Esempio n. 1
int CCommClient::SendData(TCHAR *pData,int nLen)
    CLocalLock lock(&m_lockSend);

    if(m_socket == NULL)
        return -1;

    DWORD dwLen = (nLen + 1 + sizeof(DWORD)) * sizeof(TCHAR);
    TCHAR *buff=new TCHAR[dwLen];
    ZeroMemory(buff, dwLen * sizeof(TCHAR));

#ifdef _UNICODE
    memcpy_s((char*)buff, sizeof(DWORD), (char*)&dwLen, sizeof(DWORD));
    wmemcpy_s(&buff[sizeof(DWORD)], dwLen - sizeof(DWORD) - sizeof(TCHAR), pData, nLen);
    memcpy(buff, sizeof(DWORD), &dwLen,sizeof(DWORD));
    memcpy(&buff[sizeof(DWORD)], dwLen - sizeof(DWORD) - sizeof(TCHAR), pData,nLen);

    int nSendByte = send(m_socket,(char*)buff,dwLen,0);

    delete []buff;

    return nSendByte;
Esempio n. 2
/// @brief 属性网格元素,获取指定项的值.
/// @param hEle  元素句柄.
/// @param itemID  项ID标示符.
/// @param pOut   接收内容缓冲区.
/// @param len    pOut缓冲区长度
void WINAPI XPGrid_GetItemValue(HELE hEle,int itemID,wchar_t *pOut,int len)
	propertyGrid_ *pObj=(propertyGrid_*)hEle;
	PGridItem_ *pItem=PGrid_GetItem(hEle,itemID);
	if(NULL==pItem) return;

			if(len<7) return;
			wchar_t color[8]={0};
Esempio n. 3
void Memcpy(wchar_t* target, wchar_t const* source, size_t count)
#if defined(WIN32)
    errno_t result = wmemcpy_s(target, count, source, count);
    (void)result;  // 0 on success
    wmemcpy(target, source, count);
Esempio n. 4
    template <> int Translate( 
        wchar_t* srcBuf, 
        size_t srcCharLen, 
        wchar_t* destBuf, 
        size_t destCharLen )
        if ( destCharLen > 0 )
            _ASSERT( destBuf != NULL );

            srcCharLen = std::min( srcCharLen, destCharLen );

            errno_t err = wmemcpy_s( destBuf, srcCharLen, srcBuf, srcCharLen );
            _ASSERT( err == 0 );
            UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( err );
        return srcCharLen;
Esempio n. 5
array<__wchar_t>^ zDBBinaryReader::ToChars(int offset, int length)
	int							cb;				// Local size information
	const wchar_t*				pwchData;		// Pointer into raw data
	array<__wchar_t>^			rg;				// Managed char array of data
	PinnedCharPtr				pinRg;			// Pinned pointer into rg[]
	int							cch;			// Unicode character count

	if(offset < 0) throw gcnew ArgumentException();
	if(length < 0) throw gcnew ArgumentException();
	if((offset % sizeof(wchar_t)) != 0) throw gcnew ArgumentException();
	if((length % sizeof(wchar_t)) != 0) throw gcnew ArgumentException();

	// When accessing things as Unicode character data, ask SQLite for a
	// specific size that will properly adjusted as necessary

	cb = sqlite3_column_bytes16(m_pStatement->Handle, m_ordinal);
	if((offset + length) > cb) throw gcnew ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

	// Special case: If the caller wants zero bytes, don't go pinning
	// pointers and copying nothing.  Just return what they want

	if(length == 0) return gcnew array<__wchar_t>(0);

	cch = length / sizeof(wchar_t);				// Calculate character count
	rg = gcnew array<__wchar_t>(cch);			// Create return array
	pinRg = &rg[0];								// Pin and get a pointer

	// Only copy the amount of data that the caller is looking for from
	// the SQLite buffer into the managed Char array buffer

	pwchData = reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>(sqlite3_column_text16(m_pStatement->Handle, m_ordinal));
	wmemcpy_s(pinRg, cch, pwchData + (offset / sizeof(wchar_t)), cch);
	return rg;
Esempio n. 6
void TestMove_s( void )

    wchar_t    buf[128];
    wchar_t    s2[] = L"VALUE";
    wchar_t    str[] = L"VALUE";

    wchar_t    src1[100] = L"hello";
    wchar_t    src2[7] = L"goodbye";
    wchar_t    dst1[6], dst2[5], dst3[5];

    wchar_t    sc1[100] = L"good";
    wchar_t    sc2[6] = L"hello";
    wchar_t    sc3[6] = L"hello";
    wchar_t    sc4[7] = L"abc";
    wchar_t    sc5[1000] = L"bye";

    int     violations = NumViolations;

