(n=0; n<x->fcall.count; n+=m){ p = x->fcall.data+n; if(strncmp(p, "lock", 4) == 0){ /* make window exclusive use */ qlock(&w->ctllock); w->ctlfid = x->f->fid; m = 4; }else if(strncmp(p, "unlock", 6) == 0){ /* release exclusive use */ w->ctlfid = ~0; qunlock(&w->ctllock); m = 6; }else if(strncmp(p, "clean", 5) == 0){ /* mark window 'clean', seq=0 */ t = &w->body; t->eq0 = ~0; filereset(t->file); t->file->mod = FALSE; w->dirty = FALSE; settag = TRUE; m = 5; }else if(strncmp(p, "dirty", 5) == 0){ /* mark window 'dirty' */ t = &w->body; /* doesn't change sequence number, so "Put" won't appear. it shouldn't. */ t->file->mod = TRUE; w->dirty = TRUE; settag = TRUE; m = 5; }else if(strncmp(p, "show", 4) == 0){ /* show dot */ t = &w->body; textshow(t, t->q0, t->q1, 1); m = 4; }else if(strncmp(p, "name ", 5) == 0){ /* set file name */ pp = p+5; m = 5; q = memchr(pp, '\n', e-pp); if(q==nil || q==pp){ err = Ebadctl; break; } *q = 0; nulls = FALSE; cvttorunes(pp, q-pp, r, &nb, &nr, &nulls); if(nulls){ err = "nulls in file name"; break; } for(i=0; i<nr; i++) if(r[i] <= ' '){ err = "bad character in file name"; goto out; } out: seq++; filemark(w->body.file); winsetname(w, r, nr); m += (q+1) - pp; }else if(strncmp(p, "dump ", 5) == 0){ /* set dump string */ pp = p+5; m = 5; q = memchr(pp, '\n', e-pp); if(q==nil || q==pp){ err = Ebadctl; break; } *q = 0; nulls = FALSE; cvttorunes(pp, q-pp, r, &nb, &nr, &nulls); if(nulls){ err = "nulls in dump string"; break; } w->dumpstr = runetobyte(r, nr); m += (q+1) - pp; }else if(strncmp(p, "dumpdir ", 8) == 0){ /* set dump directory */ pp = p+8; m = 8; q = memchr(pp, '\n', e-pp); if(q==nil || q==pp){ err = Ebadctl; break; } *q = 0; nulls = FALSE; cvttorunes(pp, q-pp, r, &nb, &nr, &nulls); if(nulls){ err = "nulls in dump directory string"; break; } w->dumpdir = runetobyte(r, nr); m += (q+1) - pp; }else if(strncmp(p, "delete", 6) == 0){ /* delete for sure */ colclose(w->col, w, TRUE); m = 6; }else if(strncmp(p, "del", 3) == 0){ /* delete, but check dirty */ if(!winclean(w, TRUE)){ err = "file dirty"; break; } colclose(w->col, w, TRUE); m = 3; }else if(strncmp(p, "get", 3) == 0){ /* get file */ get(&w->body, nil, nil, FALSE, XXX, nil, 0); m = 3; }else if(strncmp(p, "put", 3) == 0){ /* put file */ put(&w->body, nil, nil, XXX, XXX, nil, 0); m = 3; }else if(strncmp(p, "dot=addr", 8) == 0){ /* set dot */ textcommit(&w->body, TRUE); clampaddr(w); w->body.q0 = w->addr.q0; w->body.q1 = w->addr.q1; textsetselect(&w->body, w->body.q0, w->body.q1); settag = TRUE; m = 8; }else if(strncmp(p, "addr=dot", 8) == 0){ /* set addr */ w->addr.q0 = w->body.q0; w->addr.q1 = w->body.q1; m = 8; }else if(strncmp(p, "limit=addr", 10) == 0){ /* set limit */ textcommit(&w->body, TRUE); clampaddr(w); w->limit.q0 = w->addr.q0; w->limit.q1 = w->addr.q1; m = 10; }else if(strncmp(p, "nomark", 6) == 0){ /* turn off automatic marking */ w->nomark = TRUE; m = 6; }else if(strncmp(p, "mark", 4) == 0){ /* mark file */ seq++; filemark(w->body.file); settag = TRUE; m = 4; }else if(strncmp(p, "nomenu", 6) == 0){ /* turn off automatic menu */ w->filemenu = FALSE; m = 6; }else if(strncmp(p, "menu", 4) == 0){ /* enable automatic menu */ w->filemenu = TRUE; m = 4; }else if(strncmp(p, "noscroll", 8) == 0){ /* turn off automatic scrolling */ w->noscroll = TRUE; m = 8; }else if(strncmp(p, "cleartag", 8) == 0){ /* wipe tag right of bar */ wincleartag(w); settag = TRUE; m = 8; }else if(strncmp(p, "scroll", 6) == 0){ /* turn on automatic scrolling (writes to body only) */ w->noscroll = FALSE; m = 6; }else{ err = Ebadctl; break; } while(p[m] == '\n') m++; } if(isfbuf) fbuffree(r); else free(r); if(err) n = 0; fc.count = n; respond(x, &fc, err); if(settag) winsettag(w); if(scrdraw) textscrdraw(&w->body); }
void xfidwrite(Xfid *x) { Fcall fc; int c, cnt, qid, q, nb, nr, eval; char buf[64], *err; Window *w; Rune *r; Range a; Text *t; uint q0, tq0, tq1; qid = FILE(x->f->qid); w = x->f->w; if(w){ c = 'F'; if(qid==QWtag || qid==QWbody) c = 'E'; winlock(w, c); if(w->col == nil){ winunlock(w); respond(x, &fc, Edel); return; } } x->fcall.data[x->fcall.count] = 0; switch(qid){ case Qcons: w = errorwin(x->f->mntdir, 'X'); t=&w->body; goto BodyTag; case Qlabel: fc.count = x->fcall.count; respond(x, &fc, nil); break; case QWaddr: x->fcall.data[x->fcall.count] = 0; r = bytetorune(x->fcall.data, &nr); t = &w->body; wincommit(w, t); eval = TRUE; a = address(FALSE, t, w->limit, w->addr, r, 0, nr, rgetc, &eval, (uint*)&nb); free(r); if(nb < nr){ respond(x, &fc, Ebadaddr); break; } if(!eval){ respond(x, &fc, Eaddr); break; } w->addr = a; fc.count = x->fcall.count; respond(x, &fc, nil); break; case Qeditout: case QWeditout: r = bytetorune(x->fcall.data, &nr); if(w) err = edittext(w, w->wrselrange.q1, r, nr); else err = edittext(nil, 0, r, nr); free(r); if(err != nil){ respond(x, &fc, err); break; } fc.count = x->fcall.count; respond(x, &fc, nil); break; case QWerrors: w = errorwinforwin(w); t = &w->body; goto BodyTag; case QWbody: case QWwrsel: t = &w->body; goto BodyTag; case QWctl: xfidctlwrite(x, w); break; case QWdata: a = w->addr; t = &w->body; wincommit(w, t); if(a.q0>t->file->b.nc || a.q1>t->file->b.nc){ respond(x, &fc, Eaddr); break; } r = runemalloc(x->fcall.count); cvttorunes(x->fcall.data, x->fcall.count, r, &nb, &nr, nil); if(w->nomark == FALSE){ seq++; filemark(t->file); } q0 = a.q0; if(a.q1 > q0){ textdelete(t, q0, a.q1, TRUE); w->addr.q1 = q0; } tq0 = t->q0; tq1 = t->q1; textinsert(t, q0, r, nr, TRUE); if(tq0 >= q0) tq0 += nr; if(tq1 >= q0) tq1 += nr; textsetselect(t, tq0, tq1); if(!t->w->noscroll) textshow(t, q0, q0+nr, 0); textscrdraw(t); winsettag(w); free(r); w->addr.q0 += nr; w->addr.q1 = w->addr.q0; fc.count = x->fcall.count; respond(x, &fc, nil); break; case QWevent: xfideventwrite(x, w); break; case QWtag: t = &w->tag; goto BodyTag; BodyTag: q = x->f->nrpart; cnt = x->fcall.count; if(q > 0){ memmove(x->fcall.data+q, x->fcall.data, cnt); /* there's room; see fsysproc */ memmove(x->fcall.data, x->f->rpart, q); cnt += q; x->f->nrpart = 0; } r = runemalloc(cnt); cvttorunes(x->fcall.data, cnt-UTFmax, r, &nb, &nr, nil); /* approach