Esempio n. 1
static int
xmlSecAppAddIDAttr(xmlNodePtr node, const xmlChar* attrName, const xmlChar* nodeName, const xmlChar* nsHref) {
    xmlAttrPtr attr, tmpAttr;
    xmlNodePtr cur;
    xmlChar* id;

    if((node == NULL) || (attrName == NULL) || (nodeName == NULL)) {

    /* process children first because it does not matter much but does simplify code */
    cur = xmlSecGetNextElementNode(node->children);
    while(cur != NULL) {
        if(xmlSecAppAddIDAttr(cur, attrName, nodeName, nsHref) < 0) {
        cur = xmlSecGetNextElementNode(cur->next);

    /* node name must match */
    if(!xmlStrEqual(node->name, nodeName)) {

    /* if nsHref is set then it also should match */
    if((nsHref != NULL) && (node->ns != NULL) && (!xmlStrEqual(nsHref, node->ns->href))) {

    /* the attribute with name equal to attrName should exist */
    for(attr = node->properties; attr != NULL; attr = attr->next) {
        if(xmlStrEqual(attr->name, attrName)) {
    if(attr == NULL) {

    /* and this attr should have a value */
    id = xmlNodeListGetString(node->doc, attr->children, 1);
    if(id == NULL) {

    /* check that we don't have same ID already */
    tmpAttr = xmlGetID(node->doc, id);
    if(tmpAttr == NULL) {
        xmlAddID(NULL, node->doc, id, attr);
    } else if(tmpAttr != attr) {
        fprintf(stderr, "XmlSecError: duplicate ID attribute \"%s\"\n", id);
Esempio n. 2
int assign_id_attributes(xmlDocPtr doc) {
  // Assume the ID attribute is one of (ID | Id | id) and tell this to libxml
  xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext(doc);
  if(xpathCtx == NULL) {
	  rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError,"Error: unable to create new XPath context\n");
  xmlChar* xpathExpr = "//*[@ID | @Id | @id]";
  xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(xpathExpr, xpathCtx);
  if(xpathObj == NULL) {
	  rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError,"Error: unable to evaluate xpath expression \"%s\"\n", xpathExpr);
  xmlNodeSetPtr nodes = xpathObj->nodesetval;
  int size = (nodes) ? nodes->nodeNr : 0;
  char* idNames[] = {"ID", "Id", "id"};
  xmlAttrPtr attr, tmp;
  int i,j;
  for(i = 0; i < size; i++) {
	  for(j=0; j<3;j++) {
	  	tmp = xmlHasProp(nodes->nodeTab[i], idNames[j]);
		if(tmp != NULL)
			attr = tmp;
	  if(attr == NULL) {
	 xmlChar* name = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, attr->children, 1);
	 if(name == NULL) {
	 xmlAttrPtr tmp = xmlGetID(doc, name);
	 if(tmp != NULL) {
		 return 0;
	 xmlAddID(NULL, doc, name, attr);

Esempio n. 3
static void php_set_attribute_id(xmlAttrPtr attrp, zend_bool is_id) /* {{{ */
	if (is_id == 1 && attrp->atype != XML_ATTRIBUTE_ID) {
		xmlChar *id_val;

		id_val = xmlNodeListGetString(attrp->doc, attrp->children, 1);
		if (id_val != NULL) {
			xmlAddID(NULL, attrp->doc, id_val, attrp);
	} else {
		if (attrp->atype == XML_ATTRIBUTE_ID) {
			xmlRemoveID(attrp->doc, attrp);
			attrp->atype = 0;
Esempio n. 4
/// @todo: проверить, обновляется ли parent!
static void pa_addAttributeNode(xmlNode& selfNode, xmlAttr& attrNode) 
		throw Exception(PARSER_RUNTIME,
			"must be ATTRIBUTE_NODE");

