Esempio n. 1
/* create the config set, register what should be and parse the command line*/
void sg_config_init(int *argc, char **argv)
  char description[1024];

  /* Create the configuration support */
  if (_sg_cfg_init_status == 0) { /* Only create stuff if not already inited */

    /* Plugins configuration */
    describe_model(description, surf_plugin_description, "plugin", "The plugins");
    xbt_cfg_register_string("plugin", nullptr, &_sg_cfg_cb__plugin, description);

    describe_model(description, surf_cpu_model_description, "model", "The model to use for the CPU");
    xbt_cfg_register_string("cpu/model", "Cas01", &_sg_cfg_cb__cpu_model, description);

    describe_model(description, surf_optimization_mode_description, "optimization mode", "The optimization modes to use for the CPU");
    xbt_cfg_register_string("cpu/optim", "Lazy", &_sg_cfg_cb__optimization_mode, description);

    describe_model(description, surf_storage_model_description, "model", "The model to use for the storage");
    xbt_cfg_register_string("storage/model", "default", &_sg_cfg_cb__storage_mode, description);

    describe_model(description, surf_network_model_description, "model", "The model to use for the network");
    xbt_cfg_register_string("network/model", "LV08", &_sg_cfg_cb__network_model, description);

    describe_model(description, surf_optimization_mode_description, "optimization mode", "The optimization modes to use for the network");
    xbt_cfg_register_string("network/optim", "Lazy", &_sg_cfg_cb__optimization_mode, description);

    describe_model(description, surf_host_model_description, "model", "The model to use for the host");
    xbt_cfg_register_string("host/model", "default", &_sg_cfg_cb__host_model, description);

    describe_model(description, surf_vm_model_description, "model", "The model to use for the vm");
    xbt_cfg_register_string("vm/model", "default", &_sg_cfg_cb__vm_model, description);

    simgrid::config::bindFlag(sg_tcp_gamma = 4194304.0,
      { "network/TCP-gamma", "network/TCP_gamma" },
      "Size of the biggest TCP window (cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_[rw]mem for recv/send window; Use the last given value, which is the max window size)");
    simgrid::config::bindFlag(sg_surf_precision = 0.00001,
      "Numerical precision used when updating simulation times (in seconds)");
    simgrid::config::bindFlag(sg_maxmin_precision = 0.00001,
      "Numerical precision used when computing resource sharing (in ops/sec or bytes/sec)");

    /* The parameters of network models */

    // real default for "network/sender-gap" is set in network_smpi.cpp:
    simgrid::config::bindFlag(sg_sender_gap = NAN,
      { "network/sender-gap", "network/sender_gap" },
      "Minimum gap between two overlapping sends");
    simgrid::config::bindFlag(sg_latency_factor = 1.0,
      { "network/latency-factor", "network/latency_factor" },
      "Correction factor to apply to the provided latency (default value set by network model)");
    simgrid::config::bindFlag(sg_bandwidth_factor = 1.0,
      { "network/bandwidth-factor", "network/bandwidth_factor" },
      "Correction factor to apply to the provided bandwidth (default value set by network model)");
    // real default for "network/weight-S" is set in network_*.cpp:
    simgrid::config::bindFlag(sg_weight_S_parameter = NAN,
      { "network/weight-S", "network/weight_S" },
      "Correction factor to apply to the weight of competing streams (default value set by network model)");

    /* Inclusion path */
      "Lookup path for inclusions in platform and deployment XML files",
      [](std::string const& path) {
        if (path[0] != '\0') {
          char* copy = xbt_strdup(path.c_str());
          xbt_dynar_push(surf_path, &copy);

    xbt_cfg_register_boolean("cpu/maxmin-selective-update", "no", NULL,
        "Update the constraint set propagating recursively to others constraints (off by default when optim is set to lazy)");
    xbt_cfg_register_boolean("network/maxmin-selective-update", "no", NULL,
        "Update the constraint set propagating recursively to others constraints (off by default when optim is set to lazy)");
    /* Replay (this part is enabled even if MC it disabled) */
    xbt_cfg_register_string("model-check/replay", nullptr, _sg_cfg_cb_model_check_replay,
        "Model-check path to replay (as reported by SimGrid when a violation is reported)");

    /* do model-checking-record */
    xbt_cfg_register_boolean("model-check/record", "no", _sg_cfg_cb_model_check_record, "Record the model-checking paths");

    xbt_cfg_register_int("model-check/checkpoint", 0, _mc_cfg_cb_checkpoint,
        "Specify the amount of steps between checkpoints during stateful model-checking (default: 0 => stateless verification). "
        "If value=1, one checkpoint is saved for each step => faster verification, but huge memory consumption; higher values are good compromises between speed and memory consumption.");

    xbt_cfg_register_boolean("model-check/sparse-checkpoint", "no", _mc_cfg_cb_sparse_checkpoint, "Use sparse per-page snapshots.");
    xbt_cfg_register_boolean("model-check/ksm", "no", _mc_cfg_cb_ksm, "Kernel same-page merging");

    xbt_cfg_register_string("model-check/property","", _mc_cfg_cb_property,
        "Name of the file containing the property, as formated by the ltl2ba program.");
    xbt_cfg_register_boolean("model-check/communications-determinism", "no", _mc_cfg_cb_comms_determinism,
        "Whether to enable the detection of communication determinism");

    xbt_cfg_register_boolean("model-check/send-determinism", "no", _mc_cfg_cb_send_determinism,
        "Enable/disable the detection of send-determinism in the communications schemes");

