int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  GfrEntry *currGE;
  int i,j,k,l, h,index;
  Stringa buffer,cmd,fnSequencesToAlign;
  FILE *fp;
  FILE *fp1;
  FILE *fp2;
  FILE *freads1;
  FILE *freads2;
  Array gfrEntries;
  BowtieQuery *currBQ,testBQ;
  BowtieEntry *currBE;
  Texta seqNames;
  int readSize1, readSize2, minReadSize;
  Array bowtieQueries;
  char transcriptNumber;
  int isHomologous,homologousCount;
  int count;
  int countRemoved;
  unsigned short int tooMany;
  BlatQuery *blQ;

  config *conf;

  if ((conf = confp_open(getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH"))) == NULL) {
    die("%s:\tCannot find .fusionseqrc", argv[0]);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  if ( (confp_get( conf, "BLAT_TWO_BIT_TO_FA")) == NULL) {
    die("%s:\tCannot find BLAT_TWO_BIT_TO_FA in the configuration file: %s", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH") );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  if ( (confp_get( conf,"BLAT_DATA_DIR")) == NULL) {
    die("%s:\tCannot find BLAT_DATA_DIR in the configuration file: %sc", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH") );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
 if( confp_get( conf, "TMP_DIR")==NULL ) {
    die("%s:\tCannot find TMP_DIR in the configuration file: %s)", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH") );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  if( confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER")==NULL ) {
    die("%s:\tCannot find BLAT_GFSERVER in the configuration file: %s)", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH") );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
 if( confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFCLIENT")==NULL ) {
    die("%s:\tCannot find BLAT_GFCLIENT in the configuration file: %s)", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH") );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
if( confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_HOST")==NULL ) {
    die("%s:\tCannot find BLAT_GFSERVER_HOST in the configuration file: %s)", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH") );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  }if( confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_PORT")==NULL ) {
    die("%s:\tCannot find BLAT_GFSERVER_PORT in the configuration file: %s)", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH") );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
 if( confp_get( conf, "PSEUDOGENE_DIR")==NULL ) {
   die("%s:\tCannot find PSEUDOGENE_DIR in the configuration file: %s)", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH") );
   return EXIT_FAILURE;
 if( confp_get( conf, "PSEUDOGENE_FILENAME")==NULL ) {
   die("%s:\tCannot find PSEUDOGENE_FILENAME in the configuration file: %s)", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH") );
   return EXIT_FAILURE;
  cmd = stringCreate (100);
  // initializing the gfServers
  stringPrintf( cmd, "%s status %s %s &> /dev/null", confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER"), confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_HOST"), confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_PORT") );
  int ret = hlr_system( string(cmd), 1 );
  if( ret != 0 ) { // not initialized
    stringPrintf( cmd , "%s -repMatch=100000 -tileSize=12 -canStop -log=%s/gfServer_genome.log start %s %s %s/%s  &", confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER"), confp_get(conf, "TMP_DIR"),confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_HOST"), confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_PORT"), confp_get(conf, "BLAT_DATA_DIR"), confp_get(conf, "BLAT_TWO_BIT_DATA_FILENAME"));
    hlr_system( string( cmd ), 0 );
    long int startTime = time(0);
    stringPrintf( cmd , "%s status %s %s &2> /dev/null", confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER"), confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_HOST"), confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_PORT"));
    while( hlr_system( string(cmd), 1) && (time(0)-startTime)<600 ) ;
    if( hlr_system( string(cmd), 1 ) != 0 )  {
      die("gfServer for %s/%s not initialized: %s %s %s", confp_get(conf, "BLAT_DATA_DIR"), confp_get(conf, "BLAT_TWO_BIT_DATA_FILENAME"), confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER"), confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_HOST"), confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_PORT")); 
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
  // end initialization

  gfr_init ("-");
  gfrEntries =  gfr_parse ();
  if (arrayMax (gfrEntries) == 0){
    puts (gfr_writeHeader ());
    gfr_deInit ();
    return 0;
  seqNames = textCreate (10000); 
  buffer = stringCreate (100);
  fnSequencesToAlign = stringCreate (100);
  count = 0;
  countRemoved = 0;

