Esempio n. 1
void schedule(void (*f)(void*,void*,void*,void*),int nloops, void *a1,
    void *a2, void *a3, void *a4) {
  pool *p, *sub_pool;
  sched_t *s;

  if (scheds == NULL) {
    p = make_sub_pool(permanent_pool);
    pr_pool_tag(p, "Schedules Pool");
    scheds = xaset_create(p, NULL);

  } else {
    p = scheds->pool;

  sub_pool = make_sub_pool(p);
  pr_pool_tag(sub_pool, "schedule pool");

  s = pcalloc(sub_pool, sizeof(sched_t));
  s->pool = sub_pool;
  s->f = f;
  s->a1 = a1;
  s->a2 = a2;
  s->a3 = a3;
  s->a4 = a4;
  s->loops = nloops;
  xaset_insert(scheds, (xasetmember_t *) s);
Esempio n. 2
File: child.c Progetto: OPSF/uClinux
int child_add(pid_t pid, int fd) {
  pool *p;
  pr_child_t *ch;

  /* If no child-tracking list has been allocated, create one. */
  if (!child_pool) {
    child_pool = make_sub_pool(permanent_pool);
    pr_pool_tag(child_pool, "Child Pool");

  if (!child_list)
    child_list = xaset_create(make_sub_pool(child_pool), NULL);

  p = make_sub_pool(child_pool);
  pr_pool_tag(p, "child session pool");

  ch = pcalloc(p, sizeof(pr_child_t));
  ch->ch_pool = p;  
  ch->ch_pid = pid;
  ch->ch_pipefd = fd;
  ch->ch_dead = FALSE;

  xaset_insert(child_list, (xasetmember_t *) ch);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 3
static void create_main_server(void) {
  pool *main_pool;

  main_pool = make_sub_pool(permanent_pool);
  pr_pool_tag(main_pool, "testsuite#main_server pool");

  server_list = xaset_create(main_pool, NULL);

  main_server = (server_rec *) pcalloc(main_pool, sizeof(server_rec));
  xaset_insert(server_list, (xasetmember_t *) main_server);

  main_server->pool = main_pool;
  main_server->conf = xaset_create(main_pool, NULL);
  main_server->set = server_list;
  main_server->sid = 1;
  main_server->notes = pr_table_nalloc(main_pool, 0, 8);

  /* TCP KeepAlive is enabled by default, with the system defaults. */
  main_server->tcp_keepalive = palloc(main_server->pool,
    sizeof(struct tcp_keepalive));
  main_server->tcp_keepalive->keepalive_enabled = TRUE;
  main_server->tcp_keepalive->keepalive_idle = -1;
  main_server->tcp_keepalive->keepalive_count = -1;
  main_server->tcp_keepalive->keepalive_intvl = -1;

  main_server->ServerName = "Test Server";
  main_server->ServerPort = 21;
Esempio n. 4
void schedule(void (*cb)(void *, void *, void *, void *), int nloops,
    void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3, void *arg4) {
  pool *p, *sub_pool;
  sched_t *s;

  if (cb == NULL ||
      nloops < 0) {

  if (scheds == NULL) {
    p = make_sub_pool(permanent_pool);
    pr_pool_tag(p, "Schedules Pool");
    scheds = xaset_create(p, NULL);

  } else {
    p = scheds->pool;

  sub_pool = make_sub_pool(p);
  pr_pool_tag(sub_pool, "schedule pool");

  s = pcalloc(sub_pool, sizeof(sched_t));
  s->pool = sub_pool;
  s->cb = cb;
  s->arg1 = arg1;
  s->arg2 = arg2;
  s->arg3 = arg3;
  s->arg4 = arg4;
  s->nloops = nloops;
  xaset_insert(scheds, (xasetmember_t *) s);
Esempio n. 5
int pr_timer_reset(int timerno, module *mod) {
  struct timer *t = NULL;

  if (!timers) {
    errno = EPERM;
    return -1;

  if (_indispatch) {
    errno = EINTR;
    return -1;


  if (!recycled)
    recycled = xaset_create(timer_pool, NULL);

  for (t = (struct timer *) timers->xas_list; t; t = t->next) {
    if (t->timerno == timerno &&
        (t->mod == mod || mod == ANY_MODULE)) {
      t->count = t->interval;
      xaset_remove(timers, (xasetmember_t *) t);
      xaset_insert(recycled, (xasetmember_t *) t);

