int process_output (DESCRIPTOR_DATA * t) { char i[MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 1]; if (!t->prompt_mode && !t->connected && t->edit_index == -1) if (write_to_descriptor (t, "\r\n") < 0) return (-1); /* Cycle thru output queue */ while (get_from_q (&t->output, i)) { if (t->snoop.snoop_by && t->snoop.snoop_by->desc != NULL && !IS_NPC (t->snoop.snoop_by)) { write_to_q ("% ", &t->snoop.snoop_by->desc->output); write_to_q (i, &t->snoop.snoop_by->desc->output); } if (write_to_descriptor (t, i)) return (-1); } if (!t->connected && !(t->character && !IS_NPC (t->character) && GET_FLAG (t->character, FLAG_COMPACT))) if (IS_SET (t->edit_mode, MODE_DONE_EDITING) && t->edit_index == -1) if (write_to_descriptor (t, "\r\n") < 0) return (-1); return (1); }
void shutdown_wgrace( char * info) { char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d; for ( d = descriptor_list; d ; d = d->next ) if( d->character && IS_IMMORTAL(d->character) && d->connected == CON_PLAYING ) { sprintf(buf,"\n\r ****************************************************\n\r"); write_to_descriptor (d, buf, 0); sprintf(buf,"Zabugowana komenda: %s, poprzednia: %s\n\r", last_command ? last_command : "nie wiadomo", previous_command ? previous_command: "nie ustawiono" ); write_to_descriptor (d, buf, 0); if( info ) { sprintf(buf," ** Signal: %s \n\r", info); write_to_descriptor (d, buf, 0); } sprintf(buf," ****************************************************\n\r"); write_to_descriptor (d, buf, 0); save_char_obj( d->character, FALSE, FALSE ); } if(!supermob) init_supermob(); free_string(supermob->name); supermob->name=str_dup("*** SYSTEM ***"); do_copyover (supermob,"now"); return; }
/* * Shows random names simialiar to the do_randomnames command but formatted for * the login screen. */ void show_random_names(DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d) { int row = 0; int col = 0; show_menu_top(d); show_menu_header("Random Names", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, BLANK_MENU_LINE, d); for (row = 0; row < 8; row++) { write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w | {g", d); // Since the random function returns a static char we have to use it in // separate calls. for (col = 0; col < 4; col++) { writef(d, "%-16s", generate_random_name()); } write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w |\r\n", d); } show_menu_bottom(d); return; }
void do_dthink(struct char_data *ch, char *argument, int cmd) { char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH], mudname[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; struct descriptor_data *d; int i; one_argument(argument, mudname); if ((i=matchmud(mudname))!=UNDEFINED) { argument = one_argument(argument, mudname); if ((i=getmud(ch, mudname, TRUE))==UNDEFINED) return; }; while(isspace(*argument)) argument++; if (!*argument) { msg("Sure you have something to think!", ch); return; }; if (!dimd_credit(ch, 1+1*(i==UNDEFINED))) return; if (i!=UNDEFINED) { if (IS_SET(muds[i].flags, DD_NOTHINK)) { msg("They are no longer listening to remote thinks.", ch); return; }; sprintf(buf, "^%s^%s^%d^*^%s\n\r", PER(ch), GET_KEYNAME(ch), GetMaxLevel(ch), argument); write_to_descriptor(muds[i].desc, buf); } else { sprintf(buf, "^%s^%s^%d^*g^%s\n\r", PER(ch), GET_KEYNAME(ch), GetMaxLevel(ch), argument); for(i=0; muds[i].address; i++) if (IS_SET(muds[i].flags, DD_VERIFIED) && !IS_SET(muds[i].flags, DD_NOTHINK)) write_to_descriptor(muds[i].desc, buf); #if USE_COLOR sprintf(buf, "$kW$n $kLdimension thinks, '%s'", argument); #else sprintf(buf, "$n dimension thinks, '%s'", argument); #endif for(d = descriptor_list; d; d = d->next) if (!d->connected && d->character != ch && GetMaxLevel(d->character) >= DEMIGOD) cact(buf, FALSE, ch, 0, d->character, TO_VICT, CLR_THINK); }; }
/* * Sends the greeting on login. */ void show_greeting(DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d) { extern char *help_greeting; if (help_greeting[0] == '.') { write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, help_greeting + 1, d); } else { write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, help_greeting, d); } }
bool compressStart(DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d, unsigned char telopt) { z_stream *s; if (d->out_compress) return TRUE; // bug("Starting compression for descriptor %d", d->descriptor); s = (z_stream *)malloc(sizeof(*s)); d->out_compress_buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(COMPRESS_BUF_SIZE); s->next_in = NULL; s->avail_in = 0; s->next_out = d->out_compress_buf; s->avail_out = COMPRESS_BUF_SIZE; s->zalloc = zlib_alloc; s->zfree = zlib_free; s->opaque = NULL; if (deflateInit(s, 9) != Z_OK) { free(d->out_compress_buf); free(s); return FALSE; } if (telopt == TELOPT_COMPRESS) write_to_descriptor(d, enable_compress, 0); else if (telopt == TELOPT_COMPRESS2) write_to_descriptor(d, enable_compress2, 0); // else // bug("compressStart: bad TELOPT passed"); d->compressing = telopt; d->out_compress = s; /* if ( d->character ) { if ( telopt == 85 && !IS_SET(d->character->config,CONFIG_COMPRESS)) SET_BIT(d->character->config,CONFIG_COMPRESS); if ( telopt == 86 && !IS_SET(d->character->config,CONFIG_COMPRESS2)) SET_BIT(d->character->config,CONFIG_COMPRESS2); }*/ return TRUE; }
bool compressStart( DESCRIPTOR_DATA * d ) { z_stream *s; if( d->mccp->out_compress ) return TRUE; CREATE( s, z_stream, 1 ); CREATE( d->mccp->out_compress_buf, unsigned char, COMPRESS_BUF_SIZE ); s->next_in = NULL; s->avail_in = 0; s->next_out = d->mccp->out_compress_buf; s->avail_out = COMPRESS_BUF_SIZE; s->zalloc = Z_NULL; s->zfree = Z_NULL; s->opaque = NULL; if( deflateInit( s, 9 ) != Z_OK ) { DISPOSE( d->mccp->out_compress_buf ); DISPOSE( s ); return FALSE; } write_to_descriptor( d, (const char *)start_compress2_str, 0 ); d->can_compress = TRUE; d->mccp->out_compress = s; return TRUE; }