  stringPrintf( buffer, "%s/%s", confp_get( conf, "PSEUDOGENE_DIR"), confp_get( conf, "PSEUDOGENE_FILENAME") );
  intervalFind_addIntervalsToSearchSpace (string(buffer),0);

  puts (gfr_writeHeader ());
  for (i = 0; i < arrayMax (gfrEntries); i++) {
    currGE = arrp (gfrEntries,i,GfrEntry);
    homologousCount = 0;
    // creating two fasta files with the two genes
    stringPrintf( cmd, "%s %s/%s -seq=%s -start=%d -end=%d %s/%s_transcript1.fa", confp_get(conf, "BLAT_TWO_BIT_TO_FA") , confp_get(conf, "BLAT_DATA_DIR"), confp_get(conf, "BLAT_TWO_BIT_DATA_FILENAME"), currGE->chromosomeTranscript1, currGE->startTranscript1, currGE->endTranscript1, confp_get(conf, "TMP_DIR"), currGE->id);
    hlr_system( string(cmd) , 0);   
    stringPrintf( cmd, "%s %s/%s -seq=%s -start=%d -end=%d %s/%s_transcript2.fa", confp_get(conf, "BLAT_TWO_BIT_TO_FA"),  confp_get(conf, "BLAT_DATA_DIR"), confp_get(conf, "BLAT_TWO_BIT_DATA_FILENAME"), currGE->chromosomeTranscript2, currGE->startTranscript2, currGE->endTranscript2, confp_get(conf, "TMP_DIR"), currGE->id);
    hlr_system( string(cmd) , 0);   
    Stringa fa1 = stringCreate( 100 ); 
    Stringa fa2 = stringCreate( 100 );
    // creating the two fasta files with the reads
    stringPrintf( fa1, "%s/%s_reads1.fa", confp_get(conf, "TMP_DIR"), currGE->id);
    if (!(freads1 = fopen ( string(fa1) ,"w"))) {
      die ("Unable to open file: %s",string (fa1));
    // writing the reads of the first end into file
    for (l = 0; l < arrayMax (currGE->readsTranscript1); l++) {
      char* currRead1 = hlr_strdup( textItem (currGE->readsTranscript1,l)); // read1
      readSize1 = strlen( currRead1 );
      if( readSize1 == 0 ) die("Read size cannot be zero: read1[ %s ]", currRead1);
      if( readSize1 < minReadSize ) minReadSize = readSize1;
      fprintf( freads1, ">%d\n%s\n", l, currRead1 );
      hlr_free( currRead1 );
    fclose( freads1 );
    stringPrintf( fa2, "%s/%s_reads2.fa", confp_get(conf, "TMP_DIR"), currGE->id);
    if (!(freads2 = fopen ( string(fa2) ,"w"))) {
      die ("Unable to open file: %s",string (fa2));
    // writing the reads of the second end into file
    for (l = 0; l < arrayMax (currGE->readsTranscript2); l++) {
      char* currRead2 = hlr_strdup( textItem (currGE->readsTranscript2,l)); // read2
      readSize2 = strlen( currRead2 );
      if( readSize2 == 0 ) die("Read size cannot be zero: read2[ %s ]", currRead2);
      if( readSize2 < minReadSize ) minReadSize = readSize2;
      fprintf( freads2, ">%d\n%s\n", l, currRead2 );
      hlr_free( currRead2 );
    fclose( freads2 );      
    // collapse the reads 2  ## requires the FASTX package
    stringPrintf( cmd, "%s -i %s/%s_reads2.fa -o %s/%s_reads2.collapsed.fa", confp_get(conf, "FASTX_COLLAPSER"), confp_get(conf, "TMP_DIR"), currGE->id, confp_get(conf, "TMP_DIR"), currGE->id  );
    hlr_system (string (cmd),0);
    //blat of reads2 against the first transcript
    stringPrintf( cmd, "%s -t=dna -out=psl -fine -tileSize=15 %s/%s_transcript1.fa %s/%s_reads2.collapsed.fa stdout",confp_get(conf, "BLAT_BLAT"), confp_get(conf, "TMP_DIR"), currGE->id, confp_get(conf, "TMP_DIR"), currGE->id );
    // reading the results of blast from Pipe
    blatParser_initFromPipe( string(cmd) );
    while( blQ = blatParser_nextQuery() ) {
      int nucleotideOverlap = getNucleotideOverlap ( blQ );
      if ( nucleotideOverlap > ( ((double)readSize2)* atof(confp_get(conf,"MAX_OVERLAP_ALLOWED"))) ) {
	char* value = strchr(blQ->qName,'-');
    // collapse the reads 1 ## requires the FASTX package on the path