    /*   wcstok_s */
    static wchar_t     str1[] = L"?a???b,,,#c";
    static wchar_t     str2[] = L"\t \t";
    static wchar_t     str3[] = L"?a???b,,,#c";
    wchar_t            *t, *ptr1, *ptr2, *ptr3;
    rsize_t         max1 = ARRAYCOUNT( str1 );
    rsize_t         max2 = ARRAYCOUNT( str2 );
    rsize_t         max3 = ARRAYCOUNT( str3 );

    /*  set constraint-handler                                             */

    set_constraint_handler_s( my_constraint_handler );

    /*  memcpy_s                                                           */
//  printf( "Test memcpys      (%s).\n", ProgramName );

    /* Test the "good" case */
    VERIFY( wmemcpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, 0 ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( wmemcpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, 1 + wcslen( s2 ) ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( wmemcpy_s( buf, wcslen( s2 ) + 2, s2, 1 + wcslen( s2 ) ) == 0 );

    VERIFY( wcslen( buf ) == wcslen( L"VALUE" ) );
    VERIFY( wcscmp( buf, L"VALUE" ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == violations );

    /* Test various failing cases */
    /* Test runtime-constraint violations */
    VERIFY( wmemcpy_s( buf, 3, s2, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( buf[0] == L'\0' );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( wmemcpy_s( NULL, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( wmemcpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), NULL, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( wmemcpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, sizeof( buf ) / sizeof( buf[0] )+ 1 ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( wmemcpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), buf + 1, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( wmemcpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, ~0 ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    /*  memmove_s                                                          */
//  printf( "Test memmove      (%s).\n", ProgramName );

    /* Test the "good" cases */
    VERIFY( wmemmove_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, 0 ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( wmemmove_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, 1 + wcslen( s2 ) ) == 0 );

    VERIFY( wmemmove_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), buf + 1, 1 + wcslen( s2 ) ) == 0 );

    VERIFY( wmemmove_s( buf, 1 + wcslen( s2 ), s2, 1 + wcslen( s2 ) ) == 0 );

    VERIFY( wcslen( buf ) == wcslen( L"VALUE" ) );
    VERIFY( wcscmp( buf, L"VALUE" ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == violations );

    /* Test various failing cases */
    /* Test runtime-constraint violations */
    VERIFY( wmemmove_s( buf, 3, s2, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( buf[0] == L'\0' );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( wmemmove_s( NULL, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( wmemmove_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), NULL, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( wmemmove_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ) + 1 ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( wmemmove_s( buf, ~0, s2, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( wmemmove_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, ~0 ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    /*  wcscpy_s                                                           */
//  printf( "Test memcpy       (%s).\n", ProgramName );

    /* Test the "good" cases */
    VERIFY( wcscpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2 ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( wcscpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2 ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( wcscpy_s( buf, wcslen( s2 ) + 1, s2 ) == 0 );

    VERIFY( wcslen( buf ) == wcslen( L"VALUE" ) );
    VERIFY( wcscmp( buf, L"VALUE" ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == violations );

    /* Test various failing cases */
    /* Test runtime-constraint violations */
    VERIFY( wcscpy_s( buf, 3, s2 ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );
    VERIFY( buf[0] == L'\0' );

    VERIFY( wcscpy_s( NULL, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2 ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( wcscpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), NULL ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( wcscpy_s( buf, 5, s2 ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( wcscpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), buf + 1 ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( wcscpy_s( buf, ~0, s2 ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    /*  wcscat_s                                                           */
//  printf( "Test wcscat       (%s).\n", ProgramName );
    wcscpy( sc1,src1 );
    VERIFY( wcscmp( sc1,src1 ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( wcscat_s( sc1, 100, sc5 ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( wcscmp( sc1, L"hellobye") == 0 );

    VERIFY( wcscat_s( sc2, 6, L"" ) == 0 );

    VERIFY( wcscat_s( sc3, 6, L"X" ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );
    VERIFY( sc3[0] == L'\0');

