Esempio n. 1
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  options.parse(argc, argv);

  carve::input::Input inputs;
  std::vector<carve::mesh::MeshSet<3> *> polys;
  std::vector<carve::line::PolylineSet *> lines;
  std::vector<carve::point::PointSet *> points;

  if (options.file == "") {
    readPLY(std::cin, inputs);
  } else {
    if (endswith(options.file, ".ply")) {
      readPLY(options.file, inputs);
    } else if (endswith(options.file, ".vtk")) {
      readVTK(options.file, inputs);
    } else if (endswith(options.file, ".obj")) {
      readOBJ(options.file, inputs);

  for (std::list<carve::input::Data *>::const_iterator i = inputs.input.begin(); i != inputs.input.end(); ++i) {
    carve::mesh::MeshSet<3> *p;
    carve::point::PointSet *ps;
    carve::line::PolylineSet *l;

    if ((p = carve::input::Input::create<carve::mesh::MeshSet<3> >(*i)) != NULL)  {
      if (options.canonicalize) p->canonicalize();
      if (options.obj) {
        writeOBJ(std::cout, p);
      } else if (options.vtk) {
        writeVTK(std::cout, p);
      } else {
        writePLY(std::cout, p, options.ascii);
      delete p;
    } else if ((l = carve::input::Input::create<carve::line::PolylineSet>(*i)) != NULL)  {
      if (options.obj) {
        writeOBJ(std::cout, l);
      } else if (options.vtk) {
        writeVTK(std::cout, l);
      } else {
        writePLY(std::cout, l, options.ascii);
      delete l;
    } else if ((ps = carve::input::Input::create<carve::point::PointSet>(*i)) != NULL)  {
      if (options.obj) {
        std::cerr << "Can't write a point set in .obj format" << std::endl;
      } else if (options.vtk) {
        std::cerr << "Can't write a point set in .vtk format" << std::endl;
      } else {
        writePLY(std::cout, ps, options.ascii);
      delete ps;

  return 0;
Esempio n. 2
void Foam::directions::writeOBJ
    Ostream& os,
    const point& pt0,
    const point& pt1,
    label& vertI
    writeOBJ(os, pt0);
    writeOBJ(os, pt1);

    os << "l " << vertI + 1 << ' ' << vertI + 2 << endl;

    vertI += 2;
Esempio n. 3
void Foam::directions::writeOBJ
    const fileName& fName,
    const primitiveMesh& mesh,
    const vectorField& dirs
    Pout<< "Writing cell info to " << fName << " as vectors at the cellCentres"
        << endl << endl;

    OFstream xDirStream(fName);

    label vertI = 0;

    forAll(dirs, celli)
        const point& ctr = mesh.cellCentres()[celli];

        // Calculate local length scale
        scalar minDist = great;

        const labelList& nbrs = mesh.cellCells()[celli];

        forAll(nbrs, nbrI)
            minDist = min(minDist, mag(mesh.cellCentres()[nbrs[nbrI]] - ctr));

        scalar scale = 0.5*minDist;

        writeOBJ(xDirStream, ctr, ctr + scale*dirs[celli], vertI);
void primitiveMixingPlanePatch::writePatches(const word& patchName)
  OFstream osNew("faces.obj");
  forAll(localPoints_, i)
       writeOBJ(osNew, localPoints_[i]);
void Foam::DelaunayMeshTools::writeOBJ
    const fileName& fName,
    const Triangulation& t,
    const indexedVertexEnum::vertexType pointType
    writeOBJ(fName, t, pointType, pointType);
Esempio n. 6
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  options.parse(argc, argv);

  carve::poly::Polyhedron *poly = readModel(options.file);
  if (!poly) exit(1);

  std::vector<carve::poly::Vertex<3> > out_vertices = poly->vertices;
  std::vector<carve::poly::Face<3> > out_faces;

  size_t N = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < poly->faces.size(); ++i) {
    carve::poly::Face<3> &f = poly->faces[i];
    N += f.nVertices() - 2;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < poly->faces.size(); ++i) {
    carve::poly::Face<3> &f = poly->faces[i];
    std::vector<carve::triangulate::tri_idx> result;

    std::vector<const carve::poly::Polyhedron::vertex_t *> vloop;

    carve::triangulate::triangulate(carve::poly::p2_adapt_project<3>(f.project), vloop, result);
    if (options.improve) {
      carve::triangulate::improve(carve::poly::p2_adapt_project<3>(f.project), vloop, result);

    for (size_t j = 0; j < result.size(); ++j) {

  carve::poly::Polyhedron *result = new carve::poly::Polyhedron(out_faces, out_vertices);

