Esempio n. 1
 *Set user password
void set_pass(packet *pkt, int fd) {
   int i = 0;
   char *args[16];
   char cpy[BUFFERSIZE];
   char *tmp = cpy;
   unsigned char *curr_pass_hash = (unsigned char *)malloc(SHA256_DIGEST);
   strcpy(tmp, pkt->buf);

   args[i] = strsep(&tmp, " \t");
   while ((i < sizeof(args) - 1) && (args[i] != '\0')) {
       args[++i] = strsep(&tmp, " \t");
   if (i > 3) {
      if (!validPassword(args[2], args[3], fd)) { 
      User *user = get_user(&registered_users_list, pkt->username, registered_users_mutex);
      if (user != NULL) {
         // Hash for pw compare
         SHA256_CTX sha256;
         SHA256_Update(&sha256, args[1], strlen(args[1]));
         SHA256_Final(curr_pass_hash, &sha256);
         if (comparePasswords(user->password, curr_pass_hash, 32) == 0) {
            memset(user->password, 0, 32);
            // Hash new password
            SHA256_CTX sha256;
            SHA256_Update(&sha256, args[2], strlen(args[2]));
            SHA256_Final(user->password, &sha256);
            writeUserFile(&registered_users_list, USERS_FILE, registered_users_mutex);
            pkt->options = PASSSUC;
         else {
            pkt->options = SERV_ERR;
            strcpy(pkt->buf, "Password change failed, password mismatch.");
      else {
         pkt->options = SERV_ERR;
         strcpy(pkt->buf, "Password change failed, for some reason we couldn't find you.");
   else {
      pkt->options = SERV_ERR;
      strcpy(pkt->buf, "Password change failed, malformed request.");
   strcpy(pkt->username, SERVER_NAME);
   strcpy(pkt->realname, SERVER_NAME);
   pkt->timestamp = time(NULL);
   send(fd, (void *)pkt, sizeof(packet), MSG_NOSIGNAL);
Esempio n. 2
int register_user(packet *in_pkt, int fd) {
   int i = 0;
   char *args[16];
   char cpy[BUFFERSIZE];
   char *tmp = cpy;
   strcpy(tmp, in_pkt->buf);

   args[i] = strsep(&tmp, " \t");
   while ((i < sizeof(args) - 1) && (args[i] != '\0')) {
       args[++i] = strsep(&tmp, " \t");
   // Check there are enough arguements to safely inspect them
   if (i > 3) {
      // Ensure requested username is valid
      if (!validUsername(args[1], fd)) { return 0; }
      // Check if the requested username is unique
      if(strcmp(get_real_name(&registered_users_list, args[1], registered_users_mutex), "ERROR") !=0 || \
                              !(strcmp(SERVER_NAME, args[1])) || \
                              strcmp(args[2], args[3]) != 0) {
         sendError("Username unavailable.", fd);
         return 0;
      // Ensure password requested is valid
      if (!validPassword(args[2], args[3], fd)) { return 0; }

      // Allocate memory space for new user node, populate node with new user data
      User *user = (User *)malloc(sizeof(User));
      strcpy(user->username, args[1]);
      strcpy(user->real_name, args[1]);
      // Hash password
      SHA256_CTX sha256;
      SHA256_Update(&sha256, args[2], strlen(args[2]));
      SHA256_Final(user->password, &sha256);
      user->sock = fd;
      user->next = NULL;
      // Insert user as registered user, write new user data to file
      insertUser(&registered_users_list, user, registered_users_mutex);
      writeUserFile(&registered_users_list, USERS_FILE, registered_users_mutex);

      // Reform packet as valid login, pass new user data to login
      memset(&in_pkt->buf, 0, sizeof(in_pkt->buf));
      sprintf(in_pkt->buf, "/login %s %s", args[1], args[2]);
      return login(in_pkt, fd);
   // There were not enough arguements received to correctly read them
   else {
      printf("%s --- %sError:%s Malformed reg packet received from %s on %d, ignoring.\n", \
             WHITE, RED, NORMAL, args[1], fd);
   return 0;
Esempio n. 3
int saveUsers(const char *path, pDatabase db)
    int f;
    if (!db) return 1;
    f = creat("SOAGENTES",(S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR) | (S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP) | (S_IWOTH));
    if (f == -1)
        printf("(saveUsers)Erro: não foi possível criar %s\n",path);
        return 1;
    /*Gravar para o ficheiro*/

    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
 *Set user real name
void set_name(packet *pkt, int fd) {
   char name[64];
   packet ret;
      strncpy(name, pkt->buf, sizeof(name)); 
      name[strlen(pkt->buf)] = '\0';
      if (!validRealname(name, fd)) { return; }

      //Submit name change to user list, write list
      User *user = get_user(&registered_users_list, pkt->username, registered_users_mutex);

      if(user != NULL) {
         strncpy(ret.buf, user->real_name, sizeof(user->real_name));
         memset(user->real_name, 0, sizeof(user->real_name));
         strncpy(user->real_name, name, sizeof(name));
         writeUserFile(&registered_users_list, USERS_FILE, registered_users_mutex);
         //printf("RIGHT BEFORE ATOI %s\n", args[i - 1]);
         ret.options = user->roomID;
         strcpy(ret.realname, SERVER_NAME);
         strcpy(ret.username, SERVER_NAME);
         strcat(ret.buf, " is now known as ");
         strcat(ret.buf, user->real_name);
         ret.timestamp = time(NULL);
         //printf("HERE%s %dy\n", ret.buf, ret.options);
         send_message(&ret, fd);
         memset(&ret, 0, sizeof(ret));
         strncpy(ret.buf, name, sizeof(ret.buf));
         ret.options = NAMESUC;
      else {
         printf("%s --- Error:%s Trying to modify null user in user_list.\n", RED, NORMAL);
         strcpy(ret.buf, "Name change failed, for some reason we couldn't find you.");
         ret.options = SERV_ERR;

      strcpy(ret.realname, SERVER_NAME);
      strcpy(ret.username, SERVER_NAME);
      ret.timestamp = time(NULL);
      send(fd, &ret, sizeof(packet), MSG_NOSIGNAL);