    VERIFY( wcscat_s(sc4, 7, L"defghijklmn") != 0);
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( wcscmp(sc4, L"" ) == 0);

    /*  wcsnlen_s                                                          */

//  printf( "Test wcsnlen      (%s).\n", ProgramName );
    /* Test the "good" case */
    VERIFY( wcsnlen_s( str, ARRAYCOUNT( str ) ) == wcslen( str ) );
    VERIFY( wcsnlen_s( str, 4 ) == 4 );
    VERIFY( wcsnlen_s( str, 0 ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( wcsnlen_s( NULL, 1000 ) == 0 );

    /* Test various failing cases */

    /* No runtime-constraint violations to test */

    VERIFY( NumViolations == violations );

    /*  wcsncpy_s                                                          */

//  printf( "Test wcsncpy      (%s).\n", ProgramName );
    /* Test the "good" case */
    VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, 0 ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, wcslen( s2 ) ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( buf, wcslen( s2 ) + 1, s2, wcslen( s2 ) ) == 0 );

    VERIFY( wcslen( buf ) == wcslen( L"VALUE" ) );
    VERIFY( wcscmp( buf, L"VALUE" ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == violations );

    VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( dst1, 6, src1, 100 ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( wcscmp( dst1, src1 ) == 0 );

    VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( dst3, 5, src2, 4 ) == 0 );

    /* Test various failing cases */
    /* Test runtime-constraint violations */
    VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( buf, 3, s2, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );
    VERIFY( buf[0] == '\0' );

    VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( NULL, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), NULL, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), buf + 1, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( dst2, 5, src2, 7 ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( buf, ~0, s2, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, ~0 ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    /*  wcsncat_s                                                          */

//  printf( "Test wcsncat      (%s).\n", ProgramName );
    wcscpy( sc1, L"good" );
    wcscpy( sc2, L"hello" );
    wcscpy( sc3, L"hello" );
    wcscpy( sc4, L"abc" );
    VERIFY( wcsncat_s( sc1, 100, sc5, 1000 ) == 0);
    VERIFY( wcscmp( sc1, L"goodbye" ) == 0 );

    VERIFY( wcsncat_s( sc2, 6, L"", 1 ) == 0 );

    VERIFY( wcsncat_s( sc4, 7, L"defghijklmn", 3 ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( wcscmp( sc4, L"abcdef" ) == 0 );

    /* Test runtime-constraint violations */
    VERIFY( wcsncat_s( sc3, 6, L"XXX", 3 ) != 0 );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );
    VERIFY( sc3[0] == L'\0');

    /*  wcstok_s                                                           */

//  printf( "Test wcstok       (%s).\n", ProgramName );
    VERIFY( (t = wcstok_s( str1, &max1, L"?", &ptr1 )) != NULL );    /* points to the token "a" */
    VERIFY( wcscmp( t, L"a" ) == 0 );

    VERIFY( (t = wcstok_s( NULL, &max1, L",", &ptr1 )) != NULL );    /* points to the token "??b" */
    VERIFY( wcscmp( t, L"??b" ) == 0 );

    VERIFY( NULL == wcstok_s( str2, &max2, L" \t", &ptr2 ) );        /* null pointer */
    VERIFY( NumViolations == violations );

    VERIFY( (t = wcstok_s( NULL, &max1, L"#,", &ptr1 )) != NULL  );  /* points to the token "c" */
    VERIFY( wcscmp( t, L"c" ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( ptr1 != NULL );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == violations );

    VERIFY( NULL == wcstok_s( NULL, &max1, L"#,", &ptr1 ) );  /* at the end */

    wcscpy( str1, str3 );
    max1 = ARRAYCOUNT( str1 );
    VERIFY( NULL == wcstok_s( str1, &max1, str3, &ptr3 ) );         /* only delimiter chars */

