static void _print_line( int fd, const char* file, int line ) { int filefd; writestring(fd, "in file "); writestring(fd, file); writestring(fd, " at line "); writeint(fd, line); writechar(fd, ':'); #ifndef O_TEXT #define O_TEXT 0 #endif if ( (filefd = open(file, O_RDONLY | O_TEXT )) != -1 ) { char c; for ( ; line > 1; line -- ) { while ( readchar(filefd) != '\n' ) ; } do { writechar(fd, c = readchar(filefd)); } while ( c != '\n' ); } else { writestring(2, "Couldn't open "); writestring(2, file); writechar(2, '\n'); } }
static void itDisplayIns52(uint16_t *buf, int n, int plInstMode) { char col=plInstMode?0x07:"\x08\x08\x0B\x0A"[plInstUsed[n]]; writestring(buf, 0, col, (!plInstMode&&plInstUsed[n])?" \xfe##: ":" ##: ", 9); writenum(buf, 5, col, n+1, 16, 2, 0); writestring(buf, 9, col, plInstr[n].name, 43); }
static void gmdDisplayIns33(unsigned short *buf, int n, int plInstMode) { char col=plInstMode?0x07:"\x08\x08\x0B\x0A"[(unsigned)plInstUsed[n]]; writestring(buf, 0, col, (!plInstMode&&plInstUsed[n])?"\xfe##: ":" ##: ", 5); writenum(buf, 1, col, n+1, 16, 2, 0); writestring(buf, 5, col, plInstr[n].name, 28); }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------- TCP Server Task -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void TcpServerTask(void * pd) { int ListenPort = (int) pd; // Set up the listening TCP socket int fdListen = listen(INADDR_ANY, ListenPort, 5); if (fdListen > 0) { IPADDR client_addr; WORD port; while(1) { // The accept() function will block until a TCP client requests // a connection. Once a client connection is accepting, the // file descriptor fdnet is used to read/write to it. iprintf( "Wainting for connection on port %d...\n", ListenPort ); int fdnet = accept(fdListen, &client_addr, &port, 0); iprintf("Connected to: "); ShowIP(client_addr); iprintf(":%d\n", port); writestring(fdnet, "Welcome to the NetBurner TCP Server\r\n"); char s[20]; IPtoString(EthernetIP, s); siprintf(RXBuffer, "You are connected to IP Address %s, port %d\r\n", s, TCP_LISTEN_PORT); writestring(fdnet, RXBuffer); while (fdnet > 0) { /* Loop while connection is valid. The read() function will return 0 or a negative number if the client closes the connection, so we test the return value in the loop. Note: you can also use ReadWithTimout() in place of read to enable the connection to terminate after a period of inactivity. */ int n = 0; do { n = read( fdnet, RXBuffer, RX_BUFSIZE ); RXBuffer[n] = '\0'; iprintf( "Read %d bytes: %s\n", n, RXBuffer ); } while ( n > 0 ); // Don't foreget to close ! iprintf("Closing client connection: "); ShowIP(client_addr); iprintf(":%d\n", port); close(fdnet); fdnet = 0; } } // while(1) } // while listen }
int block_writestart(FILETYPE f, char index[MAXBLOCKTITLE]) { if (strlen(index) >= MAXBLOCKTITLE) return RETURN_CODE_ERROR; if (!writestring(f, "{") || !writestring(f, index) || !writestring(f, " ")) return RETURN_CODE_ERROR; return 0; }
/* write a page with nothing on it */ void writeemptypage(void) { if (verbose) message(LOG, "[*] "); sprintf(buffer, "%%%%Page: * %d\n", ++outputpage); writestring(buffer); if (beginprocset) writestring("PStoPSxform concat\n"); writestring("showpage\n"); }
int msgsetup (void) { int x; if (server) { x = readmsg (MSGSETUP); if (x != SCMOK) return (x); if (protver >= 7) { x = readint (&xpatch); if (x != SCMOK) return (x); } else xpatch = FALSE; if (xpatch) { x = readstring (&xuser); if (x != SCMOK) return (x); return (readmend ()); } x = readstring (&collname_g); if (x == SCMOK) x = readint ((int *)&lasttime); if (x == SCMOK) x = readstring (&basedir_g); if (x == SCMOK) x = readint (&basedev); if (x == SCMOK) x = readint (&baseino); if (x == SCMOK) x = readint (&listonly); if (x == SCMOK) x = readint (&newonly); if (x == SCMOK) if (protver < 6) release = (char *)NULL; else x = readstring (&release); if (x == SCMOK) x = readmend (); } else { x = writemsg (MSGSETUP); if (x != SCMOK) return (x); if (protver >= 7) { x = writeint (xpatch); if (x != SCMOK) return (x); } if (xpatch) { x = writestring (xuser); if (x != SCMOK) return (x); return (writemend ()); } if (x == SCMOK) x = writestring (collname_g); if (x == SCMOK) x = writeint ((int)lasttime); if (x == SCMOK) x = writestring (basedir_g); if (x == SCMOK) x = writeint (basedev); if (x == SCMOK) x = writeint (baseino); if (x == SCMOK) x = writeint (listonly); if (x == SCMOK) x = writeint (newonly); if (x == SCMOK && protver >= 6) x = writestring (release); if (x == SCMOK) x = writemend (); } return (x); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if(argc<3) { std::cout << "Usage: SQLGen [SQLite database filename] [cpp-file] ([Attached db name] [Attached db filename] ...)" << std::endl; return 1; } Server=new CServer; reinterpret_cast<CServer*>(Server)->setup(); std::string sqlite_db_str=argv[1]; std::string cppfile=argv[2]; std::string headerfile=getuntil(".cpp", cppfile)+".h"; if(!Server->openDatabase(sqlite_db_str, maindb)) { std::cout << "Could not open sqlite db \"" << sqlite_db_str << "\"" << std::endl; } for(int i=3;i+1<argc;i+=2) { if(!Server->attachToDatabase(argv[i+1], argv[i], maindb)) { std::cout << "Could not attach database \"" << argv[i+1] << "\"" << std::endl; } } std::string cppfile_data=getFile(cppfile); std::string headerfile_data=getFile(headerfile); writestring(cppfile_data, cppfile+".sqlgenbackup"); writestring(headerfile_data, headerfile+".sqlgenbackup"); try { sqlgen(Server->getDatabase(Server->getThreadID(), maindb), cppfile_data, headerfile_data); } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl; return 1; } writestring(cppfile_data, cppfile); writestring(headerfile_data, headerfile); std::cout << "SQLGen: Ok." << std::endl; return 0; }
void make_title(char *part) { uint16_t sbuf[CONSOLE_MAX_X]; char *verstr="opencp v" VERSION; fillstr(sbuf, 0, 0x30, 0, CONSOLE_MAX_X); writestring(sbuf, 2, 0x30, verstr, strlen(verstr)); if (plScrWidth<100) writestring(sbuf, plScrWidth-58, 0x30, part, strlen(part)); else writestring(sbuf, (plScrWidth-strlen(part))/2, 0x30, part, strlen(part)); writestring(sbuf, plScrWidth-28, 0x30, "(c) '94-'10 Stian Skjelstad", 27); displaystrattr(0, 0, sbuf, plScrWidth); }
void drawaxes(){ glColor3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex2f(-50.0, 0.0); glVertex2f(50.0, 0.0); glVertex2f(0.0, -50.0); glVertex2f(0.0, 50.0); glEnd(); glRasterPos3f(48, -2.0, 0.0); writestring((void *)font, "x"); glRasterPos3f(1.0, 48.0, 0.0); writestring((void *)font, "y"); }
/* write page comment */ void writepageheader(const char *label, int page) { if (verbose) message(LOG, "[%d] ", page); sprintf(buffer, "%%%%Page: %s %d\n", label, ++outputpage); writestring(buffer); }
int msgxpatch (void) { int x; int i; if (server) { x = readmsg (MSGXPATCH); if (x != SCMOK) return (x); x = readint (&xargc); if (x != SCMOK) return (x); xargc += 2; xargv = (char **)calloc (sizeof (char *),(unsigned)xargc+1); if (xargv == NULL) return (SCMERR); for (i = 2; i < xargc; i++) { x = readstring (&xargv[i]); if (x != SCMOK) return (x); } x = readmend (); } else { x = writemsg (MSGXPATCH); if (x != SCMOK) return (x); x = writeint (xargc); if (x != SCMOK) return (x); for (i = 0; i < xargc; i++) { x = writestring (xargv[i]); if (x != SCMOK) return (x); } x = writemend (); } return (x); }
int block_writeend(FILETYPE f) { if (!writestring(f, "} ")) return RETURN_CODE_ERROR; return 0; }
static int needone ( TREE *t, va_list ap ) { int x; x = writestring (t->Tname); if (x == SCMOK) x = writeint ((t->Tflags&FUPDATE) != 0); return (x); }
