bool Session::rpcSendMessage(void *data, qint32 len) { qCDebug(TG_CORE_SESSION) << "rpcSendMessage()," << len; qint32 written; Q_UNUSED(written); mAsserter.check(len > 0 && !(len & 0xfc000003)); qint32 totalLen = len >> 2; if (totalLen < 0x7f) { written = writeOut(&totalLen, 1); if(written != 1) return false; } else { totalLen = (totalLen << 8) | 0x7f; written = writeOut(&totalLen, 4); if(written != 4) return false; } written = writeOut(data, len); if(written != len) return false; return true; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int row, col, iter, keep_going; int *result = 0; double re, im; keep_going = initRanges (argc, argv); if (!keep_going) { usage (argc, argv); exit (-1); } result = (int *) malloc (XPIX * YPIX * sizeof (*result)); for (row = 0; row < YPIX; row++) { im = IM_START + row * (IM_STOP - IM_START) / (YPIX - 1.0); for (col = 0; col < XPIX; col++) { re = RE_START + col * (RE_STOP - RE_START) / (XPIX - 1.0); iter = iterate (re, im, MAXITER); result[row * XPIX + col] = iter; } //fprintf (stdout, "%8d\r", row); fflush (stdout); } writeOut (argv[0], 1, result); return 0; }
void onStart() { readIn(); initAllGPU("", clCallFunc); executeGPU(clCallFunc); writeOut(); destroyGPU(clCallFunc); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { size_t from_len = arrlen(argv[1]); /* Return error if 'from' & 'to' don't have the same size */ if(from_len != arrlen(argv[2])) goto ERROR_LEN_EXIT; /* Return error if 'from' contains duplicates */ if(containsDuplicates(argv[1],from_len)) goto ERROR_DUP_EXIT; int buffer; size_t i; while (readIn(buffer) != EOF) { /* If read byte belongs to 'from', then translate it */ for(i=0;i<from_len;i++) if(buffer == argv[1][i]) buffer = argv[2][i]; writeOut(buffer); } exit(0); ERROR_LEN_EXIT: fprintf(stdout,"'from' and 'to' are not the same length\n"); exit(1); ERROR_DUP_EXIT: fprintf(stdout,"'from' contains duplicates \n"); exit(1); }
/** * Main Memory Manager */ int main(int arc, char** argv) { if (arc == 1) initialize(inputfile_default); else initialize(argv[1]); while (fgets(line , MaxStringLength, addresses)) { // Read new virtual Address int virtualAddress = atoi(line); int segmentNumber = (virtualAddress / PageBits / OffsetBits) & (SegmentBits - 1); int pageNumber = (virtualAddress / OffsetBits) & (PageBits - 1); int offset = virtualAddress & (OffsetBits - 1); // Segmentation Number consideration (only 4 segmentations) segmentNumber = _statistics->TranslatedAddressesCounter % SegmentsAmount; // Find frameNumber int frameNumber = findFrameNumber(segmentNumber, pageNumber); // Parse real Address int frameIndex = frameNumber - segmentNumber*FramesAmount; int value = _memory->frame[frameNumber].PageContent[offset]; int realAddress = frameIndex*PagesAmount + offset; writeOut(segmentNumber, virtualAddress, realAddress, value); // Debugging PageAddress and FrameAddress //debugPageAddress(virtualAddress, segmentNumber, pageNumber, offset); //debugFrameAddress(realAddress, segmentNumber, frameNumber, offset); } finalize(); return 0; }
void onStart() { initAllGPU("", clCallFunc); while (readIn()) { executeGPU(clCallFunc); writeOut(); } destroyGPU(clCallFunc); }
void CameraPoseOptimization::writeTransformation(std::string strTimeStamp, mat4f& mat, std::string strTrajfilename) { std::ofstream writeOut(strTrajfilename, std::ios::app); // write the data appending to the end of the file writeOut << strTimeStamp << " "; for (unsigned i = 0; i != 4; ++i) for (unsigned j = 0; j != 4; ++j) writeOut << mat(i, j) << " "; writeOut << std::endl; writeOut.close(); }