    stringPrintf( cmd, "%s -i %s/%s_reads1.fa -o %s/%s_reads1.collapsed.fa", confp_get(conf, "FASTX_COLLAPSER"), confp_get(conf, "TMP_DIR"), currGE->id, confp_get(conf, "TMP_DIR"), currGE->id  );
    hlr_system (string (cmd),0);
    //blat of reads1 against the second transcript
    stringPrintf( cmd, "%s -t=dna -out=psl -fine -tileSize=15 %s/%s_transcript2.fa %s/%s_reads1.collapsed.fa stdout",confp_get(conf, "BLAT_BLAT"), confp_get(conf, "TMP_DIR"), currGE->id, confp_get(conf, "TMP_DIR"), currGE->id  );
    blatParser_initFromPipe( string(cmd) );
    while( blQ = blatParser_nextQuery() ) {		
      int nucleotideOverlap = getNucleotideOverlap ( blQ );
      if ( nucleotideOverlap > ( ((double)readSize1)* atof(confp_get(conf,"MAX_OVERLAP_ALLOWED"))) ) {
	char* value = strchr(blQ->qName,'-');
    stringPrintf (cmd,"cd %s;rm -rf %s_reads?.fa %s_reads?.collapsed.fa %s_transcript?.fa", confp_get(conf, "TMP_DIR"), currGE->id,currGE->id,currGE->id);
    hlr_system( string(cmd) , 0);      
    if (((double)homologousCount / (double)arrayMax(currGE->readsTranscript1)) <= atof(confp_get(conf, "MAX_FRACTION_HOMOLOGOUS")) ) { 
      homologousCount = 0;
      // there is no homology between the two genes, but what about the rest of the genome
      writeFasta( currGE, &minReadSize,  confp_get(conf, "TMP_DIR") );
      stringPrintf(cmd, "cd %s; %s %s %s / -t=dna -q=dna -minScore=%d -out=psl %s_reads.fa %s.smallhomology.psl &>/dev/null", confp_get(conf, "TMP_DIR"), confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFCLIENT"), confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_HOST"), confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_PORT"), minReadSize - (int)(0.1 * minReadSize) > 20 ? minReadSize - (int) (0.1 * minReadSize) : 20 ,  currGE->id,  currGE->id);
      int attempts=0;
      ret = hlr_system( string(cmd), 1 );
      while( hlr_system( string(cmd), 1 ) && attempts<5000 ) attempts++;
      if( attempts == 5000 ) {
	die("Cannot map the reads %s", string( cmd ));
      // reading the results of blast from File
      stringPrintf(cmd,  "%s/%s.smallhomology.psl", confp_get( conf, "TMP_DIR"), currGE->id);
      blatParser_initFromFile( string(cmd) );
      tooMany = 1;
      while( blQ = blatParser_nextQuery() ) {
	tooMany = 0;
	checkPseudogeneOverlap( blQ );
	if( arrayMax( blQ->entries ) > 1 ) {
	  homologousCount+= arrayMax( blQ->entries ) - 1;
	  char* value = strchr( blQ->qName,'/' );
	  if( value ) *value = '\0'; else die("Not a valid index in the blat query name:\t%s", blQ->qName );
	  int indexOfInter = atoi( blQ->qName ); // the following three lines should removed the read if writing the GFR entry
	  GfrInterRead *currGIR = arrp( currGE->interReads, indexOfInter, GfrInterRead );
	  currGIR->flag = 1;
      if (  tooMany == 1 || ( ( (double) homologousCount / (double) ( arrayMax(currGE->readsTranscript1) + arrayMax(currGE->readsTranscript2) ) )  > atof(confp_get(conf, "MAX_FRACTION_HOMOLOGOUS")) ) ) {
	stringPrintf (cmd,"cd %s; rm -rf %s_reads*.fa %s_reads?.collapsed.fa %s_transcript?.fa %s.smallhomology.psl", confp_get(conf, "TMP_DIR"), currGE->id,currGE->id,currGE->id,currGE->id);
	hlr_system( string(cmd), 1 );
      // writing the gfrEntry, if everthing else didn't stop 
      if( homologousCount > 0 ) updateStats( currGE );
      puts (gfr_writeGfrEntry (currGE));
      // removing temporary files
      stringPrintf (cmd,"cd %s;rm -rf %s_reads*.fa %s_reads?.collapsed.fa %s_transcript?.fa  %s.smallhomology.psl", confp_get(conf, "TMP_DIR"), currGE->id,currGE->id,currGE->id,currGE->id);
      hlr_system( string(cmd) , 1);      
    } else {