int msgneed (void) { int x; if (server) { char *name; int update; TREE *t; x = readmsg (MSGNEED); if (x == SCMOK) x = readstring (&name); while (x == SCMOK) { if (name == NULL) break; x = readint (&update); if (x != SCMOK) break; t = Tinsert (&needT,name,TRUE); free (name); if (update) t->Tflags |= FUPDATE; x = readstring (&name); } if (x == SCMOK) x = readmend (); } else { x = writemsg (MSGNEED); if (x == SCMOK) x = Tprocess (needT,needone); if (x == SCMOK) x = writestring ((char *)NULL); if (x == SCMOK) x = writemend (); } return (x); }
int block_write_data(FILETYPE f, int type, int dim, void *data) { int error, i; char buffer[INT_SPACE + DOUBLE_SPACE]; switch (type) { case TYPE_DOUBLE: if ((error = block_writestart(f, "_dval_")) != 0) return error; break; case TYPE_INT: if ((error = block_writestart(f, "_ival_")) != 0) return error; break; default: return RETURN_CODE_ERROR; } for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) { switch (type) { case TYPE_DOUBLE: sprintf(buffer, DOUBLE_FORMAT " ", ((double *)data)[i]); break; case TYPE_INT: sprintf(buffer, "%d ", ((int *)data)[i]); break; default: /* keep the compilers happy */; } if (!writestring(f, buffer)) return RETURN_CODE_ERROR; } return block_writeend(f); }
int msglist (void) { int x; if (server) { x = writemsg (MSGLIST); if (x == SCMOK) x = Tprocess (listT,listone); if (x == SCMOK) x = writestring ((char *)NULL); if (x == SCMOK) x = writeint ((int)scantime); if (x == SCMOK) x = writemend (); } else { char *name; int mode,flags,mtime; TREE *t; x = readmsg (MSGLIST); if (x == SCMOK) x = readstring (&name); while (x == SCMOK) { if (name == NULL) break; x = readint (&mode); if (x == SCMOK) x = readint (&flags); if (x == SCMOK) x = readint (&mtime); if (x != SCMOK) break; t = Tinsert (&listT,name,TRUE); free (name); t->Tmode = mode; t->Tflags = flags; t->Tmtime = mtime; x = readstring (&name); } if (x == SCMOK) x = readint ((int *)&scantime); if (x == SCMOK) x = readmend (); } return (x); }
int putc(int c, void *f) { char ch = c; return writestring(f, &ch, 1) == 1? c: -1; }
int fputs(char *str, void *f) { int n = strlen(str); return writestring(f, str, n) == n? 0: -1; }
int msglogin (void) { int x; if (server) { x = readmsg (MSGLOGIN); if (x == SCMOK) x = readstring (&logcrypt); if (x == SCMOK) x = readstring (&loguser); if (x == SCMOK) x = readstring (&logpswd); if (x == SCMOK) x = readmend (); } else { x = writemsg (MSGLOGIN); if (x == SCMOK) x = writestring (logcrypt); if (x == SCMOK) x = writestring (loguser); if (x == SCMOK) x = writestring (logpswd); if (x == SCMOK) x = writemend (); } return (x); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char* x = "Hello world\n"; writestring(x); writeint(12345); writechar('\n'); loop(1000); return 0; }
void writeheadermedia(int p, off_t *ignore, double width, double height) { fseeko(infile, (off_t) 0, SEEK_SET); if (pagescmt) { if (!fcopy(pagescmt, ignore) || fgets(buffer, BUFSIZ, infile) == NULL) message(FATAL, "I/O error in header\n"); if (width > -1 && height > -1) { sprintf(buffer, "%%%%DocumentMedia: plain %d %d 0 () ()\n", (int) width, (int) height); writestring(buffer); sprintf(buffer, "%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d\n", (int) width, (int) height); writestring(buffer); } sprintf(buffer, "%%%%Pages: %d 0\n", p); writestring(buffer); } if (!fcopy(headerpos, ignore)) message(FATAL, "I/O error in header\n"); }
/* write trailer */ void writetrailer(void) { fseeko(infile, pageptr[pages], SEEK_SET); while (fgets(buffer, BUFSIZ, infile) != NULL) { writestring(buffer); } if (verbose) message(LOG, "Wrote %d pages, %ld bytes\n", outputpage, bytes); }
