static void writeMS_Ico(MS_Ico const MSIconData, const char * const outFname) { int x,y; ofp = pm_openw(outFname); writeU2(MSIconData->reserved); writeU2(MSIconData->type); writeU2(MSIconData->count); for (x=0;x<MSIconData->count;x++) writeIC_Entry(MSIconData->entries[x]); for (x=0;x<MSIconData->count;x++) { writeIC_InfoHeader(MSIconData->entries[x]->ih); for (y=0;y<(MSIconData->entries[x]->color_count);y++) { writeIC_Color(MSIconData->entries[x]->colors[y]); } if (verbose) pm_message("writing xor bitmap"); writeBitmap(MSIconData->entries[x]->xorBitmapOut, MSIconData->entries[x]->xBytesXor, MSIconData->entries[x]->height); if (verbose) pm_message("writing and bitmap"); writeBitmap(MSIconData->entries[x]->andBitmapOut, MSIconData->entries[x]->xBytesAnd, MSIconData->entries[x]->height); } fclose(ofp); }
void FractalCreator::run(string name) { calculateIteration(); calculateTotalIterations(); drawFractal(); writeBitmap("test.bmp"); }
void writeBitmap(const char *sectionStr, uint32 resId) { char nameBuffer[256]; sprintf(nameBuffer, "%s/%u", sectionStr, resId); Common::File *file = res.getResource(getResId(sectionStr), Common::WinResourceID(resId)); assert(file); writeBitmap(nameBuffer, file); }
void writeBitmap(const char *sectionStr, uint32 resId, bool isEnglish = true) { char nameBuffer[256]; sprintf(nameBuffer, "%s/%u%s", sectionStr, resId, isEnglish ? "" : "/DE"); Common::PEResources &res = isEnglish ? resEng : resGer; Common::File *file = res.getResource(getResId(sectionStr), Common::WinResourceID(resId)); assert(file); writeBitmap(nameBuffer, file); }
void FractalCreator::run(string filename) { addZoom(Zoom(_width/2, _height/2, 4.0/_width)); addZoom(Zoom(295, _height - 202, 0.1)); addZoom(Zoom(312, _height - 304, 0.1)); calculateIteration(); calculateRangeTotal(); drawFractal(); writeBitmap(filename); }
void GLXGraphicsystem::saveScreenShotOfFramebuffer(std::string fileToSave) { LOG_DEBUG("GLXGraphicsystem","taking screenshot and saving it to:" << fileToSave); GLint viewport[4]; glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT,viewport); // x,y,width,height int WINDOW_WIDTH= viewport[2]; int WINDOW_HEIGHT= viewport[3]; LOG_DEBUG("GLXGraphicsystem","Screenshot: " << WINDOW_WIDTH << " * " << WINDOW_HEIGHT); char *buffer = (char *)malloc(WINDOW_WIDTH * WINDOW_HEIGHT * 3 * sizeof(unsigned char)); glReadPixels(0,0,WINDOW_WIDTH,WINDOW_HEIGHT,GL_BGR,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer); writeBitmap(fileToSave,buffer,WINDOW_WIDTH,WINDOW_HEIGHT); free(buffer); LOG_DEBUG("GLXGraphicsystem","done taking screenshot"); }
EDLL int AoscMessage::getBytes(byte *data, int sizemax) { int size=0; memset(data, 0, sizemax); size+=writeString(pattern, data, sizemax); format[0]=','; { Anode *n=lchild; char *f=&format[1]; while(n) { if(n->isCI(&AoscString::CI)) *(f++)='s'; else if(n->isCI(&AoscInteger::CI)) *(f++)='i'; else if(n->isCI(&AoscFloat::CI)) *(f++)='f'; else if(n->isCI(&AoscColor::CI)) *(f++)='r'; else if(n->isCI(&AoscBitmap::CI)) *(f++)='j'; n=n->prev; } *f=0; } size+=writeString(format, data+size, sizemax-size); { Anode *n=lchild; while(n) { if(n->isCI(&AoscString::CI)) size+=writeString(((AoscString *)n)->value, data+size, sizemax-size); else if(n->isCI(&AoscInteger::CI)) size+=writeInt(((AoscInteger *)n)->value, data+size, sizemax-size); else if(n->isCI(&AoscFloat::CI)) size+=writeFloat(((AoscFloat *)n)->value, data+size, sizemax-size); else if(n->isCI(&AoscColor::CI)) size+=writeInt(((AoscColor *)n)->value, data+size, sizemax-size); else if(n->isCI(&AoscBitmap::CI)) size+=writeBitmap(((AoscBitmap *)n)->value, data+size, sizemax-size); n=n->prev; } } return size; }