  gfr_deInit ();

  stringDestroy (fnSequencesToAlign);
  stringDestroy (cmd);
  stringDestroy (buffer);
  warn ("%s_numRemoved: %d",argv[0],countRemoved);  
  warn ("%s_numGfrEntries: %d",argv[0],count);


  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  GfrEntry *currGE;
  int count;
  int countRemoved;
  int mitochondrialCount; 
  unsigned int minReadSize;
  int  i;
  Stringa cmd;
  BlatQuery *blQ=NULL;
  config *conf = NULL; /**< Pointer to configuration file .fusionseqrc  */

  if ((conf = confp_open(getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH"))) == NULL) {
    die("%s:\tCannot find .fusionseqrc: %s", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH"));
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  if( confp_get( conf,"MAX_OVERLAP_ALLOWED")==NULL ) {
    die("%s:\tCannot find MAX_OVERLAP_ALLOWED in the configuration file: %s)", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH") );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  if( confp_get( conf,"MAX_FRACTION_HOMOLOGOUS")==NULL ) {
    die("%s:\tCannot find MAX_FRACTION_HOMOLOGOUS in the configuration file: %s)", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH") );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
 if( confp_get( conf, "MITOCHONDRIAL_DIR")==NULL ) {
    die("%s:\tCannot find MITOCHONDRIAL_DIR in the configuration file: %s)", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH") );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  if( confp_get( conf, "MITOCHONDRIAL_FILENAME")==NULL ) {
    die("%s:\tCannot find MITOCHONDRIAL_FILENAME in the configuration file: %s)", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH") );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
if( confp_get( conf, "TMP_DIR")==NULL ) {
    die("%s:\tCannot find TMP_DIR in the configuration file: %s)", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH") );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
 if( confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER")==NULL ) {
    die("%s:\tCannot find BLAT_GFSERVER in the configuration file: %s)", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH") );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
 if( confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFCLIENT")==NULL ) {
    die("%s:\tCannot find BLAT_GFCLIENT in the configuration file: %s)", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH") );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
if( confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_HOST")==NULL ) {
    die("%s:\tCannot find BLAT_GFSERVER_HOST in the configuration file: %s)", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH") );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  }if( confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_PORT")==NULL ) {
    die("%s:\tCannot find BLAT_GFSERVER_PORT in the configuration file: %s)", argv[0], getenv("FUSIONSEQ_CONFPATH") );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  count = 0;
  countRemoved = 0;
  cmd = stringCreate (100);
  // initializing the gfServers
  stringPrintf( cmd, "%s status %s %d &> /dev/null", confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER"),  confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_HOST"), atoi(confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_PORT")) + 2);
  int ret = hlr_system( string(cmd), 1 );
   if( ret != 0 ) { // not initialized
    stringPrintf( cmd , "%s -repMatch=100000 -tileSize=12 -canStop -log=%s/gfServer_mitochondrial.log start %s %d %s/%s  &", confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER"), confp_get( conf, "TMP_DIR"),  confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_HOST"), atoi(confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_PORT")) + 2, confp_get( conf, "MITOCHONDRIAL_DIR"), confp_get( conf,"MITOCHONDRIAL_FILENAME"));
    hlr_system( string( cmd ), 0 );
    long int startTime = time(0);
    stringPrintf( cmd , "%s status %s %d &> /dev/null", confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER"), confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_HOST"), atoi(confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_PORT")) + 2);
    while( hlr_system( string(cmd), 1) && (time(0)-startTime)<600 ) ;
    if( hlr_system( string(cmd), 1 ) != 0 )  {
      die("gfServer for %s/%s not initialized: %s %s %s", confp_get( conf, "MITOCHONDRIAL_DIR"), confp_get( conf, "MITOCHONDRIAL_FILENAME"), confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER"), confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_HOST"), confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_PORT")); 
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