end of buffer */ while(fullrune(x->fcall.data+nb, cnt-nb)){ c = nb; nb += chartorune(&r[nr], x->fcall.data+c); if(r[nr]) nr++; } if(nb < cnt){ memmove(x->f->rpart, x->fcall.data+nb, cnt-nb); x->f->nrpart = cnt-nb; } if(nr > 0){ wincommit(w, t); if(qid == QWwrsel){ q0 = w->wrselrange.q1; if(q0 > t->file->b.nc) q0 = t->file->b.nc; }else q0 = t->file->b.nc; if(qid == QWtag) textinsert(t, q0, r, nr, TRUE); else{ if(w->nomark == FALSE){ seq++; filemark(t->file); } q0 = textbsinsert(t, q0, r, nr, TRUE, &nr); textsetselect(t, t->q0, t->q1); /* insert could leave it somewhere else */ if(qid!=QWwrsel && !t->w->noscroll) textshow(t, q0+nr, q0+nr, 1); textscrdraw(t); } winsettag(w); if(qid == QWwrsel) w->wrselrange.q1 += nr; free(r); } fc.count = x->fcall.count; respond(x, &fc, nil); break; default: sprint(buf, "unknown qid %d in write", qid); respond(x, &fc, buf); break; } if(w) winunlock(w); }
void xfidclose(Xfid *x) { Fcall fc; Window *w; int q; Text *t; w = x->f->w; x->f->busy = FALSE; x->f->w = nil; if(x->f->open == FALSE){ if(w != nil) winclose(w); respond(x, &fc, nil); return; } q = FILE(x->f->qid); x->f->open = FALSE; if(w){ winlock(w, 'E'); switch(q){ case QWctl: if(w->ctlfid!=~0 && w->ctlfid==x->f->fid){ w->ctlfid = ~0; qunlock(&w->ctllock); } break; case QWdata: case QWxdata: w->nomark = FALSE; /* fall through */ case QWaddr: case QWevent: /* BUG: do we need to shut down Xfid? */ if(--w->nopen[q] == 0){ if(q == QWdata || q == QWxdata) w->nomark = FALSE; if(q==QWevent && !w->isdir && w->col!=nil){ w->filemenu = TRUE; winsettag(w); } if(q == QWevent){ free(w->dumpstr); free(w->dumpdir); w->dumpstr = nil; w->dumpdir = nil; } } break; case QWrdsel: close(w->rdselfd); w->rdselfd = 0; break; case QWwrsel: w->nomark = FALSE; t = &w->body; /* before: only did this if !w->noscroll, but that didn't seem right in practice */ textshow(t, min(w->wrselrange.q0, t->file->b.nc), min(w->wrselrange.q1, t->file->b.nc), 1); textscrdraw(t); break; case QWeditout: qunlock(&w->editoutlk); break; } winunlock(w); winclose(w); } else{ switch(q){ case Qeditout: qunlock(&editoutlk); break; } } respond(x, &fc, nil); }
int rowload(Row *row, char *file, int initing) { int i, j, line, percent, y, nr, nfontr, n, ns, ndumped, dumpid, x, fd; Biobuf *b, *bout; char *buf, *l, *t, *fontname; Rune *r, rune, *fontr; Column *c, *c1, *c2; uint q0, q1; Rectangle r1, r2; Window *w; buf = fbufalloc(); if(file == nil){ if(home == nil){ warning(nil, "can't find file for load: $home not defined\n"); goto Rescue1; } sprint(buf, "%s/acme.dump", home); file = buf; } b = Bopen(file, OREAD); if(b == nil){ warning(nil, "can't open load file %s: %r\n", file); goto Rescue1; } /* current directory */ line = 0; l = rdline(b, &line); if(l == nil) goto Rescue2; l[Blinelen(b)-1] = 0; if(chdir(l) < 0){ warning(nil, "can't chdir %s\n", l); goto Rescue2; } /* global fonts */ for(i=0; i<2; i++){ l = rdline(b, &line); if(l == nil) goto Rescue2; l[Blinelen(b)-1] = 0; if(*l && strcmp(l, fontnames[i])!