void writeData() { for (int idx = 0; idx < (resGer.empty() ? 1 : 2); ++idx) { bool isEnglish = idx == 0; writeBitmap("Bitmap", "BACKDROP", isEnglish); writeBitmap("Bitmap", "EVILTWIN", isEnglish); writeBitmap("Bitmap", "RESTORED", isEnglish); writeBitmap("Bitmap", "RESTOREF", isEnglish); writeBitmap("Bitmap", "RESTOREU", isEnglish); writeBitmap("Bitmap", "STARTD", isEnglish); writeBitmap("Bitmap", "STARTF", isEnglish); writeBitmap("Bitmap", "STARTU", isEnglish); writeBitmap("Bitmap", "TITANIC", isEnglish); writeBitmap("Bitmap", 133, isEnglish); writeBitmap("Bitmap", 164, isEnglish); writeBitmap("Bitmap", 165, isEnglish); } writeResource("STFONT", 149); writeResource("STFONT", 151); writeResource("STFONT", 152); writeResource("STFONT", 153); writeResource("STARFIELD", 132); writeStarfieldPoints(); writeStarfieldPoints2(); writeResource("TEXT", "STVOCAB.TXT"); writeResource("TEXT", "JRQUOTES.TXT"); writeResource("TEXT", 155); writeStringArray("TEXT/ITEM_DESCRIPTIONS", ITEM_DESCRIPTIONS, 46); writeStringArray("TEXT/ITEM_NAMES", ITEM_NAMES, 46); writeStringArray("TEXT/ITEM_IDS", ITEM_IDS, 40); writeStringArray("TEXT/ROOM_NAMES", ROOM_NAMES, 34); writeStringArray("TEXT/STRINGS", STRINGS_EN, 58); writeStringArray("TEXT/STRINGS/DE", STRINGS_DE, 104); const int TEXT_PHRASES[3] = { 0x61D3C8, 0x618340, 0x61B1E0 }; const int TEXT_REPLACEMENTS1[3] = { 0x61D9B0, 0x61C788, 0x61B7C8 }; const int TEXT_REPLACEMENTS2[3] = { 0x61DD20, 0x61CAF8, 0x61BB38 }; const int TEXT_REPLACEMENTS3[3] = { 0x61F5C8, 0x61E3A0, 0x61D3E0 }; const int TEXT_PRONOUNS[3] = { 0x631318, 0x6300F8, 0x62F138 }; writeStringArray("TEXT/PHRASES", TEXT_PHRASES[_version], 376); writeStringArray("TEXT/REPLACEMENTS1", TEXT_REPLACEMENTS1[_version], 218); writeStringArray("TEXT/REPLACEMENTS2", TEXT_REPLACEMENTS2[_version], 1576); writeStringArray("TEXT/REPLACEMENTS3", TEXT_REPLACEMENTS3[_version], 82); writeStringArray("TEXT/PRONOUNS", TEXT_PRONOUNS[_version], 15); const int SENTENCES_DEFAULT[3] = { 0x5C0130, 0x5BEFC8, 0x5BE008 }; const int SENTENCES_BARBOT[2][3] = { { 0x5ABE60, 0x5AACF8, 0x5A9D38 }, { 0x5BD4E8, 0x5BC380, 0x5BB3C0 } }; const int SENTENCES_BELLBOT[20][3] = { { 0x5C2230, 0x5C10C8, 0X5C0108 }, { 0x5D1670, 0x5D0508, 0x5CF548 }, { 0x5D1A80, 0x5D0918, 0x5CF958 }, { 0x5D1AE8, 0x5D0980, 0x5CF9C0 }, { 0x5D1B88, 0x5D0A20, 0x5CFA60 }, { 0x5D2A60, 0x5D18F8, 0x5D0938 }, { 0x5D2CD0, 0x5D1B68, 0x5D0BA8 }, { 0x5D3488, 0x5D2320, 0x5D1360 }, { 0x5D3900, 0x5D2798, 0x5D17D8 }, { 0x5D3968, 0x5D2800, 0x5D1840 }, { 0x5D4668, 0x5D3500, 0x5D2540 }, { 0x5D47A0, 0x5D3638, 0x5D2678 }, { 0x5D4EC0, 0x5D3D58, 0x5D2D98 }, { 0x5D5100, 0x5D3F98, 0x5D2FD8 }, { 0x5D5370, 0x5D4208, 0x5D3248 }, { 0x5D5548, 0x5D43E0, 0x5D3420 }, { 0x5D56B8, 0x5D4550, 0x5D3590 }, { 0x5D57C0, 0x5D4658, 0x5D3698 }, { 0x5D5B38, 0x5D49D0, 0x5D3A10 }, { 0x5D61B8, 0x5D5050, 0x5D4090 } }; writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Default", SENTENCES_DEFAULT[_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Barbot", SENTENCES_BARBOT[0][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Barbot2", SENTENCES_BARBOT[1][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Bellbot", SENTENCES_BELLBOT[0][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Bellbot/1", SENTENCES_BELLBOT[1][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Bellbot/2", SENTENCES_BELLBOT[2][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Bellbot/3", SENTENCES_BELLBOT[3][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Bellbot/4", SENTENCES_BELLBOT[4][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Bellbot/5", SENTENCES_BELLBOT[5][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Bellbot/6", SENTENCES_BELLBOT[6][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Bellbot/7", SENTENCES_BELLBOT[7][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Bellbot/8", SENTENCES_BELLBOT[8][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Bellbot/9", SENTENCES_BELLBOT[9][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Bellbot/10", SENTENCES_BELLBOT[10][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Bellbot/11", SENTENCES_BELLBOT[11][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Bellbot/12", SENTENCES_BELLBOT[12][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Bellbot/13", SENTENCES_BELLBOT[13][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Bellbot/14", SENTENCES_BELLBOT[14][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Bellbot/15", SENTENCES_BELLBOT[15][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Bellbot/16", SENTENCES_BELLBOT[16][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Bellbot/17", SENTENCES_BELLBOT[17][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Bellbot/18", SENTENCES_BELLBOT[18][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Bellbot/19", SENTENCES_BELLBOT[19][_version]); const int SENTENCES_DESKBOT[3][3] = { { 0x5DCD10, 0x5DBBA8, 0x5DABE8 }, { 0x5E8E18, 0x5E7CB0, 0x5E6CF0 }, { 0x5E8BA8, 0x5E7A40, 0x5E6A80 } }; writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Deskbot", SENTENCES_DESKBOT[0][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Deskbot/2", SENTENCES_DESKBOT[1][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Deskbot/3", SENTENCES_DESKBOT[2][_version]); const int SENTENCES_DOORBOT[12][3] = { { 0x5EC110, 0x5EAFA8, 0x5E9FE8 }, { 0x5FD930, 0x5FC7C8, 0x5FB808 }, { 0x5FDD0C, 0x5FCBA4, 0x5FBBE4 }, { 0x5FE668, 0x5FD500, 0x5FC540 }, { 0x5FDD40, 0x5FCBD8, 0X5FBC18 }, { 0x5FFF08, 0x5FEDA0, 0x5FDDE0 }, { 0x5FE3C0, 0x5FD258, 0x5FC298 }, { 0x5FF0C8, 0x5FDF60, 0x5FCFA0 }, { 0x5FF780, 0x5FE618, 0x5FD658 }, { 0x5FFAC0, 0x5FE958, 0x5FD998 }, { 0x5FFC30, 0x5FEAC8, 0x5FDB08 }, { 0x6000E0, 0x5FEF78, 0x5FDFB8 } }; writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Doorbot", SENTENCES_DOORBOT[0][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Doorbot/2", SENTENCES_DOORBOT[1][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Doorbot/100", SENTENCES_DOORBOT[2][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Doorbot/101", SENTENCES_DOORBOT[3][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Doorbot/102", SENTENCES_DOORBOT[4][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Doorbot/107", SENTENCES_DOORBOT[5][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Doorbot/110", SENTENCES_DOORBOT[6][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Doorbot/111", SENTENCES_DOORBOT[7][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Doorbot/124", SENTENCES_DOORBOT[8][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Doorbot/129", SENTENCES_DOORBOT[9][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Doorbot/131", SENTENCES_DOORBOT[10][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Doorbot/132", SENTENCES_DOORBOT[11][_version]); const int SENTENCES_LIFTBOT[3] = { 0x6026B0, 0x601548, 0x600588 }; const int SENTENCES_MAITRED[2][3] = { { 0x60CFD8, 0x60BE70, 0x60AEB0 }, { 0x614288, 0x613120, 0x612160 } }; const int SENTENCES_PARROT[3] = { 0x615858, 0x6146F0, 0x613730 }; const int SENTENCES_SUCCUBUS[3] = { 0x616698, 0x615530, 0x614570 }; const int MAPPINGS_BARBOT[3] = { 0x5B28A0, 0x5B173E, 0x5B0778 }; const int MAPPINGS_BELLBOT[3] = { 0x5CD830, 0x5CC6C8, 0x5CB708 }; const int MAPPINGS_DESKBOT[3] = { 0x5E2BB8, 0x5E1A50, 0x5E0A90 }; const int MAPPINGS_DOORBOT[3] = { 0x5F7950, 0x5F67E8, 0x5F5828 }; const int MAPPINGS_LIFTBOT[3] = { 0x608660, 0x6074F8, 0x606538 }; const int MAPPINGS_MAITRED[3] = { 0x6125C8, 0x611460, 0x6104A0 }; const int MAPPINGS_PARROT[3] = { 0x615B68, 0x614A00, 0x613A40 }; const int MAPPINGS_SUCCUBUS[3] = { 0x6189F0, 0x617888, 0x6168C8 }; const int WORDS_BARBOT[3] = { 0x5BE2E0, 0x5BD178, 0x5BC1B8 }; const int WORDS_BELLBOT[3] = { 0x5D8230, 0x5D70C8, 0x5D6108 }; const int WORDS_DESKBOT[3] = { 0x5EAAA8, 0x5E9940, 0x5E8980 }; const int WORDS_DOORBOT[3] = { 0x601098, 0x5FFF30, 0x5FEF70 }; const int WORDS_LIFTBOT[3] = { 0x60C788, 0x60B620, 0x60A660 }; writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Liftbot", SENTENCES_LIFTBOT[_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/MaitreD", SENTENCES_MAITRED[0][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/MaitreD/1", SENTENCES_MAITRED[1][_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/Parrot", SENTENCES_PARROT[_version]); writeSentenceEntries("Sentences/SuccUBus", SENTENCES_SUCCUBUS[_version]); writeSentenceMappings("Mappings/Barbot", MAPPINGS_BARBOT[_version], 8); writeSentenceMappings("Mappings/Bellbot", MAPPINGS_BELLBOT[_version], 1); writeSentenceMappings("Mappings/Deskbot", MAPPINGS_DESKBOT[_version], 4); writeSentenceMappings("Mappings/Doorbot", MAPPINGS_DOORBOT[_version], 4); writeSentenceMappings("Mappings/Liftbot", MAPPINGS_LIFTBOT[_version], 4); writeSentenceMappings("Mappings/MaitreD", MAPPINGS_MAITRED[_version], 1); writeSentenceMappings("Mappings/Parrot", MAPPINGS_PARROT[_version], 1); writeSentenceMappings("Mappings/SuccUBus", MAPPINGS_SUCCUBUS[_version], 1); writeWords("Words/Barbot", WORDS_BARBOT[_version]); writeWords("Words/Bellbot", WORDS_BELLBOT[_version]); writeWords("Words/Deskbot", WORDS_DESKBOT[_version]); writeWords("Words/Doorbot", WORDS_DOORBOT[_version], 3); writeWords("Words/Liftbot", WORDS_LIFTBOT[_version]); writePhrases("Phrases/Bellbot", BELLBOT_COMMON_PHRASES); writeResponseTree(); writeNumbers(); writeAllScriptQuotes(); writeAllScriptResponses(); writeAllScriptRanges(); writeAllTagMappings(); writeAllUpdateStates(); writeAllScriptPreResponses(); writeBarbotFrameRanges(); writeMissiveOMatMessages(); writeBedheadData(); writeParrotLobbyLinkUpdaterEntries(); }