  if (options.canonicalize) result->canonicalize();

  if (options.obj) {
    writeOBJ(std::cout, result);
  } else if (options.vtk) {
    writeVTK(std::cout, result);
  } else {
    writePLY(std::cout, result, options.ascii);

  delete result;
  delete poly;
 * writes a surface as a given format
int writeSurface(surface *surf, char *filename, enum SURFACE_FORMAT format) {
  switch(format) {
    case OFF:
      return writeOFF(surf,filename);
    case OBJ:
      return writeOBJ(surf,filename);
    case MGHSURF:
      return writeMGHsurf(surf,filename);
      fprintf(stderr,"writeSurface(): unsupported format\n");

  return SR_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 8
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  options.parse(argc, argv);
  carve::mesh::MeshSet<3> *poly;

  if (options.axis == Options::ERR) {
    std::cerr << "need to specify a closure plane." << std::endl;

  if (options.file == "-") {
    poly = readPLYasMesh(std::cin);
  } else if (endswith(options.file, ".ply")) {
    poly = readPLYasMesh(options.file);
  } else if (endswith(options.file, ".vtk")) {
    poly = readVTKasMesh(options.file);
  } else if (endswith(options.file, ".obj")) {
    poly = readOBJasMesh(options.file);

  if (poly == NULL) {
    std::cerr << "failed to load polyhedron" << std::endl;

  std::cerr << "poly aabb = " << poly->getAABB() << std::endl;

  if (poly->getAABB().compareAxis(carve::geom::axis_pos(options.axis, options.pos)) == 0) {
    std::cerr << "poly aabb intersects closure plane." << std::endl;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < poly->meshes.size(); ++i) {
    carve::mesh::MeshSet<3>::mesh_t *mesh = poly->meshes[i];
    const size_t N = mesh->open_edges.size();
    if (N == 0) continue;

    mesh->faces.reserve(N + 1);

    carve::mesh::MeshSet<3>::edge_t *start = mesh->open_edges[0];

    std::vector<carve::mesh::MeshSet<3>::edge_t *> edges_to_close;
    carve::mesh::MeshSet<3>::edge_t *edge = start;
    size_t j = 0;
    do {
      edges_to_close[j++] = edge;
      edge = edge->perimNext();
    } while (edge != start);

    CARVE_ASSERT(j == N);

    std::vector<carve::mesh::MeshSet<3>::vertex_t> projected;

    for (j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
      edge = edges_to_close[j];
      projected[j].v = edge->vert->v;
      projected[j].v.v[options.axis] = options.pos;

    for (j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
      edge = edges_to_close[j];
      carve::mesh::MeshSet<3>::face_t *quad =
        new carve::mesh::MeshSet<3>::face_t(edge->v2(), edge->v1(), &projected[j], &projected[(j+1)%N]);
      quad->mesh = mesh;
      edge->rev = quad->edge;
      quad->edge->rev = edge;

    for (j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
      carve::mesh::MeshSet<3>::edge_t *e1 = edges_to_close[j]->rev->prev;
      carve::mesh::MeshSet<3>::edge_t *e2 = edges_to_close[(j+1)%N]->rev->next;
      e1->rev = e2;
      e2->rev = e1;

    for (j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
      edge = edges_to_close[j]->rev;

    carve::mesh::MeshSet<3>::face_t *loop =

    loop->mesh = mesh;


  if (options.obj) {
    writeOBJ(std::cout, poly);
  } else if (options.vtk) {
    writeVTK(std::cout, poly);
  } else {
    writePLY(std::cout, poly, options.ascii);

  return 0;
 forAll(pts, i)
     writeOBJ(pts[i], os);
 forAll(pointLabels, i)
     writeOBJ(os, points[pointLabels[i]]);
Esempio n. 11
void Foam::processorPolyPatch::calcGeometry(PstreamBuffers& pBufs)
    if (Pstream::parRun())
            UIPstream fromNeighbProc(neighbProcNo(), pBufs);

                >> neighbFaceCentres_
                >> neighbFaceAreas_
                >> neighbFaceCellCentres_;

        // My normals
        vectorField faceNormals(size());

        // Neighbour normals
        vectorField nbrFaceNormals(neighbFaceAreas_.size());

        // Face match tolerances
        scalarField tols =
            calcFaceTol(*this, points(), faceCentres());