void do_dtell(struct char_data *ch, char *argument, int cmd) { char name[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH], mudname[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH], buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; int i; /* for (i=0;i<MAX_MOBOBJ;i++) { sprintf(buf,"%s has pos %d",mob_index[i].name, mob_index[i].pos); slog(buf); }*/ argument = one_argument(argument, name); argument = one_argument(argument, mudname); if ((i=getmud(ch, mudname, TRUE))==UNDEFINED) return; while(isspace(*argument)) argument++; if (!*argument) { msg("Surely you have SOMETHING to say ... ?", ch); return; }; if (!dimd_credit(ch, 1)) return; sprintf(buf, "^%s^%s^%d^t^%s^%s\n\r", PER(ch), GET_KEYNAME(ch), GetMaxLevel(ch), name, argument); write_to_descriptor(muds[i].desc, buf); }
/* Jump to x,y with direct write to port - for updates that won't trigger a new prompt */ void gotoxy_dir (CHAR_DATA * ch, int x, int y) { char tt[50]; sprintf (tt, "\x1B[%d;%df", y, x); write_to_descriptor (ch->desc->descriptor, tt, 0); return; }
/* internal code sends data to a mud for various tasks */ void dimd_broadcast(char *buf) { int i; for(i=0; muds[i].address; i++) if (IS_SET(muds[i].flags, DD_VERIFIED)) write_to_descriptor(muds[i].desc, buf); }
void wave(int sock, char *text, int port) { int s; if ((s = new_connection(sock, port)) < 0) return; write_to_descriptor(s, text); close(s); }
void write_to_descriptor_printf( DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d, const char *fmt, ... ) { char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH * 2]; va_list args; va_start( args, fmt ); vsprintf( buf, fmt, args ); va_end( args ); write_to_descriptor( d, buf, strlen( buf ) ); }
/* * Sends a header of the menu that is centered. */ void show_menu_header(char *caption, DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d) { char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; char buf2[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; char center_text[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; sprintf(buf, "{w \\_|%%s|\r\n"); sprintf(center_text, "{W-=-=-=-=-=-=))) %s: {W%s {w(((=-=-=-=-=-=-{w", settings.mud_name, caption); sprintf(center_text, "%s", center_string_padded(center_text, 73)); sprintf(buf2, buf, center_text); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, buf2, d); }
void do_dwho(struct char_data *ch, char *argument, int cmd) { char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; int i; argument = one_argument(argument, buf); if ((i=getmud(ch, buf, TRUE))==UNDEFINED) return; if (!dimd_credit(ch, 2)) return; while(isspace(*argument)) argument++; sprintf(buf, "^%s^%s^%d^w^%s\n\r", PER(ch), GET_KEYNAME(ch), GetMaxLevel(ch), argument); write_to_descriptor(muds[i].desc, buf); }
bool answer_a_mud(void) { int desc, size, mud; struct sockaddr_in sock; char buf[1024], host[100]; if ((desc = new_connection(dimd_s)) < 0) return FALSE; if ((maxdesc+1) >= avail_descs) { write_to_descriptor(desc, "Sorry, the game is full."); close(desc); return FALSE; } else if (desc > maxdesc) maxdesc = desc; size = sizeof(sock); if (getpeername(desc, (struct sockaddr *) &sock, &size) < 0) { perror("getpeername"); *host = '\0'; } else printhost(&sock.sin_addr, host); for(mud=0; muds[mud].address; mud++) if (!str_cmp(host, muds[mud].address)) break; if (!muds[mud].address) { write_to_descriptor(desc, "Sorry, I don't recognize your address."); close(desc); sprintf(buf,"DIMD requestor[%s](%d) was refused -- couldn't recognize.", host,mud); DIMDLOG(buf); return FALSE; }; if (IS_SET(muds[mud].flags, DD_CONNECTED)) { write_to_descriptor(desc, "We are already connected to your mud."); close(desc); sprintf(buf, "%s[%s] tried to open a SECOND DIMD connection.", muds[mud].formalname, muds[mud].address); DIMDLOG(buf); return FALSE; }; if (IS_SET(muds[mud].flags, DD_REFUSE)) { write_to_descriptor(desc, "We are not accepting connections from your mud at the moment."); close(desc); sprintf(buf, "%s[%s] tried to connect but is being refused.", muds[mud].formalname, muds[mud].address); DIMDLOG(buf); return FALSE; }; muds[mud].desc = desc; strcpy(muds[mud].host, host); muds[mud].output.head = NULL; muds[mud].input.head = NULL; *muds[mud].buf = 0; muds[mud].flags |= DD_CONNECTED; *muds[mud].pcname = 0; sprintf(buf, "DIMD connection established with %s[%s].", muds[mud].formalname, host); DIMDLOG(buf); return TRUE; }
void dimd_loop(void) { int i, fromlevel, fromgodlevel; fd_set input_set, output_set, exc_set; static char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH], extra[MAX_STRING_LENGTH], fromname[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH], fromkeyname[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH], dcommand[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH], toname[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH], *scan; struct char_data *vict; char comm[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; struct timeval null_time; struct descriptor_data *d; switch (dimd_state) { /****************************************************************/ case DIMD_OPENING: if ((dimd_local_mud=getlocalmud())==UNDEFINED) { DIMDLOG("Couldn't figure out what this mud's name is! DIMD NOT opened."); dimd_state = DIMD_CLOSED; dimd_on = FALSE; return; }; dimd_port = DIMD_PORT; dimd_s=init_socket(dimd_port); DIMDLOG("DIMD port opened."); for(i=0; muds[i].address; i++) if (IS_SET(muds[i].flags, DD_AUTOTRY)) call_a_mud(i); dimd_state = DIMD_OPEN; break; /****************************************************************/ case DIMD_OPEN: null_time.tv_sec = 0; null_time.