     * Add it at the end to preserve parsing order ...
    if ( == NULL) { = &attrNode;
    } else {
        xmlAttrPtr prev =;

        while (prev->next != NULL)
            prev = prev->next;
        prev->next = &attrNode;
        attrNode.prev = prev;

    if (xmlIsID(selfNode.doc, &selfNode, &attrNode) == 1)
        xmlAddID(NULL, selfNode.doc, xmlNodeGetContent((xmlNode*)&attrNode), &attrNode);
Esempio n. 5
 * xsltAttrListTemplateProcess:
 * @ctxt:  the XSLT transformation context
 * @target:  the element where the attributes will be grafted
 * @attrs:  the first attribute
 * Processes all attributes of a Literal Result Element.
 * Attribute references are applied via xsl:use-attribute-set
 * attributes.
 * Copies all non XSLT-attributes over to the @target element
 * and evaluates Attribute Value Templates.
 * Called by xsltApplySequenceConstructor() (transform.c).
 * Returns a new list of attribute nodes, or NULL in case of error.
 *         (Don't assign the result to @target->properties; if
 *         the result is NULL, you'll get memory leaks, since the
 *         attributes will be disattached.)
xsltAttrListTemplateProcess(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, 
	                    xmlNodePtr target, xmlAttrPtr attrs)
    xmlAttrPtr attr, copy, last;
    xmlNodePtr oldInsert, text;
    xmlNsPtr origNs = NULL, copyNs = NULL;
    const xmlChar *value;
    xmlChar *valueAVT;

    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (target == NULL) || (attrs == NULL))

    oldInsert = ctxt->insert;
    ctxt->insert = target;        

    * Instantiate LRE-attributes.
    if (target->properties) {
	last = target->properties;
	while (last->next != NULL)
	    last = last->next;
    } else {
	last = NULL;
    attr = attrs;
    do {
	* Skip XSLT attributes.
	if (attr->psvi == xsltXSLTAttrMarker) {
	    goto next_attribute;
	if ((attr->ns != NULL) &&
	    xmlStrEqual(attr->ns->href, XSLT_NAMESPACE))
	    goto next_attribute;
	* Get the value.
	if (attr->children != NULL) {
	    if ((attr->children->type != XML_TEXT_NODE) ||
		(attr->children->next != NULL))
		xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, attr->parent,
		    "Internal error: The children of an attribute node of a "
		    "literal result element are not in the expected form.\n");
		goto error;
	    value = attr->children->content;
	    if (value == NULL)
		value = xmlDictLookup(ctxt->dict, BAD_CAST "", 0);
	} else
	    value = xmlDictLookup(ctxt->dict, BAD_CAST "", 0);

	* Create a new attribute.
	copy = xmlNewDocProp(target->doc, attr->name, NULL);
	if (copy == NULL) {
	    if (attr->ns) {
		xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, attr->parent,
		    "Internal error: Failed to create attribute '{%s}%s'.\n",
		    attr->ns->href, attr->name);
	    } else {
		xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, attr->parent,
		    "Internal error: Failed to create attribute '%s'.\n",
	    goto error;
	* Attach it to the target element.
	copy->parent = target;
	if (last == NULL) {
	    target->properties = copy;
	    last = copy;
	} else {
	    last->next = copy;
	    copy->prev = last;
	    last = copy;
	* Set the namespace. Avoid lookups of same namespaces.
	if (attr->ns != origNs) {
	    origNs = attr->ns;
	    if (attr->ns != NULL) {
		copyNs = xsltGetSpecialNamespace(ctxt, attr->parent,
		    attr->ns->href, attr->ns->prefix, target);
		copyNs = xsltGetNamespace(ctxt, attr->parent,
		    attr->ns, target);
		if (copyNs == NULL)
		    goto error;
	    } else
		copyNs = NULL;
	copy->ns = copyNs;