//  printf( "Test wcstok rtc   (%s).\n", ProgramName );
    /* Test runtime-constraint violations */
    ptr1 = NULL;
    VERIFY( NULL == wcstok_s( NULL, &max1, L"?", &ptr1 ) );          /* null pointer */
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( NULL == wcstok_s( str3, NULL, L"?", &ptr1 ) );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( NULL == wcstok_s( str3, &max3, NULL, &ptr1 ) );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    VERIFY( NULL == wcstok_s( str3, &max3, L"?", NULL ) );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    ptr3 = NULL;
    VERIFY( NULL == wcstok_s( NULL, &max3, L"?", &ptr3 ) );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );

    max1 = ~0;
    VERIFY( NULL == wcstok_s( str3, &max1, L"?", &ptr1 ) );
    VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations );
Esempio n. 7
int test_wmemcpy_s (void)
    errno_t rc;
    uint32_t i;
    rsize_t len;
    unsigned int testno = 0;

    printf("\nTesting wmemcpy_s:\n");
/* 1  Test for NULL destination check                  */
    printf("Test #%d:\n", ++testno);

    rc = wmemcpy_s(NULL, LEN, mem2, LEN);
    if (rc != ESNULLP) {
        printf("%s %u   Error rc=%u \n",
                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,  rc);

/* 2  Test for zero length destination                 */

    printf("Test #%d:\n", ++testno);

    rc = wmemcpy_s(mem1, 0, mem2, LEN);
    if (rc != ESZEROL) {
        printf("%s %u   Error rc=%u \n",
                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,  rc);

/* 3  Test for too large destination size              */
    printf("Test #%d:\n", ++testno);

    rc = wmemcpy_s(mem1, RSIZE_MAX_MEM+1, mem2, LEN);
    if (rc != ESLEMAX) {
        printf("%s %u   Error rc=%u \n",
                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,  rc);

/* 4  Test for NULL source check                  */
    printf("Test #%d:\n", ++testno);

    rc = wmemcpy_s(mem1, LEN, NULL, LEN);
    if (rc != ESNULLP) {
        printf("%s %u   Error rc=%u \n",
                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,  rc);

/* 5  Test for zero length source                 */
    printf("Test #%d:\n", ++testno);

    rc = wmemcpy_s(mem1, 10, mem2, 0);
    if (rc != ESZEROL) {
        printf("%s %u   Error rc=%u \n",
                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,  rc);

/* 6  Test for too large source size              */
    printf("Test #%d:\n", ++testno);

    rc = wmemcpy_s(mem1, LEN, mem2, RSIZE_MAX_MEM+1);
    if (rc != ESLEMAX) {
        printf("%s %u   Error rc=%u \n",
                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,  rc);

/* 7 Test for destination overlaps into source buffer */
    printf("Test #%d:\n", ++testno);

    rc = wmemcpy_s(mem1, LEN, &mem1[20], 21);
    if (rc != ESOVRLP) {
        printf("%s %u   Error rc=%u \n",
                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,  rc);

/* 8 Test for source overlaps into dest buffer */
	printf("Test #%d:\n", ++testno);

	rc = wmemcpy_s(&mem1[25], LEN, mem1, 26);
	if (rc != ESOVRLP) {
		printf("%s %u   Error rc=%u \n",
					 __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,  rc);

/* 9 Test for just enough room for dest buffer before source & proper copying */
    printf("Test #%d:\n", ++testno);

    for (i=0; i<10; i++) { mem1[i] = 33; }
    mem1[10] = 40;
    for (i=11; i<LEN; i++) { mem1[i] = 44; }

    rc = wmemcpy_s(mem1, 10, &mem1[10], 10);
    if (rc != EOK) {
        printf("%s %u   Error rc=%u \n",
                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,  rc);
    } else {

    	if ( mem1[0] != 40 && mem1[10] != 40) {
            printf("%d - %d m1[0]=%d  m1[10]=%d should be 40  \n",
                 __LINE__, i, mem1[0], mem1[10]);
		for (i=1; i<10; i++) {
			if (mem1[i] != 44) {
				printf("%d - %d m1=%d  should be 44  \n",
					 __LINE__, i, mem1[i]);

/* 10    */
    printf("Test #%d:\n", ++testno);

    for (i=0; i<LEN+1; i++) { mem1[i] = 33; }
    for (i=0; i<LEN; i++) { mem2[i] = 44; }

    len = LEN;
    rc = wmemcpy_s(mem1, len, mem2, (len+1) );
    if (rc == EOK) {
        printf("%s %u   Error rc=%u \n",
                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,  rc);

    } else {

    for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
        if (mem1[i] != 0) {
            printf("%d - %d m1=%d  m2=%d  \n",
                 __LINE__, i, mem1[i], mem2[i]);

    if (mem1[i] != 33) {
        printf("%d - %lu m1=%d  m2=%d  \n",
                 __LINE__, len, mem1[len], mem2[len]);