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO(&input_set); FD_ZERO(&output_set); FD_ZERO(&exc_set); FD_SET(dimd_s, &input_set); for(i=0; muds[i].address; i++) if (IS_SET(muds[i].flags, DD_CONNECTED)) { FD_SET(muds[i].desc, &input_set); FD_SET(muds[i].desc, &exc_set); FD_SET(muds[i].desc, &output_set); }; if (select(maxdesc + 1, &input_set, &output_set, &exc_set, &null_time) < 0) { perror("Tell select poll"); return; }; /* Respond to whatever might be happening */ /* New connection? */ if (FD_ISSET(dimd_s, &input_set)) if (!answer_a_mud()) perror("New connection"); for(i=0; muds[i].address; i++) if (IS_SET(muds[i].flags, DD_CONNECTED)) { if (FD_ISSET(muds[i].desc, &exc_set)) { FD_CLR(muds[i].desc, &input_set); FD_CLR(muds[i].desc, &output_set); hangup_on_a_mud(i); }; }; for(i=0; muds[i].address; i++) if (IS_SET(muds[i].flags, DD_CONNECTED)) { if (FD_ISSET(muds[i].desc, &input_set)) if (process_dimd_input(i) < 0) hangup_on_a_mud(i); }; for(i=0; muds[i].address; i++) if (IS_SET(muds[i].flags, DD_CONNECTED)) { while(get_from_q(&muds[i].input, comm)) { if (!IS_SET(muds[i].flags, DD_VERIFIED)) { if (str_cmp(comm, DIMD_PASSWORD)) { sprintf(buf, "The mud is located at port %d.\n\r", dimd_port-2); write_to_descriptor(muds[i].desc, buf); sprintf(buf, "%s[%s]'s server didn't know our password.", muds[i].formalname, muds[i].host); DIMDLOG(buf); hangup_on_a_mud(i); break; }; SET_BIT(muds[i].flags, DD_VERIFIED); break; }; if (*comm != '^') { if (!(vict=get_char(muds[i].pcname))) { sprintf(buf, "DIMD stream for unknown player %s rejected.", muds[i].pcname); DIMDLOG(buf); DIMDLOG(comm); } else msg(comm, vict); continue; }; scan = comm+1; scan = one_dimd_argument(scan, fromname); scan = one_dimd_argument(scan, fromkeyname); scan = one_dimd_argument(scan, buf); fromlevel = atoi(buf); if (!*fromname || !*fromkeyname || !fromlevel) { write_to_descriptor(muds[i].desc, "Your server isn't working properly."); sprintf(buf, "%s[%s] didn't supply PC names or level.", muds[i].formalname, muds[i].host); DIMDLOG(buf); hangup_on_a_mud(i); break; }; if (fromlevel < muds[i].min_level) sprintf(buf, "You must be at least %d level to use DIMD on %s.", muds[i].min_level, muds[i].formalname); else { fromgodlevel = (fromlevel-muds[i].immort_level) * muds[i].immort_level_mult; scan = one_lc_dimd_argument(scan, dcommand); switch(*dcommand) { case '#': strcpy(muds[i].pcname, fromkeyname); continue; case 'a': switch(*(dcommand+1)) { case 'g': sprintf(buf, "%s is now accepting remote gossips.", muds[i].formalname); REMOVE_BIT(muds[i].flags, DD_NOGOSSIP); break; case 'm': sprintf(buf, "%s is now accepting remote muses.", muds[i].formalname); REMOVE_BIT(muds[i].flags, DD_NOMUSE); break; case 't': sprintf(buf, "%s is now accepting remote thinks.", muds[i].formalname); REMOVE_BIT(muds[i].flags, DD_NOTHINK); break; default: sprintf(buf, "Unknown accept command from %s.", muds[i].formalname); }; DIMDLOG(buf); continue; case 'r': switch(*(dcommand+1)) { case 'g': sprintf(buf, "%s is now refusing remote gossips.", muds[i].formalname); SET_BIT(muds[i].flags, DD_NOGOSSIP); break; case 'm': sprintf(buf, "%s is now refusing remote muses.", muds[i].formalname); SET_BIT(muds[i].flags, DD_NOMUSE); break; case 't': sprintf(buf, "%s is now refusing remote thinks.", muds[i].formalname); SET_BIT(muds[i].flags, DD_NOTHINK); break; default: sprintf(buf, "Unknown refuse command from %s.", muds[i].formalname); }; DIMDLOG(buf); continue; case 'w': sprintf(buf, "Who request from %s at %s served.", fromname, muds[i].formalname); DIMDLOG(buf); /* construct_who_list(buf, 39, NULL, fromgodlevel, scan); */ break; case 't': scan = one_lc_dimd_argument(scan, toname); while(isspace(*scan)) scan++; if (!(vict = get_char(toname)) || !dimd_can_see(fromgodlevel, vict)) strcpy(buf, "No char by that name."); else { #if USE_COLOR sprintf(buf, "$kW%s $kMfrom $kW%s $kMtells you '%s'.", fromname, muds[i].formalname, scan); #else sprintf(buf, "%s from %s tells you '%s'.", fromname, muds[i].formalname, scan); #endif cmsg(buf, vict, CLR_TELL); if (IS_SET(vict->pc->comm, COMM_AFK)) #if USE_COLOR sprintf(buf, "$kMYou tell $kW%s$kM (who is AFK), '%s'", PER(vict), scan); #else sprintf(buf, "You tell %s (who is AFK), '%s'", PER(vict), scan); #endif else #if USE_COLOR sprintf(buf, "$kMYou tell $kW%s$kM, '%s'", PER(vict), scan); #else sprintf(buf, "You tell %s, '%s'", PER(vict), scan); #endif }; break; case 'g': if (!dimd_gossip) { write_to_descriptor(muds[i].desc, "^DIMD^DIMD^110^rg\n\r"); sprintf(buf, "%s is no longer accepting remote gossips.", muds[dimd_local_mud].formalname); break; }; if (*(dcommand+1)=='g') #if USE_COLOR sprintf(buf, "$kW%s $kYfrom $kW%s $kYdimension gossips, '%s'", fromname, muds[i].formalname, scan); #else sprintf(buf, "%s from %s dimension gossips, '%s'", fromname, muds[i].formalname, scan); #endif else #if USE_COLOR sprintf(buf, "$kW%s $kYfrom $kW%s $kYgossips, '%s'", fromname, muds[i].formalname, scan); #else sprintf(buf, "%s from %s gossips, '%s'", fromname, muds[i].formalname, scan); #endif for(d = descriptor_list; d; d = d->next) if (!d->connected && !IS_SET(d->character->pc->comm, COMM_NOGOSSIP) && !check_soundproof(d->character)) cmsg(buf, d->character, CLR_GOSSIP); #if USE_COLOR sprintf(buf, "$kYYou gossip on $kW%s$kY, '%s'", muds[dimd_local_mud].formalname, scan); #else sprintf(buf, "You gossip on %s, '%s'", muds[dimd_local_mud].formalname, scan); #endif break; case 'm': if (!dimd_muse) { write_to_descriptor(muds[i].desc, "^DIMD^DIMD^110^rm\n\r"); sprintf(buf, "%s is no longer accepting remote muses.", muds[dimd_local_mud].formalname); break; }; if (*(dcommand+1)=='g') #if USE_COLOR sprintf(buf, "$kW%s $kLfrom $kW%s $kLdimension muses, '%s'", fromname, muds[i].formalname, scan); #else sprintf(buf, "%s from %s dimension muses, '%s'", fromname, muds[i].formalname, scan); #endif else #if USE_COLOR sprintf(buf, "$kW%s $kLfrom $kW%s $kLmuses, '%s'", fromname, muds[i].formalname, scan); #else sprintf(buf, "%s from %s muses, '%s'", fromname, muds[i].formalname, scan); #endif for(d = descriptor_list; d; d = d->next) if (!d->connected && GetMaxLevel(d->character) >= LOW_IMMORTAL && !IS_SET(d->character->pc->comm, COMM_NOMUSE)) cmsg(buf, d->character, CLR_MUSE); #if USE_COLOR sprintf(buf, "$kLYou muse on $kW%s$kL, '%s'", muds[dimd_local_mud].formalname, scan); #else sprintf(buf, "You muse on %s, '%s'", muds[dimd_local_mud].formalname, scan); #endif break; case '*': if (!dimd_think) { write_to_descriptor(muds[i].desc, "^DIMD^DIMD^110^rt\n\r"); sprintf(buf, "%s is no longer accepting remote thinks.", muds[dimd_local_mud].formalname); break; }; if (*(dcommand+1)=='g') #if USE_COLOR sprintf(buf, "$kW%s $kLfrom $kW%s $kLdimension thinks, '%s'", fromname, muds[i].formalname, scan); #else sprintf(buf, "%s from %s dimension thinks, '%s'", fromname, muds[i].formalname, scan); #endif else #if USE_COLOR sprintf(buf, "$kW%s $kLfrom $kW%s $kLthinks, '%s'", fromname, muds[i].formalname, scan); #else sprintf(buf, "%s from %s thinks, '%s'", fromname, muds[i].formalname, scan); #endif for(d = descriptor_list; d; d = d->next) if (!d->connected && GetMaxLevel(d->character) >= DEMIGOD && !IS_SET(d->character->pc->comm, COMM_NOMUSE)) cmsg(buf, d->character, CLR_THINK); #if USE_COLOR sprintf(buf, "$kLYou think on $kW%s$kL, '%s'", muds[dimd_local_mud].formalname, scan); #else sprintf(buf, "You think on %s, '%s'", muds[dimd_local_mud].formalname, scan); #endif break; default: #if USE_COLOR sprintf(buf, "$kW%s $kRfrom $kW%s $kRissued invalid command '%s'.", fromname, muds[i].formalname, dcommand); #else sprintf(buf, "%s from %s issued invalid command '%s'.", fromname, muds[i].formalname, dcommand); #endif DIMDLOG(buf); #if USE_COLOR strcpy(buf, "$k+BRYour server isn't functioning properly."); #else strcpy(buf, "Your server isn't functioning properly."); #endif }; };
/* * Show's the bottom porition of the menu */ void show_menu_bottom(DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d) { write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, BLANK_MENU_LINE, d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w / | -==================================================================- |\r\n", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w \\/________________________________________________________________________/{x\r\n", d); }
/* * Show's the top portion of the menu */ void show_menu_top(DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d) { write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w _________________________________________________________________________\r\n", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w /` \\\r\n", d); }
ErrnoError DescriptorHolder::Write(const char* data, size_t size, size_t* nwrite_out) { DCHECK(IsValid()); return write_to_descriptor(fd_, data, size, nwrite_out); }
/* * Shows who is logged into the mud from the login menu. */ void show_login_who(DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d) { char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; DESCRIPTOR_DATA *dl; int col = 0; int count = 0; int total_count = 0; bool end_row = TRUE; show_menu_top(d); show_menu_header("Online Players", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, BLANK_MENU_LINE, d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w | {G( {WImmortals {G){w |\r\n", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, BLANK_MENU_LINE, d); for (dl = descriptor_list; dl != NULL; dl = dl->next) { CHAR_DATA *ch; if (dl->connected != CON_PLAYING) { continue; } ch = (dl->original != NULL) ? dl->original : dl->character; if (!IS_IMMORTAL(ch) || ch->invis_level >= LEVEL_HERO || ch->incog_level >= LEVEL_HERO) { continue; } count++; col++; // Start a row? if (end_row) { write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w | ", d); end_row = FALSE; } sprintf(buf, "{g%-16s{x", ch->name); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, buf, d); // End a row? if (col % 4 == 0) { write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w|\r\n", d); end_row = TRUE; } } // Fill out the rest of the last row if it wasn't a full row while (col % 4 != 0) { write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, " ", d); col++; } if (count > 0 && end_row == FALSE) { // End that row write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, " {w|\r\n", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, BLANK_MENU_LINE, d); } else if (count > 0 && end_row == TRUE) { write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, BLANK_MENU_LINE, d); } // Display if there are no immortals online. if (count == 0) { write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w | * {CThere are no immortals currently online.{w |\r\n", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, BLANK_MENU_LINE, d); } write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w | {G( {WMortals {G){w |\r\n", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, BLANK_MENU_LINE, d); total_count += count; // The characters playing end_row = TRUE; count = 0; col = 0; for (dl = descriptor_list; dl != NULL; dl = dl->next) { CHAR_DATA *ch; if (dl->connected != CON_PLAYING) { continue; } ch = (dl->original != NULL) ? dl->original : dl->character; if (IS_IMMORTAL(ch)) { continue; } count++; col++; // Start a row? if (end_row) { write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w | ", d); end_row = FALSE; } sprintf(buf, "{g%-16s{x", ch->name); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, buf, d); // End a row? if (col % 4 == 0) { write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, " {w|\r\n", d); end_row = TRUE; } } // Fill out the rest of the last row if it wasn't a full row while (col % 4 != 0) { write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, " ", d); col++; } if (count > 0 && end_row == FALSE) { // End that row write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, " {w|\r\n", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, BLANK_MENU_LINE, d); } else if (count > 0 && end_row == TRUE) { write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, BLANK_MENU_LINE, d); } // Display if there are no mortals online. if (count == 0) { write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w | * {CThere are no mortals currently online.{w |\r\n", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, BLANK_MENU_LINE, d); } total_count += count; if (total_count > 0) { sprintf(buf, "{w | Total Players Online: %-3d |\r\n", total_count); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, buf, d); } show_menu_bottom(d); return; }