	* Set the value.
	text = xmlNewText(NULL);
	if (text != NULL) {
	    copy->last = copy->children = text;
	    text->parent = (xmlNodePtr) copy;
	    text->doc = copy->doc;

	    if (attr->psvi != NULL) {
		* Evaluate the Attribute Value Template.
		valueAVT = xsltEvalAVT(ctxt, attr->psvi, attr->parent);
		if (valueAVT == NULL) {
		    * TODO: Damn, we need an easy mechanism to report
		    * qualified names!
		    if (attr->ns) {
			xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, attr->parent,
			    "Internal error: Failed to evaluate the AVT "
			    "of attribute '{%s}%s'.\n",
			    attr->ns->href, attr->name);
		    } else {
			xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, attr->parent,
			    "Internal error: Failed to evaluate the AVT "
			    "of attribute '%s'.\n",
		    text->content = xmlStrdup(BAD_CAST "");
		    goto error;
		} else {
		    text->content = valueAVT;
	    } else if ((ctxt->internalized) &&
		(target->doc != NULL) &&
		(target->doc->dict == ctxt->dict) &&
		xmlDictOwns(ctxt->dict, value))
		text->content = (xmlChar *) value;
	    } else {
		text->content = xmlStrdup(value);
            if ((copy != NULL) && (text != NULL) &&
                (xmlIsID(copy->doc, copy->parent, copy)))
                xmlAddID(NULL, copy->doc, text->content, copy);

	attr = attr->next;
    } while (attr != NULL);

    * Apply attribute-sets.
    * The creation of such attributes will not overwrite any existing
    * attribute.
    attr = attrs;
    do {
	if ((attr->psvi == xsltXSLTAttrMarker) &&
	    xmlStrEqual(attr->name, (const xmlChar *)"use-attribute-sets"))
	    xsltApplyAttributeSet(ctxt, ctxt->node, (xmlNodePtr) attr, NULL);
	if ((attr->ns != NULL) &&
	    xmlStrEqual(attr->name, (const xmlChar *)"use-attribute-sets") &&
	    xmlStrEqual(attr->ns->href, XSLT_NAMESPACE))
	    xsltApplyAttributeSet(ctxt, ctxt->node, (xmlNodePtr) attr, NULL);
	attr = attr->next;
    } while (attr != NULL);

    ctxt->insert = oldInsert;

    ctxt->insert = oldInsert;
Esempio n. 6
 * xsltAttribute:
 * @ctxt:  a XSLT process context
 * @node:  the current node in the source tree
 * @inst:  the xsl:attribute element
 * @comp:  precomputed information
 * Process the xslt attribute node on the source node
xsltAttribute(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
	      xmlNodePtr contextNode,
              xmlNodePtr inst,
	      xsltStylePreCompPtr castedComp)
    xsltStyleItemAttributePtr comp =
	(xsltStyleItemAttributePtr) castedComp;
    xsltStylePreCompPtr comp = castedComp;
    xmlNodePtr targetElem;
    xmlChar *prop = NULL;
    const xmlChar *name = NULL, *prefix = NULL, *nsName = NULL;
    xmlChar *value = NULL;
    xmlNsPtr ns = NULL;
    xmlAttrPtr attr;

    if ((ctxt == NULL) || (contextNode == NULL) || (inst == NULL) ||
        (inst->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) )

    * A comp->has_name == 0 indicates that we need to skip this instruction,
    * since it was evaluated to be invalid already during compilation.
    if (!comp->has_name)
    * BIG NOTE: This previously used xsltGetSpecialNamespace() and
    *  xsltGetNamespace(), but since both are not appropriate, we
    *  will process namespace lookup here to avoid adding yet another
    *  ns-lookup function to namespaces.c.
    * SPEC XSLT 1.0: Error cases:
    * - Creating nodes other than text nodes during the instantiation of
    *   the content of the xsl:attribute element; implementations may
    *   either signal the error or ignore the offending nodes."

    if (comp == NULL) {
        xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, inst,
	    "Internal error in xsltAttribute(): "
	    "The XSLT 'attribute' instruction was not compiled.\n");
    * TODO: Shouldn't ctxt->insert == NULL be treated as an internal error?
    *   So report an internal error?
    if (ctxt->insert == NULL)
    * SPEC XSLT 1.0:
    *  "Adding an attribute to a node that is not an element;
    *  implementations may either signal the error or ignore the attribute."
    * TODO: I think we should signal such errors in the future, and maybe
    *  provide an option to ignore such errors.
    targetElem = ctxt->insert;
    if (targetElem->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)