  gfr_init ("-");
  puts (gfr_writeHeader ());
  while (currGE = gfr_nextEntry ()) {
    if (strEqual(currGE->chromosomeTranscript1, "chrM") || 
	strEqual(currGE->chromosomeTranscript2, "chrM")) {
    } else {
      mitochondrialCount = 0;
      writeFasta( currGE, &minReadSize, confp_get( conf, "TMP_DIR") ); // in util.c
      stringPrintf(cmd, "cd %s;%s %s %d / -t=dna -q=dna -minScore=%d -out=psl %s_reads.fa %s.mito.psl &>/dev/null", confp_get( conf, "TMP_DIR"), confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFCLIENT"), confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_HOST"), atoi(confp_get( conf, "BLAT_GFSERVER_PORT")) + 2, minReadSize - 5 > 20 ? minReadSize - 5 : 20 , currGE->id, currGE->id);
      int attempts=0;
      ret = hlr_system( string(cmd), 1 );
      while( hlr_system( string(cmd), 1 ) && attempts<5000 ) attempts++;
      if( attempts == 5000 ) {
	die("Cannot map the reads %s", string( cmd ));

      // reading the results of blast from File
      stringPrintf(cmd,  "%s/%s.mito.psl", confp_get( conf, "TMP_DIR"), currGE->id);
      blatParser_initFromFile( string(cmd) );
      while( blQ = blatParser_nextQuery() ) {
	//warn("iter %d\tquery %s", iter, blQ->qName );iter++; 
	int nucleotideOverlap = getNucleotideOverlap ( blQ );
	if (nucleotideOverlap > (((double) minReadSize) * strtod(confp_get( conf, "MAX_OVERLAP_ALLOWED"), NULL))) {
	  char* value = strchr( blQ->qName,'/' );
	  if( value ) *value = '\0'; else die("Not a valid index in the blat query name:\t%s", blQ->qName );
	  int indexOfInter = atoi( blQ->qName ); // the following three lines should removed the read if writing the GFR entry
	  GfrInterRead *currGIR = arrp( currGE->interReads, indexOfInter, GfrInterRead );
	  currGIR->flag = 1;
      if ( ( (double) mitochondrialCount / (double) ( arrayMax(currGE->readsTranscript1) + arrayMax(currGE->readsTranscript2) ) ) <= strtod(confp_get( conf, "MAX_FRACTION_HOMOLOGOUS"), NULL)) {   
	if( mitochondrialCount > 0 ) updateStats( currGE );
	// writing the gfrEntry
	puts (gfr_writeGfrEntry (currGE));
      } else {
      // removing temporary files
      stringPrintf (cmd,"rm -rf %s/%s_reads.fa %s/%s.mito.psl", confp_get( conf, "TMP_DIR"),  currGE->id, confp_get( conf, "TMP_DIR"),  currGE->id );
      hlr_system( string(cmd) , 1);      
  gfr_deInit ();
  stringDestroy( cmd );
  warn ("%s_numRemoved: %d",argv[0],countRemoved);
  warn ("%s_numGfrEntries: %d",argv[0],count);
  return 0;
Esempio n. 3
int main(int argc, char * const argv[]) {
  GArgs args(argc, argv, "hFCq:r:o:");
  int e;
  if ((e=args.isError())>0)
    GError("%s\nInvalid argument: %s\n", USAGE, argv[e]);
    if (args.getOpt('h')!=NULL){
      GMessage("%s\n", USAGE);
  GStr fadb(args.nextNonOpt());
  if (fadb.is_empty()) GError("%s Error: multi-fasta file expected!\n",USAGE);
  GStr fname(fadb);
  bool createLocal=(args.getOpt('F')!=NULL);
  const char* idxname=(createLocal)? NULL : fname.chars();
  GFastaIndex faidx(fadb.chars(), idxname);
  //also tried to load the index if exists in the current directory
  GStr fnamecwd(fname); //name in current directory (without path)
  int ip=-1;
  if ((ip=fnamecwd.rindex(CHPATHSEP))>=0) {
  if (!createLocal) { //look for existing indexes to load
    //try the same directory as the fasta file first
    if (!faidx.hasIndex() and fileExists(fnamecwd.chars())>1) { //try current working directory next
    if (!faidx.hasIndex()) {//could not load any index data
       //try to create it in the same directory as the fasta file
       GMessage("No fasta index found. Rebuilding..\n");
       if (faidx.getCount()==0) GError("Error: no fasta records to be indexed!\n");
       GMessage("Fasta index rebuilt.\n");
       //check if we can create a file there
       FILE* fcreate=fopen(fname.chars(), "w");
       if (fcreate==NULL)
         GMessage("Warning: cannot create fasta index %s! (permissions?)\n", fname.chars());
       else {
         if (faidx.storeIndex(fname.chars())<faidx.getCount())
           GMessage("Warning: error writing the index file %s!\n",fname.chars());
         } //creating index file in the same directory as fasta file
       }//trying to create the index file