        // Calculate normals from areas and check
        forAll(faceNormals, facei)
            scalar magSf = mag(faceAreas()[facei]);
            scalar nbrMagSf = mag(neighbFaceAreas_[facei]);
            scalar avSf = (magSf + nbrMagSf)/2.0;

            if (magSf < ROOTVSMALL && nbrMagSf < ROOTVSMALL)
                // Undetermined normal. Use dummy normal to force separation
                // check. (note use of sqrt(VSMALL) since that is how mag
                // scales)
                faceNormals[facei] = point(1, 0, 0);
                nbrFaceNormals[facei] = faceNormals[facei];
            else if (mag(magSf - nbrMagSf) > matchTolerance()*sqr(tols[facei]))
                fileName nm

                Pout<< "processorPolyPatch::calcGeometry : Writing my "
                    << size()
                    << " faces to OBJ file " << nm << endl;

                writeOBJ(nm, *this, points());

                OFstream ccStr
                    /name() + "_faceCentresConnections.obj"

                Pout<< "processorPolyPatch::calcGeometry :"
                    << " Dumping cell centre lines between"
                    << " corresponding face centres to OBJ file" <<
                    << endl;

                label vertI = 0;

                forAll(faceCentres(), faceI)
                    const point& c0 = neighbFaceCentres_[faceI];
                    const point& c1 = faceCentres()[faceI];

                    writeOBJ(ccStr, c0, c1, vertI);

                )   << "face " << facei << " area does not match neighbour by "
                    << 100*mag(magSf - nbrMagSf)/avSf
                    << "% -- possible face ordering problem." << endl
                    << "patch:" << name()
                    << " my area:" << magSf
                    << " neighbour area:" << nbrMagSf
                    << " matching tolerance:"
                    << matchTolerance()*sqr(tols[facei])
                    << endl
                    << "Mesh face:" << start()+facei
                    << " vertices:"
                    << UIndirectList<point>(points(), operator[](facei))()
                    << endl
                    << "If you are certain your matching is correct"
                    << " you can increase the 'matchTolerance' setting"
                    << " in the patch dictionary in the boundary file."
                    << endl
                    << "Rerun with processor debug flag set for"
                    << " more information." << exit(FatalError);
Esempio n. 12
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  std::vector<std::string> tokens;

  options.parse(argc, argv);

  if (options.args.size() != 2) {
    std::cerr << options.usageStr();

  carve::mesh::MeshSet<3> *object = load(options.args[0]);
  if (object == NULL) {
    std::cerr << "failed to load object file [" << options.args[0] << "]" << std::endl;

  carve::mesh::MeshSet<3> *planes = load(options.args[1]);
  if (planes == NULL) {
    std::cerr << "failed to load split plane file [" << options.args[1] << "]" << std::endl;

  carve::mesh::MeshSet<3> *result = NULL;

  carve::csg::CSG csg;

  if (options.triangulate) {
    if (options.glu_triangulate) {
      csg.hooks.registerHook(new GLUTriangulator, carve::csg::CSG::Hooks::PROCESS_OUTPUT_FACE_BIT);
      if (options.improve) {
        csg.hooks.registerHook(new carve::csg::CarveTriangulationImprover, carve::csg::CSG::Hooks::PROCESS_OUTPUT_FACE_BIT);
    } else {
      if (options.improve) {
        csg.hooks.registerHook(new carve::csg::CarveTriangulatorWithImprovement, carve::csg::CSG::Hooks::PROCESS_OUTPUT_FACE_BIT);
      } else {
        csg.hooks.registerHook(new carve::csg::CarveTriangulator, carve::csg::CSG::Hooks::PROCESS_OUTPUT_FACE_BIT);
  } else if (options.no_holes) {
    csg.hooks.registerHook(new carve::csg::CarveHoleResolver, carve::csg::CSG::Hooks::PROCESS_OUTPUT_FACE_BIT);

  Slice slice_collector(object, planes);
  result = csg.compute(object, planes, slice_collector, NULL, carve::csg::CSG::CLASSIFY_EDGE);  

  if (result) {

    if (options.canonicalize) result->canonicalize();

    if (options.obj) {
      writeOBJ(std::cout, result);
    } else if (options.vtk) {
      writeVTK(std::cout, result);
    } else {
      writePLY(std::cout, result, options.ascii);

  if (object) delete object;
  if (planes) delete planes;
  if (result) delete result;
void writeOBJ(std::string &out_file, const carve::line::PolylineSet *lines, bool ascii) {
  std::ofstream out(out_file.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary);
  if (!out.is_open()) { std::cerr << "File '" <<  out_file << "' could not be opened." << std::endl; return; }
  writeOBJ(out, lines);
void writeOBJ(std::string &out_file, const carve::poly::Polyhedron *poly) {
  std::ofstream out(out_file.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary);
  if (!out.is_open()) { std::cerr << "File '" <<  out_file << "' could not be opened." << std::endl; return; }
  writeOBJ(out, poly);