    /* Specify the kind of model-checking reduction */
    xbt_cfg_register_string("model-check/reduction", "dpor", _mc_cfg_cb_reduce,
        "Specify the kind of exploration reduction (either none or DPOR)");
    xbt_cfg_register_boolean("model-check/timeout", "no",  _mc_cfg_cb_timeout,
        "Whether to enable timeouts for wait requests");

    xbt_cfg_register_boolean("model-check/hash", "no", _mc_cfg_cb_hash, "Whether to enable state hash for state comparison (experimental)");
    xbt_cfg_register_boolean("model-check/snapshot-fds", "no",  _mc_cfg_cb_snapshot_fds,
        "Whether file descriptors must be snapshoted (currently unusable)");
    xbt_cfg_register_int("model-check/max-depth", 1000, _mc_cfg_cb_max_depth, "Maximal exploration depth (default: 1000)");
    xbt_cfg_register_int("model-check/visited", 0, _mc_cfg_cb_visited,
        "Specify the number of visited state stored for state comparison reduction. If value=5, the last 5 visited states are stored. If value=0 (the default), all states are stored.");

    xbt_cfg_register_string("model-check/dot-output", "", _mc_cfg_cb_dot_output, "Name of dot output file corresponding to graph state");
    xbt_cfg_register_boolean("model-check/termination", "no", _mc_cfg_cb_termination, "Whether to enable non progressive cycle detection");

    xbt_cfg_register_boolean("verbose-exit", "yes", _sg_cfg_cb_verbose_exit, "Activate the \"do nothing\" mode in Ctrl-C");

    xbt_cfg_register_int("contexts/stack-size", 8*1024, _sg_cfg_cb_context_stack_size, "Stack size of contexts in KiB");
    /* (FIXME: this is unpleasant) Reset this static variable that was altered when setting the default value. */
    smx_context_stack_size_was_set = 0;

    /* guard size for contexts stacks in memory pages */
#if defined(_WIN32) || (PTH_STACKGROWTH != -1)
    _sg_cfg_cb_context_guard_size, "Guard size for contexts stacks in memory pages");
    /* No, it was not set yet (the above setdefault() changed this to 1). */
    smx_context_guard_size_was_set = 0;
    xbt_cfg_register_int("contexts/nthreads", 1, _sg_cfg_cb_contexts_nthreads, "Number of parallel threads used to execute user contexts");

    xbt_cfg_register_int("contexts/parallel-threshold", 2, _sg_cfg_cb_contexts_parallel_threshold,
        "Minimal number of user contexts to be run in parallel (raw contexts only)");

    /* synchronization mode for parallel user contexts */
    xbt_cfg_register_string("contexts/synchro", "futex",     _sg_cfg_cb_contexts_parallel_mode,
        "Synchronization mode to use when running contexts in parallel (either futex, posix or busy_wait)");
#else //No futex on mac and posix is unimplememted yet
    xbt_cfg_register_string("contexts/synchro", "busy_wait", _sg_cfg_cb_contexts_parallel_mode,
        "Synchronization mode to use when running contexts in parallel (either futex, posix or busy_wait)");

    xbt_cfg_register_boolean("network/coordinates", "no", _sg_cfg_cb__surf_network_coordinates,
        "Whether we use a coordinate-based routing (as Vivaldi)");

    xbt_cfg_register_boolean("network/crosstraffic", "yes", _sg_cfg_cb__surf_network_crosstraffic,
        "Activate the interferences between uploads and downloads for fluid max-min models (LV08, CM02)");

    //For smpi/bw_factor and smpi/lat_factor
    // SMPI model can be used without enable_smpi, so keep this out of the ifdef.
        "65472:0.940694;15424:0.697866;9376:0.58729;5776:1.08739;3484:0.77493;1426:0.608902;732:0.341987;257:0.338112;0:0.812084", NULL,
        "Bandwidth factors for smpi. Format: 'threshold0:value0;threshold1:value1;...;thresholdN:valueN', meaning if(size >=thresholdN ) return valueN.");

        "65472:11.6436;15424:3.48845;9376:2.59299;5776:2.18796;3484:1.88101;1426:1.61075;732:1.9503;257:1.95341;0:2.01467", NULL, "Latency factors for smpi.");
    xbt_cfg_register_string("smpi/IB-penalty-factors", "0.965;0.925;1.35", NULL,
        "Correction factor to communications using Infiniband model with contention (default value based on Stampede cluster profiling)");
    xbt_cfg_register_double("smpi/running-power", 20000.0, NULL, "Power of the host running the simulation (in flop/s). Used to bench the operations.");

    xbt_cfg_register_boolean("smpi/display-timing", "no", NULL, "Whether we should display the timing after simulation.");
    xbt_cfg_register_alias("smpi/display-timing", "smpi/display_timing");

    xbt_cfg_register_boolean("smpi/simulate-computation", "yes", NULL, "Whether the computational part of the simulated application should be simulated.");

    xbt_cfg_register_boolean("smpi/use-shared-malloc", "yes", NULL, "Whether SMPI_SHARED_MALLOC is enabled. Disable it for debugging purposes.");
    xbt_cfg_register_alias("smpi/use-shared-malloc", "smpi/use_shared_malloc");

    xbt_cfg_register_double("smpi/cpu-threshold", 1e-6, NULL, "Minimal computation time (in seconds) not discarded, or -1 for infinity.");
    xbt_cfg_register_alias("smpi/cpu-threshold", "smpi/cpu_threshold");

    xbt_cfg_register_int("smpi/async-small-thresh", 0, NULL,
        "Maximal size of messages that are to be sent asynchronously, without waiting for the receiver");

