/*!	\function 	utl_CheckStringValidity
 *	\brief		Verify the string submitted by the user is valid.
 *	\details	Perform also some adjustments, described below.
 *	\returns	"true" if the string is valid, "false" if user must correct it.
 *	\param[in]	toCheck	Reference to BString which should be checked. This is also output.
bool utl_CheckStringValidity( BString& toCheck )
	/*!	\par	Rules of validity for strings
	 *			1) A string lasts from beginning to first "newline" character.
	 *			   Everything after "newline" character is trimmed.
	 *			2) All whitespaces are replaced with "space" char.
	 *			3) All sequences of more then one "space" are replaced with a single "space".
	 *			4) All leading and trailing space are trimmed.
	 *			5) If the string is empty, it's invalid.
	 *			String that consists of punctuation mark only is allowed!
	int index;
	BString workingCopy( toCheck );
	/* Trim everything after first newline character. */
	if ( ( index = workingCopy.FindFirst("\n") ) != B_ERROR )
		// index is the position of the first newline character
		if ( index > 0 )
			workingCopy.Truncate( index - 1 );	
		} else {
			workingCopy.Truncate( 0 );
	/* Remove leading and trailing whitespaces. */
	workingCopy = workingCopy.Trim();
	/* Replace every whitespace with a "space" character. */
	workingCopy = workingCopy.ReplaceSet( " \t\a\n\r\v", ' ');
	/* Replace every two sequentive whitespaces with a single space. */
	while ( ( index = workingCopy.FindFirst("  ") ) != B_ERROR )
		workingCopy = workingCopy.IReplaceAll("  ", " ");
	}	// <-- end of "while ( there are two sequentive spaces )"
	if ( workingCopy.Length() == 0 ) {
		return false;
	} else {
		toCheck = workingCopy;
		return true;

}	// <-- end of function "utl_CheckStringValidity"