/* * Show the credits to the login screen, this is a little hacky. I would prefer to use the * help system but it's tooled for CH's and down the line (in the string pager) has issues * with descriptors on a a straight conversion of page_to_char. */ void show_login_credits(DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d) { int space = 0; int x = 0; show_menu_top(d); show_menu_header("Credits", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, BLANK_MENU_LINE, d); // This line should dynamically space up to a version number writef(d, "{w | {G*{x {WDark Cloud{w %s (1998-2019)", VERSION); space = 43 - strlen(VERSION); for (x = 0; x < space; x++) { write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, " ", d); } write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "|\r\n", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w | {G*{x {WROM 2.4{w (1993-1998) |\r\n", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w | Russ Taylor, Gabrielle Taylor, Brian Moore |\r\n", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w | {G*{x {WMerc DikuMud{w (1991-1993) |\r\n", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w | Michael Chastain, Michael Quan, Mitchel Tse |\r\n", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w | {G*{x {WDikuMud{w (1993-1998) |\r\n", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w | Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, |\r\n", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w | Michael Seifert, Sebastian Hammer |\r\n", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, BLANK_MENU_LINE, d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w | {G*{w Detailed additional credits can be viewed in game via the |\r\n", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w | credits command. These additional credits include the names of |\r\n", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w | many who have contributed through the mud community over the |\r\n", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "{w | years where those contributions have been used here. |\r\n", d); show_menu_bottom(d); return; }
void send_mssp_data( DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d ) { if ( !d ) { bug( "%s: NULL d", __FUNCTION__ ); return; } write_to_descriptor( d, "\r\nMSSP-REPLY-START\r\n", 0 ); mssp_reply( d, "HOSTNAME", "%s", mssp_info->hostname ); mssp_reply( d, "PORT", "%d", port ); mssp_reply( d, "UPTIME", "%d", ( int ) mud_start_time ); mssp_reply( d, "PLAYERS", "%d", player_count( ) ); mssp_reply( d, "CODEBASE", "%s", codebase ); mssp_reply( d, "CONTACT", "%s", mssp_info->contact ); mssp_reply( d, "CREATED", "%d", mssp_info->created ); mssp_reply( d, "ICON", "%s", mssp_info->icon ); mssp_reply( d, "LANGUAGE", "%s", mssp_info->language ); mssp_reply( d, "LOCATION", "%s", mssp_info->location ); mssp_reply( d, "MINIMUM AGE", "%d", mssp_info->minAge ); mssp_reply( d, "NAME", "%s", sysdata.mud_name ); mssp_reply( d, "WEBSITE", "%s", mssp_info->website ); mssp_reply( d, "FAMILY", "%s", mssp_info->family ); mssp_reply( d, "GENRE", "%s", mssp_info->genre ); mssp_reply( d, "GAMEPLAY", "%s", mssp_info->gamePlay ); mssp_reply( d, "GAMESYSTEM", "%s", mssp_info->gameSystem ); mssp_reply( d, "INTERMUD", "%s", mssp_info->intermud ); mssp_reply( d, "STATUS", "%s", mssp_info->status ); mssp_reply( d, "SUBGENRE", "%s", mssp_info->subgenre ); mssp_reply( d, "AREAS", "%d", top_area ); mssp_reply( d, "HELPFILES", "%d", top_help ); mssp_reply( d, "MOBILES", "%d", top_mob_index ); mssp_reply( d, "OBJECTS", "%d", top_obj_index ); mssp_reply( d, "ROOMS", "%d", top_room ); mssp_reply( d, "RESETS", "%d", top_reset ); // mssp_reply( d, "MUDPROGS", "%d", top_prog ); mssp_reply( d, "CLASSES", "%d", MAX_CLASS ); mssp_reply( d, "LEVELS", "%d", MAX_LEVEL ); mssp_reply( d, "RACES", "%d", MAX_RACE ); // mssp_reply( d, "SKILLS", "%d", num_skills ); mssp_reply( d, "WORLDS", "%d", mssp_info->worlds ); mssp_reply( d, "ANSI", "%d", mssp_info->ansi ); mssp_reply( d, "MCCP", "%d", mssp_info->mccp ); mssp_reply( d, "MCP", "%d", mssp_info->mcp ); mssp_reply( d, "MSP", "%d", mssp_info->msp ); mssp_reply( d, "SSL", "%d", mssp_info->ssl ); mssp_reply( d, "MXP", "%d", mssp_info->mxp ); mssp_reply( d, "PUEBLO", "%d", mssp_info->pueblo ); mssp_reply( d, "VT100", "%d", mssp_info->vt100 ); mssp_reply( d, "XTERM 256 COLORS", "%d", mssp_info->xterm256 ); mssp_reply( d, "PAY TO PLAY", "%d", mssp_info->pay2play ); mssp_reply( d, "PAY FOR PERKS", "%d", mssp_info->pay4perks ); mssp_reply( d, "HIRING BUILDERS", "%d", mssp_info->hiringBuilders ); mssp_reply( d, "HIRING CODERS", "%d", mssp_info->hiringCoders ); mssp_reply( d, "ADULT MATERIAL", "%d", mssp_info->adultMaterial ); mssp_reply( d, "MULTICLASSING", "%d", mssp_info->multiclassing ); mssp_reply( d, "NEWBIE FRIENDLY", "%d", mssp_info->newbieFriendly ); mssp_reply( d, "PLAYER CITIES", "%d", mssp_info->playerCities ); mssp_reply( d, "PLAYER CLANSS", "%d", mssp_info->playerClans ); mssp_reply( d, "PLAYER CRAFTING", "%d", mssp_info->playerCrafting ); mssp_reply( d, "PLAYER GUILDS", "%d", mssp_info->playerGuilds ); mssp_reply( d, "EQUIPMENT SYSTEM", "%s", mssp_info->equipmentSystem ); mssp_reply( d, "MULTIPLAYING", "%s", mssp_info->multiplaying ); mssp_reply( d, "PLAYERKILLING", "%s", mssp_info->playerKilling ); mssp_reply( d, "QUEST SYSTEM", "%s", mssp_info->questSystem ); mssp_reply( d, "ROLEPLAYING", "%s", mssp_info->roleplaying ); mssp_reply( d, "TRAINING SYSTEM", "%s", mssp_info->trainingSystem ); mssp_reply( d, "WORLD ORIGINALITY", "%s", mssp_info->worldOriginality ); write_to_descriptor( d, "MSSP-REPLY-END\r\n", 0 ); }