    xbt_cfg_register_int("smpi/send-is-detached-thresh", 65536, NULL,
        "Threshold of message size where MPI_Send stops behaving like MPI_Isend and becomes MPI_Ssend");

    xbt_cfg_register_boolean("smpi/privatize-global-variables", "no", NULL, "Whether we should privatize global variable at runtime.");
    xbt_cfg_register_alias("smpi/privatize-global-variables", "smpi/privatize_global_variables");

    xbt_cfg_register_string("smpi/os", "1:0:0:0:0", NULL,  "Small messages timings (MPI_Send minimum time for small messages)");
    xbt_cfg_register_string("smpi/ois", "1:0:0:0:0", NULL, "Small messages timings (MPI_Isend minimum time for small messages)");
    xbt_cfg_register_string("smpi/or", "1:0:0:0:0", NULL,  "Small messages timings (MPI_Recv minimum time for small messages)");

    xbt_cfg_register_string("smpi/coll-selector", "default", NULL, "Which collective selector to use");
    xbt_cfg_register_string("smpi/gather",        nullptr, &_check_coll_gather, "Which collective to use for gather");
    xbt_cfg_register_string("smpi/allgather",     nullptr, &_check_coll_allgather, "Which collective to use for allgather");
    xbt_cfg_register_string("smpi/barrier",       nullptr, &_check_coll_barrier, "Which collective to use for barrier");
    xbt_cfg_register_string("smpi/reduce-scatter",nullptr, &_check_coll_reduce_scatter, "Which collective to use for reduce_scatter");
    xbt_cfg_register_string("smpi/scatter",       nullptr, &_check_coll_scatter, "Which collective to use for scatter");
    xbt_cfg_register_string("smpi/allgatherv",    nullptr, &_check_coll_allgatherv, "Which collective to use for allgatherv");
    xbt_cfg_register_string("smpi/allreduce",     nullptr, &_check_coll_allreduce, "Which collective to use for allreduce");
    xbt_cfg_register_string("smpi/alltoall",      nullptr, &_check_coll_alltoall, "Which collective to use for alltoall");
    xbt_cfg_register_string("smpi/alltoallv",     nullptr, &_check_coll_alltoallv,"Which collective to use for alltoallv");
    xbt_cfg_register_string("smpi/bcast",         nullptr, &_check_coll_bcast, "Which collective to use for bcast");
    xbt_cfg_register_string("smpi/reduce",        nullptr, &_check_coll_reduce, "Which collective to use for reduce");
#endif // HAVE_SMPI

    xbt_cfg_register_boolean("exception/cutpath", "no", NULL,
        "Whether to cut all path information from call traces, used e.g. in exceptions.");

    xbt_cfg_register_boolean("clean-atexit", "yes", _sg_cfg_cb_clean_atexit,
        "Whether to cleanup SimGrid at exit. Disable it if your code segfaults after its end.");

    if (!surf_path) {
      /* retrieves the current directory of the current process */
      const char *initial_path = __surf_get_initial_path();
      xbt_assert((initial_path), "__surf_get_initial_path() failed! Can't resolve current Windows directory");

      surf_path = xbt_dynar_new(sizeof(char *), &xbt_free_ref);
      xbt_cfg_setdefault_string("path", initial_path);

    _sg_cfg_init_status = 1;

    sg_config_cmd_line(argc, argv);

  } else {
    XBT_WARN("Call to sg_config_init() after initialization ignored");
Esempio n. 2
/* create the config set, register what should be and parse the command line*/
void sg_config_init(int *argc, char **argv)
  char description[1024];

  /* Create the configuration support */
  if (_sg_cfg_init_status == 0) { /* Only create stuff if not already inited */

    /* Plugins configuration */
    describe_model(description, surf_plugin_description,
                   "plugin", "The plugins");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "plugin", description,
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__plugin, NULL);

    describe_model(description, surf_cpu_model_description,
                   "model", "The model to use for the CPU");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "cpu/model", description,
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__cpu_model, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "cpu/model", "Cas01");

    describe_model(description, surf_optimization_mode_description,
                   "optimization mode",
                   "The optimization modes to use for the CPU");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "cpu/optim", description,
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__optimization_mode, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "cpu/optim", "Lazy");

    describe_model(description, surf_storage_model_description,
                   "model", "The model to use for the storage");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "storage/model", description,
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__storage_mode, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "storage/model", "default");

    describe_model(description, surf_network_model_description,
                   "model", "The model to use for the network");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/model", description,
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__network_model, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "network/model", "LV08");

    describe_model(description, surf_optimization_mode_description,
                   "optimization mode",
                   "The optimization modes to use for the network");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/optim", description,
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__optimization_mode, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "network/optim", "Lazy");

    describe_model(description, surf_host_model_description,
                   "model", "The model to use for the host");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "host/model", description,
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__host_model, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "host/model", "default");

    describe_model(description, surf_vm_model_description,
                   "model", "The model to use for the vm");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "vm/model", description,
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__vm_model, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "vm/model", "default");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/TCP_gamma",
                     "Size of the biggest TCP window (cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_[rw]mem for recv/send window; Use the last given value, which is the max window size)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__tcp_gamma, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "network/TCP_gamma", 4194304.0);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "surf/precision",
                     "Numerical precision used when updating simulation times (hence this value is expressed in seconds)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__surf_precision, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "surf/precision", 0.00001);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "maxmin/precision",
                     "Numerical precision used when computing resource sharing (hence this value is expressed in ops/sec or bytes/sec)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__maxmin_precision, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "maxmin/precision", 0.00001);