      /* The handle_alarm() function also readjusts the timers lists
       * as part of its processing, so it needs to be called when a timer
       * is reset.


  if (t != NULL) {
    pr_trace_msg("timer", 7, "reset timer ID %d ('%s', for module '%s')",
      t->timerno, t->desc, t->mod ? t->mod->name : "[none]");
    return t->timerno;

  return 0;
Esempio n. 6
/* This function does the work of iterating through the list of registered
 * timers, checking to see if their callbacks should be invoked and whether
 * they should be removed from the registration list. Its return value is
 * the amount of time remaining on the first timer in the list.
static int process_timers(int elapsed) {
  struct timer *t = NULL, *next = NULL;

  if (!recycled)
    recycled = xaset_create(timer_pool, NULL);

  if (!elapsed &&
      !recycled->xas_list) {

    if (!timers)
      return 0;

    return (timers->xas_list ? ((struct timer *) timers->xas_list)->count : 0);

  /* Critical code, no interruptions please */
  if (_indispatch)
    return 0;


  if (elapsed) {
    for (t = (struct timer *) timers->xas_list; t; t = next) {
      /* If this timer has already been handled, skip */
      next = t->next;

      if (t->remove) {
        /* Move the timer onto the free_timers chain, for later reuse. */
        xaset_remove(timers, (xasetmember_t *) t);
        xaset_insert(free_timers, (xasetmember_t *) t);

      } else if ((t->count -= elapsed) <= 0) {
        /* This timer's interval has elapsed, so trigger its callback. */

        pr_trace_msg("timer", 4,
          "%ld %s for timer ID %d ('%s', for module '%s') elapsed, invoking "
          "callback (%p)", t->interval,
          t->interval != 1 ? "seconds" : "second", t->timerno,
          t->desc ? t->desc : "<unknown>",
          t->mod ? t->mod->name : "<none>", t->callback);

        if (t->callback(t->interval, t->timerno, t->interval - t->count,
            t->mod) == 0) {

          /* A return value of zero means this timer is done, and can be
           * removed.
          xaset_remove(timers, (xasetmember_t *) t);
          xaset_insert(free_timers, (xasetmember_t *) t);

        } else {
          /* A non-zero return value from a timer callback signals that
           * the timer should be reused/restarted.
          pr_trace_msg("timer", 6, "restarting timer ID %d ('%s'), as per "
            "callback", t->timerno, t->desc ? t->desc : "<unknown>");

          xaset_remove(timers, (xasetmember_t *) t);
          t->count = t->interval;
          xaset_insert(recycled, (xasetmember_t *) t);

  /* Put the recycled timers back into the main timer list. */
  while ((t = (struct timer *) recycled->xas_list) != NULL) {
    xaset_remove(recycled, (xasetmember_t *) t);
    xaset_insert_sort(timers, (xasetmember_t *) t, TRUE);


  /* If no active timers remain in the list, there is no reason to set the
   * SIGALRM handle.
  return (timers->xas_list ? ((struct timer *) timers->xas_list)->count : 0);
Esempio n. 7
int pr_timer_add(int seconds, int timerno, module *mod, callback_t cb,
    const char *desc) {
  struct timer *t = NULL;

  if (seconds <= 0 ||
      cb == NULL ||
      desc == NULL) {
    errno = EINVAL;
    return -1;

  if (!timers)
    timers = xaset_create(timer_pool, (XASET_COMPARE) timer_cmp);

