Esempio n. 1
int CvMorphology::fill_cyclic_buffer( const uchar* src, int src_step,
                                      int y0, int y1, int y2 )
    int i, y = y0, bsz1 = border_tab_sz1, bsz = border_tab_sz;
    int pix_size = CV_ELEM_SIZE(src_type);
    int width_n = (prev_x_range.end_index - prev_x_range.start_index)*pix_size;

    if( CV_MAT_DEPTH(src_type) != CV_32F )
        return CvBaseImageFilter::fill_cyclic_buffer( src, src_step, y0, y1, y2 );

    // fill the cyclic buffer
    for( ; buf_count < buf_max_count && y < y2; buf_count++, y++, src += src_step )
        uchar* trow = is_separable ? buf_end : buf_tail;

        for( i = 0; i < width_n; i += sizeof(int) )
            int t = *(int*)(src + i);
            *(int*)(trow + i + bsz1) = CV_TOGGLE_FLT(t);

        if( border_mode != IPL_BORDER_CONSTANT )
            for( i = 0; i < bsz1; i++ )
                int j = border_tab[i];
                trow[i] = trow[j];
            for( ; i < bsz; i++ )
                int j = border_tab[i];
                trow[i + width_n] = trow[j];
            const uchar *bt = (uchar*)border_tab; 
            for( i = 0; i < bsz1; i++ )
                trow[i] = bt[i];

            for( ; i < bsz; i++ )
                trow[i + width_n] = bt[i];

        if( is_separable )
            x_func( trow, buf_tail, this );

        buf_tail += buf_step;
        if( buf_tail >= buf_end )
            buf_tail = buf_start;

    return y - y0;
int icvIPPSepFilter( const CvMat* src, CvMat* dst, const CvMat* kernelX,
                     const CvMat* kernelY, CvPoint anchor )
    int result = 0;
    CvMat* top_bottom = 0;
    CvMat* vout_hin = 0;
    CvMat* dst_buf = 0;
    CV_FUNCNAME( "icvIPPSepFilter" );


    CvSize ksize;
    CvPoint el_anchor;
    CvSize size;
    int type, depth, pix_size;
    int i, x, y, dy = 0, prev_dy = 0, max_dy;
    CvMat vout;
    CvCopyNonConstBorderFunc copy_border_func;
    CvIPPSepFilterFunc x_func = 0, y_func = 0;
    int src_step, top_bottom_step;
    float *kx, *ky;
    int align, stripe_size;

    if( !icvFilterRow_8u_C1R_p )

    if( !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ( src, dst ) || !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( src, dst ) ||
        !CV_IS_MAT_CONT(kernelX->type & kernelY->type) ||
        CV_MAT_TYPE(kernelX->type) != CV_32FC1 ||
        CV_MAT_TYPE(kernelY->type) != CV_32FC1 ||
        kernelX->cols != 1 && kernelX->rows != 1 ||
        kernelY->cols != 1 && kernelY->rows != 1 ||
        (unsigned)anchor.x >= (unsigned)(kernelX->cols + kernelX->rows - 1) ||
        (unsigned)anchor.y >= (unsigned)(kernelY->cols + kernelY->rows - 1) )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsError, "Internal Error: incorrect parameters" );

    ksize.width = kernelX->cols + kernelX->rows - 1;
    ksize.height = kernelY->cols + kernelY->rows - 1;

    /*if( ksize.width <= 5 && ksize.height <= 5 )
        float* ker = (float*)cvStackAlloc( ksize.width*ksize.height*sizeof(ker[0]));
        CvMat kernel = cvMat( ksize.height, ksize.width, CV_32F, ker );
        for( y = 0, i = 0; y < ksize.height; y++ )
            for( x = 0; x < ksize.width; x++, i++ )
                ker[i] = kernelY->data.fl[y]*kernelX->data.fl[x];

        CV_CALL( cvFilter2D( src, dst, &kernel, anchor ));

    type = CV_MAT_TYPE(src->type);
    depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(type);
    pix_size = CV_ELEM_SIZE(type);

    if( type == CV_8UC1 )
        x_func = icvFilterRow_8u_C1R_p, y_func = icvFilterColumn_8u_C1R_p;
    else if( type == CV_8UC3 )
        x_func = icvFilterRow_8u_C3R_p, y_func = icvFilterColumn_8u_C3R_p;
    else if( type == CV_8UC4 )
        x_func = icvFilterRow_8u_C4R_p, y_func = icvFilterColumn_8u_C4R_p;
    else if( type == CV_16SC1 )
        x_func = icvFilterRow_16s_C1R_p, y_func = icvFilterColumn_16s_C1R_p;
    else if( type == CV_16SC3 )
        x_func = icvFilterRow_16s_C3R_p, y_func = icvFilterColumn_16s_C3R_p;
    else if( type == CV_16SC4 )
        x_func = icvFilterRow_16s_C4R_p, y_func = icvFilterColumn_16s_C4R_p;
    else if( type == CV_32FC1 )
        x_func = icvFilterRow_32f_C1R_p, y_func = icvFilterColumn_32f_C1R_p;
    else if( type == CV_32FC3 )
        x_func = icvFilterRow_32f_C3R_p, y_func = icvFilterColumn_32f_C3R_p;
    else if( type == CV_32FC4 )
        x_func = icvFilterRow_32f_C4R_p, y_func = icvFilterColumn_32f_C4R_p;