    /* The parameters of network models */

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/sender_gap",
                     "Minimum gap between two overlapping sends",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__sender_gap, NULL);
    /* real default for "network/sender_gap" is set in network_smpi.cpp */
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "network/sender_gap", NAN);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/latency_factor",
                     "Correction factor to apply to the provided latency (default value set by network model)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__latency_factor, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "network/latency_factor", 1.0);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/bandwidth_factor",
                     "Correction factor to apply to the provided bandwidth (default value set by network model)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__bandwidth_factor, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "network/bandwidth_factor", 1.0);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/weight_S",
                     "Correction factor to apply to the weight of competing streams (default value set by network model)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__weight_S, NULL);
    /* real default for "network/weight_S" is set in network_*.cpp */
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "network/weight_S", NAN);

    /* Inclusion path */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "path",
                     "Lookup path for inclusions in platform and deployment XML files",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 0, _sg_cfg_cb__surf_path, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "cpu/maxmin_selective_update",
                     "Update the constraint set propagating recursively to others constraints (off by default when optim is set to lazy)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "cpu/maxmin_selective_update", "no");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/maxmin_selective_update",
                     "Update the constraint set propagating recursively to others constraints (off by default when optim is set to lazy)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "network/maxmin_selective_update", "no");

    /* Replay (this part is enabled event if MC it disabled) */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/replay",
      "Uenable replay mode with the given path",
      xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_model_check_replay, NULL);

#ifdef HAVE_MC
    /* do model-checking */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check",
                     "Verify the system through model-checking instead of simulating it (EXPERIMENTAL)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_model_check, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check", "no");

    /* do model-checking-record */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/record",
                     "Record the model-checking paths",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_model_check_record, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/record", "no");

    /* do stateful model-checking */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/checkpoint",
                     "Specify the amount of steps between checkpoints during stateful model-checking (default: 0 => stateless verification). "
                     "If value=1, one checkpoint is saved for each step => faster verification, but huge memory consumption; higher values are good compromises between speed and memory consumption.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_checkpoint, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/checkpoint", 0);

    /* do stateful model-checking */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/sparse-checkpoint",
                     "Use sparse per-page snapshots.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_sparse_checkpoint, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/sparse-checkpoint", "no");

    /* do liveness model-checking */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/property",
                     "Specify the name of the file containing the property. It must be the result of the ltl2ba program.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_property, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/property", "");

    /* do communications determinism model-checking */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/communications_determinism",
                     "Enable/disable the detection of determinism in the communications schemes",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_comms_determinism, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/communications_determinism", "no");

    /* do send determinism model-checking */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/send_determinism",
                     "Enable/disable the detection of send-determinism in the communications schemes",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_send_determinism, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/send_determinism", "no");

    /* Specify the kind of model-checking reduction */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/reduction",
                     "Specify the kind of exploration reduction (either none or DPOR)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_reduce, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/reduction", "dpor");

    /* Enable/disable timeout for wait requests with model-checking */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/timeout",
                     "Enable/Disable timeout for wait requests",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_timeout, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/timeout", "no");

    /* Enable/disable global hash computation with model-checking */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/hash",
                     "Enable/Disable state hash for state comparison (exprimental)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_hash, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/hash", "no");

    /* Set max depth exploration */
    /* Currently, this option cannot be used. */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/snapshot_fds",
                     "Whether file descriptors must be snapshoted",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_snapshot_fds, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/snapshot_fds", "no");

    /* Set max depth exploration */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/max_depth",
                     "Specify the max depth of exploration (default : 1000)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_max_depth, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/max_depth", 1000);

    /* Set number of visited state stored for state comparison reduction*/
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/visited",
                     "Specify the number of visited state stored for state comparison reduction. If value=5, the last 5 visited states are stored",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_visited, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/visited", 0);

    /* Set file name for dot output of graph state */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/dot_output",
                     "Specify the name of dot file corresponding to graph state",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_dot_output, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/dot_output", "");

     /* Enable/disable non progressive cycles detection with model-checking */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/termination",
                     "Enable/Disable non progressive cycle detection",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _mc_cfg_cb_termination, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/termination", "no");

    /* do verbose-exit */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "verbose-exit",
                     "Activate the \"do nothing\" mode in Ctrl-C",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_verbose_exit, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "verbose-exit", "yes");

    /* context factory */
    const char *dflt_ctx_fact = "thread";
      char *p = description +
                "Context factory to use in SIMIX. Possible values: %s",
      dflt_ctx_fact = "ucontext";
      p += sprintf(p, ", %s", dflt_ctx_fact);
      dflt_ctx_fact = "raw";
      p += sprintf(p, ", %s", dflt_ctx_fact);
      sprintf(p, ".");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/factory", description,
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_context_factory, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/factory", dflt_ctx_fact);

    /* stack size of contexts in KiB */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/stack_size",
                     "Stack size of contexts in KiB",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_context_stack_size, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/stack_size", 8*1024);
    /* No, it was not set yet (the above setdefault() changed this to 1). */
    smx_context_stack_size_was_set = 0;

    /* guard size for contexts stacks in memory pages */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/guard_size",
                     "Guard size for contexts stacks in memory pages",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_context_guard_size, NULL);
#if defined(_XBT_WIN32) || (PTH_STACKGROWTH != -1)
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/guard_size", 0);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/guard_size", 1);
    /* No, it was not set yet (the above setdefault() changed this to 1). */
    smx_context_guard_size_was_set = 0;

    /* number of parallel threads for user processes */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/nthreads",
                     "Number of parallel threads used to execute user contexts",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_contexts_nthreads, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/nthreads", 1);

