Esempio n. 1
void GEUIDialog::SaveViewAsKmz( wxString filename, wxString viewname ) 
      //TODO: - kml, jpg, zip it
      wxFileName fn(filename);
      wxFFileOutputStream out(filename);
      wxZipOutputStream zip(out);
      double west, east, north, south, lat, lon, alt;
      bool proj, exa;

      GEGetPointOnTerrain(GE_SCR_UPCENTER, north, lon, alt, proj, exa);
      GEGetPointOnTerrain(GE_SCR_LOWCENTER, south, lon, alt, proj, exa);
      GEGetPointOnTerrain(GE_SCR_LEFTCENTER, lat, west, alt, proj, exa);
      GEGetPointOnTerrain(GE_SCR_RIGHTCENTER, lat, east, alt, proj, exa);

      wxString tempimg = wxFileName::CreateTempFileName(_T("gecomapi"));
      zip.PutNextEntry(wxString::Format(_T("files/%s.jpg"), fn.GetName()));
      wxFileInputStream stream(tempimg);
      wxCharBuffer buffer;
      buffer = wxConvertWX2MB(wxString::Format(_T("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?><kml xmlns=\"\"><GroundOverlay><name>%s</name><Icon><href>files/%s.jpg</href><drawOrder>0</drawOrder></Icon><LatLonBox><north>%f</north><south>%f</south><east>%f</east><west>%f</west><rotation>%f</rotation></LatLonBox></GroundOverlay></kml>"), encodeXMLEntities(viewname), fn.GetName(), north, south, east, west, 0.0));
      zip.Write(, strlen(;
bool wxGetFullHostName(wxChar *buf, int sz)
    bool ok = wxGetHostNameInternal(buf, sz);

    if ( ok )
        if ( !wxStrchr(buf, wxT('.')) )
            struct hostent *host = gethostbyname(wxConvertWX2MB(buf));
            if ( !host )
                wxLogSysError(_("Cannot get the official hostname"));

                ok = false;
                // the canonical name
                wxStrncpy(buf, wxConvertMB2WX(host->h_name), sz);
        //else: it's already a FQDN (BSD behaves this way)

    return ok;
Esempio n. 3
 wxNativeFont wxLoadFont(const wxString& fontSpec)
     // VZ: we should use gdk_fontset_load() instead of gdk_font_load()
     //     here to be able to display Japanese fonts correctly (at least
     //     this is what people report) but unfortunately doing it results
     //     in tons of warnings when using GTK with "normal" European
     //     languages and so we can't always do it and I don't know enough
     //     to determine when should this be done... (FIXME)
     return gdk_font_load( wxConvertWX2MB(fontSpec) );
char *wxGetUserHome( const wxString &user )
    struct passwd *who = (struct passwd *) NULL;

    if ( !user )
        wxChar *ptr;

        if ((ptr = wxGetenv(wxT("HOME"))) != NULL)
            wxWCharBuffer buffer( ptr );
            return buffer;
            return ptr;
        if ((ptr = wxGetenv(wxT("USER"))) != NULL || (ptr = wxGetenv(wxT("LOGNAME"))) != NULL)
            who = getpwnam(wxConvertWX2MB(ptr));

        // We now make sure the the user exists!
        if (who == NULL)
            who = getpwuid(getuid());
      who = getpwnam (user.mb_str());

    return wxConvertMB2WX(who ? who->pw_dir : 0);
long wxExecute(wxChar **argv,
               int flags,
               wxProcess *process)
    // for the sync execution, we return -1 to indicate failure, but for async
    // case we return 0 which is never a valid PID
    // we define this as a macro, not a variable, to avoid compiler warnings
    // about "ERROR_RETURN_CODE value may be clobbered by fork()"
    #define ERROR_RETURN_CODE ((flags & wxEXEC_SYNC) ? -1 : 0)

    wxCHECK_MSG( *argv, ERROR_RETURN_CODE, wxT("can't exec empty command") );

    int mb_argc = 0;
    char *mb_argv[WXEXECUTE_NARGS];

    while (argv[mb_argc])
        wxWX2MBbuf mb_arg = wxConvertWX2MB(argv[mb_argc]);
        mb_argv[mb_argc] = strdup(mb_arg);
    mb_argv[mb_argc] = (char *) NULL;