bool vpFFMPEG::openEncoder(const char *filename, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, AVCodecID codec) #endif { av_register_all(); /* find the mpeg1 video encoder */ pCodec = avcodec_find_encoder(codec); if (pCodec == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "codec not found\n"); return false; } #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT < AV_VERSION_INT(53,5,0) // libavcodec 53.5.0 pCodecCtx = avcodec_alloc_context(); #else pCodecCtx = avcodec_alloc_context3(NULL); #endif #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT < AV_VERSION_INT(55,34,0) pFrame = avcodec_alloc_frame(); pFrameRGB = avcodec_alloc_frame(); #else pFrame = av_frame_alloc(); // libavcodec 55.34.1 pFrameRGB = av_frame_alloc(); // libavcodec 55.34.1 #endif /* put sample parameters */ pCodecCtx->bit_rate = (int)bit_rate; /* resolution must be a multiple of two */ pCodecCtx->width = (int)w; pCodecCtx->height = (int)h; this->width = (int)w; this->height = (int)h; /* frames per second */ pCodecCtx->time_base.num = 1; pCodecCtx->time_base.den = framerate_encoder; pCodecCtx->gop_size = 10; /* emit one intra frame every ten frames */ pCodecCtx->max_b_frames=1; pCodecCtx->pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_YUV420P; /* open it */ #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT < AV_VERSION_INT(53,35,0) // libavcodec 53.35.0 if (avcodec_open (pCodecCtx, pCodec) < 0) { #else if (avcodec_open2 (pCodecCtx, pCodec, NULL) < 0) { #endif fprintf(stderr, "could not open codec\n"); return false; } /* the codec gives us the frame size, in samples */ f = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (!f) { fprintf(stderr, "could not open %s\n", filename); return false; } outbuf_size = 100000; outbuf = new uint8_t[outbuf_size]; numBytes = avpicture_get_size (PIX_FMT_YUV420P,pCodecCtx->width,pCodecCtx->height); picture_buf = new uint8_t[numBytes]; avpicture_fill((AVPicture *)pFrame, picture_buf, PIX_FMT_YUV420P, pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height); numBytes = avpicture_get_size (PIX_FMT_RGB24,pCodecCtx->width,pCodecCtx->height); buffer = new uint8_t[numBytes]; avpicture_fill((AVPicture *)pFrameRGB, buffer, PIX_FMT_RGB24, pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height); img_convert_ctx= sws_getContext(pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height, PIX_FMT_RGB24, pCodecCtx->width,pCodecCtx->height,PIX_FMT_YUV420P, SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL); encoderWasOpened = true; return true; } /*! Saves the image I as frame of the video. \param I : the image to save. \return It returns true if the image could be saved. */ bool vpFFMPEG::saveFrame(vpImage<vpRGBa> &I) { if (encoderWasOpened == false) { vpTRACE("Couldn't save a frame. The parameters have to be initialized before "); return false; } writeBitmap(I); sws_scale(img_convert_ctx, pFrameRGB->data, pFrameRGB->linesize, 0, pCodecCtx->height, pFrame->data, pFrame->linesize); #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT < AV_VERSION_INT(54,2,100) // libavcodec 54.2.100 out_size = avcodec_encode_video(pCodecCtx, outbuf, outbuf_size, pFrame); fwrite(outbuf, 1, (size_t)out_size, f); #else