  if (createLocal || !faidx.hasIndex()) {
    //simply rebuild the index in the current directory and use it:
    //remove directories in path, if any
    if (faidx.getCount()==0) {
          if (faidx.getCount()==0) GError("Error: no fasta records to be indexed!\n");
    if (faidx.storeIndex(fnamecwd.chars())<faidx.getCount())
        GMessage("Warning: error writing the index file %s!\n",fnamecwd.chars());

  GStr qry(args.getOpt('q'));
  if (qry.is_empty()) exit(0);
  GFastaRec* farec=faidx.getRecord(qry.chars());
  if (farec==NULL) {
      GMessage("Error: couldn't find fasta record for '%s'!\n",qry.chars());
  GFaSeqGet faseq(fadb.chars(),farec->seqlen, farec->fpos, farec->line_len, farec->line_blen);
  //TODO: read these from -r option
  uint qstart=0;
  uint qend=0; //farec->seqlen
  bool revCompl=(args.getOpt('C')!=NULL);
  char* s=args.getOpt('r');
  if (s!=NULL) {
     char *p=s;
     while (isdigit(*p)) p++;
     if (*p=='-') {
                sscanf(s,"%u-%u",&qstart, &qend);
                if (qstart==0 || qend==0)
                      GError("Error parsing sequence range: %s\n",s);
       else if (*p==':') {
                int qlen=0;
                sscanf(s,"%u:%d", &qstart, &qlen);
                if (qstart==0 || qlen==0)
                     GError("Error parsing sequence range: %s\n",s);
       else if (*p=='.') {
               sscanf(s,"%u..%u",&qstart, &qend);
               if (qstart==0 || qend==0)
               GError("Error parsing sequence range: %s\n",s);
  if (qstart==0) qstart=1;
  if (qend==0) qend=farec->seqlen;
  // call faseq.loadall() here if multiple ranges are to be extracted all
  // over this genomic sequence
  char* subseq=faseq.copyRange(qstart, qend, revCompl, true);
  FILE* f_out=NULL;
  openfwrite(f_out, args, 'o');
  if (f_out==NULL) f_out=stdout;
  writeFasta(f_out, qry.chars(), NULL, subseq, 70, qend-qstart+1);