    // this macro will free memory we used above
    #define ARGS_CLEANUP                                 \
        for ( mb_argc = 0; mb_argv[mb_argc]; mb_argc++ ) \
#else // ANSI
    // no need for cleanup
    #define ARGS_CLEANUP

    wxChar **mb_argv = argv;
#endif // Unicode/ANSI

    // we want this function to work even if there is no wxApp so ensure that
    // we have a valid traits pointer
    wxConsoleAppTraits traitsConsole;
    wxAppTraits *traits = wxTheApp ? wxTheApp->GetTraits() : NULL;
    if ( !traits )
        traits = &traitsConsole;

    // this struct contains all information which we pass to and from
    // wxAppTraits methods
    wxExecuteData execData;
    execData.flags = flags;
    execData.process = process;

    // create pipes
    if ( !traits->CreateEndProcessPipe(execData) )
        wxLogError( _("Failed to execute '%s'\n"), *argv );


        return ERROR_RETURN_CODE;

    // pipes for inter process communication
    wxPipe pipeIn,      // stdin
           pipeOut,     // stdout
           pipeErr;     // stderr

    if ( process && process->IsRedirected() )
        if ( !pipeIn.Create() || !pipeOut.Create() || !pipeErr.Create() )
            wxLogError( _("Failed to execute '%s'\n"), *argv );


            return ERROR_RETURN_CODE;

    // fork the process
    // NB: do *not* use vfork() here, it completely breaks this code for some
    //     reason under Solaris (and maybe others, although not under Linux)
    //     But on OpenVMS we do not have fork so we have to use vfork and
    //     cross our fingers that it works.
#ifdef __VMS
   pid_t pid = vfork();
   pid_t pid = fork();
   if ( pid == -1 )     // error?
        wxLogSysError( _("Fork failed") );


        return ERROR_RETURN_CODE;
    else if ( pid == 0 )  // we're in child
        // These lines close the open file descriptors to to avoid any
        // input/output which might block the process or irritate the user. If
        // one wants proper IO for the subprocess, the right thing to do is to
        // start an xterm executing it.
        if ( !(flags & wxEXEC_SYNC) )
            // FD_SETSIZE is unsigned under BSD, signed under other platforms
            // so we need a cast to avoid warnings on all platforms
            for ( int fd = 0; fd < (int)FD_SETSIZE; fd++ )
                if ( fd == pipeIn[wxPipe::Read]
                        || fd == pipeOut[wxPipe::Write]
                        || fd == pipeErr[wxPipe::Write]
                        || traits->IsWriteFDOfEndProcessPipe(execData, fd) )
                    // don't close this one, we still need it

                // leave stderr opened too, it won't do any harm
                if ( fd != STDERR_FILENO )

#if !defined(__VMS) && !defined(__EMX__)
        if ( flags & wxEXEC_MAKE_GROUP_LEADER )
            // Set process group to child process' pid.  Then killing -pid
            // of the parent will kill the process and all of its children.
#endif // !__VMS

        // reading side can be safely closed but we should keep the write one
        // opened

        // redirect stdin, stdout and stderr
        if ( pipeIn.IsOk() )
            if ( dup2(pipeIn[wxPipe::Read], STDIN_FILENO) == -1 ||
                 dup2(pipeOut[wxPipe::Write], STDOUT_FILENO) == -1 ||
                 dup2(pipeErr[wxPipe::Write], STDERR_FILENO) == -1 )
                wxLogSysError(_("Failed to redirect child process input/output"));


        execvp (*mb_argv, mb_argv);

        fprintf(stderr, "execvp(");
        // CS changed ppc to ppc_ as ppc is not available under mac os CW Mach-O
        for ( char **ppc_ = mb_argv; *ppc_; ppc_++ )
            fprintf(stderr, "%s%s", ppc_ == mb_argv ? "" : ", ", *ppc_);
        fprintf(stderr, ") failed with error %d!\n", errno);

        // there is no return after successful exec()

        // some compilers complain about missing return - of course, they
        // should know that exit() doesn't return but what else can we do if
        // they don't?
        // and, sure enough, other compilers complain about unreachable code
        // after exit() call, so we can just always have return here...
#if defined(__VMS) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
        return 0;
    else // we're in parent