static int listone ( TREE *t, va_list ap ) { int x; x = writestring (t->Tname); if (x == SCMOK) x = writeint ((int)t->Tmode); if (x == SCMOK) x = writeint ((int)t->Tflags); if (x == SCMOK) x = writeint (t->Tmtime); return (x); }
void printk(char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; int n; va_start(args, fmt); n = vsprintf(sprint_buf, fmt, args); va_end(args); writestring(stdout, sprint_buf, n); }
/* write from start of file to end of header comments */ void writeheader(int p) { fseek(infile, 0L, SEEK_SET); if (pagescmt) { if (!fcopy(pagescmt) || fgets(buffer, BUFSIZ, infile) == NULL) message(FATAL, "I/O error in header\n"); sprintf(buffer, "%%%%Pages: %d 0\n", p); writestring(buffer); } if (!fcopy(headerpos)) message(FATAL, "I/O error in header\n"); }
static void drawlongvolbar(uint16_t *buf, int, unsigned char st) { int l,r; l=ci.vol; r=ci.vol; logvolbar(l, r); l=(l+2)>>2; r=(r+2)>>2; if (plPause) l=r=0; if (st) { writestring(buf, 16-l, 0x08, "\376\376\376\376\376\376\376\376\376\376\376\376\376\376\376\376", l); writestring(buf, 17, 0x08, "\376\376\376\376\376\376\376\376\376\376\376\376\376\376\376\376", r); } else { uint16_t left[] = {0x0ffe, 0x0ffe, 0x0bfe, 0x0bfe, 0x0bfe, 0x0bfe, 0x09fe, 0x09fe, 0x09fe, 0x09fe, 0x01fe, 0x01fe, 0x01fe, 0x01fe, 0x01fe, 0x01fe}; uint16_t right[] = {0x01fe, 0x01fe, 0x01fe, 0x01fe, 0x01fe, 0x01fe, 0x09fe, 0x09fe, 0x09fe, 0x09fe, 0x0bfe, 0x0bfe, 0x0bfe, 0x0bfe, 0x0ffe, 0x0ffe}; writestringattr(buf, 16-l, left+16-l, l); writestringattr(buf, 17, right, r); } }
bool World::save(const char * file) { POSITION pos ; ofstream f(file,ios::binary | ios::out ); assert(f); for( pos=oper_ar.get_top_position(); pos; pos=oper_ar.get_next((pos))){ _oper *p=oper_ar.get(pos); if(!p->want_save()) continue; writestring(f, p->getname()); writestring(f, p->get_defn()); #ifndef NDEBUG cout<<"saving "<<p->getname()<<" "<<p->get_defn()<<endl; #endif //f<<p->getname()<<'\n'<<p->get_defn()<<endl; } writestring(f, ""); //blank line //char a[30]; for( pos=var_ar.get_top_position(); pos; pos=var_ar.get_next((pos))){ writestring(f, var_ar.get(pos).name); var_ar.get(pos).val.write_binary(f); #ifndef NDEBUG cout<<"saving "<<var_ar.get(pos).name<<" " <<endl; #endif } writestring(f, ""); f.close(); return true; }
void ServerUpdate::operator()(void) { IFileDownload *dl=download_fak->createFileDownload(); if(!Server->getServerParameter("http_proxy").empty()) { dl->setProxy(Server->getServerParameter("http_proxy"), (unsigned short)atoi(Server->getServerParameter("http_proxy_port").c_str())); } IFile *tmp=Server->openTemporaryFile(); if(tmp==NULL) return; std::string tfn=tmp->getFilename(); Server->destroy(tmp); Server->Log("Downloading version file...", LL_INFO); dl->download("", tfn); if(!waitForDownload(dl)) { download_fak->destroyFileDownload(dl); return; } std::string version=getFile(tfn); std::string curr_version=getFile("urbackup/version.txt"); if(curr_version.empty()) curr_version="0"; Server->deleteFile(tfn); if(atoi(version.c_str())>atoi(curr_version.c_str())) { Server->Log("Downloading signature...", LL_INFO); dl->download("", "urbackup/UrBackupUpdate.sig"); if(!waitForDownload(dl)) { download_fak->destroyFileDownload(dl); return; } Server->Log("Downloading update...", LL_INFO); dl->download("", "urbackup/UrBackupUpdate.exe"); if(!waitForDownload(dl)) { download_fak->destroyFileDownload(dl); return; } writestring(version, "urbackup/version.txt"); } download_fak->destroyFileDownload(dl); }
int main(void) { oled_init(); OLED_Display('G'); switchline(0); //writestring("Hello,World!"); writestring("The Advanced Encryption Standard is a specification for the encryption of electronic data established by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology in 2001"); while(1) { //writestring("Hello,World!"); //TODO:: Please write your application code } return 0; }