/* Recover from a hotboot - load players */ void hotboot_recover( void ) { DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d = NULL; FILE *fp; char name[100]; char host[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; int desc, room, dport, idle, dcompress, maxp = 0; bool fOld; fp = fopen( HOTBOOT_FILE, "r" ); if( !fp ) /* there are some descriptors open which will hang forever then ? */ { perror( "hotboot_recover: fopen" ); bug( "%s", "Hotboot file not found. Exitting." ); exit( 1 ); } unlink( HOTBOOT_FILE ); /* In case something crashes - doesn't prevent reading */ for( ;; ) { d = NULL; fscanf( fp, "%d %d %d %d %d %s %s\n", &dcompress, &desc, &room, &dport, &idle, name, host ); if( desc == -1 || feof( fp ) ) break; if( !str_cmp( name, "maxp" ) || !str_cmp( host, "maxp" ) ) { maxp = idle; continue; } /* * Write something, and check if it goes error-free */ if( !write_to_descriptor_old( desc, "\r\nThe Force swirls around you.\r\n", 0 ) ) { close( desc ); /* nope */ continue; } CREATE( d, DESCRIPTOR_DATA, 1 ); CREATE( d->mccp, MCCP, 1 ); d->next = NULL; d->descriptor = desc; d->connected = CON_GET_NAME; d->outsize = 2000; d->idle = 0; d->lines = 0; d->scrlen = 24; d->newstate = 0; d->prevcolor = 0x08; d->ifd = -1; d->ipid = -1; CREATE( d->outbuf, char, d->outsize ); d->host = STRALLOC( host ); d->port = dport; d->idle = idle; #ifdef MCCP if( dcompress ) write_to_buffer( d, compress2_on_str_2, 0 ); #endif LINK( d, first_descriptor, last_descriptor, next, prev ); d->connected = CON_COPYOVER_RECOVER; /* negative so close_socket will cut them off */ // d->can_compress = dcompress; // if( d->can_compress ) // compressStart( d ); /* * Now, find the pfile */ fOld = load_char_obj( d, name, FALSE, TRUE ); if( !fOld ) /* Player file not found?! */ { write_to_descriptor( d, "\r\nSomehow, your character was lost during hotboot. Contact the immortals ASAP.\r\n", 0 ); close_socket( d, FALSE ); } else /* ok! */ { write_to_descriptor( d, "Suddenly, you remember nothing as the Force continues into the Galaxy.\r\n", 0 ); d->character->in_room = get_room_index( room ); if( !d->character->in_room ) d->character->in_room = get_room_index( ROOM_VNUM_TEMPLE ); /* * Insert in the char_list */ LINK( d->character, first_char, last_char, next, prev ); char_to_room( d->character, d->character->in_room ); act( AT_MAGIC, "You appear in a swirl of the Force!", d->character, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR ); act( AT_MAGIC, "$n appears in a swrrl of the Force!", d->character, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM ); d->connected = CON_PLAYING; if( ++num_descriptors > sysdata.maxplayers ) sysdata.maxplayers = num_descriptors; #ifdef AUTO_AUTH check_auth_state( d->character ); /* new auth */ #endif } } FCLOSE( fp ); if( maxp > sysdata.maxplayers ) sysdata.maxplayers = maxp; log_string( "Hotboot recovery complete." ); return; }
ErrnoError DescriptorHolder::WriteBuffer(const char_buffer_t& data, size_t* nwrite_out) { DCHECK(IsValid()); return write_to_descriptor(fd_,, data.size(), nwrite_out); }
/* Recover from a hotreboot - load players */ void hotreboot_recover() { DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d; FILE *fp; char name[100]; char host[MSL]; long desc; bool fOld; fp = fopen(HOTREBOOT_FILE, "r"); if(!fp) /* there are some descriptors open which will hang forever then ? */ { perror("hotreboot_recover:fopen"); exit(1); } /* unlink (HOTREBOOT_FILE); In case something crashes - doesn't prevent reading */ for(;;) { fscanf(fp, "%li %s %s\n", &desc, name, host); if(desc == -1) break; /* Write something, and check if it goes error-free */ if(!write_to_descriptor(desc, "\n\rRestoring from hotreboot...\n\r", 0)) { #ifdef WIN32 closesocket(desc); #else /* */ close(desc); /* nope */ #endif /* */ continue; } d = alloc_perm(sizeof(DESCRIPTOR_DATA)); init_descriptor(d, desc); /* set up various stuff */ d->host = str_dup(host); d->next = descriptor_list; descriptor_list = d; d->connected = CON_HOTREBOOT_RECOVER; /* -15, so close_socket frees the char */ /* Now, find the pfile */ fOld = load_char_obj(d, name); if(!fOld) /* Player file not found?! */ { write_to_descriptor(desc, "\n\rSomehow, your character was lost in the hotreboot. Reconnect\n\r", 0); close_socket2(d, FALSE); } else /* ok! */ { /* Just In Case */ if(!d->character->in_room) d->character->in_room = get_room_index(ROOM_VNUM_TEMPLE); /* Insert in the char_list */ d->character->next = char_list; char_list = d->character; char_to_room(d->character, d->character->in_room); do_look(d->character, ""); act("$n appears from the netherworld!", d->character, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); d->connected = CON_PLAYING; } } fclose(fp); olduptime = get_olduptime(); }
/* * Renders the current login menu to the player. */ void show_login_menu(DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d) { int x = 0; // This probably shouldn't happen but better safe than sorry on a high run method. if (d == NULL) { return; } char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; bool ban_newbie = check_ban(d->host, BAN_NEWBIES); bool ban_all = check_ban(d->host, BAN_ALL); // The login menu header write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "\r\n", d); show_menu_top(d); show_menu_header("Login Menu", d); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, BLANK_MENU_LINE, d); // Column 1.1 - Create a new character option. The option is disabled if the game is wizlocked // newlocked, if their host is banned all together or if they are newbie banned. if (settings.wizlock || settings.newlock || ban_newbie || ban_all) { sprintf(buf, "{w | {w({DN{w){Dew Character{x |\r\n"); } else { sprintf(buf, "{w | {w(%sN{w)%sew Character{x |\r\n", settings.login_menu_light_color, settings.login_menu_dark_color); } write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, buf, d); // Column 2.1 - Play existing character, the login option is disabled if the player is banned or the game is wizlocked. if (ban_all || settings.wizlock) { sprintf(buf, "{w | {w({DP{w){Dlay Existing Character{x |\r\n"); } else { sprintf(buf, "{w | {w(%sP{w)%slay Existing Character{x |\r\n", settings.login_menu_light_color, settings.login_menu_dark_color); } write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, buf, d); // Column 3.1 - Who is currently online if (settings.login_who_list_enabled) { sprintf(buf, "{w | {w(%sW{w)%sho is on now?