void wxWindowQt::Refresh( bool WXUNUSED( eraseBackground ), const wxRect *rect ) { QWidget *widget; // get the inner widget in scroll areas: if ( QtGetScrollBarsContainer() ) { widget = QtGetScrollBarsContainer()->viewport(); } else { widget = GetHandle(); } if ( widget != NULL ) { if ( rect != NULL ) { wxLogDebug(wxT("wxWindow::Refresh %s rect %d %d %d %d"), (const char*)GetName(), rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height); widget->update( wxQtConvertRect( *rect )); } else { wxLogDebug(wxT("wxWindow::Refresh %s"), (const char*)GetName()); widget->update(); } } }
wxRect wxListCtrl::GetViewRect() const { // this may not be exact but should be a good aproximation: wxRect rect = wxQtConvertRect(m_qtTreeWidget->rect()); int h = m_qtTreeWidget->header()->defaultSectionSize(); rect.SetTop(h); rect.SetHeight(rect.GetHeight() - h); return rect; }
bool wxStatusBar::GetFieldRect(int i, wxRect& rect) const { wxCHECK_MSG( (i >= 0) && ((size_t)i < m_panes.GetCount()), false, "invalid statusbar field index" ); if ( m_qtPanes->count() != m_panes.GetCount() ) const_cast<wxStatusBar*>(this)->UpdateFields(); rect = wxQtConvertRect((*m_qtPanes)[i]->geometry()); return true; }
bool wxListCtrl::GetItemRect(long item, wxRect& rect, int WXUNUSED(code)) const { QTreeWidgetItem *qitem = QtGetItem(item); if ( qitem != NULL ) { rect = wxQtConvertRect( m_qtTreeWidget->visualItemRect(qitem) ); return true; } else return false; }
// scroll window to the specified position void wxWindowQt::ScrollWindow( int dx, int dy, const wxRect *rect ) { // check if this is a scroll area (scroll only inner viewport) QWidget *widget; if ( QtGetScrollBarsContainer() ) widget = QtGetScrollBarsContainer()->viewport(); else widget = GetHandle(); // scroll the widget or the specified rect (not children) if ( rect != NULL ) widget->scroll( dx, dy, wxQtConvertRect( *rect )); else widget->scroll( dx, dy ); }
bool wxListCtrl::GetSubItemRect(long item, long subItem, wxRect& rect, int WXUNUSED(code)) const { QTreeWidgetItem *qitem = QtGetItem(item); if ( qitem != NULL ) { wxCHECK_MSG( item >= 0 && item < GetItemCount(), NULL, wxT("invalid row index in GetSubItemRect") ); wxCHECK_MSG( subItem >= 0 && subItem < GetColumnCount(), NULL, wxT("invalid column index in GetSubItemRect") ); QModelIndex qindex = m_qtTreeWidget->model()->index(item, subItem); rect = wxQtConvertRect( m_qtTreeWidget->visualRect(qindex) ); return true; } else return false; }
wxBitmap wxBitmap::GetSubBitmap(const wxRect& rect) const { return wxBitmap(M_PIXDATA.copy(wxQtConvertRect(rect))); }