/* 11    */
    printf("Test #%d:\n", ++testno);

    for (i=0; i<LEN+2; i++) { mem1[i] = 33; }
    for (i=0; i<LEN; i++) { mem2[i] = 44; }

    len = LEN/2;
    rc = wmemcpy_s(mem1, len, mem2, LEN);
    if (rc != ESLEMAX) {
        printf("%s %u   Error rc=%u \n",
                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,  rc);

    } else {

    for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
        if (mem1[i] != 0) {
            printf("%d - %d m1=%d  m2=%d  \n",
                 __LINE__, i, mem1[i], mem2[i]);

    if (mem1[len] != 33) {
            printf("%d - %lu m1=%d  m2=%d  \n",
                 __LINE__, len, mem1[len], mem2[len]);

/* 12   */
    printf("Test #%d:\n", ++testno);

    for (i=0; i<LEN+2; i++) { mem1[i] = 33; }
    for (i=0; i<LEN; i++) { mem2[i] = 44; }

    len = LEN;
    rc = wmemcpy_s(mem1, len, mem2, 0);
    if (rc != ESZEROL) {
        printf("%s %u   Error rc=%u \n",
                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,  rc);

    } else {

    /* verify mem1 was zeroed */
    for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
        if (mem1[i] != 0) {
            printf("%d - %d m1=%d  m2=%d  \n",
                 __LINE__, i, mem1[i], mem2[i]);

    if (mem1[len] != 33) {
            printf("%d - %lu m1=%d  m2=%d  \n",
                 __LINE__, len, mem1[len], mem2[len]);


/* 13   */
    printf("Test #%d:\n", ++testno);

    for (i=0; i<LEN; i++) { mem1[i] = 33; }
    for (i=0; i<LEN; i++) { mem2[i] = 44; }

    len = LEN;
    rc = wmemcpy_s(mem1, len, mem2, RSIZE_MAX_MEM+1);
    if (rc != ESLEMAX) {
        printf("%s %u   Error rc=%u \n",
                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, rc);
    } else {

		/* verify mem1 was zeroed */
		for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
			if (mem1[i] != 0) {
				printf("%d - %d m1=%d  m2=%d  \n",
					 __LINE__, i, mem1[i], mem2[i]);

		if (mem1[len] == 0) {
				printf("%d - %d m1=%d  m2=%d  \n",
					 __LINE__, i, mem1[i], mem2[i]);


/* 14   */
    printf("Test #%d:\n", ++testno);

    for (i=0; i<LEN; i++) { mem1[i] = 55; }

    /* same ptr - no move */
    rc = wmemcpy_s(mem1, LEN, mem1, LEN);
    if (rc != EOK) {
        printf("%s %u  Error rc=%u \n",
                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,  rc);

/* 15   */
    printf("Test #%d:\n", ++testno);

    for (i=0; i<LEN; i++) { mem1[i] = 55; }
    for (i=0; i<LEN; i++) { mem2[i] = 65; }

    /* overlap */
    len = 100;
    rc = wmemcpy_s(&mem1[0], len, &mem1[10], len);
    if (rc != ESOVRLP) {
        printf("%s %u  Error rc=%u \n",
                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,  rc);
    } else {

    for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
        if (mem1[i] != 0) {
            printf("%d - %d m1=%d  m2=%d  \n",
                 __LINE__, i, mem1[i], mem2[i]);

    if (mem1[len] == 0) {
            printf("%d - %d m1=%d  m2=%d  \n",
                 __LINE__, i, mem1[i], mem2[i]);


/* 16  */
    printf("Test #%d:\n", ++testno);

    for (i=0; i<LEN; i++) { mem1[i] = 55; }
    for (i=0; i<LEN; i++) { mem2[i] = 65; }

    /* overlap */
    len = 100;
    rc = wmemcpy_s(&mem1[10], len, &mem1[0], len);
    if (rc != ESOVRLP) {
        printf("%s %u  Error rc=%u \n",
                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,  rc);
    } else {

		for (i=10; i<len+10; i++) {
			if (mem1[i] != 0) {
				printf("%d - %d m1=%d  m2=%d  \n",
					 __LINE__, i, mem1[i], mem2[i]);


