Esempio n. 1
 * Generate the XML for a ctor.
static void xmlCtor(sipSpec *pt, moduleDef *mod, classDef *scope, ctorDef *ct,
        int indent, FILE *fp)
    int a;

    xmlIndent(indent++, fp);
    fprintf(fp, "<Function name=\"");
    prScopedPythonName(fp, scope, "__init__");
    fprintf(fp, "\"");

    xmlRealScopedName(scope, "__init__", fp);

    if (hasCppSignature(ct->cppsig))
        fprintf(fp, " cppsig=\"");
        xmlCppSignature(fp, ct->cppsig, FALSE);
        fprintf(fp, "\"");

    /* Handle the trivial case. */
    if (ct->pysig.nrArgs == 0)
        fprintf(fp, "/>\n");

    fprintf(fp, ">\n");

    for (a = 0; a < ct->pysig.nrArgs; ++a)
        argDef *ad = &ct->pysig.args[a];

        if (isInArg(ad))
            xmlArgument(pt, mod, ad, FALSE, ct->kwargs, FALSE, indent, fp);

        if (isOutArg(ad))
            xmlArgument(pt, mod, ad, TRUE, ct->kwargs, FALSE, indent, fp);

    xmlIndent(--indent, fp);
    fprintf(fp, "</Function>\n");
Esempio n. 2
 * Generate the XML for a ctor.
static int xmlCtor(sipSpec *pt, classDef *scope, ctorDef *ct, int sec,
        int indent, FILE *fp)
    int a, need_sec;

    xmlIndent(indent++, fp);
    fprintf(fp, "<Function name=\"");
    prScopedPythonName(fp, scope, "__init__");
    fprintf(fp, "\"");

    /* Handle the trivial case. */
    if (ct->pysig.nrArgs == 0)
        fprintf(fp, "/>\n");
        return FALSE;

    fprintf(fp, ">\n");

    need_sec = FALSE;

    for (a = 0; a < ct->pysig.nrArgs; ++a)
        argDef *ad = &ct->pysig.args[a];

        xmlArgument(pt, ad, dirAttribute(ad), FALSE, sec, indent, fp);

        if (ad->atype == rxcon_type || ad->atype == rxdis_type)
            need_sec = TRUE;

    xmlIndent(--indent, fp);
    fprintf(fp, "</Function>\n");

    return need_sec;
Esempio n. 3
 * Generate the XML for an overload.
static int xmlOverload(sipSpec *pt, classDef *scope, memberDef *md,
        overDef *od, classDef *xtnds, int stat, int sec, int indent, FILE *fp)
    int a, need_sec, no_res;

    xmlIndent(indent++, fp);
    fprintf(fp, "<Function name=\"");
    prScopedPythonName(fp, scope, md->pyname->text);
    fprintf(fp, "\"");

    if (isAbstract(od))
        fprintf(fp, " abstract=\"1\"");

    if (stat)
        fprintf(fp, " static=\"1\"");

    if (isSlot(od))
        fprintf(fp, " slot=\"");
        xmlCppSignature(fp, od);
        fprintf(fp, "\"");

    if (xtnds != NULL)
        fprintf(fp, " extends=\"");
        prScopedPythonName(fp, xtnds->ecd, xtnds->pyname->text);
        fprintf(fp, "\"");

    no_res = (od->pysig.result.atype == void_type && od->pysig.result.nrderefs == 0);

    /* Handle the trivial case. */
    if (no_res && od->pysig.nrArgs == 0)
        fprintf(fp, "/>\n");
        return FALSE;

    fprintf(fp, ">\n");

    if (!no_res)
        xmlArgument(pt, &od->pysig.result, "out", isResultTransferredBack(od),
                FALSE, indent, fp);

    need_sec = FALSE;

    for (a = 0; a < od->pysig.nrArgs; ++a)
        argDef *ad = &od->pysig.args[a];