    * SPEC XSLT 1.0:
    * "Adding an attribute to an element after children have been added
    *  to it; implementations may either signal the error or ignore the
    *  attribute."
    * TODO: We should decide whether not to report such errors or
    *  to ignore them; note that we *ignore* if the parent is not an
    *  element, but here we report an error.
    if (targetElem->children != NULL) {
	* NOTE: Ah! This seems to be intended to support streamed
	*  result generation!.
        xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, inst,
	    "xsl:attribute: Cannot add attributes to an "
	    "element if children have been already added "
	    "to the element.\n");

    * Process the name
    * ----------------

    if (ctxt->debugStatus != XSLT_DEBUG_NONE)
        xslHandleDebugger(inst, contextNode, NULL, ctxt);

    if (comp->name == NULL) {
	/* TODO: fix attr acquisition wrt to the XSLT namespace */
        prop = xsltEvalAttrValueTemplate(ctxt, inst,
	    (const xmlChar *) "name", XSLT_NAMESPACE);
        if (prop == NULL) {
            xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, inst,
		"xsl:attribute: The attribute 'name' is missing.\n");
            goto error;
	if (xmlValidateQName(prop, 0)) {
	    xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, inst,
		"xsl:attribute: The effective name '%s' is not a "
		"valid QName.\n", prop);
	    /* we fall through to catch any further errors, if possible */

	* Reject a name of "xmlns".
	if (xmlStrEqual(prop, BAD_CAST "xmlns")) {
            xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, inst,
                "xsl:attribute: The effective name 'xmlns' is not allowed.\n");
	    goto error;

	name = xsltSplitQName(ctxt->dict, prop, &prefix);
    } else {
	* The "name" value was static.
	prefix = comp->nsPrefix;
	name = comp->name;
	name = xsltSplitQName(ctxt->dict, comp->name, &prefix);

    * Process namespace semantics
    * ---------------------------
    * Evaluate the namespace name.
    if (comp->has_ns) {
	* The "namespace" attribute was existent.
	if (comp->ns != NULL) {
	    * No AVT; just plain text for the namespace name.
	    if (comp->ns[0] != 0)
		nsName = comp->ns;
	} else {
	    xmlChar *tmpNsName;
	    * Eval the AVT.
	    /* TODO: check attr acquisition wrt to the XSLT namespace */
	    tmpNsName = xsltEvalAttrValueTemplate(ctxt, inst,
		(const xmlChar *) "namespace", XSLT_NAMESPACE);
	    * This fixes bug #302020: The AVT might also evaluate to the
	    * empty string; this means that the empty string also indicates
	    * "no namespace".
	    * SPEC XSLT 1.0:
	    *  "If the string is empty, then the expanded-name of the
	    *  attribute has a null namespace URI."
	    if ((tmpNsName != NULL) && (tmpNsName[0] != 0))
		nsName = xmlDictLookup(ctxt->dict, BAD_CAST tmpNsName, -1);

        if (xmlStrEqual(nsName, BAD_CAST "")) {
            xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, inst,
                "xsl:attribute: Namespace "
            goto error;
        if (xmlStrEqual(nsName, XML_XML_NAMESPACE)) {
            prefix = BAD_CAST "xml";
        } else if (xmlStrEqual(prefix, BAD_CAST "xml")) {
            prefix = NULL;
    } else if (prefix != NULL) {
	* SPEC XSLT 1.0:
	*  "If the namespace attribute is not present, then the QName is
	*  expanded into an expanded-name using the namespace declarations
	*  in effect for the xsl:attribute element, *not* including any
	*  default namespace declaration."
	ns = xmlSearchNs(inst->doc, inst, prefix);
	if (ns == NULL) {
	    * Note that this is treated as an error now (checked with
	    *  Saxon, Xalan-J and MSXML).
	    xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, inst,
		"xsl:attribute: The QName '%s:%s' has no "
		"namespace binding in scope in the stylesheet; "
		"this is an error, since the namespace was not "
		"specified by the instruction itself.\n", prefix, name);
	} else
	    nsName = ns->href;

    * Find/create a matching ns-decl in the result tree.
    ns = NULL;