{w |\r\n", settings.login_menu_light_color, settings.login_menu_dark_color); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, buf, d); } // Column 4.1 - Random name generator sprintf(buf, "{w | {w(%sR{w)%sandom Name Generator{w |\r\n", settings.login_menu_light_color, settings.login_menu_dark_color); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, buf, d); // Column 5.1 - Credits sprintf(buf, "{w | {w(%sC{w)%sredits{w |\r\n", settings.login_menu_light_color, settings.login_menu_dark_color); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, buf, d); // Column 6.1 & 6.2 - Quit and System Time sprintf(buf, "{w | {w(%sQ{w)%suit{w |\r\n", settings.login_menu_light_color, settings.login_menu_dark_color); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, buf, d); // Column 7.1 - Prompt write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, BLANK_MENU_LINE, d); sprintf(buf, "{w | {WYour selection? {w-> |\r\n"); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, buf, d); show_menu_bottom(d); // Since we've wrapped the menu in an ASCII graphic that looks like a parchment, we'll need to // reposition the cursor to move up to "Your selection? ->".. then after the selection we'll // need to move the cursor back down before displaying whatever we're going to display. // Move up 4 rows, then to the right 28 sprintf(buf, "%s%s%s%s", UP, UP, UP, UP); // Move to the right 28 for (x = 0; x < 28; x++) { strcat(buf, RIGHT); } write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, buf, d); return; }
void do_hotreboot(CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument) { FILE *fp; DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d, *d_next; char buf[100], buf2[100], buf3[100]; fp = fopen(HOTREBOOT_FILE, "w"); if(!fp) { send_to_char("hotreboot file not writeable, aborted.\n\r", ch); fpReserve = fopen(NULL_FILE, "r"); perror("do_hotreboot:fopen"); return; } if(argument && !str_cmp(argument,"INFINITE LOOP!")) { sprintf(buf, "[HotReboot by Godwars - Infinite Loop!]\n\r"); } if(argument && argument[0] != '\0') { sprintf(buf, "[HotReboot by Godwars - Crash!]\n\r"); } else { do_restore(ch, "all"); prepare_players(); write_kingdoms(); sprintf(buf, "[HotReboot by %s - You will automatically reconnect]\n\r", ch->name); } /* For each playing descriptor, save its state */ for(d = descriptor_list; d; d = d_next) { CHAR_DATA *och = CH(d); d_next = d->next; /* We delete from the list , so need to save this */ if(!d->character || d->connected != CON_PLAYING || och->level == 1) /* drop those logging on */ { write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, "\n\rSorry, we are rebooting. Come back in a few minutes.\n\r", 0); close_socket2(d, FALSE); /* throw'em out */ } else { fprintf(fp, "%li %s %s\n", d->descriptor, och->name, d->host); save_char_obj(och); write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, buf, 0); } } fprintf(fp, "-1\n\n"); fclose(fp); if((fp = fopen(OLDUPTIME_FILE, "w")) != 0) { fprintf(fp, "%.0f\n", get_uptime()); fclose(fp); } else { unlink(OLDUPTIME_FILE); } fclose(fpReserve); /* exec - descriptors are inherited */ sprintf(buf, "%li", port); sprintf(buf2, "%li", control); sprintf(buf3, "%li", rebootnum); #ifndef WIN32 execl(EXE_FILE, "Merc", buf, "hotreboot", buf2, buf3, (char *) 0); #endif /* Failed - sucessful exec will not return */ perror("do_hotreboot: execl"); send_to_char("hotreboot FAILED!\n\r", ch); /* Here you might want to reopen fpReserve */ fpReserve = fopen(NULL_FILE, "r"); }
void mssp_start(DESCRIPTOR_DATA * t) {char buf[1024]; int i; #if 0 const char mssp_str[] = {IAC,SB,MSSP, MSSP_VAR,'P','L','A','Y','E','R','S',MSSP_VAL,'0', MSSP_VAR,'N','A','M','E',MSSP_VAL,'V','i','r','t','u','s','t','a','n',' ','M','U','D', IAC,SE,'\0'}; #endif i=sprintf(buf, "%c%c%c%cPLAYERS%c%i%cNAME%cZerkalo MUD%cUPTIME%c%li%cCRAWL_DELAY%c-1\\ %cPORT%c4000\ %cPORT%c4000\ %cCODEBASE%cCircleMUD/Byliny\ %cCONTACT%[email protected]\ %cCREATED%c2012\ %cIP%c217.12.220.191\ %cLANGUAGE%cRussian\ %cLOCATION%cUkraine\ %cMINIMUM AGE%c0\ %cWEBSITE%c\ %cFAMILY%cDikuMUD\ %cAREAS%c%i\ %cMOBILES%c%i\ %cOBJECTS%c%i\ %cROOMS%c%i\ %cCLASSES%c15\ %cRACES%c6\ %cANSI%c1\ %cMCCP%c1\ %cMCP%c0\ %cMSP%c0\ %cMXP%c0\ %cPUEBLO%c0\ %cHIRING BUILDERS%c1\ %cPLAYER CLANS%c1\ %cWORLD ORIGINALITY%c1\ %c%c", IAC,SB,MSSP,MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL,total_players,MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL,MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL,(long int)boot_time, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL,99 /*statistic_zones*/, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL,1662 /*statistic_mobs*/, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL,912 /*statistic_objs*/, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL,3599 /*statistic_rooms*/, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, MSSP_VAR,MSSP_VAL, IAC,SE); // printf("MSSP total_players %i\n",total_players); write_to_descriptor(t->descriptor, buf, strlen(buf)); }