        /* Ignore the first argument of number slots. */
        if (isNumberSlot(md) && a == 0 && od->pysig.nrArgs == 2)

        xmlArgument(pt, ad, dirAttribute(ad), FALSE, sec, indent, fp);

        if (ad->atype == rxcon_type || ad->atype == rxdis_type)
            need_sec = TRUE;

    xmlIndent(--indent, fp);
    fprintf(fp, "</Function>\n");

    return need_sec;
Esempio n. 4
 * Generate the XML for an overload.
static void xmlOverload(sipSpec *pt, moduleDef *mod, classDef *scope,
        memberDef *md, overDef *od, classDef *xtnds, int stat, int indent,
        FILE *fp)
    const char *name, *cppname = od->cppname;
    int a, no_res;

    xmlIndent(indent++, fp);
    fprintf(fp, "<Function name=\"");

    if (isReflected(od))
        if ((name = reflectedSlot(md->slot)) != NULL)
            cppname = name;
            name = md->pyname->text;
        name = md->pyname->text;

    prScopedPythonName(fp, scope, name);

    fprintf(fp, "\"");

    xmlRealScopedName(scope, cppname, fp);

    if (hasCppSignature(od->cppsig))
        fprintf(fp, " cppsig=\"");
        xmlCppSignature(fp, od->cppsig, isConst(od));
        fprintf(fp, "\"");

    if (isAbstract(od))
        fprintf(fp, " abstract=\"1\"");

    if (stat)
        fprintf(fp, " static=\"1\"");

    if (isSlot(od))
        fprintf(fp, " slot=\"1\"");

    if (isVirtual(od))
        fprintf(fp, " virtual=\"1\"");

    if (xtnds != NULL)
        fprintf(fp, " extends=\"");
        prScopedPythonName(fp, xtnds->ecd, xtnds->pyname->text);
        fprintf(fp, "\"");

    /* An empty type hint specifies a void return. */
    if (od->pysig.result.typehint_out != NULL && od->pysig.result.typehint_out->raw_hint[0] == '\0')
        no_res = TRUE;
        no_res = (od->pysig.result.atype == void_type && od->pysig.result.nrderefs == 0);

    /* Handle the trivial case. */
    if (no_res && od->pysig.nrArgs == 0)
        fprintf(fp, "/>\n");

    fprintf(fp, ">\n");

    if (!no_res)
        xmlArgument(pt, mod, &od->pysig.result, TRUE, NoKwArgs,
                isResultTransferredBack(od), indent, fp);

    for (a = 0; a < od->pysig.nrArgs; ++a)
        argDef *ad = &od->pysig.args[a];

         * Ignore the first argument of non-reflected number slots and the
         * second argument of reflected number slots.
        if (isNumberSlot(md) && od->pysig.nrArgs == 2)
            if ((a == 0 && !isReflected(od)) || (a == 1 && isReflected(od)))

        if (isInArg(ad))
            xmlArgument(pt, mod, ad, FALSE, od->kwargs, FALSE, indent, fp);

        if (isOutArg(ad))
            xmlArgument(pt, mod, ad, TRUE, od->kwargs, FALSE, indent, fp);

    xmlIndent(--indent, fp);
    fprintf(fp, "</Function>\n");
Esempio n. 5
 * Generate the XML for a function.
static void xmlFunction(sipSpec *pt, moduleDef *mod, classDef *scope,
        memberDef *md, overDef *oloads, int indent, FILE *fp)
    overDef *od;

    for (od = oloads; od != NULL; od = od->next)
        int isstat;
        classDef *xtnds;

        if (od->common != md)

        if (isPrivate(od))

        if (isSignal(od))
            int a;

            xmlIndent(indent++, fp);
            fprintf(fp, "<Signal name=\"");
            prScopedPythonName(fp, scope, md->pyname->text);
            fprintf(fp, "\"");

            xmlRealScopedName(scope, od->cppname, fp);

            if (hasCppSignature(od->cppsig))
                fprintf(fp, " cppsig=\"");
                xmlCppSignature(fp, od->cppsig, FALSE);
                fprintf(fp, "\"");

            /* Handle the trivial case. */
            if (od->pysig.nrArgs == 0)
                fprintf(fp, "/>\n");

            fprintf(fp, ">\n");

            for (a = 0; a < od->pysig.nrArgs; ++a)
                argDef *ad = &od->pysig.args[a];

                xmlArgument(pt, mod, ad, FALSE, od->kwargs, FALSE, indent, fp);

            xmlIndent(--indent, fp);
            fprintf(fp, "</Signal>\n");


        xtnds = NULL;
        isstat = (scope == NULL || scope->iff->type == namespace_iface || isStatic(od));

        if (scope == NULL && md->slot != no_slot && od->pysig.args[0].atype == class_type)
            xtnds = od->pysig.args[0];
            isstat = FALSE;

        xmlOverload(pt, mod, scope, md, od, xtnds, isstat, indent, fp);