void hashTree::writeOut(ofstream & out, treeNode * root) { if(root) { char name[100]; char phone[100]; char product[100]; char events[100]; root->item->getName (name); root->item->getPhone(phone); root->item->getProduct(product); root->item->getEvents(events); out << name << ';' << phone << ';' << product << ';' << events << '\n'; writeOut(out, root->left); writeOut(out, root->right); } }
void CameraPoseOptimization::writeTransformationInQuaternion(std::string strTimeStamp, mat4f& mat, std::string strTrajfilename) { Matrix3f m; for (int i = 0; i != 3; i++) for (int j = 0; j != 3; j++) m(i, j) = mat(i, j); Quaternionf q(m); std::ofstream writeOut(strTrajfilename, std::ios::app); // write the data appending to the end of the file writeOut << strTimeStamp << " "; writeOut << mat(0, 3) << " " << mat(1, 3) << " " << mat(2, 3) << " " << q.x() << " " << q.y() << " " << q.z() << " " << q.w() << std::endl; writeOut.close(); }
void hashTree::writeOut(const char * fileName) { ofstream out;; if(!out) { cerr << "Unable to writeout file: \"" << fileName << "\"" << endl; exit(2); } writeOut(out, root); out.close(); }
void Connection::onConnected() { // stop trying reconnect if it was alive stopReconnecting(); // abridged version of the protocol requires sending 0xef byte at beginning unsigned char byte = 0xef; qint32 writtenBytes = writeOut(&byte, 1); Q_UNUSED(writtenBytes); Q_ASSERT(writtenBytes == 1); // process the rest of operations in inherited classes processConnected(); }
void ioexp::IOExpDio::configureInPD(ioexp::IOExpPin pin) { pdir &= ~(unsigned char)pin; std::vector<unsigned char> msg1 = {CMD_SET_PDIR, pdir}; mbus->write(address, msg1); pren |= (unsigned char)pin; std::vector<unsigned char> msg2 = {CMD_SET_REN, pren}; mbus->write(address, msg2); writeOut(pin, ioexp::IOExpLogVal::LOW); mbus->read(address, CMD_GET_PIN, 1); }
void Korn::dialogClosed(int ret ) { QList<KornBox> *list = _optionsDialog->list(); if( _noConfig && !ret) { ret = KMsgBox::yesNo(0, i18n("korn: no config set"), i18n("Would you like to restart korn with\n" "the automatically generated configuration?"), KMsgBox::QUESTION, i18n("Yes, Restart"), i18n("No, Exit")); if( ret == 2 ) { delete _optionsDialog; _optionsDialog = 0; qApp->quit(); return; } } if ( ret ) { // Here we should compare lists to see if any have // been deleted. If they have, they should be deleted // from the config as well. // NOTE: No such KConfig feature exists as yet. 9/Jun/97 writeOut ( list ); list->setAutoDelete( TRUE ); list->clear(); delete list; execvp( qApp->argv()[0], qApp->argv() ); } list->setAutoDelete( TRUE ); list->clear(); delete list; delete _optionsDialog; _optionsDialog = 0; }
//This method creates process to run writeOut by forking the current process. void createWriteOut(){ pid_t childPID; switch(childPID = fork()){ //Checks if process was forked successfully case -1: perror("fork failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); //If it is a child process, then it closes the appropriate pipes and calls writeOut case 0: close(pipe1[0]); close(pipe1[1]); close(pipe2[1]); close(pipe2[0]); close(pipe3[1]); writeOut(pipe3[0]); break; //The parent now waits for writeOut to finish default: wait(); } }