=0) rfget(i, TRUE, i==0 && initing, l); } if(initing && row->ncol==0) rowinit(row, screen->clipr); l = rdline(b, &line); if(l == nil) goto Rescue2; j = Blinelen(b)/12; if(j<=0 || j>10) goto Rescue2; for(i=0; i<j; i++){ percent = atoi(l+i*12); if(percent<0 || percent>=100) goto Rescue2; x = row->r.min.x+percent*Dx(row->r)/100; if(i < row->ncol){ if(i == 0) continue; c1 = row->col[i-1]; c2 = row->col[i]; r1 = c1->r; r2 = c2->r; r1.max.x = x; r2.min.x = x+Border; if(Dx(r1) < 50 || Dx(r2) < 50) continue; draw(screen, Rpt(r1.min, r2.max), display->white, nil, ZP); colresize(c1, r1); colresize(c2, r2); r2.min.x = x; r2.max.x = x+Border; draw(screen, r2, display->black, nil, ZP); } if(i >= row->ncol) rowadd(row, nil, x); } for(;;){ l = rdline(b, &line); if(l == nil) break; dumpid = 0; switch(l[0]){ case 'e': if(Blinelen(b) < 1+5*12+1) goto Rescue2; l = rdline(b, &line); /* ctl line; ignored */ if(l == nil) goto Rescue2; l = rdline(b, &line); /* directory */ if(l == nil) goto Rescue2; l[Blinelen(b)-1] = 0; if(*l == '\0'){ if(home == nil) r = bytetorune("./", &nr); else{ t = emalloc(strlen(home)+1+1); sprint(t, "%s/", home); r = bytetorune(t, &nr); free(t); } }else r = bytetorune(l, &nr); l = rdline(b, &line); /* command */ if(l == nil) goto Rescue2; t = emalloc(Blinelen(b)+1); memmove(t, l, Blinelen(b)); run(nil, t, r, nr, TRUE, nil, nil, FALSE); /* r is freed in run() */ continue; case 'f': if(Blinelen(b) < 1+5*12+1) goto Rescue2; fontname = l+1+5*12; ndumped = -1; break; case 'F': if(Blinelen(b) < 1+6*12+1) goto Rescue2; fontname = l+1+6*12; ndumped = atoi(l+1+5*12+1); break; case 'x': if(Blinelen(b) < 1+5*12+1) goto Rescue2; fontname = l+1+5*12; ndumped = -1; dumpid = atoi(l+1+1*12); break; default: goto Rescue2; } l[Blinelen(b)-1] = 0; fontr = nil; nfontr = 0; if(*fontname) fontr = bytetorune(fontname, &nfontr); i = atoi(l+1+0*12); j = atoi(l+1+1*12); q0 = atoi(l+1+2*12); q1 = atoi(l+1+3*12); percent = atoi(l+1+4*12); if(i<0 || i>10) goto Rescue2; if(i > row->ncol) i = row->ncol; c = row->col[i]; y = c->r.min.y+(percent*Dy(c->r))/100; if(y<c->r.min.y || y>=c->r.max.y) y = -1; if(dumpid == 0) w = coladd(c, nil, nil, y); else w = coladd(c, nil, lookid(dumpid, TRUE), y); if(w == nil) continue; w->dumpid = j; l = rdline(b, &line); if(l == nil) goto Rescue2; l[Blinelen(b)-1] = 0; r = bytetorune(l+5*12, &nr); ns = -1; for(n=0; n<nr; n++){ if(r[n] == '/') ns = n; if(r[n] == ' ') break; } if(dumpid == 0) winsetname(w, r, n); for(; n<nr; n++) if(r[n] == '|') break; wincleartag(w); textinsert(&w->tag, w->tag.file->nc, r+n+1, nr-(n+1), TRUE); if(ndumped >= 0){ /* simplest thing is to put it in a file and load that */ sprint(buf, "/tmp/d%d.%.4sacme", getpid(), getuser()); fd = create(buf, OWRITE|ORCLOSE, 0600); if(fd < 0){ free(r); warning(nil, "can't create temp file: %r\n"); goto Rescue2; } bout = emalloc(sizeof(Biobuf)); Binit(bout, fd, OWRITE); for(n=0; n<ndumped; n++){ rune = Bgetrune(b); if(rune == '\n') line++; if(rune == (Rune)Beof){ free(r); Bterm(bout); free(bout); close(fd); goto Rescue2; } Bputrune(bout, rune); } Bterm(bout); free(bout); textload(&w->body, 0, buf, 1); close(fd); w->body.file->mod = TRUE; for(n=0; n<w->body.file->ntext; n++) w->body.file->text[n]->w->dirty = TRUE; winsettag(w); }else if(dumpid==0 && r[ns+1]!