int CFeasibilityMap::test_feasible_test_fn(CData &Data, ColumnVector &x_tilde_i, ColumnVector &s_i){
  int is_feasible = 0 ;
  int n_var = x_tilde_i.nrows() ; 
  int n_EditVec = Data.EditVec.nrows() ;
  int sum_s_1 = s_i.sum() ; int sum_s_0 = n_var - sum_s_1 ;   
  ColumnVector x_0(sum_s_0); x_0 = 0;
  Matrix A_0(n_EditVec,sum_s_0) ; A_0 = 0;
	Matrix A_1(n_EditVec,sum_s_1) ; A_1 = 0;
  int count0 = 0;
  int count1 = 0;
	for (int j_var=1; j_var<=n_var; j_var++){
		if ((int)s_i(j_var)==0){
			x_0(count0) = x_tilde_i(j_var) ; 
			A_0.column(count0) = Data.EditMat.column(j_var) ; 
		} else {
			A_1.column(count1) = Data.EditMat.column(j_var) ; 
	ColumnVector which_rows(n_EditVec); which_rows = 0 ; 
	for (int i_row=1; i_row<=n_EditVec; i_row++){
		int n_zero = 0 ; 
		for (int j=1; j<=sum_s_1; j++){
			if (A_1(i_row,j)==0) n_zero++; 
		if (n_zero<sum_s_1) which_rows(i_row) = 1 ; 

	Matrix A_1_red(which_rows.sum(),sum_s_1); 
	ColumnVector b_1_red(which_rows.sum()); 
	Matrix A_0_red(which_rows.sum(),sum_s_0); 
	for (int i_row=1, count_row = 0; i_row<=n_EditVec; i_row++){
		if (which_rows(i_row)==1){
			A_1_red.row(count_row) = A_1.row(i_row) ;  	// Constraints
			b_1_red.row(count_row) = Data.EditVec.row(i_row) ; 
			A_0_red.row(count_row) = A_0.row(i_row) ; 
  ColumnVector EditVec_shr = b_1_red - A_0_red * x_0 ;
  is_feasible = SolveLP(A_1_red, EditVec_shr);
	return is_feasible?1:0; 
Esempio n. 2
void BeamElement::CalculateSectionProperties()


    array_1d<double, 3> x_0;
    array_1d<double, 3> x_1; // Vector que contiene coordenadas de los nodos.
    array_1d<double, 3> length;   // Vector que contiene la direccion de la barra.

//        double minimo, maximo, B;
//        const double b        = GetProperties()[BASE];
//        const double h        = GetProperties()[HEIGHT];

    if( GetProperties().Has(CROSS_AREA) )
        mArea = GetProperties()[CROSS_AREA];
        mArea = GetValue(AREA);
    Matrix* inertia;
    if( GetProperties().Has(LOCAL_INERTIA) )
        inertia = &(GetProperties()[LOCAL_INERTIA]);
    else if( GetProperties().Has(INERTIA) )
        inertia = &(GetProperties()[INERTIA]);
    else if( Has(LOCAL_INERTIA) )
        inertia = &(GetValue(LOCAL_INERTIA));
    else if( Has(INERTIA) )
        inertia = &(GetValue(INERTIA));
        KRATOS_THROW_ERROR(std::logic_error, "The Inertia is not fully defined for the element", "")
    mInertia_x = (*inertia)(0,0);
    mInertia_y = (*inertia)(1,1);
    mInertia_Polar = (*inertia)(0,1);

//        mInertia_x     = b * h * h * h / 12.0;
//        mInertia_y     = b * b * b * h / 12.0;
//        minimo         = std::min( b, h );
//        maximo        = std::max( b, h );
//        B        = ( 1.00 - 0.63 * ( minimo / maximo ) * ( 1 - ( pow( minimo, 4 ) / ( 12 * pow( maximo, 4 ) ) ) ) ) / 3; // constante torsional. Solo para secciones rectangulares.
//        mInertia_Polar = B * minimo * minimo * minimo * maximo;
//        mArea        = b * h;

    x_0( 0 ) = GetGeometry()[0].X0();
    x_0( 1 ) = GetGeometry()[0].Y0();
    x_0( 2 ) = GetGeometry()[0].Z0();
    x_1( 0 ) = GetGeometry()[1].X0();
    x_1( 1 ) = GetGeometry()[1].Y0();
    x_1( 2 ) = GetGeometry()[1].Z0();

    noalias( length ) = x_1 - x_0;
    mlength = std::sqrt( inner_prod( length, length ) );

    if (mlength == 0.00)
        KRATOS_THROW_ERROR(std::invalid_argument, "Zero length found in elemnet #", this->Id());

    KRATOS_CATCH( "" )

int CFeasibilityMap::feasible_test_fn(CData &Data, ColumnVector &x_tilde_i, 
    ColumnVector &s_i, int i_original, bool initD_S, float epsilon, ColumnVector &x){
  int is_feasible = 0 ;
  if (initD_S) {
    if (!Data.PassStep0_for_init(x_tilde_i,s_i,epsilon)) { return is_feasible;}
  } else {
    // Step 0 - check balance edits hold, but only one s_ij has the value 1. 
    if (!Data.PassStep0(s_i,i_original)) { return is_feasible;}
  // Step 1
  int n_var = x_tilde_i.nrows() ; 
  int n_EditVec = Data.EditVec.nrows() ;
  int sum_s_1 = s_i.sum() ; int sum_s_0 = n_var - sum_s_1 ;   
	ColumnVector x_0(sum_s_0); x_0 = 0;
  Matrix A_0(n_EditVec,sum_s_0) ; A_0 = 0;
	Matrix A_1(n_EditVec,sum_s_1) ; A_1 = 0;
  int count0 = 0;
  int count1 = 0;
	for (int j_var=1; j_var<=n_var; j_var++){
		if ((int)s_i(j_var)==0){
			x_0(count0) = x_tilde_i(j_var) ; 
			A_0.column(count0) = Data.EditMat.column(j_var) ; 
		} else {
			A_1.column(count1) = Data.EditMat.column(j_var) ; 
  Data.Debug = Debug;
  if (!Data.PassStep1(s_i, A_0, x_0)) { return is_feasible;}
  // Step 2: lpSolve to check whether s_i has a feasible solution of x_i
	ColumnVector which_rows(n_EditVec); which_rows = 0 ; 
	for (int i_row=1; i_row<=n_EditVec; i_row++){
		int n_zero = 0 ; 
		for (int j=1; j<=sum_s_1; j++){
			if (A_1(i_row,j)==0) n_zero++; 
		if (n_zero<sum_s_1) which_rows(i_row) = 1 ; 

	Matrix A_1_red(which_rows.sum(),sum_s_1); 
	ColumnVector b_1_red(which_rows.sum()); 
	Matrix A_0_red(which_rows.sum(),sum_s_0); 
	for (int i_row=1, count_row = 0; i_row<=n_EditVec; i_row++){
		if (which_rows(i_row)==1){
			A_1_red.row(count_row) = A_1.row(i_row) ;  	// Constraints
			b_1_red.row(count_row) = Data.EditVec.row(i_row) ; 
			A_0_red.row(count_row) = A_0.row(i_row) ; 
  ColumnVector EditVec_shr = b_1_red - A_0_red * x_0 ;
  if (initD_S) {
    is_feasible = SolveLP(A_1_red, EditVec_shr,x);    
  } else {
    is_feasible = SolveLP(A_1_red, EditVec_shr);
	return is_feasible?1:0; 