void renameFile(char * filePath, char * outDir, double minEasting, double minNorthing, int blkSize) { printf("renameFile : \n\tPutting : %s\n\tIn : %s\n", filePath, outDir); char outPath [256], fName [32]; FILE * fp; int numPts, x, y; if((fp = fopen(filePath, "r")) == NULL) return; double ** origPoints, ** filteredPoints; if((origPoints = bufferFile(fp, &numPts)) == NULL) return; if(numPts <= 0) return; filteredPoints = byeByeBirdie(origPoints, numPts, &numPts); //ensure this is legit freeDoubleBuffer2D(origPoints, 3); if(numPts <= 0) return; getXandY(filteredPoints[0][0], filteredPoints[1][0], minEasting, minNorthing, blkSize, &x, &y); sprintf(fName, "CHM_%d_%d.txt", x, y); strcpy(outPath, outDir); strcat(outPath, "/"); strcat(outPath, fName); writeOut(outPath, filteredPoints, numPts); freeDoubleBuffer2D(filteredPoints, 3); }
LogStream::~LogStream() { writeOut(); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int row, col, iter, keep_going, nprocs, myrank; int *result = 0; double re, im; MPI_Request *recv_reqs = 0; MPI_Init (&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs); MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank); if (nprocs < PROCLIMIT) { MPI_Finalize (); exit (-1); } if (0 == myrank) keep_going = initRanges (argc, argv); MPI_Bcast (&keep_going, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (!keep_going) { if (0 == myrank)usage (argc, argv); MPI_Finalize (); exit (-1); } distributeRanges (); /* for simplicity we allow the full matrix in each rank: */ result = (int *) malloc (XPIX * YPIX * sizeof (*result)); /* set up the MPI_Irecvs needed. We use the tag of the MPI messages to let each result fall into place: */ if (0 == myrank) { recv_reqs = (MPI_Request *) malloc (YPIX * sizeof (MPI_Request)); for (row = 0; row < YPIX; row++) MPI_Irecv(result + (row * XPIX), XPIX, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE /* we do not care who does the job */ , row /* tag */ , MPI_COMM_WORLD, recv_reqs + row); } #ifdef IDLEROOT if (myrank != 0) #endif for (row = 0; row < YPIX; row++) if (MYROW (nprocs, myrank, row)) { im = IM_START + row * (IM_STOP - IM_START) / (YPIX - 1.0); for (col = 0; col < XPIX; col++) { re = RE_START + col * (RE_STOP - RE_START) / (XPIX - 1.0); iter = iterate (re, im, MAXITER); result[row * XPIX + col] = iter; } /* report row back to root: */ MPI_Send(result + row * XPIX, XPIX, MPI_INT, 0, row, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } /* complete all Irecvs: */ if (0 == myrank) MPI_Waitall (YPIX, recv_reqs, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE); MPI_Finalize (); if (0 == myrank) writeOut (argv[0], nprocs, result); return 0; }
void flushUnified() { unify(); writeOut(); }
void flush() { writeOut(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct lineFile *stf,*zmf, *gzf, *uaf, *zaf; FILE *sto; char filename[256]; int verb = 0; verboseSetLevel(0); optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs); if (argc < 7) { fprintf(stdout, "USAGE: formatZfishSts [-verbose=<level>] <UniSTS file> <genbank.txt> <UniSTS aliases> <ZFIN aliases> <ZFIN mappings.txt> <dbSTS map panels>\n"); return 1; } verb = optionInt("verbose", 0); verboseSetLevel(verb); stf = lineFileOpen(argv[1], TRUE); zmf = lineFileOpen(argv[2], TRUE); gzf = lineFileOpen(argv[3], TRUE); uaf = lineFileOpen(argv[4], TRUE); zaf = lineFileOpen(argv[5], TRUE); stderr = mustOpen("/cluster/bluearc/danRer1/stsMarkers/formatOut/error.log", "w"); sprintf(filename, "%s.format", argv[6]); sto = mustOpen(filename, "w"); /* Read in STS markers file */ verbose(1, "Reading STS markers file\n"); readStsMarkers(stf); /* Read in ZFIN Ids, maps and marker names from mapping.txt */ verbose(1, "Reading mapping.txt file\n"); readZfinMapping(zmf); /* Read in genbank accessions that have ZFIN IDs */ verbose(1, "Reading genbank accession and ZFIN ID file\n"); readGbZfin(gzf); /* Read in UniSTS alias information */ verbose(1, "Reading UniSTS aliases file\n"); readUnistsAliases(uaf); /* Read in ZFIN marker IDs with old names */ verbose(1, "Reading ZFIN marker IDs and old names - aliases from a file\n"); readZfinAliases(zaf); /* Print out the STS marker information to a file */ verbose(1, "Creating output file\n"); writeOut(sto); lineFileClose(&stf); lineFileClose(&zmf); lineFileClose(&gzf); lineFileClose(&uaf); lineFileClose(&zaf); fclose(sto); fclose(stderr); freeHash(&stsHash); freeHash(&stsIdHash); freeHash(&zfinMarkerHash); freeHash(&zfinIdHash); freeHash(&aliasByNameHash); freeHash(&aliasHash); return(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct lineFile *sif, *dsf, *daf, *gbf; FILE *of, *opf, *oaf, *off, *asf, *dff; char filename[256], *gbName; int verb = 0; verboseSetLevel(0); optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs); if (argc < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: updateStsInfo [-verbose=<level> -gb=<file>] <stsInfo file> <all.STS.fa> <dbSTS.sts> <dbSTS.aliases> <dbSTS.convert.fa> <outfile prefix>\n"); return 1; } verb = optionInt("verbose", 0); verboseSetLevel(verb); gbName = optionVal("gb", NULL); if (gbName) gbf = lineFileOpen(gbName, TRUE); sif = lineFileOpen(argv[1], TRUE); asf = mustOpen(argv[2], "r"); dsf = lineFileOpen(argv[3], TRUE); daf = lineFileOpen(argv[4], TRUE); dff = mustOpen(argv[5], "r"); safef(filename, ArraySize(filename), "", argv[6]); of = mustOpen(filename, "w"); safef(filename, ArraySize(filename), "%s.primers", argv[6]); opf = mustOpen(filename, "w"); safef(filename, ArraySize(filename), "%s.alias", argv[6]); oaf = mustOpen(filename, "w"); safef(filename, ArraySize(filename), "%s.fa", argv[6]); off = mustOpen(filename, "w"); /* Read in current stsInfo file */ verbose(1, "Reading current stsInfo file: %s\n", argv[1]); readStsInfo(sif); /* Read in genbank accessions that have sequences */ if (gbName) { verbose(1, "Reading genbank accession file: %s\n", gbName); readGbAcc(gbf); } /* Read in primer and organism information from dbSTS.sts */ verbose(1, "Reading current dbSTS.sts file: %s\n", argv[3]); readDbstsPrimers(dsf); /* Read in names from dbSTS.alias and create new stsInfo records if needed */ verbose(1, "Reading current dbSTS.aliases file: %s\n", argv[4]); readDbstsNames(daf); /* Read in current sequences for sts markers */ verbose(1, "Reading current all.STS file: %s\n", argv[2]); readAllSts(asf); /* Read in new sequences from dbSTS.fa */ verbose(1, "Reading dbSTS.fa file: %s\n", argv[5]); readDbstsFa(dff); /* Print out the new files */ verbose(1, "Creating output files: %s .info .primers .alias .fa\n", argv[6]); writeOut(of, opf, oaf, off); fclose(asf); lineFileClose(&dsf); lineFileClose(&daf); fclose(dff); if (gbName) lineFileClose(&gbf); fclose(of); fclose(opf); fclose(oaf); fclose(off); return(0); }
