Esempio n. 1
int icq_httpGatewayWrapSend(HANDLE hConn, PBYTE buf, int len, int flags, MIRANDASERVICE pfnNetlibSend)
	PBYTE sendBuf = buf;
	int sendLen = len;
	int sendResult = 0;

	while (sendLen > 0)
	{ // imitate polite behaviour of icq5.1 and split large packets
		icq_packet packet;
		WORD curLen;
		int curResult;

		if (sendLen > 512) curLen = 512; else curLen = (WORD)sendLen;
		// send wrapped data
		packet.wLen = curLen;
		write_httphdr(&packet, HTTP_PACKETTYPE_FLAP, GetGatewayIndex(hConn));
		packBuffer(&packet, sendBuf, (WORD)curLen);

		NETLIBBUFFER nlb={ (char*)packet.pData, packet.wLen, flags };
		curResult = pfnNetlibSend((WPARAM)hConn, (LPARAM)&nlb);

		// sending failed, end loop
		if (curResult <= 0)
			return curResult;
		// calculare real number of data bytes sent
		if (curResult > 14) sendResult += curResult - 14;
		// move on
		sendLen -= curLen;
		sendBuf += curLen;

	return sendResult;
Esempio n. 2
int icq_httpGatewayWalkTo(HANDLE hConn, NETLIBOPENCONNECTION* nloc)
{ // this is bad simplification - for avatars to work we need to handle
	// two "virtual connections" at the same time
	icq_packet packet;
	DWORD dwGatewaySeq = GetGatewayIndex(hConn);

	packet.wLen = 0;
	write_httphdr(&packet, HTTP_PACKETTYPE_CLOSE, dwGatewaySeq);
	Netlib_Send(hConn, (char*)packet.pData, packet.wLen, MSG_DUMPPROXY|MSG_NOHTTPGATEWAYWRAP);
	// we closed virtual connection, open new one
	SetGatewayIndex(hConn, dwGatewaySeq);
	return icq_httpGatewayBegin(hConn, nloc);
Esempio n. 3
int icq_httpGatewayWrapSend( HANDLE hConn, PBYTE buf, int len, int flags, MIRANDASERVICE pfnNetlibSend )
	icq_packet packet;
	int sendResult;

	packet.wLen = len;
	write_httphdr( &packet, HTTP_PACKETTYPE_FLAP );
	packString( &packet, buf, ( WORD )len );
	sendResult = Netlib_Send( hConn, packet.pData, packet.wLen, flags );
	mir_free( packet.pData );
	if( sendResult <= 0 )
		return sendResult;
	if( sendResult < 14 )
		return 0;
	return sendResult - 14;
Esempio n. 4
int icq_httpGatewayBegin(HANDLE hConn, NETLIBOPENCONNECTION* nloc)
{ // open our "virual data connection"
	icq_packet packet;
	size_t serverNameLen;

	serverNameLen = strlennull(nloc->szHost);

	packet.wLen = (WORD)(serverNameLen + 4);
	write_httphdr(&packet, HTTP_PACKETTYPE_LOGIN, GetGatewayIndex(hConn));
	packWord(&packet, (WORD)serverNameLen);
	packBuffer(&packet, (LPBYTE)nloc->szHost, (WORD)serverNameLen);
	packWord(&packet, nloc->wPort);
	INT_PTR res = Netlib_Send(hConn, (char*)packet.pData, packet.wLen, MSG_DUMPPROXY|MSG_NOHTTPGATEWAYWRAP);

	return res != SOCKET_ERROR;