Esempio n. 1
xaccAccountScrubColorNotSet (QofBook *book)
    GValue value_s = G_VALUE_INIT;

    // get the run-once value
    qof_instance_get_kvp (QOF_INSTANCE (book), &value_s, 1, "remove-color-not-set-slots");

    if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING (&value_s) && (strcmp(g_value_get_string (&value_s), "true") == 0))
        GValue value_b = G_VALUE_INIT;
        Account *root = gnc_book_get_root_account (book);
        GList *accts = gnc_account_get_descendants_sorted (root);
        GList *ptr;

        for (ptr = accts; ptr; ptr = g_list_next (ptr))
            const gchar *color = xaccAccountGetColor (ptr->data);

            if (g_strcmp0 (color, "Not Set") == 0)
                xaccAccountSetColor (ptr->data, "");
        g_list_free (accts);

        g_value_init (&value_b, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
        g_value_set_boolean (&value_b, TRUE);

        // set the run-once value
        qof_instance_set_kvp (QOF_INSTANCE (book),  &value_b, 1, "remove-color-not-set-slots");
Esempio n. 2
 * csv_tree_export
 * write a list of accounts settings to a text file
void csv_tree_export (CsvExportInfo *info)
    FILE    *fh;
    Account *root;
    Account *acc;
    GList   *accts, *ptr;

    DEBUG("File name is : %s", info->file_name);

    /* Get list of Accounts */
    root = gnc_book_get_root_account (gnc_get_current_book());
    accts = gnc_account_get_descendants_sorted (root);
    info->failed = FALSE;

    /* Open File for writing */
    fh = g_fopen (info->file_name, "w");
    if (fh != NULL)
        gchar *header;
        gchar *part1;
        gchar *part2;
        const gchar *currentSel;
        gchar *end_sep;
        gchar *mid_sep;
        int i;

        /* Set up separators */
        if (info->use_quotes)
            end_sep = "\"";
            mid_sep = g_strconcat ("\"", info->separator_str, "\"", NULL);
            end_sep = "";
            mid_sep = g_strconcat (info->separator_str, NULL);

        /* Header string, 'eol = end of line marker' */
        header = g_strconcat (end_sep, _("type"), mid_sep, _("full_name"), mid_sep, _("name"), mid_sep,
                                _("code"), mid_sep, _("description"), mid_sep, _("color"), mid_sep,
                                _("notes"), mid_sep, _("commoditym"), mid_sep, _("commodityn"), mid_sep,
                                _("hidden"), mid_sep, _("tax"), mid_sep, _("place_holder"), end_sep, EOLSTR, NULL);
        DEBUG("Header String: %s", header);

        /* Write header line */
        if (!write_line_to_file (fh, header))
            info->failed = TRUE;
            g_free (mid_sep);
            g_free (header);
        g_free (header);

        /* Go through list of accounts */
        for (ptr = accts, i = 0; ptr; ptr = g_list_next (ptr), i++)
            gchar *fullname = NULL;
            gchar *str_temp = NULL;
            acc = ptr->data;
            DEBUG("Account being processed is : %s", xaccAccountGetName (acc));
            /* Type */
            currentSel = xaccAccountTypeEnumAsString (xaccAccountGetType (acc));
            part1 = g_strconcat (end_sep, currentSel, mid_sep, NULL);
            /* Full Name */
            fullname = gnc_account_get_full_name (acc);
            str_temp = csv_test_field_string (info, fullname);
            part2 = g_strconcat (part1, str_temp, mid_sep, NULL);
            g_free (str_temp);
            g_free (fullname);
            g_free (part1);
            /* Name */
            currentSel = xaccAccountGetName (acc);
            str_temp = csv_test_field_string (info, currentSel);
            part1 = g_strconcat (part2, str_temp, mid_sep, NULL);
            g_free (str_temp);
            g_free (part2);
            /* Code */
            currentSel = xaccAccountGetCode (acc) ? xaccAccountGetCode (acc) : "";
            str_temp = csv_test_field_string (info, currentSel);
            part2 = g_strconcat (part1, str_temp, mid_sep, NULL);
            g_free (str_temp);
            g_free (part1);
            /* Description */
            currentSel = xaccAccountGetDescription (acc) ? xaccAccountGetDescription (acc) : "";
            str_temp = csv_test_field_string (info, currentSel);
            part1 = g_strconcat (part2, str_temp, mid_sep, NULL);
            g_free (str_temp);
            g_free (part2);
            /* Color */
            currentSel = xaccAccountGetColor (acc) ? xaccAccountGetColor (acc) : "" ;
            str_temp = csv_test_field_string (info, currentSel);
            part2 = g_strconcat (part1, str_temp, mid_sep, NULL);
            g_free (str_temp);
            g_free (part1);
            /* Notes */
            currentSel = xaccAccountGetNotes (acc) ? xaccAccountGetNotes (acc) : "" ;
            str_temp = csv_test_field_string (info, currentSel);
            part1 = g_strconcat (part2, str_temp, mid_sep, NULL);
            g_free (str_temp);
            g_free (part2);
            /* Commodity Mnemonic */
            currentSel = gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic (xaccAccountGetCommodity (acc));
            str_temp = csv_test_field_string (info, currentSel);
            part2 = g_strconcat (part1, str_temp, mid_sep, NULL);
            g_free (str_temp);
            g_free (part1);
            /* Commodity Namespace */
            currentSel = gnc_commodity_get_namespace (xaccAccountGetCommodity (acc));
            str_temp = csv_test_field_string (info, currentSel);
            part1 = g_strconcat (part2, str_temp, mid_sep, NULL);
            g_free (str_temp);
            g_free (part2);
            /* Hidden */
            currentSel = xaccAccountGetHidden (acc) ? "T" : "F" ;
            part2 = g_strconcat (part1, currentSel, mid_sep, NULL);
            g_free (part1);
            /* Tax */
            currentSel = xaccAccountGetTaxRelated (acc) ? "T" : "F" ;
            part1 = g_strconcat (part2, currentSel, mid_sep, NULL);
            g_free (part2);
            /* Place Holder / end of line marker */
            currentSel = xaccAccountGetPlaceholder (acc) ? "T" : "F" ;
            part2 = g_strconcat (part1, currentSel, end_sep, EOLSTR, NULL);
            g_free (part1);

            DEBUG("Account String: %s", part2);

            /* Write to file */
            if (!write_line_to_file (fh, part2))
                info->failed = TRUE;
            g_free (part2);
        g_free (mid_sep);
        info->failed = TRUE;
    if (fh)
        fclose (fh);

    g_list_free (accts);