#if 0
    if (0) {
	* OPTIMIZE TODO: How do we know if we are adding to a
	*  fragment or to the result tree?
	* If we are adding to a result tree fragment (i.e., not to the
	* actual result tree), we'll don't bother searching for the
	* ns-decl, but just store it in the dummy-doc of the result
	* tree fragment.
	if (nsName != NULL) {
	    * TODO: Get the doc of @targetElem.
	    ns = xsltTreeAcquireStoredNs(some doc, nsName, prefix);

    if (nsName != NULL) {
	* Something about ns-prefixes:
	* SPEC XSLT 1.0:
	*  "XSLT processors may make use of the prefix of the QName specified
	*  in the name attribute when selecting the prefix used for outputting
	*  the created attribute as XML; however, they are not required to do
	*  so and, if the prefix is xmlns, they must not do so"
	* xsl:attribute can produce a scenario where the prefix is NULL,
	* so generate a prefix.
	if ((prefix == NULL) || xmlStrEqual(prefix, BAD_CAST "xmlns")) {
	    xmlChar *pref = xmlStrdup(BAD_CAST "ns_1");

	    ns = xsltGetSpecialNamespace(ctxt, inst, nsName, pref, targetElem);

	} else {
	    ns = xsltGetSpecialNamespace(ctxt, inst, nsName, prefix,
	if (ns == NULL) {
	    xsltTransformError(ctxt, NULL, inst,
		"Namespace fixup error: Failed to acquire an in-scope "
		"namespace binding for the generated attribute '{%s}%s'.\n",
		nsName, name);
	    goto error;
    * Construction of the value
    * -------------------------
    if (inst->children == NULL) {
	* No content.
	* TODO: Do we need to put the empty string in ?
	attr = xmlSetNsProp(ctxt->insert, ns, name, (const xmlChar *) "");
    } else if ((inst->children->next == NULL) &&
	    ((inst->children->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) ||
	     (inst->children->type == XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE)))
	xmlNodePtr copyTxt;

	* xmlSetNsProp() will take care of duplicates.
	attr = xmlSetNsProp(ctxt->insert, ns, name, NULL);
	if (attr == NULL) /* TODO: report error ? */
	    goto error;
	* This was taken over from xsltCopyText() (transform.c).
	if (ctxt->internalized &&
	    (ctxt->insert->doc != NULL) &&
	    (ctxt->insert->doc->dict == ctxt->dict))
	    copyTxt = xmlNewText(NULL);
	    if (copyTxt == NULL) /* TODO: report error */
		goto error;
	    * This is a safe scenario where we don't need to lookup
	    * the dict.
	    copyTxt->content = inst->children->content;
	    * Copy "disable-output-escaping" information.
	    * TODO: Does this have any effect for attribute values
	    *  anyway?
	    if (inst->children->name == xmlStringTextNoenc)
		copyTxt->name = xmlStringTextNoenc;
	} else {
	    * Copy the value.
	    copyTxt = xmlNewText(inst->children->content);
	    if (copyTxt == NULL) /* TODO: report error */
		goto error;
	attr->children = attr->last = copyTxt;
	copyTxt->parent = (xmlNodePtr) attr;
	copyTxt->doc = attr->doc;
	* Copy "disable-output-escaping" information.
	* TODO: Does this have any effect for attribute values
	*  anyway?
	if (inst->children->name == xmlStringTextNoenc)
	    copyTxt->name = xmlStringTextNoenc;

         * since we create the attribute without content IDness must be
         * asserted as a second step
        if ((copyTxt->content != NULL) &&
            (xmlIsID(attr->doc, attr->parent, attr)))
            xmlAddID(NULL, attr->doc, copyTxt->content, attr);
    } else {
	* The sequence constructor might be complex, so instantiate it.
	value = xsltEvalTemplateString(ctxt, contextNode, inst);
	if (value != NULL) {
	    attr = xmlSetNsProp(ctxt->insert, ns, name, value);
	} else {
	    * TODO: Do we have to add the empty string to the attr?
	    * TODO: Does a  value of NULL indicate an
	    *  error in xsltEvalTemplateString() ?
	    attr = xmlSetNsProp(ctxt->insert, ns, name,
		(const xmlChar *) "");