    /* minimal number of user contexts to be run in parallel */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/parallel_threshold",
                     "Minimal number of user contexts to be run in parallel (raw contexts only)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_contexts_parallel_threshold, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/parallel_threshold", 2);

    /* synchronization mode for parallel user contexts */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/synchro",
                     "Synchronization mode to use when running contexts in parallel (either futex, posix or busy_wait)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_contexts_parallel_mode, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/synchro", "futex");
#else //No futex on mac and posix is unimplememted yet
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/synchro", "busy_wait");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/coordinates",
                     "\"yes\" or \"no\", specifying whether we use a coordinate-based routing (as Vivaldi)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__surf_network_coordinates, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "network/coordinates", "no");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/crosstraffic",
                     "Activate the interferences between uploads and downloads for fluid max-min models (LV08, CM02)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__surf_network_crosstraffic, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "network/crosstraffic", "no");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "gtnets/jitter",
                     "Double value to oscillate the link latency, uniformly in random interval [-latency*gtnets_jitter,latency*gtnets_jitter)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__gtnets_jitter, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "gtnets/jitter", 0.0);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "gtnets/jitter_seed",
                     "Use a positive seed to reproduce jitted results, value must be in [1,1e8], default is 10",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, 0, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__gtnets_jitter_seed, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "gtnets/jitter_seed", 10);
#ifdef HAVE_NS3
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "ns3/TcpModel",
                     "The ns3 tcp model can be : NewReno or Reno or Tahoe",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "ns3/TcpModel", "default");

    //For smpi/bw_factor and smpi/lat_factor
    //Default value have to be "threshold0:value0;threshold1:value1;...;thresholdN:valueN"
    //test is if( size >= thresholdN ) return valueN;
    //Values can be modified with command line --cfg=smpi/bw_factor:"threshold0:value0;threshold1:value1;...;thresholdN:valueN"
    //  or with tag config put line <prop id="smpi/bw_factor" value="threshold0:value0;threshold1:value1;...;thresholdN:valueN"></prop>
    // SMPI model can be used without enable_smpi, so keep this the ifdef.
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/bw_factor",
                     "Bandwidth factors for smpi.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/bw_factor", "65472:0.940694;15424:0.697866;9376:0.58729;5776:1.08739;3484:0.77493;1426:0.608902;732:0.341987;257:0.338112;0:0.812084");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/lat_factor",
                     "Latency factors for smpi.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/lat_factor", "65472:11.6436;15424:3.48845;9376:2.59299;5776:2.18796;3484:1.88101;1426:1.61075;732:1.9503;257:1.95341;0:2.01467");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/IB_penalty_factors",
                     "Correction factor to communications using Infiniband model with contention (default value based on Stampede cluster profiling)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/IB_penalty_factors", "0.965;0.925;1.35");
#ifdef HAVE_SMPI
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/running_power",
                     "Power of the host running the simulation (in flop/s). Used to bench the operations.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/running_power", 20000.0);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/display_timing",
                     "Boolean indicating whether we should display the timing after simulation.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/display_timing", "no");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/simulate_computation",
                     "Boolean indicating whether the computational part of the simulated application should be simulated.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/simulate_computation", "yes");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/use_shared_malloc",
                     "Boolean indicating whether we should use shared memory when using SMPI_SHARED_MALLOC. Allows user to disable it for debug purposes.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/use_shared_malloc", "yes");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/cpu_threshold",
                     "Minimal computation time (in seconds) not discarded, or -1 for infinity.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/cpu_threshold", 1e-6);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/async_small_thres",
                     "Maximal size of messages that are to be sent asynchronously, without waiting for the receiver",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/async_small_thres", 0);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/send_is_detached_thres",
                     "Threshold of message size where MPI_Send stops behaving like MPI_Isend and becomes MPI_Ssend",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/send_is_detached_thres", 65536);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/privatize_global_variables",
                     "Boolean indicating whether we should privatize global variable at runtime.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/privatize_global_variables", "no");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/os",
                     "Small messages timings (MPI_Send minimum time for small messages)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/os", "1:0:0:0:0");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/ois",
                     "Small messages timings (MPI_Isend minimum time for small messages)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/ois", "1:0:0:0:0");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/or",
                     "Small messages timings (MPI_Recv minimum time for small messages)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/or", "1:0:0:0:0");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/iprobe",
                     "Minimum time to inject inside a call to MPI_Iprobe",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__iprobe_sleep, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/iprobe", 1e-4);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/test",
                     "Minimum time to inject inside a call to MPI_Test",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__test_sleep, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/test", 1e-4);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/wtime",
                     "Minimum time to inject inside a call to MPI_Wtime",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__wtime_sleep, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/wtime", 0.0);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/coll_selector",
                     "Which collective selector to use",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/coll_selector", "default");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/gather",
                     "Which collective to use for gather",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_gather, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/allgather",
                     "Which collective to use for allgather",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_allgather, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/barrier",
                     "Which collective to use for barrier",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_barrier, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/reduce_scatter",
                     "Which collective to use for reduce_scatter",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_reduce_scatter, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/scatter",
                     "Which collective to use for scatter",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_scatter, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/allgatherv",
                     "Which collective to use for allgatherv",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_allgatherv, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/allreduce",
                     "Which collective to use for allreduce",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_allreduce, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/alltoall",
                     "Which collective to use for alltoall",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_alltoall, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/alltoallv",
                     "Which collective to use for alltoallv",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_alltoallv, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/bcast",
                     "Which collective to use for bcast",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_bcast, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/reduce",
                     "Which collective to use for reduce",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, 0, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_reduce, NULL);
#endif // HAVE_SMPI