  /* Check to see that, if specified, the timerno is not already in use. */
  if (timerno >= 0) {
    for (t = (struct timer *) timers->xas_list; t; t = t->next) {
      if (t->timerno == timerno) {
        errno = EPERM;
        return -1;

  if (!free_timers)
    free_timers = xaset_create(timer_pool, NULL);

  /* Try to use an old timer first */
  t = (struct timer *) free_timers->xas_list;
  if (t != NULL) {
    xaset_remove(free_timers, (xasetmember_t *) t);

  } else {

    if (timer_pool == NULL) {
      timer_pool = make_sub_pool(permanent_pool);
      pr_pool_tag(timer_pool, "Timer Pool");

    /* Must allocate a new one */
    t = palloc(timer_pool, sizeof(struct timer));

  if (timerno < 0) {
    /* Dynamic timer */
    if (dynamic_timerno < PR_TIMER_DYNAMIC_TIMERNO) {
      dynamic_timerno = PR_TIMER_DYNAMIC_TIMERNO;

    timerno = dynamic_timerno++;

  t->timerno = timerno;
  t->count = t->interval = seconds;
  t->callback = cb;
  t->mod = mod;
  t->remove = 0;
  t->desc = desc;

  /* If called while _indispatch, add to the recycled list to prevent
   * list corruption

  if (_indispatch) {
    if (!recycled)
      recycled = xaset_create(timer_pool, NULL);
    xaset_insert(recycled, (xasetmember_t *) t);

  } else {
    xaset_insert_sort(timers, (xasetmember_t *) t, TRUE);

    /* The handle_alarm() function also readjusts the timers lists
     * as part of its processing, so it needs to be called when a timer
     * is added.


  pr_trace_msg("timer", 7, "added timer ID %d ('%s', for module '%s'), "
    "triggering in %ld %s", t->timerno, t->desc,
    t->mod ? t->mod->name : "[none]", t->interval,
    t->interval != 1 ? "seconds" : "second");
  return timerno;
Esempio n. 8
int pr_timer_remove(int timerno, module *mod) {
  struct timer *t = NULL, *tnext = NULL;
  int nremoved = 0;

  /* If there are no timers currently registered, do nothing. */
  if (!timers)
    return 0;


  for (t = (struct timer *) timers->xas_list; t; t = tnext) {
    tnext = t->next;

    if ((timerno < 0 || t->timerno == timerno) &&
        (mod == ANY_MODULE || t->mod == mod)) {

      if (_indispatch) {

      } else {
        xaset_remove(timers, (xasetmember_t *) t);
        xaset_insert(free_timers, (xasetmember_t *) t);

        /* The handle_alarm() function also readjusts the timers lists
         * as part of its processing, so it needs to be called when a timer
         * is removed.

      pr_trace_msg("timer", 7, "removed timer ID %d ('%s', for module '%s')",
        t->timerno, t->desc, t->mod ? t->mod->name : "[none]");

    /* If we are removing a specific timer, break out of the loop now.
     * Otherwise, keep removing any matching timers.
    if (nremoved > 0 &&
        timerno >= 0) {


  if (nremoved == 0) {
    errno = ENOENT;
    return -1;

  /* If we removed a specific timer because of the given timerno, return
   * that timerno value.
  if (timerno >= 0) {
    return timerno;

  return nremoved;
Esempio n. 9
config_rec *pr_parser_config_ctxt_open(const char *name) {
  config_rec *c = NULL, *parent = *parser_curr_config;
  pool *c_pool = NULL, *parent_pool = NULL;
  xaset_t **set = NULL;

  if (name == NULL) {
    errno = EINVAL;
    return NULL;

  if (parent) {
    parent_pool = parent->pool;
    set = &parent->subset;