    size = cvGetMatSize(src);
    stripe_size = src->data.ptr == dst->data.ptr ? 1 << 15 : 1 << 16;
    max_dy = MAX( ksize.height - 1, stripe_size/(size.width + ksize.width - 1));
    max_dy = MIN( max_dy, size.height + ksize.height - 1 );
    align = 8/CV_ELEM_SIZE(depth);

    CV_CALL( top_bottom = cvCreateMat( ksize.height*2, cvAlign(size.width,align), type ));

    CV_CALL( vout_hin = cvCreateMat( max_dy + ksize.height,
        cvAlign(size.width + ksize.width - 1, align), type ));
    if( src->data.ptr == dst->data.ptr && size.height )
        CV_CALL( dst_buf = cvCreateMat( max_dy + ksize.height,
            cvAlign(size.width, align), type ));

    kx = (float*)cvStackAlloc( ksize.width*sizeof(kx[0]) );
    ky = (float*)cvStackAlloc( ksize.height*sizeof(ky[0]) );

    // mirror the kernels
    for( i = 0; i < ksize.width; i++ )
        kx[i] = kernelX->data.fl[ksize.width - i - 1];

    for( i = 0; i < ksize.height; i++ )
        ky[i] = kernelY->data.fl[ksize.height - i - 1];

    el_anchor = cvPoint( ksize.width - anchor.x - 1, ksize.height - anchor.y - 1 );

    cvGetCols( vout_hin, &vout, anchor.x, anchor.x + size.width );
    copy_border_func = icvGetCopyNonConstBorderFunc( pix_size, IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE );

    src_step = src->step ? src->step : CV_STUB_STEP;
    top_bottom_step = top_bottom->step ? top_bottom->step : CV_STUB_STEP;
    vout.step = vout.step ? vout.step : CV_STUB_STEP;

    for( y = 0; y < size.height; y += dy )
        const CvMat *vin = src, *hout = dst;
        int src_y = y, dst_y = y;
        dy = MIN( max_dy, size.height - (ksize.height - anchor.y - 1) - y );

        if( y < anchor.y || dy < anchor.y )
            int ay = anchor.y;
            CvSize src_stripe_size = size;
            if( y < anchor.y )
                src_y = 0;
                dy = MIN( anchor.y, size.height );
                src_stripe_size.height = MIN( dy + ksize.height - anchor.y - 1, size.height );
                src_y = MAX( y - anchor.y, 0 );
                dy = size.height - y;
                src_stripe_size.height = MIN( dy + anchor.y, size.height );
                ay = MAX( anchor.y - y, 0 );

            copy_border_func( src->data.ptr + src_y*src_step, src_step, src_stripe_size,
                              top_bottom->data.ptr, top_bottom_step,
                              cvSize(size.width, dy + ksize.height - 1),
                              ay, 0 );
            vin = top_bottom;
            src_y = anchor.y;            

        // do vertical convolution
        IPPI_CALL( y_func( vin->data.ptr + src_y*vin->step, vin->step ? vin->step : CV_STUB_STEP,
                 , vout.step, cvSize(size.width, dy),
                           ky, ksize.height, el_anchor.y ));

        // now it's time to copy the previously processed stripe to the input/output image
        if( src->data.ptr == dst->data.ptr )
            for( i = 0; i < prev_dy; i++ )
                memcpy( dst->data.ptr + (y - prev_dy + i)*dst->step,
                        dst_buf->data.ptr + i*dst_buf->step, size.width*pix_size );
            if( y + dy < size.height )
                hout = dst_buf;
                dst_y = 0;

        // create a border for every line by replicating the left-most/right-most elements
        for( i = 0; i < dy; i++ )
            uchar* ptr = + i*vout.step;
            for( x = -1; x >= -anchor.x*pix_size; x-- )
                ptr[x] = ptr[x + pix_size];
            for( x = size.width*pix_size; x < (size.width+ksize.width-anchor.x-1)*pix_size; x++ )
                ptr[x] = ptr[x - pix_size];

        // do horizontal convolution
        IPPI_CALL( x_func(, vout.step, hout->data.ptr + dst_y*hout->step,
                           hout->step ? hout->step : CV_STUB_STEP,
                           cvSize(size.width, dy), kx, ksize.width, el_anchor.x ));
        prev_dy = dy;

    result = 1;


    cvReleaseMat( &vout_hin );
    cvReleaseMat( &dst_buf );
    cvReleaseMat( &top_bottom );

    return result;