/* Warm reboot stuff, gotta make sure to thank Erwin for this :) */ void do_hotboot( CHAR_DATA * ch, const char *argument ) { FILE *fp; CHAR_DATA *victim = NULL; DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d, *de_next; char buf[100], buf2[100], buf3[100]; extern int control; int count = 0; bool found = FALSE; for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next ) { if( ( d->connected == CON_PLAYING || d->connected == CON_EDITING ) && ( victim = d->character ) != NULL && !IS_NPC( victim ) && victim->in_room && victim->fighting && victim->top_level >= 1 && victim->top_level <= MAX_LEVEL ) { found = TRUE; count++; } } if( found ) { ch_printf( ch, "Cannot hotboot at this time. There are %d combats in progress.\r\n", count ); return; } found = FALSE; for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next ) { if( d->connected == CON_EDITING && d->character ) { found = TRUE; break; } } if( found ) { send_to_char( "Cannot hotboot at this time. Someone is using the line editor.\r\n", ch ); return; } sprintf( log_buf, "Hotboot initiated by %s.", ch->name ); log_string( log_buf ); fp = fopen( HOTBOOT_FILE, "w" ); if( !fp ) { send_to_char( "Hotboot file not writeable, aborted.\r\n", ch ); bug( "Could not write to hotboot file: %s. Hotboot aborted.", HOTBOOT_FILE ); perror( "do_copyover:fopen" ); return; } /* * And this one here will save the status of all objects and mobs in the game. * * This really should ONLY ever be used here. The less we do stuff like this the better. */ save_world( ch ); #ifdef OLC_SHUTTLE { SHUTTLE_DATA *tshuttle; for( tshuttle = first_shuttle; tshuttle; tshuttle = tshuttle->next ) save_shuttle( tshuttle ); } #endif log_string( "Saving player files and connection states...." ); if( ch && ch->desc ) write_to_descriptor( ch->desc, "\033[0m", 0 ); sprintf( buf, "\r\nYou feel a great disturbance in the Force." ); /* * For each playing descriptor, save its state */ for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = de_next ) { CHAR_DATA *och = CH( d ); de_next = d->next; /* We delete from the list , so need to save this */ if( !d->character || d->connected < CON_PLAYING ) /* drop those logging on */ { write_to_descriptor( d, "\r\nSorry, we are rebooting. Come back in a few minutes.\r\n", 0 ); close_socket( d, FALSE ); /* throw'em out */ } else { /* For test purposes flush_buffer(d, TRUE);*/ fprintf( fp, "%d %d %d %d %d %s %s\n", d->can_compress, d->descriptor, och->in_room->vnum, d->port, d->idle, och->name, d->host ); /* * One of two places this gets changed */ och->pcdata->hotboot = TRUE; save_char_obj( och ); write_to_descriptor( d, buf, 0 ); compressEnd( d ); } } fprintf( fp, "%s", "-1" ); FCLOSE( fp ); #ifdef IMC imc_hotboot( ); #endif /* * added this in case there's a need to debug the contents of the various files */ if( argument && !str_cmp( argument, "debug" ) ) { log_string( "Hotboot debug - Aborting before execl" ); return; } log_string( "Executing hotboot...." ); /* * exec - descriptors are inherited */ snprintf( buf, 100, "%d", port ); snprintf( buf2, 100, "%d", control ); #ifdef IMC if( this_imcmud ) snprintf( buf3, 100, "%d", this_imcmud->desc ); else strncpy( buf3, "-1", 100 ); #else strncpy( buf3, "-1", 100 ); #endif dlclose( sysdata.dlHandle ); execl( EXE_FILE, "swreality", buf, "hotboot", buf2, buf3, ( char * )NULL ); /* * Failed - sucessful exec will not return */ perror( "do_hotboot: execl" ); sysdata.dlHandle = dlopen( NULL, RTLD_LAZY ); if( !sysdata.dlHandle ) { bug( "%s", "FATAL ERROR: Unable to reopen system executable handle!" ); exit( 1 ); } bug( "%s", "Hotboot execution failed!!" ); send_to_char( "Hotboot FAILED!\r\n", ch ); }
int process_input (DESCRIPTOR_DATA * t) { int sofar; int thisround; int begin; int squelch; int i; int k; int flag; char tmp[MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 100]; char buffer[MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 100]; sofar = 0; flag = 0; begin = strlen (t->buf); /* Read in some stuff */ do { if ((thisround = read (t->hSocketFD, t->buf + begin + sofar, MAX_INPUT_LENGTH - (begin + sofar) - 1)) > 0) sofar += thisround; else if (thisround < 0) if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK) { return -1; } else break; else { return -1; } } while (!ISNEWL (*(t->buf + begin + sofar - 1))); *(t->buf + begin + sofar) = 0; if (!IS_SET (t->edit_mode, MODE_DONE_EDITING)) { ve_process (t, t->buf); /* Editor subsystem call */ *t->buf = '\0'; /* This may cause some data to be lost if */ return (0); /* chars are typed after @ & before processing */ } /* if no newline is contained in input, return without proc'ing */ for (i = begin; !ISNEWL (*(t->buf + i)); i++) if (!*(t->buf + i)) return (0); /* input contains 1 or more newlines; process the stuff */ for (i = 0, k = 0; *(t->buf + i);) { if (!ISNEWL (*(t->buf + i)) && !(flag = (k >= (MAX_INPUT_LENGTH - 2)))) if (*(t->buf + i) == '\b') /* backspace */ if (k) /* more than one char ? */ { i++; } else i++; /* no or just one char.. Skip backsp */ else /* KILLER CDR: $$ problem here. */ if (isascii (*(t->buf + i)) && isprint (*(t->buf + i))) { *(tmp + k) = *(t->buf + i); k++; i++; } else i++; else { *(tmp + k) = 0; if (*tmp == '!') strcpy (tmp, t->last_input); else strcpy (t->last_input, tmp); write_to_q (tmp, &t->input); if (t->snoop.snoop_by && t->snoop.snoop_by->desc != NULL && !IS_NPC (t->snoop.snoop_by)) { write_to_q ("% ", &t->snoop.snoop_by->desc->output); write_to_q (tmp, &t->snoop.snoop_by->desc->output); write_to_q ("\n\r", &t->snoop.snoop_by->desc->output); } if (flag) { sprintf (buffer, "Line too long. Truncated to:\n\r%s\n\r", tmp); if (write_to_descriptor (t, buffer) < 0) return (-1); /* skip the rest of the line */ for (; !ISNEWL (*(t->buf + i)); i++); } /* find end of entry */ for (; ISNEWL (*(t->buf + i)); i++); /* squelch the entry from the buffer */ for (squelch = 0;; squelch++) if ((*(t->buf + squelch) = *(t->buf + i + squelch)) == '\0') break; k = 0; i = 0; } } return (1); }