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "exception/cutpath",
                     "\"yes\" or \"no\". \"yes\" will cut all path information from call traces, used e.g. in exceptions.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "exception/cutpath", "no");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "clean_atexit",
                     "\"yes\" or \"no\". \"yes\" enables all the cleanups of SimGrid (XBT,SIMIX,MSG) to be registered with atexit. \"no\" may be useful if your code segfaults when calling the exit function.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_clean_atexit, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "clean_atexit", "yes");

    if (!surf_path) {
      /* retrieves the current directory of the current process */
      const char *initial_path = __surf_get_initial_path();
                  "__surf_get_initial_path() failed! Can't resolve current Windows directory");

      surf_path = xbt_dynar_new(sizeof(char *), NULL);
      xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "path", initial_path);

    _sg_cfg_init_status = 1;

    sg_config_cmd_line(argc, argv);


  } else {
    XBT_WARN("Call to sg_config_init() after initialization ignored");
Esempio n. 3
/* create the config set, register what should be and parse the command line*/
void sg_config_init(int *argc, char **argv)
  char *description = xbt_malloc(1024), *p = description;
  char *default_value;
  double double_default_value;
  int default_value_int;
  int i;

  /* Create the configuration support */
  if (_sg_init_status == 0) { /* Only create stuff if not already inited */
            "The model to use for the CPU. Possible values: ");
    p = description;
    while (*(++p) != '\0');
    for (i = 0; surf_cpu_model_description[i].name; i++)
      p += sprintf(p, "%s%s", (i == 0 ? "" : ", "),
            ".\n       (use 'help' as a value to see the long description of each model)");
    default_value = xbt_strdup("Cas01");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "cpu/model", description, xbt_cfgelm_string,
                     &default_value, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__cpu_model, NULL);

            "The optimization modes to use for the CPU. Possible values: ");
    p = description;
    while (*(++p) != '\0');
    for (i = 0; surf_optimization_mode_description[i].name; i++)
      p += sprintf(p, "%s%s", (i == 0 ? "" : ", "),
            ".\n       (use 'help' as a value to see the long description of each optimization mode)");
    default_value = xbt_strdup("Lazy");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "cpu/optim", description, xbt_cfgelm_string,
                     &default_value, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__optimization_mode, NULL);

            "The model to use for the storage. Possible values: ");
    p = description;
    while (*(++p) != '\0');
    for (i = 0; surf_storage_model_description[i].name; i++)
      p += sprintf(p, "%s%s", (i == 0 ? "" : ", "),
            ".\n       (use 'help' as a value to see the long description of each model)");
    default_value = xbt_strdup("default");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "storage/model", description, xbt_cfgelm_string,
                     &default_value, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__storage_mode,

    /* ********************************************************************* */
    /* TUTORIAL: New model                                                   */
            "The model to use for the New model. Possible values: ");
    p = description;
    while (*(++p) != '\0');
    for (i = 0; surf_new_model_description[i].name; i++)
      p += sprintf(p, "%s%s", (i == 0 ? "" : ", "),
            ".\n       (use 'help' as a value to see the long description of each model)");
    default_value = xbt_strdup("default");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "new_model/model", description, xbt_cfgelm_string,
                     &default_value, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__storage_mode,
    /* ********************************************************************* */

            "The model to use for the network. Possible values: ");
    p = description;
    while (*(++p) != '\0');
    for (i = 0; surf_network_model_description[i].name; i++)
      p += sprintf(p, "%s%s", (i == 0 ? "" : ", "),
            ".\n       (use 'help' as a value to see the long description of each model)");
    default_value = xbt_strdup("LV08");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/model", description, xbt_cfgelm_string,
                     &default_value, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__network_model,

            "The optimization modes to use for the network. Possible values: ");
    p = description;
    while (*(++p) != '\0');
    for (i = 0; surf_optimization_mode_description[i].name; i++)
      p += sprintf(p, "%s%s", (i == 0 ? "" : ", "),
            ".\n       (use 'help' as a value to see the long description of each optimization mode)");
    default_value = xbt_strdup("Lazy");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/optim", description, xbt_cfgelm_string,
                     &default_value, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__optimization_mode, NULL);

            "The model to use for the workstation. Possible values: ");
    p = description;
    while (*(++p) != '\0');
    for (i = 0; surf_workstation_model_description[i].name; i++)
      p += sprintf(p, "%s%s", (i == 0 ? "" : ", "),
            ".\n       (use 'help' as a value to see the long description of each model)");
    default_value = xbt_strdup("default");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "workstation/model", description, xbt_cfgelm_string,
                     &default_value, 1, 1,
                     &_sg_cfg_cb__workstation_model, NULL);


    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/TCP_gamma",
                     "Size of the biggest TCP window (cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_[rw]mem for recv/send window; Use the last given value, which is the max window size)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, NULL, 1, 1,
                     _sg_cfg_cb__tcp_gamma, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "network/TCP_gamma", 4194304.0);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "maxmin/precision",
                     "Numerical precision used when updating simulation models (epsilon in double comparisons)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, NULL, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb__maxmin_precision, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "maxmin/precision", 0.00001); 