/* 17   */
    printf("Test #%d:\n", ++testno);

    for (i=0; i<LEN; i++) { mem1[i] = 35; }
    for (i=0; i<LEN; i++) { mem2[i] = 55; }

    len = 5;
    rc = wmemcpy_s(mem1, len, mem2, len);
    if (rc != EOK) {
        printf("%s %u  Error rc=%u \n",
                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,  rc);
    } else {

    for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
        if (mem1[i] != 55) {
            printf("%d - %d m1=%d\n",
                 __LINE__, i, mem1[i]);


/* 18   */
    printf("Test #%d:\n", ++testno);

    for (i=0; i<LEN; i++) { mem1[i] = 35; }
    for (i=0; i<LEN; i++) { mem2[i] = 55; }

    rc = wmemcpy_s(mem1, LEN, mem2, LEN/2);
    if (rc != EOK) {
        printf("%s %u  Error rc=%u \n",
                     __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,  rc);
    } else {

    for (i=0; i<LEN/2; i++) {
        if (mem1[i] != 55) {
            printf("%d - %d m1=%d  m2=%d  \n",
                 __LINE__, i, mem1[i], mem2[i]);


    return (0);
Esempio n. 8
void CLotteryDlg::_readInfo()
	CString strCurPath;
	if ((strCurPath = _getCurPath()).IsEmpty())
		return ;
	wchar_t strFilename[1024];
	memset(strFilename, 0, sizeof(strFilename));
	//MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, strCurPath, strCurPath.GetLength() * sizeof(TCHAR), strFilename, strCurPath.GetLength());
	wmemcpy_s(strFilename, sizeof(strFilename), (LPCTSTR)strCurPath, strCurPath.GetLength());
	std::wstring strDataPath(strFilename);

	strDataPath += L"data.txt";
	std::ifstream infile(strDataPath.c_str());
	if (!infile)
		return ;
	char buf[32];
	std::string strData;
	PartnersInfo pi;
	char separator[] = "\r\n\t ";
	bool bN = false, bP = false;
	while (1)
		infile.getline(buf, sizeof(buf));
		strData = buf;
		size_t pos = 0;
		bN = false;
		for (; pos < strData.size(); ++pos)
			if ((strData[pos] == '\t' || strData[pos] == ' '))
				if (bN)
				bN = true;
				pi._name += strData[pos];
		bP = false;
		for (; pos < strData.size(); ++pos)
			if ((strData[pos] == '\t' || strData[pos] == ' '))
				if (bP)
				bP = true;
				pi._pn += strData[pos];
		if ((infile.rdstate() & ifstream::eofbit) != 0)
		if (find(m_PartnerInfo.begin(), m_PartnerInfo.end(), pi) == m_PartnerInfo.end())
int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow )
	Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput gdiplusStartupInput;
	ULONG_PTR gdiplusToken;

	unsigned char fail_type = 0;

	// Initialize GDI+.
	Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup( &gdiplusToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL );

	// Blocks our reading thread and various GUI operations.
	InitializeCriticalSection( &pe_cs );

	// Get the default message system font.
	ncm.cbSize = sizeof( NONCLIENTMETRICS );
	SystemParametersInfo( SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, sizeof( NONCLIENTMETRICS ), &ncm, 0 );

	// Set our global font to the LOGFONT value obtained from the system.
	hFont = CreateFontIndirect( &ncm.lfMessageFont );

	// Get the row height for our listview control.
	HDC hDC = GetDC( NULL );
	HFONT ohf = ( HFONT )SelectObject( hDC, hFont );
	GetTextMetricsW( hDC, &tm );
	SelectObject( hDC, ohf );	// Reset old font.
	ReleaseDC( NULL, hDC );

	row_height = tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading + 5;

	int icon_height = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSMICON ) + 2;
	if ( row_height < icon_height )
		row_height = icon_height;

	// Get the system icon for each of the three file types.
	SHFILEINFOA shfi = { NULL }; 
	hIcon_bmp = shfi.hIcon;
	hIcon_png = shfi.hIcon;
	hIcon_jpg = shfi.hIcon;