void NGLScene::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *_event) { Data *data = Data::instance(); ngl::ShaderLib *shader=ngl::ShaderLib::instance(); if(_event->timerId() == m_timer1){ QPoint p = mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()); m_mousePos[0] = (p.x() / float(m_width) * 2) - 1; m_mousePos[1] = (p.y() / float(m_height) * 2) - 1; m_mousePos[1] *= -1; float currentTime = QTime::currentTime().msecsSinceStartOfDay() / 1000.0; switch(Data::instance()->mode){ case Data::DWELLING : m_currentButton = checkButtonMouseOver(); for(Button &button : m_buttons){ if(m_currentButton && &button == m_currentButton){ if(button.m_selectedTime == 0){ button.m_isSelected = true; button.m_firstSelected = currentTime; button.m_selectedTime = 0.001; button.m_color.set(data->selectedColor); } else{ button.m_selectedTime = currentTime - button.m_firstSelected; if(button.m_selectedTime > data->dwellTime){ m_action =; } } } else{ button.m_color.set(data->baseColor); button.m_isSelected = false; button.m_firstSelected = 0; button.m_selectedTime = 0; } } break; case Data::SCANNING : if(m_buttons.size() == 1){ m_currentButton = &(m_buttons[0]); } if(m_currentButton){ m_currentButton->m_selectedTime = currentTime - m_currentButton->m_firstSelected; if(m_currentButton->m_selectedTime > data->dwellTime){ m_currentButton->m_isSelected = false; m_currentButton->m_selectedTime = 0; m_currentButton->m_color.set(data->baseColor); if(m_currentButton == &m_buttons[m_buttons.size()-1]){ m_currentButton = &m_buttons[0]; } else{ m_currentButton++; } m_currentButton->m_isSelected = true; m_currentButton->m_firstSelected = currentTime; m_currentButton->m_color.set(data->selectedColor); } } break; case Data::TOUCHLARGE : case Data::TOUCHSMALL_L : case Data::TOUCHSMALL_R : break; default : std::cerr << "mode not set" << std::endl; break; } int start = 0; int dir = 0; int rotIndex = 0; int hueChange = 0; switch(m_action){ case Button::Action::NONE : break; case Button::Action::SPIN_CCW : if(m_geo[0]->m_localRotation[1] < (m_geo[0]->m_maxAngle)){ rotIndex = 1; start = 0; dir += 1; } break; case Button::Action::SPIN_CW : if(m_geo[0]->m_localRotation[1] > -(m_geo[0]->m_maxAngle)){ rotIndex = 1; start = 0; dir -= 1; } break; case Button::Action::ROTATE_1_R : rotIndex = 0; if(m_geo[1]->m_localRotation[0] > -(m_geo[1]->m_maxAngle)){ start = 1; dir -= 1; } break; case Button::Action::ROTATE_1_L : rotIndex = 0; if(m_geo[1]->m_localRotation[0] < m_geo[1]->m_maxAngle){ start = 1; dir += 1; } break; case Button::Action::ROTATE_2_R : rotIndex = 0; if(m_geo[2]->m_localRotation[0] > -(m_geo[2]->m_maxAngle)){ start = 2; dir -= 1; } break; case Button::Action::ROTATE_2_L : rotIndex = 0; if(m_geo[2]->m_localRotation[0] < m_geo[2]->m_maxAngle){ start = 2; dir += 1; } break; case Button::Action::ROTATE_3_R : rotIndex = 0; if(m_geo[3]->m_localRotation[0] > -(m_geo[3]->m_maxAngle)){ start = 3; dir -= 1; } break; case Button::Action::ROTATE_3_L : rotIndex = 0; if(m_geo[3]->m_localRotation[0] < m_geo[3]->m_maxAngle){ start = 3; dir += 1; } break; case Button::Action::KEY : writeKey(); break; case Button::Action::FINISH : exit(writeOut()); break; case Button::Action::COLOR_L : hueChange = 1; break; case Button::Action::COLOR_R : hueChange = -1; break; case Button::Action::COLOR_SET : m_timer3 = startTimer(data->dwellTime/5 * 1000); break; default : std::cout << "ERROR: button action" << std::endl; break; } if(hueChange){ data->updateColor(hueChange); shader->use("buttonShader"); shader->setRegisteredUniform("geoColor", data->geoColor); } m_geo[start]->m_localRotation[rotIndex] += data->rotateAngle * dir; for(unsigned int i = start; i<m_geo.size(); i++){ m_geo[i]->m_rotation[rotIndex] += data->rotateAngle * dir; } m_action = Button::Action::NONE; shader->use("buttonShader"); shader->setRegisteredUniform("currentTime", currentTime); update(); } else if(_event->timerId() == m_timer2){ m_frame++; } else if(_event->timerId() == m_timer3){ m_colorSet = true; loadButtons(); killTimer(m_timer3); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool printUsageAndExit = true; bool showDebug = false; bool showInfo = false; EPath prog(argv[0]); EStringArray files; const char *lang = "C"; const char *style = "DocBook"; const char *options = NULL; files.AddItem(NULL); const char *tmp_env = getenv("LC_ALL"); if(tmp_env == NULL) tmp_env = getenv("LANG"); if(tmp_env != NULL) lang = tmp_env; do { if(argc < 2) break; for(int n = 1; n < argc; n++) { if(strcmp(argv[n], "-s") == 0) { if(argc - n < 2) break; n++; style = argv[n]; } else if(strcmp(argv[n], "-t") == 0) { if(argc - n < 2) break; n++; options = argv[n]; } else if(strcmp(argv[n], "-o") == 0) { if(argc - n < 2) break; n++; if(files.ReplaceItem(0, argv[n]) == false) break; } else if(strcmp(argv[n], "-l") == 0) { if(argc - n < 2) break; n++; lang = argv[n]; } else if(strcmp(argv[n], "--debug") == 0) { showDebug = true; } else if(strcmp(argv[n], "--showinfo") == 0) { showInfo = true; } else { files.AddItem(argv[n]); } } if(files.CountItems() < 2) break; printUsageAndExit = false; } while(false); if(printUsageAndExit) { print_usage(prog.Leaf()); exit(1); } EString xml_buffer; EString strDocStart = "<document "; EString strDocEnd = "</document>"; for(eint32 i = 1; i < files.CountItems(); i++) { if(files.ItemAt(i) == NULL) continue; EPath readInPath(files.ItemAt(i)->String(), NULL, true); EFile readIn(readInPath.Path(), E_READ_ONLY); if(readIn.InitCheck() != E_OK) { ETK_DEBUG("[%s] --- Unable to read \"%s\".", prog.Leaf(), files.ItemAt(i)->String()); continue; } eint32 old_length = xml_buffer.Length(); char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; bool foundDocEnd = true; size_t nLeave = 0; xml_buffer.AppendFormat("<!-- convert from \"%s\" -->\n", readInPath.Leaf()); while(true) { ssize_t len = readIn.Read(buffer + nLeave, BUFFER_SIZE - nLeave); if(len <= 0) break; EString str; str.SetTo(buffer, len + nLeave); str.RemoveAll("\r"); eint32 offset = 0; while(offset >= 0 && offset < str.Length()) { nLeave = 0; if(foundDocEnd) { offset = str.FindFirst("/*", offset); if(offset < 0) { if(str.Length() < 2) break; if(str[str.Length() - 1] == '/' && str[str.Length() - 2] != '*') nLeave = 1; break; } nLeave = str.Length() - offset; offset = str.FindFirst("\n", offset); if(offset < 0) { if(nLeave > 80) nLeave = 0; break; } nLeave = 0; offset++; if(offset >= str.Length()) break; if(strDocStart.Compare(str.String() + offset, strDocStart.Length()) != 0) { eint32 tmp = str.FindLast("<"); if(tmp >= 0 && str.Length() - tmp < strDocStart.Length()) { nLeave = str.Length() - tmp; } else { nLeave = 0; } continue; } foundDocEnd = false; } eint32 endOffset = str.FindFirst(strDocEnd, offset); if(endOffset >= 0) { endOffset += strDocEnd.Length(); foundDocEnd = true; nLeave = 0; } else { eint32 tmp = str.FindLast("<"); if(tmp >= 0 && str.Length() - tmp < strDocEnd.Length()) { nLeave = str.Length() - tmp; } else { nLeave = 0; } } xml_buffer.Append(str.String() + offset, (endOffset >= 0 ? endOffset : str.Length()) - offset - nLeave); if(foundDocEnd) xml_buffer.Append("\n"); offset = endOffset; } if(nLeave > 0) str.CopyInto(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, str.Length() - nLeave, nLeave); } if(foundDocEnd == false) { xml_buffer.Remove(old_length, -1); ETK_DEBUG("[%s] --- Invalid document \"%s\".", prog.Leaf(), readInPath.Path()); } } EString output_buffer; if(strcmp(style, "None") == 0) { output_buffer.Adopt(xml_buffer); } else if(strcmp(style, "DocBook") == 0) { xml_buffer.ReplaceAll("&", "&"); xml_buffer.ReplaceAll("&lt;", "<"); xml_buffer.ReplaceAll("&gt;", ">"); xml_buffer.ReplaceAll("&nbsp;", " "); xml_buffer.ReplaceAll("©", "©"); xml_buffer.ReplaceAll("®", "®"); xml_buffer.ReplaceAll("\n", "&br;"); eint32 offset = 0; while(offset >= 0 && offset < xml_buffer.Length()) { if((offset = xml_buffer.FindFirst(">", offset)) < 0) break; eint32 tmp = xml_buffer.FindFirst("<", offset); if(tmp < 0 || tmp - offset <= 1) {offset = tmp; continue;} EString str; xml_buffer.MoveInto(str, offset + 1, tmp - offset); str.ReplaceAll(" ", " "); xml_buffer.Insert(str, offset + 1); offset += str.Length() + 1; } ESimpleXmlNode node(NULL, NULL); if(etk_parse_simple_xml(xml_buffer.String(), &node) != E_OK) { ETK_OUTPUT("[%s] --- Unable to parse.\n", prog.Leaf()); exit(1); } ESimpleXmlNode *aNode = NULL; offset = 0; while(offset >= 0 && offset < node.CountNodes()) { if((offset = node.FindNode("document", offset)) < 0) break; if((aNode = node.NodeAt(offset)) == NULL) break; eint32 index = aNode->FindAttribute("lang"); const char *tmp = NULL; if(index < 0 || aNode->AttributeAt(index, &tmp) == NULL || tmp == NULL || strcmp(tmp, lang) != 0) { aNode->RemoveSelf(); delete aNode; continue; } offset++; } aNode = find_xml_node_deep(&node, "documentinfo"); if(aNode != NULL) { if(!showInfo) { ESimpleXmlNode *cNode = aNode->NodeAt(aNode->FindNode("title")); if(cNode) cNode->RemoveSelf(); ESimpleXmlNode *nNode; while((nNode = aNode->NodeAt(0)) != NULL) {nNode->RemoveSelf(); delete nNode;} if(cNode) aNode->AddNode(cNode); } aNode->RemoveSelf(); if(node.AddNode(aNode) == false) delete aNode; } foreach_xml_node(&node, NULL, docbook_foreach, NULL); if(showDebug) node.PrintToStream(); if(convert_to_docbook(&node, &output_buffer, options, lang) != E_OK) { ETK_OUTPUT("[%s] --- Unable to convert to \"DocBook\" style.\n", prog.Leaf()); exit(1); } } else { ETK_OUTPUT("[%s] --- style \"%s\" unsupport yet.\n", prog.Leaf(), style); exit(1); } if(files.ItemAt(0) == NULL || files.ItemAt(0)->String() == NULL) { for(eint32 offset = 0; offset < output_buffer.Length(); offset += BUFFER_SIZE) { EString str(output_buffer.String() + offset, BUFFER_SIZE); fprintf(stdout, "%s", str.String()); } } else { EFile writeOut(files.ItemAt(0)->String(), E_WRITE_ONLY | E_CREATE_FILE | E_ERASE_FILE); if(writeOut.InitCheck() != E_OK) { ETK_OUTPUT("[%s] --- Unable to write \"%s\".\n", prog.Leaf(), files.ItemAt(0)->String()); exit(1); } else { for(eint32 offset = 0; offset < output_buffer.Length(); offset += BUFFER_SIZE) writeOut.Write(output_buffer.String() + offset, min_c(BUFFER_SIZE, output_buffer.Length() - offset)); } } return 0; }