Esempio n. 1
 * Call this method to generate C++ code for a UMLClassifier.
 * @param c   the class you want to generate code for.
void RubyWriter::writeClass(UMLClassifier *c)
    if (!c) {
        uDebug() << "Cannot write class of NULL concept!";

    UMLClassifierList superclasses = c->getSuperClasses();
    UMLAssociationList aggregations = c->getAggregations();
    UMLAssociationList compositions = c->getCompositions();

    //find an appropriate name for our file
    fileName_ = findFileName(c, QLatin1String(".rb"));
    if (fileName_.isEmpty()) {
        emit codeGenerated(c, false);

    QFile fileh;
    if (!openFile(fileh, fileName_)) {
        emit codeGenerated(c, false);
    QTextStream h(&fileh);

    className_ = cleanName(c->name());

    //Start generating the code!!

    //try to find a heading file (license, coments, etc)
    QString str;

    str = getHeadingFile(QLatin1String(".rb"));
    if (!str.isEmpty()) {
        str.replace(QRegExp(QLatin1String("%filename%")), fileName_);
        str.replace(QRegExp(QLatin1String("%filepath%")), fileh.fileName());
        h << str << m_endl;

    if (forceDoc() || !c->doc().isEmpty()) {
        QString docStr = c->doc();
        docStr.replace(QRegExp(QLatin1String("\\n")), QLatin1String("\n# "));
        docStr.remove(QLatin1String("@ref "));
        docStr.replace(QLatin1String("@see"), QLatin1String("_See_"));
        docStr.replace(QLatin1String("@short"), QLatin1String("_Summary_"));
        docStr.replace(QLatin1String("@author"), QLatin1String("_Author_"));
        h << "#" << m_endl;
        h << "# " << docStr << m_endl;
        h << "#" << m_endl << m_endl;

    // write inheritances out
    UMLClassifier *concept;

    h <<  "class " << cppToRubyType(className_) << (superclasses.count() > 0 ? QLatin1String(" < ") : QString());

    int i = 0;
    foreach (concept, superclasses) {
        if (i == 0) {
            h << cppToRubyType(concept->name()) << m_endl;
        } else {
            // Assume ruby modules that can be mixed in, after the first
            // superclass name in the list
            h << m_indentation << "include " <<  cppToRubyType(concept->name()) << m_endl;

    h << m_endl;

    // write comment for sub-section IF needed
    if (forceDoc() || c->hasAccessorMethods()) {
        h << m_indentation << "#" << m_endl;
        h << m_indentation << "# Accessor Methods" << m_endl;
        h << m_indentation << "#" << m_endl << m_endl;

        // Accessor methods for attributes
        writeAttributeMethods(c->getAttributeList(Uml::Visibility::Public), Uml::Visibility::Public, h);
        writeAttributeMethods(c->getAttributeList(Uml::Visibility::Protected), Uml::Visibility::Protected, h);
        writeAttributeMethods(c->getAttributeList(Uml::Visibility::Private), Uml::Visibility::Private, h);
        h << m_endl;

    writeOperations(c, h);

    //finish files
    h << "end" << m_endl << m_endl;

    //close files and notfiy we are done
    emit codeGenerated(c, true);
Esempio n. 2
 * Write the source code body file for this classifier.
void CppWriter::writeSourceFile(UMLClassifier *c, QFile &file)
    // open stream for writing
    QTextStream cpp (&file);

    // set the starting indentation at zero
    m_indentLevel = 0;

    //try to find a heading file (license, coments, etc)
    QString str;
    str = getHeadingFile(".cpp");
    if (!str.isEmpty()) {
        str.replace(QRegExp("%filename%"), fileName_ + ".cpp");
        str.replace(QRegExp("%filepath%"), file.fileName());
        cpp << str << m_endl;

    // IMPORT statements
    // Q: Why all utils? Isnt just List and Vector the only classes we are using?
    // Our import *should* also look at operations, and check that objects being
    // used arent in another package (and thus need to be explicitly imported here).
    cpp << "#include \"" << className_ << ".h\"" << m_endl;

    if (c->visibility() == Uml::Visibility::Implementation) {
        writeClassDecl(c, cpp);

    // Start body of class

    // Constructors: anything we more we need to do here ?
    if (!c->isInterface())
        writeConstructorMethods(c, cpp);

    // METHODS

    // write comment for section IF needed
    QString indnt = indent();
    if (forceDoc() || c->hasAccessorMethods() || c->hasOperationMethods()) {
        writeComment(" ", indnt, cpp);
        writeComment("Methods", indnt, cpp);
        writeComment(" ", indnt, cpp);

    // write comment for sub-section IF needed
    if (forceDoc() || c->hasAccessorMethods() ) {
        writeComment("Accessor methods", indnt, cpp);
        writeComment(" ", indnt, cpp);

    // Accessor methods for attributes
    const bool bInlineAccessors = policyExt()->getAccessorsAreInline();
    if (!bInlineAccessors && c->hasAttributes()) {
        writeAttributeMethods(c->getAttributeListStatic(Uml::Visibility::Public), Uml::Visibility::Public, false, true, !bInlineAccessors, cpp);
        writeAttributeMethods(c->getAttributeList(Uml::Visibility::Public), Uml::Visibility::Public, false, false, !bInlineAccessors, cpp);
        writeAttributeMethods(c->getAttributeListStatic(Uml::Visibility::Protected), Uml::Visibility::Protected, false, true, !bInlineAccessors, cpp);
        writeAttributeMethods(c->getAttributeList(Uml::Visibility::Protected), Uml::Visibility::Protected, false, false, !bInlineAccessors, cpp);
        writeAttributeMethods(c->getAttributeListStatic(Uml::Visibility::Private), Uml::Visibility::Private, false, true, !bInlineAccessors, cpp);
        writeAttributeMethods(c->getAttributeList(Uml::Visibility::Private), Uml::Visibility::Private, false, false, !bInlineAccessors, cpp);

    // accessor methods for associations

    // public
    writeAssociationMethods(c->getSpecificAssocs(Uml::at_Association), Uml::Visibility::Public, false,
                            !INLINE_ASSOCIATION_METHODS, true, c->id(), cpp);
    writeAssociationMethods(c->getUniAssociationToBeImplemented(), Uml::Visibility::Public, false,
                            !INLINE_ASSOCIATION_METHODS, true, c->id(), cpp);
    writeAssociationMethods(c->getAggregations(), Uml::Visibility::Public, false,
                            !INLINE_ASSOCIATION_METHODS, true, c->id(), cpp);
    writeAssociationMethods(c->getCompositions(), Uml::Visibility::Public, false,
                            !INLINE_ASSOCIATION_METHODS, true, c->id(), cpp);

    // protected
    writeAssociationMethods(c->getSpecificAssocs(Uml::at_Association), Uml::Visibility::Protected, false,
                            !INLINE_ASSOCIATION_METHODS, true, c->id(), cpp);
    writeAssociationMethods(c->getUniAssociationToBeImplemented(), Uml::Visibility::Protected, false,
                            !INLINE_ASSOCIATION_METHODS, true, c->id(), cpp);
    writeAssociationMethods(c->getAggregations(), Uml::Visibility::Protected, false,
                            !INLINE_ASSOCIATION_METHODS, true, c->id(), cpp);
    writeAssociationMethods(c->getCompositions(), Uml::Visibility::Protected, false,
                            !INLINE_ASSOCIATION_METHODS, true, c->id(), cpp);

    // private
    writeAssociationMethods(c->getSpecificAssocs(Uml::at_Association), Uml::Visibility::Private, false,
                            !INLINE_ASSOCIATION_METHODS, true, c->id(), cpp);
    writeAssociationMethods(c->getUniAssociationToBeImplemented(), Uml::Visibility::Private, false,
                            !INLINE_ASSOCIATION_METHODS, true, c->id(), cpp);
    writeAssociationMethods(c->getAggregations(), Uml::Visibility::Private, false,
                            !INLINE_ASSOCIATION_METHODS, true, c->id(), cpp);
    writeAssociationMethods(c->getCompositions(), Uml::Visibility::Private, false,
                            !INLINE_ASSOCIATION_METHODS, true, c->id(), cpp);

    // Other operation methods -- all other operations are now written

    // write comment for sub-section IF needed
    if (forceDoc() || c->hasOperationMethods()) {
        writeComment("Other methods", indnt, cpp);
        writeComment(" ", indnt, cpp);

    if (!policyExt()->getOperationsAreInline()) {

    // Yep, bringing up the back of the bus, our initialization method for attributes
    writeInitAttributeMethod(c, cpp);