	// Initialize our window class.
	wcex.cbSize			= sizeof( WNDCLASSEX );          = CS_VREDRAW | CS_HREDRAW;
	wcex.lpfnWndProc    = MainWndProc;
	wcex.cbClsExtra     = 0;
	wcex.cbWndExtra     = 0;
	wcex.hInstance      = hInstance;
	wcex.hIcon          = LoadIcon( hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDI_ICON ) );
	wcex.hCursor        = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW );
	wcex.hbrBackground  = ( HBRUSH )( COLOR_WINDOW );
	wcex.lpszMenuName   = NULL;
	wcex.lpszClassName  = L"thumbcache";
	wcex.hIconSm        = LoadIcon( wcex.hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDI_APPLICATION ) );

	if ( !RegisterClassEx( &wcex ) )
		fail_type = 1;
		goto CLEANUP;

	wcex.lpfnWndProc    = ImageWndProc;
	wcex.lpszClassName  = L"image";

	if ( !RegisterClassEx( &wcex ) )
		fail_type = 1;
		goto CLEANUP;

	wcex.lpfnWndProc    = ScanWndProc;
	wcex.lpszClassName  = L"scan";

	if ( !RegisterClassEx( &wcex ) )
		fail_type = 1;
		goto CLEANUP;

	wcex.lpfnWndProc    = InfoWndProc;
	wcex.lpszClassName  = L"info";

	if ( !RegisterClassEx( &wcex ) )
		fail_type = 1;
		goto CLEANUP;

	wcex.lpfnWndProc    = PropertyWndProc;
	wcex.lpszClassName  = L"property";

	if ( !RegisterClassEx( &wcex ) )
		fail_type = 1;
		goto CLEANUP;

	g_hWnd_main = CreateWindow( L"thumbcache", PROGRAM_CAPTION, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_CLIPCHILDREN, ( ( GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ) - MIN_WIDTH ) / 2 ), ( ( GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ) - MIN_HEIGHT ) / 2 ), MIN_WIDTH, MIN_HEIGHT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );

	if ( !g_hWnd_main )
		fail_type = 2;
		goto CLEANUP;

	g_hWnd_image = CreateWindow( L"image", PROGRAM_CAPTION, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, ( ( GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ) - MIN_WIDTH ) / 2 ), ( ( GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ) - MIN_HEIGHT ) / 2 ), MIN_HEIGHT, MIN_HEIGHT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );

	if ( !g_hWnd_image )
		fail_type = 2;
		goto CLEANUP;

	g_hWnd_scan = CreateWindow( L"scan", L"Map File Paths to Cache Entry Hashes", WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | WS_THICKFRAME | WS_CLIPCHILDREN, ( ( GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ) - MIN_WIDTH ) / 2 ), ( ( GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ) - ( MIN_HEIGHT - 115 ) ) / 2 ), MIN_WIDTH, ( MIN_HEIGHT - 115 ), g_hWnd_main, NULL, NULL, NULL );

	if ( !g_hWnd_scan )
		fail_type = 2;
		goto CLEANUP;

	g_hWnd_info = CreateWindow( L"info", L"Extended Information", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_CLIPCHILDREN, ( ( GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ) - MIN_WIDTH ) / 2 ), ( ( GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ) - MIN_WIDTH ) / 2 ), MIN_WIDTH, MIN_WIDTH, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );

	if ( !g_hWnd_info )
		fail_type = 2;
		goto CLEANUP;

	g_hWnd_property = CreateWindow( L"property", L"Property Value", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_CLIPCHILDREN, ( ( GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ) - MIN_HEIGHT ) / 2 ), ( ( GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ) - MIN_HEIGHT ) / 2 ), MIN_HEIGHT, MIN_HEIGHT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );

	if ( !g_hWnd_property )
		fail_type = 2;
		goto CLEANUP;

	// See if we have any command-line parameters
	if ( lpCmdLine != NULL && lpCmdLine[ 0 ] != NULL )
		// Count the number of parameters and split them into an array.
		int argCount = 0;
		LPWSTR *szArgList = CommandLineToArgvW( GetCommandLine(), &argCount );
		if ( szArgList != NULL )
			// The first parameter is the path to the executable. Ignore it.
			if ( argCount > 1 )
				// Allocate enough space to hold each parameter. They should all be full paths.
				pathinfo *pi = ( pathinfo * )malloc( sizeof( pathinfo ) );
				pi->type = 0;
				pi->offset = 0;
				pi->output_path = NULL;
				pi->filepath = ( wchar_t * )malloc( sizeof( wchar_t ) * ( ( MAX_PATH * ( argCount - 1 ) ) + 1 ) );
				wmemset( pi->filepath, 0, ( ( MAX_PATH * ( argCount - 1 ) ) + 1 ) );

				cmd_line = 1;	// Open the database(s) from the command-line.