='+' && r[ns+1]!='-') get(&w->body, nil, nil, FALSE, XXX, nil, 0); if(fontr){ fontx(&w->body, nil, nil, 0, 0, fontr, nfontr); free(fontr); } free(r); if(q0>w->body.file->nc || q1>w->body.file->nc || q0>q1) q0 = q1 = 0; textshow(&w->body, q0, q1, 1); w->maxlines = min(w->body.nlines, max(w->maxlines, w->body.maxlines)); } Bterm(b); fbuffree(buf); return TRUE; Rescue2: warning(nil, "bad load file %s:%d\n", file, line); Bterm(b); Rescue1: fbuffree(buf); return FALSE; }
Window* openfile(Text *t, Expand *e) { Range r; Window *w, *ow; int eval, i, n; Rune *rp; Runestr rs; uint dummy; r.q0 = 0; r.q1 = 0; if(e->nname == 0){ w = t->w; if(w == nil) return nil; }else{ w = lookfile(e->name, e->nname); if(w == nil && e->name[0] != '/'){ /* * Unrooted path in new window. * This can happen if we type a pwd-relative path * in the topmost tag or the column tags. * Most of the time plumber takes care of these, * but plumber might not be running or might not * be configured to accept plumbed directories. * Make the name a full path, just like we would if * opening via the plumber. */ n = utflen(wdir)+1+e->nname+1; rp = runemalloc(n); runesnprint(rp, n, "%s/%.*S", wdir, e->nname, e->name); rs = cleanrname(runestr(rp, n-1)); free(e->name); e->name = rs.r; e->nname = rs.nr; w = lookfile(e->name, e->nname); } } if(w){ t = &w->body; if(!t->col->safe && t->fr.maxlines==0) /* window is obscured by full-column window */ colgrow(t->col, t->col->w[0], 1); }else{ ow = nil; if(t) ow = t->w; w = makenewwindow(t); t = &w->body; winsetname(w, e->name, e->nname); if(textload(t, 0, e->bname, 1) >= 0) t->file->unread = FALSE; t->file->mod = FALSE; t->w->dirty = FALSE; winsettag(t->w); textsetselect(&t->w->tag, t->w->tag.file->b.nc, t->w->tag.file->b.nc); if(ow != nil){ for(i=ow->nincl; --i>=0; ){ n = runestrlen(ow->incl[i]); rp = runemalloc(n); runemove(rp, ow->incl[i], n); winaddincl(w, rp, n); } w->autoindent = ow->autoindent; }else w->autoindent = globalautoindent; xfidlog(w, "new"); } if(e->a1 == e->a0) eval = FALSE; else{ eval = TRUE; r = address(TRUE, t, range(-1,-1), range(t->q0, t->q1), e->u.at, e->a0, e->a1, e->agetc, &eval, &dummy); if(r.q0 > r.q1) { eval = FALSE; warning(nil, "addresses out of order\n"); } if(eval == FALSE) e->jump = FALSE; /* don't jump if invalid address */ } if(eval == FALSE){ r.q0 = t->q0; r.q1 = t->q1; } textshow(t, r.q0, r.q1, 1); winsettag(t->w); seltext = t; if(e->jump) moveto(mousectl, addpt(frptofchar(&t->fr, t->fr.p0), Pt(4, font->height-4))); return w; }