    /* The parameters of network models */

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/sender_gap",
                     "Minimum gap between two overlapping sends",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, NULL, 1, 1, /* default is set in network.c */
                     _sg_cfg_cb__sender_gap, NULL);

    double_default_value = 1.0; // FIXME use setdefault everywhere here!
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/latency_factor",
                     "Correction factor to apply to the provided latency (default value set by network model)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, &double_default_value, 1, 1,
                     _sg_cfg_cb__latency_factor, NULL);
    double_default_value = 1.0;
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/bandwidth_factor",
                     "Correction factor to apply to the provided bandwidth (default value set by network model)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, &double_default_value, 1, 1,
                     _sg_cfg_cb__bandwidth_factor, NULL);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/weight_S",
                     "Correction factor to apply to the weight of competing streams (default value set by network model)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, NULL, 1, 1, /* default is set in network.c */
                     _sg_cfg_cb__weight_S, NULL);

    /* Inclusion path */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "path",
                     "Lookup path for inclusions in platform and deployment XML files",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, NULL, 0, 0,
                     _sg_cfg_cb__surf_path, NULL);

    default_value = xbt_strdup("off");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "cpu/maxmin_selective_update",
                     "Update the constraint set propagating recursively to others constraints (off by default when optim is set to lazy)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, &default_value, 0, 1,
                     NULL, NULL);
    default_value = xbt_strdup("off");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/maxmin_selective_update",
                     "Update the constraint set propagating recursively to others constraints (off by default when optim is set to lazy)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, &default_value, 0, 1,
                     NULL, NULL);

#ifdef HAVE_MC
    /* do model-checking */
    default_value = xbt_strdup("off");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check",
                     "Verify the system through model-checking instead of simulating it (EXPERIMENTAL)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, NULL, 0, 1,
                     _sg_cfg_cb_model_check, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check", default_value);

    /* do stateful model-checking */
    default_value = xbt_strdup("off");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/checkpoint",
                     "Specify the amount of steps between checkpoints during stateful model-checking (default: off => stateless verification). "
                     "If value=on, one checkpoint is saved for each step => faster verification, but huge memory consumption; higher values are good compromises between speed and memory consumption.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, NULL, 0, 1,
                     _mc_cfg_cb_checkpoint, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/checkpoint", default_value);
    /* do liveness model-checking */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/property",
                     "Specify the name of the file containing the property. It must be the result of the ltl2ba program.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, NULL, 0, 1,
                     _mc_cfg_cb_property, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/property", "");

    /* Specify the kind of model-checking reduction */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/reduction",
                     "Specify the kind of exploration reduction (either none or DPOR)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, NULL, 0, 1,
                     _mc_cfg_cb_reduce, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/reduction", "dpor");

    /* Enable/disable timeout for wait requests with model-checking */
    default_value = xbt_strdup("off");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/timeout",
                     "Enable/Disable timeout for wait requests",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, NULL, 0, 1,
                     _mc_cfg_cb_timeout, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/timeout", default_value);

    /* Set max depth exploration */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/max_depth",
                     "Specify the max depth of exploration (default : 1000)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, NULL, 0, 1,
                     _mc_cfg_cb_max_depth, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/max_depth", 1000);

    /* Set number of visited state stored for state comparison reduction*/
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/visited",
                     "Specify the number of visited state stored for state comparison reduction. If value=5, the last 5 visited states are stored",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, NULL, 0, 1,
                     _mc_cfg_cb_visited, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_int(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/visited", 0);

    /* Set file name for dot output of graph state */
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/dot_output",
                     "Specify the name of dot file corresponding to graph state",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, NULL, 0, 1,
                     _mc_cfg_cb_dot_output, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "model-check/dot_output", "");

    /* do verbose-exit */
    default_value = xbt_strdup("on");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "verbose-exit",
                     "Activate the \"do nothing\" mode in Ctrl-C",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, &default_value, 0, 1,
                     _sg_cfg_cb_verbose_exit, NULL);
    /* context factory */
    default_value = xbt_strdup("ucontext");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/factory",
                     "Context factory to use in SIMIX (ucontext, thread or raw)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, &default_value, 1, 1, _sg_cfg_cb_context_factory, NULL);

    /* stack size of contexts in Ko */
    default_value_int = 128;
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/stack_size",
                     "Stack size of contexts in Kib (ucontext or raw only)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, &default_value_int, 1, 1,
                     _sg_cfg_cb_context_stack_size, NULL);

    /* number of parallel threads for user processes */
    default_value_int = 1;
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/nthreads",
                     "Number of parallel threads used to execute user contexts",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, &default_value_int, 1, 1,
                     _sg_cfg_cb_contexts_nthreads, NULL);

    /* minimal number of user contexts to be run in parallel */
    default_value_int = 2;
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/parallel_threshold",
        "Minimal number of user contexts to be run in parallel (raw contexts only)",
        xbt_cfgelm_int, &default_value_int, 1, 1,
        _sg_cfg_cb_contexts_parallel_threshold, NULL);

    /* synchronization mode for parallel user contexts */
    default_value = xbt_strdup("futex");
#else //No futex on mac and posix is unimplememted yet
    default_value = xbt_strdup("busy_wait");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "contexts/synchro",
        "Synchronization mode to use when running contexts in parallel (either futex, posix or busy_wait)",
        xbt_cfgelm_string, &default_value, 1, 1,
        _sg_cfg_cb_contexts_parallel_mode, NULL);

    default_value = xbt_strdup("no");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/coordinates",
                     "\"yes\" or \"no\", specifying whether we use a coordinate-based routing (as Vivaldi)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, &default_value, 1, 1,
                     _sg_cfg_cb__surf_network_coordinates, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "network/coordinates", default_value);

    default_value = xbt_strdup("no");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "network/crosstraffic",
                     "Activate the interferences between uploads and downloads for fluid max-min models (LV08, CM02)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, &default_value, 0, 1,
                     _sg_cfg_cb__surf_network_crosstraffic, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "network/crosstraffic", default_value);