AVPacket pkt; av_init_packet(&pkt); = NULL; // packet data will be allocated by the encoder pkt.size = 0; int got_output; int ret = avcodec_encode_video2(pCodecCtx, &pkt, pFrame, &got_output); if (ret < 0) { std::cerr << "Error encoding frame in " << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << " " << __FUNCTION__ << std::endl; return false; } if (got_output) { fwrite(, 1, pkt.size, f); av_free_packet(&pkt); } #endif fflush(stdout); return true; } /*! Saves the image I as frame of the video. \param I : the image to save. \return It returns true if the image could be saved. */ bool vpFFMPEG::saveFrame(vpImage<unsigned char> &I) { if (encoderWasOpened == false) { vpTRACE("Couldn't save a frame. The parameters have to be initialized before "); return false; } writeBitmap(I); sws_scale(img_convert_ctx, pFrameRGB->data, pFrameRGB->linesize, 0, pCodecCtx->height, pFrame->data, pFrame->linesize); #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT < AV_VERSION_INT(54,2,100) // libavcodec 54.2.100 out_size = avcodec_encode_video(pCodecCtx, outbuf, outbuf_size, pFrame); fwrite(outbuf, 1, (size_t)out_size, f); #else AVPacket pkt; av_init_packet(&pkt); = NULL; // packet data will be allocated by the encoder pkt.size = 0; int got_output; int ret = avcodec_encode_video2(pCodecCtx, &pkt, pFrame, &got_output); if (ret < 0) { std::cerr << "Error encoding frame in " << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << " " << __FUNCTION__ << std::endl; return false; } if (got_output) { fwrite(, 1, pkt.size, f); av_free_packet(&pkt); } #endif fflush(stdout); return true; } /*! Ends the writing of the video and close the file. \return It returns true if the file was closed without problem */ bool vpFFMPEG::endWrite() { if (encoderWasOpened == false) { vpTRACE("Couldn't save a frame. The parameters have to be initialized before "); return false; } int ret = 1; while (ret != 0) { #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT < AV_VERSION_INT(54,2,100) // libavcodec 54.2.100 ret = avcodec_encode_video(pCodecCtx, outbuf, outbuf_size, NULL); fwrite(outbuf, 1, (size_t)out_size, f); #else AVPacket pkt; av_init_packet(&pkt); = NULL; // packet data will be allocated by the encoder pkt.size = 0; int got_output; ret = avcodec_encode_video2(pCodecCtx, &pkt, NULL, &got_output); if (ret < 0) { std::cerr << "Error encoding frame in " << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << " " << __FUNCTION__ << std::endl; return false; } if (got_output) { fwrite(, 1, pkt.size, f); av_free_packet(&pkt); } #endif } /*The end of a mpeg file*/ outbuf[0] = 0x00; outbuf[1] = 0x00; outbuf[2] = 0x01; outbuf[3] = 0xb7; fwrite(outbuf, 1, 4, f); fclose(f); f = NULL; return true; } /*! This method enables to fill the frame bitmap thanks to the vpImage bitmap. */ void vpFFMPEG::writeBitmap(vpImage<vpRGBa> &I) { unsigned char* beginInput = (unsigned char*)I.bitmap; unsigned char* input = NULL; unsigned char* beginOutput = (unsigned char*)pFrameRGB->data[0]; int widthStep = pFrameRGB->linesize[0]; for(int i=0 ; i < height ; i++) { input = beginInput + 4 * i * width; unsigned char *output = beginOutput + i * widthStep; for(int j=0 ; j < width ; j++) { *(output++) = *(input); *(output++) = *(input+1); *(output++) = *(input+2); input+=4; } } }