        // save it for WaitForChild() use = pid;

        // prepare for IO redirection

        // the input buffer bufOut is connected to stdout, this is why it is
        // called bufOut and not bufIn
        wxStreamTempInputBuffer bufOut,
#endif // wxUSE_STREAMS

        if ( process && process->IsRedirected() )
            wxOutputStream *inStream =
                new wxFileOutputStream(pipeIn.Detach(wxPipe::Write));

            wxPipeInputStream *outStream =
                new wxPipeInputStream(pipeOut.Detach(wxPipe::Read));

            wxPipeInputStream *errStream =
                new wxPipeInputStream(pipeErr.Detach(wxPipe::Read));

            process->SetPipeStreams(outStream, inStream, errStream);


            execData.bufOut = &bufOut;
            execData.bufErr = &bufErr;
#endif // wxUSE_STREAMS

        if ( pipeIn.IsOk() )

        return traits->WaitForChild(execData);

Esempio n. 6
long wxExecute(wxChar **argv,
               int flags,
               wxProcess *process)
    // for the sync execution, we return -1 to indicate failure, but for async
    // case we return 0 which is never a valid PID
    // we define this as a macro, not a variable, to avoid compiler warnings
    // about "ERROR_RETURN_CODE value may be clobbered by fork()"
    #define ERROR_RETURN_CODE ((flags & wxEXEC_SYNC) ? -1 : 0)

    wxCHECK_MSG( *argv, ERROR_RETURN_CODE, wxT("can't exec empty command") );

    int mb_argc = 0;
    char *mb_argv[WXEXECUTE_NARGS];

    while (argv[mb_argc])
        wxWX2MBbuf mb_arg = wxConvertWX2MB(argv[mb_argc]);
        mb_argv[mb_argc] = strdup(mb_arg);
    mb_argv[mb_argc] = (char *) NULL;

    // this macro will free memory we used above
    #define ARGS_CLEANUP                                 \
        for ( mb_argc = 0; mb_argv[mb_argc]; mb_argc++ ) \
#else // ANSI
    // no need for cleanup
    #define ARGS_CLEANUP

    wxChar **mb_argv = argv;
#endif // Unicode/ANSI

#if wxUSE_GUI && !defined(__DARWIN__)
    // create pipes
    wxPipe pipeEndProcDetect;
    if ( !pipeEndProcDetect.Create() )
        wxLogError( _("Failed to execute '%s'\n"), *argv );


        return ERROR_RETURN_CODE;
#endif // wxUSE_GUI && !defined(__DARWIN__)

    // pipes for inter process communication
    wxPipe pipeIn,      // stdin
           pipeOut,     // stdout
           pipeErr;     // stderr

    if ( process && process->IsRedirected() )
        if ( !pipeIn.Create() || !pipeOut.Create() || !pipeErr.Create() )
            wxLogError( _("Failed to execute '%s'\n"), *argv );


            return ERROR_RETURN_CODE;

    // fork the process
    // NB: do *not* use vfork() here, it completely breaks this code for some
    //     reason under Solaris (and maybe others, although not under Linux)
    //     But on OpenVMS we do not have fork so we have to use vfork and
    //     cross our fingers that it works.
#ifdef __VMS
   pid_t pid = vfork();
   pid_t pid = fork();
   if ( pid == -1 )     // error?
        wxLogSysError( _("Fork failed") );


        return ERROR_RETURN_CODE;
    else if ( pid == 0 )  // we're in child
        // These lines close the open file descriptors to to avoid any
        // input/output which might block the process or irritate the user. If
        // one wants proper IO for the subprocess, the right thing to do is to
        // start an xterm executing it.
        if ( !(flags & wxEXEC_SYNC) )
            for ( int fd = 0; fd < FD_SETSIZE; fd++ )
                if ( fd == pipeIn[wxPipe::Read]
                        || fd == pipeOut[wxPipe::Write]
                        || fd == pipeErr[wxPipe::Write]
#if wxUSE_GUI && !defined(__DARWIN__)
                        || fd == pipeEndProcDetect[wxPipe::Write]
#endif // wxUSE_GUI && !defined(__DARWIN__)
                    // don't close this one, we still need it