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "gtnets/jitter",
                     "Double value to oscillate the link latency, uniformly in random interval [-latency*gtnets_jitter,latency*gtnets_jitter)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, NULL, 1, 1,
                     _sg_cfg_cb__gtnets_jitter, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_double(_sg_cfg_set, "gtnets/jitter", 0.0);

    default_value_int = 10;
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "gtnets/jitter_seed",
                     "Use a positive seed to reproduce jitted results, value must be in [1,1e8], default is 10",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, &default_value_int, 0, 1,
                     _sg_cfg_cb__gtnets_jitter_seed, NULL);
#ifdef HAVE_NS3
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "ns3/TcpModel",
                     "The ns3 tcp model can be : NewReno or Reno or Tahoe",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, NULL, 1, 1,
                     NULL, NULL);
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "ns3/TcpModel", "default");

#ifdef HAVE_SMPI
    double default_reference_speed = 20000.0;
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/running_power",
                     "Power of the host running the simulation (in flop/s). Used to bench the operations.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, &default_reference_speed, 1, 1, NULL,

    default_value = xbt_strdup("no");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/display_timing",
                     "Boolean indicating whether we should display the timing after simulation.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_boolean, &default_value, 1, 1, NULL,
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_boolean(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/display_timing", default_value);

    double default_threshold = 1e-6;
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/cpu_threshold",
                     "Minimal computation time (in seconds) not discarded.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, &default_threshold, 1, 1, NULL,

    int default_small_messages_threshold = 0;
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/async_small_thres",
                     "Maximal size of messages that are to be sent asynchronously, without waiting for the receiver",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, &default_small_messages_threshold, 1, 1, NULL,

    int default_send_is_detached_threshold = 65536;
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/send_is_detached_thres",
                     "Threshold of message size where MPI_Send stops behaving like MPI_Isend and becomes MPI_Ssend",
                     xbt_cfgelm_int, &default_send_is_detached_threshold, 1, 1, NULL,

    //For smpi/bw_factor and smpi/lat_factor
    //Default value have to be "threshold0:value0;threshold1:value1;...;thresholdN:valueN"
    //test is if( size >= thresholdN ) return valueN;
    //Values can be modified with command line --cfg=smpi/bw_factor:"threshold0:value0;threshold1:value1;...;thresholdN:valueN"
    //  or with tag config put line <prop id="smpi/bw_factor" value="threshold0:value0;threshold1:value1;...;thresholdN:valueN"></prop>
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/bw_factor",
                     "Bandwidth factors for smpi.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, NULL, 1, 1, NULL,
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/bw_factor", "65472:0.940694;15424:0.697866;9376:0.58729;5776:1.08739;3484:0.77493;1426:0.608902;732:0.341987;257:0.338112;0:0.812084");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/lat_factor",
                     "Latency factors for smpi.",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, NULL, 1, 1, NULL,
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/lat_factor", "65472:11.6436;15424:3.48845;9376:2.59299;5776:2.18796;3484:1.88101;1426:1.61075;732:1.9503;257:1.95341;0:2.01467");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/os",
                     "Small messages timings (MPI_Send minimum time for small messages)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, NULL, 1, 1, NULL,
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/os", "1:0:0:0:0");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/ois",
                     "Small messages timings (MPI_Isend minimum time for small messages)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, NULL, 1, 1, NULL,
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/ois", "1:0:0:0:0");

    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/or",
                     "Small messages timings (MPI_Recv minimum time for small messages)",
                     xbt_cfgelm_string, NULL, 1, 1, NULL,
    xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/or", "1:0:0:0:0");
    double default_iprobe_time = 1e-4;
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/iprobe",
                     "Minimum time to inject inside a call to MPI_Iprobe",
                     xbt_cfgelm_double, &default_iprobe_time, 1, 1, NULL,
    default_value = xbt_strdup("default");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/allgather",
		     "Which collective to use for allgather",
		     xbt_cfgelm_string, &default_value, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_allgather,

    default_value = xbt_strdup("default");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/allgatherv",
		     "Which collective to use for allgatherv",
		     xbt_cfgelm_string, &default_value, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_allgatherv,

    default_value = xbt_strdup("default");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/allreduce",
		     "Which collective to use for allreduce",
		     xbt_cfgelm_string, &default_value, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_allreduce,

    default_value = xbt_strdup("ompi");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/alltoall",
		     "Which collective to use for alltoall",
		     xbt_cfgelm_string, &default_value, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_alltoall,

    default_value = xbt_strdup("default");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/alltoallv",
		     "Which collective to use for alltoallv",
		     xbt_cfgelm_string, &default_value, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_alltoallv,

    default_value = xbt_strdup("default");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/bcast",
		     "Which collective to use for bcast",
		     xbt_cfgelm_string, &default_value, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_bcast,

    default_value = xbt_strdup("default");
    xbt_cfg_register(&_sg_cfg_set, "smpi/reduce",
		     "Which collective to use for reduce",
		     xbt_cfgelm_string, &default_value, 1, 1, &_sg_cfg_cb__coll_reduce,
#endif // HAVE_SMPI

    if (!surf_path) {
      /* retrieves the current directory of the        current process */
      const char *initial_path = __surf_get_initial_path();
                  "__surf_get_initial_path() failed! Can't resolves current Windows directory");

      surf_path = xbt_dynar_new(sizeof(char *), NULL);
      xbt_cfg_setdefault_string(_sg_cfg_set, "path", initial_path);

    _sg_init_status = 1;

    sg_config_cmd_line(argc, argv);


  } else {
    XBT_WARN("Call to sg_config_init() after initialization ignored");