  } else {
    parent_pool = (*parser_curr_server)->pool;
    set = &(*parser_curr_server)->conf;

  /* Allocate a sub-pool for this config_rec.
   * Note: special exception for <Global> configs: the parent pool is
   * 'global_config_pool' (a pool just for that context), not the pool of the
   * parent server.  This keeps <Global> config recs from being freed
   * prematurely, and helps to avoid memory leaks.
  if (strncasecmp(name, "<Global>", 9) == 0) {
    if (global_config_pool == NULL) {
      global_config_pool = make_sub_pool(permanent_pool);
      pr_pool_tag(global_config_pool, "<Global> Pool");

    parent_pool = global_config_pool;

  c_pool = make_sub_pool(parent_pool);
  pr_pool_tag(c_pool, "sub-config pool");

  c = (config_rec *) pcalloc(c_pool, sizeof(config_rec));

  if (!*set) {
    pool *set_pool = make_sub_pool(parent_pool);
    *set = xaset_create(set_pool, NULL);
    (*set)->pool = set_pool;

  xaset_insert(*set, (xasetmember_t *) c);

  c->pool = c_pool;
  c->set = *set;
  c->parent = parent;
  c->name = pstrdup(c->pool, name);

  if (parent) {
    if (parent->config_type == CONF_DYNDIR) {
      c->flags |= CF_DYNAMIC;

  (void) pr_parser_config_ctxt_push(c);
  return c;
Esempio n. 10
static int counter_sess_init(void) {
  config_rec *c;

  c = find_config(main_server->conf, CONF_PARAM, "CounterEngine", FALSE);
  if (c != NULL) {
    counter_engine = *((int *) c->argv[0]);

  if (counter_engine == FALSE) {
    return 0;

  c = find_config(main_server->conf, CONF_PARAM, "CounterLog", FALSE);
  if (c != NULL) {
    const char *path = c->argv[0];

    if (strcasecmp(path, "none") != 0) {
      int res, xerrno;

      res = pr_log_openfile(path, &counter_logfd, 0660);
      xerrno = errno;

      if (res < 0) {
        pr_log_debug(DEBUG2, MOD_COUNTER_VERSION
          ": error opening CounterLog '%s': %s", path, strerror(xerrno));
        counter_logfd = -1;

  /* Find all CounterFile directives for this vhost, and make sure they
   * have open handles.  We need to do this here, and not in a POST_CMD
   * PASS handler because of the need to open handles that may be outside
   * of a chroot.
  c = find_config(main_server->conf, CONF_PARAM, "CounterFile", TRUE);
  while (c != NULL) {
    int xerrno = 0;
    const char *area = NULL, *path;
    pr_fh_t *fh;
    struct counter_fh *cfh;


    path = c->argv[0];

    if (c->parent != NULL) {
      if (c->parent->config_type == CONF_ANON ||
          c->parent->config_type == CONF_DIR) {
        area = c->parent->name;

      } else {
        (void) pr_log_writefile(counter_logfd, MOD_COUNTER_VERSION,
          "unhandled configuration parent type (%d) for CounterFile, skipping",
        c = find_config_next(c, c->next, CONF_PARAM, "CounterFile", TRUE);

    } else {
      /* Toplevel CounterFile directive, in "server config" or <VirtualHost>
       * sections.
      area = "/";

    fh = pr_fsio_open(path, O_RDWR|O_CREAT);
    xerrno = errno;

    if (fh == NULL) {
      pr_log_debug(DEBUG1, MOD_COUNTER_VERSION
        ": error opening CounterFile '%s': %s", path, strerror(xerrno));
      counter_engine = FALSE;

      if (counter_fhs != NULL) {
        for (cfh = (struct counter_fh *) counter_fhs->xas_list; cfh;
            cfh = cfh->next) {
          (void) pr_fsio_close(cfh->fh);

      return 0;