				int filepath_offset = 0;
				for ( int i = 1; i < argCount; ++i )
					int filepath_length = wcslen( szArgList[ i ] );

					// See if it's an output parameter.
					if ( filepath_length > 1 && szArgList[ i ][ 0 ] == L'-' && ( szArgList[ i ][ 1 ] == L'o' || szArgList[ i ][ 1 ] == L'O' ) )
						// See if the next parameter exists. We'll assume it's the output directory.
						if ( i + 1 < argCount )
							if ( pi->output_path != NULL )
								free( pi->output_path );

							pi->output_path = _wcsdup( szArgList[ ++i ] );
							pi->type = 0;

							cmd_line = 2;	// Save the database(s) from the command-line. Do not display the main window or any prompts.
					else if ( filepath_length > 1 && szArgList[ i ][ 0 ] == L'-' && ( szArgList[ i ][ 1 ] == L'c' || szArgList[ i ][ 1 ] == L'C' ) )
						// See if the next parameter exists. We'll assume it's the output directory.
						if ( i + 1 < argCount )
							if ( pi->output_path != NULL )
								free( pi->output_path );

							pi->output_path = _wcsdup( szArgList[ ++i ] );
							pi->type = 1;

							cmd_line = 2;	// Save the database(s) from the command-line. Do not display the main window or any prompts.
					else if ( filepath_length > 1 && szArgList[ i ][ 0 ] == L'-' && ( szArgList[ i ][ 1 ] == L'z' || szArgList[ i ][ 1 ] == L'Z' ) )
						hide_blank_entries = true;

						// Put a check next to the menu item. g_hMenu is created in g_hWnd_main.
						CheckMenuItem( g_hMenu, MENU_HIDE_BLANK, MF_CHECKED );
					else	// Copy the paths into the NULL separated filepath.
						// If the user typed a relative path, get the full path.
						wchar_t full_path[ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 };
						DWORD full_path_length = min( GetFullPathName( szArgList[ i ], MAX_PATH, full_path, NULL ), MAX_PATH );

						wmemcpy_s( pi->filepath + filepath_offset, ( ( MAX_PATH * ( argCount - 1 ) ) + 1 ) - filepath_offset, full_path, full_path_length + 1 );
						filepath_offset += ( full_path_length + 1 );

				// Only read the database if there's a file to open.
				if ( pi->filepath[ 0 ] != NULL )
					// filepath will be freed in the thread.
					CloseHandle( ( HANDLE )_beginthreadex( NULL, 0, &read_thumbcache, ( void * )pi, 0, NULL ) );
					// Cleanup our parameters structure and exit the program.
					free( pi->output_path );
					free( pi->filepath );
					free( pi );

					cmd_line = -1;

					SendMessage( g_hWnd_main, WM_DESTROY_ALT, 0, 0 );

			// Free the parameter list.
			LocalFree( szArgList );

	if ( cmd_line == 0 || cmd_line == 1 )
		ShowWindow( g_hWnd_main, SW_SHOW );

	// Main message loop:
	MSG msg;
	while ( GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 ) > 0 )
		if ( g_hWnd_active == NULL || !IsDialogMessage( g_hWnd_active, &msg ) )	// Checks tab stops.
			TranslateMessage( &msg );
			DispatchMessage( &msg );


	// Destroy our icons.
	DestroyIcon( hIcon_jpg );
	DestroyIcon( hIcon_png );
	DestroyIcon( hIcon_bmp );

	// Delete our font.
	DeleteObject( hFont );

	// Delete our critical section.
	DeleteCriticalSection( &pe_cs );

	// Shutdown GDI+
	Gdiplus::GdiplusShutdown( gdiplusToken );

	// Unload the modules if they were initialized.

	if ( fail_type == 1 )
		MessageBoxA( NULL, "Call to RegisterClassEx failed!", PROGRAM_CAPTION_A, MB_ICONWARNING );
	else if ( fail_type == 2 )
		MessageBoxA( NULL, "Call to CreateWindow failed!", PROGRAM_CAPTION_A, MB_ICONWARNING );

	return ( int )msg.wParam;