                // leave stderr opened too, it won't do any harm
                if ( fd != STDERR_FILENO )

#if !defined(__VMS) && !defined(__EMX__)
        if ( flags & wxEXEC_MAKE_GROUP_LEADER )
            // Set process group to child process' pid.  Then killing -pid
            // of the parent will kill the process and all of its children.
#endif // !__VMS

#if wxUSE_GUI && !defined(__DARWIN__)
        // reading side can be safely closed but we should keep the write one
        // opened
#endif // wxUSE_GUI && !defined(__DARWIN__)

        // redirect stdin, stdout and stderr
        if ( pipeIn.IsOk() )
            if ( dup2(pipeIn[wxPipe::Read], STDIN_FILENO) == -1 ||
                 dup2(pipeOut[wxPipe::Write], STDOUT_FILENO) == -1 ||
                 dup2(pipeErr[wxPipe::Write], STDERR_FILENO) == -1 )
                wxLogSysError(_("Failed to redirect child process input/output"));


        execvp (*mb_argv, mb_argv);

        fprintf(stderr, "execvp(");
        for ( char **ppc = mb_argv; *ppc; ppc++ )
            fprintf(stderr, "%s%s", ppc == mb_argv ? "" : ", ", *ppc);
        fprintf(stderr, ") failed with error %d!\n", errno);

        // there is no return after successful exec()

        // some compilers complain about missing return - of course, they
        // should know that exit() doesn't return but what else can we do if
        // they don't?
        // and, sure enough, other compilers complain about unreachable code
        // after exit() call, so we can just always have return here...
#if defined(__VMS) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
        return 0;
    else // we're in parent

        // prepare for IO redirection

        // the input buffer bufOut is connected to stdout, this is why it is
        // called bufOut and not bufIn
        wxStreamTempInputBuffer bufOut,
#endif // wxUSE_STREAMS

        if ( process && process->IsRedirected() )
            wxOutputStream *inStream =
                new wxFileOutputStream(pipeIn.Detach(wxPipe::Write));

            wxPipeInputStream *outStream =
                new wxPipeInputStream(pipeOut.Detach(wxPipe::Read));

            wxPipeInputStream *errStream =
                new wxPipeInputStream(pipeErr.Detach(wxPipe::Read));

            process->SetPipeStreams(outStream, inStream, errStream);

#endif // wxUSE_STREAMS

        if ( pipeIn.IsOk() )

#if wxUSE_GUI && !defined(__WXMICROWIN__)
        wxEndProcessData *data = new wxEndProcessData;

        // wxAddProcessCallback is now (with DARWIN) allowed to call the
        // callback function directly if the process terminates before
        // the callback can be added to the run loop. Set up the data.
        if ( flags & wxEXEC_SYNC )
            // we may have process for capturing the program output, but it's
            // not used in wxEndProcessData in the case of sync execution
            data->process = NULL;

            // sync execution: indicate it by negating the pid
            data->pid = -pid;
            // async execution, nothing special to do - caller will be
            // notified about the process termination if process != NULL, data
            // will be deleted in GTK_EndProcessDetector
            data->process  = process;
            data->pid      = pid;

#if defined(__DARWIN__)
        data->tag = wxAddProcessCallbackForPid(data,pid);
        data->tag = wxAddProcessCallback

#endif // defined(__DARWIN__)

        if ( flags & wxEXEC_SYNC )
            wxBusyCursor bc;
            wxWindowDisabler wd;

            // data->pid will be set to 0 from GTK_EndProcessDetector when the
            // process terminates
            while ( data->pid != 0 )
#endif // wxUSE_STREAMS

                // give GTK+ a chance to call GTK_EndProcessDetector here and
                // also repaint the GUI

            int exitcode = data->exitcode;

            delete data;

            return exitcode;
        else // async execution
            return pid;
#else // !wxUSE_GUI

        wxASSERT_MSG( flags & wxEXEC_SYNC,
                      wxT("async execution not supported yet") );

        int exitcode = 0;
        if ( waitpid(pid, &exitcode, 0) == -1 || !WIFEXITED(exitcode) )
            wxLogSysError(_("Waiting for subprocess termination failed"));

        return exitcode;
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