int search(Text *ct, Rune *r, uint n) { uint q, nb, maxn; int around; Rune *s, *b, *c; if(n==0 || n>ct->file->b.nc) return FALSE; if(2*n > RBUFSIZE){ warning(nil, "string too long\n"); return FALSE; } maxn = max(2*n, RBUFSIZE); s = fbufalloc(); b = s; nb = 0; b[nb] = 0; around = 0; q = ct->q1; for(;;){ if(q >= ct->file->b.nc){ q = 0; around = 1; nb = 0; b[nb] = 0; } if(nb > 0){ c = runestrchr(b, r[0]); if(c == nil){ q += nb; nb = 0; b[nb] = 0; if(around && q>=ct->q1) break; continue; } q += (c-b); nb -= (c-b); b = c; } /* reload if buffer covers neither string nor rest of file */ if(nb<n && nb!=ct->file->b.nc-q){ nb = ct->file->b.nc-q; if(nb >= maxn) nb = maxn-1; bufread(&ct->file->b, q, s, nb); b = s; b[nb] = '\0'; } /* this runeeq is fishy but the null at b[nb] makes it safe */ if(runeeq(b, n, r, n)==TRUE){ if(ct->w){ textshow(ct, q, q+n, 1); winsettag(ct->w); }else{ ct->q0 = q; ct->q1 = q+n; } seltext = ct; fbuffree(s); return TRUE; } --nb; b++; q++; if(around && q>=ct->q1) break; } fbuffree(s); return FALSE; }
void texttype(Text *t, Rune r) { uint q0, q1; int nnb, nb, n, i; int nr; Rune *rp; Text *u; if(t->what!=Body && t->what!=Tag && r=='\n') return; if(t->what == Tag) t->w->tagsafe = FALSE; nr = 1; rp = &r; switch(r){ case Kleft: typecommit(t); if(t->q0 > 0) textshow(t, t->q0-1, t->q0-1, TRUE); return; case Kright: typecommit(t); if(t->q1 < t->file->b.nc) textshow(t, t->q1+1, t->q1+1, TRUE); return; case Kdown: if(t->what == Tag) goto Tagdown; n = t->fr.maxlines/3; goto case_Down; case Kscrollonedown: if(t->what == Tag) goto Tagdown; n = mousescrollsize(t->fr.maxlines); if(n <= 0) n = 1; goto case_Down; case Kpgdown: n = 2*t->fr.maxlines/3; case_Down: q0 = t->org+frcharofpt(&t->fr, Pt(t->fr.r.min.x, t->fr.r.min.y+n*t->fr.font->height)); textsetorigin(t, q0, TRUE); return; case Kup: if(t->what == Tag) goto Tagup; n = t->fr.maxlines/3; goto case_Up; case Kscrolloneup: if(t->what == Tag) goto Tagup; n = mousescrollsize(t->fr.maxlines); goto case_Up; case Kpgup: n = 2*t->fr.maxlines/3; case_Up: q0 = textbacknl(t, t->org, n); textsetorigin(t, q0, TRUE); return; case Khome: typecommit(t); if(t->org > t->iq1) { q0 = textbacknl(t, t->iq1, 1); textsetorigin(t, q0, TRUE); } else textshow(t, 0, 0, FALSE); return; case Kend: typecommit(t); if(t->iq1 > t->org+t->fr.nchars) { if(t->iq1 > t->file->b.nc) { // should not happen, but does. and it will crash textbacknl. t->iq1 = t->file->b.nc; } q0 = textbacknl(t, t->iq1, 1); textsetorigin(t, q0, TRUE); } else textshow(t, t->file->b.nc, t->file->b.nc, FALSE); return; case 0x01: /* ^A: beginning of line */ typecommit(t); /* go to where ^U would erase, if not already at BOL */ nnb = 0; if(t->q0>0 && textreadc(t, t->q0-1)!='\n') nnb = textbswidth(t, 0x15); textshow(t, t->q0-nnb, t->q0-nnb, TRUE); return; case 0x05: /* ^E: end of line */ typecommit(t); q0 = t->q0; while(q0<t->file->b.nc && textreadc(t, q0)!='\n') q0++; textshow(t, q0, q0, TRUE); return; case Kcmd+'c': /* %C: copy */ typecommit(t); cut(t, t, nil, TRUE, FALSE, nil, 0); return; case Kcmd+'z': /* %Z: undo */ typecommit(t); undo(t, nil, nil, TRUE, 0, nil, 0); return; Tagdown: /* expand tag to show all text */ if(!t->w->tagexpand){ t->w->tagexpand = TRUE; winresize(t->w, t->w->r, FALSE, TRUE); } return; Tagup: /* shrink tag to single line */ if(t->w->tagexpand){ t->w->tagexpand = FALSE; t->w->taglines = 1; winresize(t->w, t->w->r, FALSE, TRUE); } return; } if(t->what == Body){ seq++; filemark(t->file); } /* cut/paste must be done after the seq++/filemark */ switch(r){ case Kcmd+'x': /* %X: cut */ typecommit(t); if(t->what == Body){ seq++; filemark(t->file); } cut(t, t, nil, TRUE, TRUE, nil, 0); textshow(t, t->q0, t->q0, 1); t->iq1 = t->q0; return; case Kcmd+'v': /* %V: paste */ typecommit(t); if(t->what == Body){ seq++; filemark(t->file); } paste(t, t, nil, TRUE, FALSE, nil, 0); textshow(t, t->q0, t->q1, 1); t->iq1 = t->q1; return; } if(t->q1 > t->q0){ if(t->ncache != 0) error("text.type"); cut(t, t, nil, TRUE, TRUE, nil, 0); t->eq0 = ~0; } textshow(t, t->q0, t->q0, 1); switch(r){ case 0x06: /* ^F: complete */ case Kins: typecommit(t); rp = textcomplete(t); if(rp == nil) return; nr = runestrlen(rp); break; /* fall through to normal insertion case */ case 0x1B: if(t->eq0 != ~0) { if(t->eq0 <= t->q0) textsetselect(t, t->eq0, t->q0); else textsetselect(t, t->q0, t->eq0); } if(t->ncache > 0) typecommit(t); t->iq1 = t->q0; return; case 0x08: /* ^H: erase character */ case 0x15: /* ^U: erase line */ case 0x17: /* ^W: erase word */ if(t->q0 == 0) /* nothing to erase */ return; nnb = textbswidth(t, r); q1 = t->q0; q0 = q1-nnb; /* if selection is at beginning of window, avoid deleting invisible text */ if(q0 < t->org){ q0 = t->org; nnb = q1-q0; } if(nnb <= 0) return; for(i=0; i<t->file->ntext; i++){ u = t->file->text[i]; u->nofill = TRUE; nb = nnb; n = u->ncache; if(n > 0){ if(q1 != u->cq0+n) error("text.type backspace"); if(n > nb) n = nb; u->ncache -= n; textdelete(u, q1-n, q1, FALSE); nb -= n; } if(u->eq0==q1 || u->eq0==~0) u->eq0 = q0; if(nb && u==t) textdelete(u, q0, q0+nb, TRUE); if(u != t) textsetselect(u, u->q0, u->q1); else textsetselect(t, q0, q0); u->nofill = FALSE; } for(i=0; i<t->file->ntext; i++) textfill(t->file->text[i]); t->iq1 = t->q0; return; case '\n': if(t->w->autoindent){ /* find beginning of previous line using backspace code */ nnb = textbswidth(t, 0x15); /* ^U case */ rp = runemalloc(nnb + 1); nr = 0; rp[nr++] = r; for(i=0; i<nnb; i++){ r = textreadc(t, t->q0-nnb+i); if(r != ' ' && r != '\t') break; rp[nr++] = r; } } break; /* fall through to normal code */ } /* otherwise ordinary character; just insert, typically in caches of all texts */ for(i=0; i<t->file->ntext; i++){ u = t->file->text[i]; if(u->eq0 == ~0) u->eq0 = t->q0; if(u->ncache == 0) u->cq0 = t->q0; else if(t->q0 != u->cq0+u->ncache) error("text.type cq1"); /* * Change the tag before we add to ncache, * so that if the window body is resized the * commit will not find anything in ncache. */ if(u->what==Body && u->ncache == 0){ u->needundo = TRUE; winsettag(t->w); u->needundo = FALSE; } textinsert(u, t->q0, rp, nr, FALSE); if(u != t) textsetselect(u, u->q0, u->q1); if(u->ncache+nr > u->ncachealloc){ u->ncachealloc += 10 + nr; u->cache = runerealloc(u->cache, u->ncachealloc); } runemove(u->cache+u->ncache, rp, nr); u->ncache += nr; } if(rp != &r) free(rp); textsetselect(t, t->q0+nr, t->q0+nr); if(r=='\n' && t->w!=nil) wincommit(t->w, t); t->iq1 = t->q0; }