    (void) pr_log_writefile(counter_logfd, MOD_COUNTER_VERSION,
      "opened CounterFile '%s'", path);

    if (counter_fhs == NULL) {
      counter_fhs = xaset_create(counter_pool, NULL);

    cfh = pcalloc(counter_pool, sizeof(struct counter_fh));

    /* Ignore any trailing slash. */
    cfh->arealen = strlen(area);
    if (cfh->arealen > 1 &&
        area[cfh->arealen-1] == '/') {

    cfh->area = pstrndup(counter_pool, area, cfh->arealen);

    /* Mark any areas that use glob(3) characters. */
    if (strpbrk(cfh->area, "[*?") != NULL) {
      cfh->isglob = TRUE;

    cfh->fh = fh;

    xaset_insert(counter_fhs, (xasetmember_t *) cfh);

    c = find_config_next(c, c->next, CONF_PARAM, "CounterFile", TRUE);

  if (counter_fhs == NULL) {
    (void) pr_log_writefile(counter_logfd, MOD_COUNTER_VERSION,
      "no CounterFiles configured, disabling module");
    counter_engine = FALSE;
    return 0;

  pr_event_register(&counter_module, "core.exit", counter_exit_ev, NULL);

  /* If mod_vroot is present, we need to do a little more magic to counter
   * the mod_vroot magic.
  if (pr_module_exists("mod_vroot.c") == TRUE) {
    pr_event_register(&counter_module, "core.chroot", counter_chroot_ev, NULL);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 11
conn_t *pr_ipbind_get_listening_conn(server_rec *server, pr_netaddr_t *addr,
    unsigned int port) {
  conn_t *l;
  pool *p;
  struct listener_rec *lr;

  if (listening_conn_list) {
    for (lr = (struct listener_rec *) listening_conn_list->xas_list; lr;
        lr = lr->next) {
      int use_elt = FALSE;


      if (addr != NULL &&
          lr->addr != NULL) {
        const char *lr_ipstr = NULL;

        lr_ipstr = pr_netaddr_get_ipstr(lr->addr);

        /* Note: lr_ipstr should never be null.  If it is, it means that
         * the lr->addr object never had its IP address resolved/stashed,
         * and in attempting to do, getnameinfo(3) failed for some reason.
         * The IP address on which it's listening, if not available via
         * lr->addr, should thus be available via lr->conn->local_addr.

        if (lr_ipstr == NULL &&
            lr->conn != NULL) {
          lr_ipstr = pr_netaddr_get_ipstr(lr->conn->local_addr);

        if (lr_ipstr != NULL) {
          if (strcmp(pr_netaddr_get_ipstr(addr), lr_ipstr) == 0 &&
              port == lr->port) {
            use_elt = TRUE;

      } else if (addr == NULL &&
                 port == lr->port) {
        use_elt = TRUE;

      if (use_elt) { 
        lr->claimed = TRUE;
        return lr->conn;

  if (listening_conn_pool == NULL) {
    listening_conn_pool = make_sub_pool(permanent_pool);
    pr_pool_tag(listening_conn_pool, "Listening Connection Pool");

    listening_conn_list = xaset_create(listening_conn_pool, NULL);

  p = make_sub_pool(listening_conn_pool); 
  pr_pool_tag(p, "Listening conn subpool");

  l = pr_inet_create_conn(p, -1, addr, port, FALSE);
  if (l == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  /* Inform any interested listeners that this socket was opened. */
  pr_inet_generate_socket_event("core.ctrl-listen", server, l->local_addr,

  lr = pcalloc(p, sizeof(struct listener_rec));
  lr->pool = p;
  lr->conn = l;
  lr->addr = pr_netaddr_dup(p, addr);
  if (lr->addr == NULL &&
      errno != EINVAL) {
    return NULL;
  lr->port = port;
  lr->claimed = TRUE;

  xaset_insert(listening_conn_list, (xasetmember_t *) lr);
  return l;