Esempio n. 1
   /// Static function to compute an attribute XPath expression, without an error check
   TiXmlAttribute * XAp_xpath_attribute (const TiXmlNode * XNp_source_tree, const char * cp_xpath_expr)
      unsigned u_nb;

      xpath_processor xp_proc (XNp_source_tree, cp_xpath_expr);
      u_nb = xp_proc . u_compute_xpath_node_set ();
      if (! u_nb)
         return NULL;
      return xp_proc . XAp_get_xpath_attribute (0);
Esempio n. 2
   /// Static function to compute an attribute XPath expression, without an error check
   bool o_xpath_attribute (const TiXmlNode * XNp_source_tree, const char * cp_xpath_expr, const TiXmlAttribute * & XAp_attrib)
      unsigned u_nb;

      xpath_processor xp_proc (XNp_source_tree, cp_xpath_expr);
      u_nb = xp_proc . u_compute_xpath_node_set ();
      if (! u_nb)
         return false;
      XAp_attrib = xp_proc . XAp_get_xpath_attribute (0);
      return xp_proc . e_error == TinyXPath::xpath_processor::e_no_error;
Esempio n. 3
   static void v_test_one_string_libxml (const TiXmlNode * XNp_root, const char * cp_expr, const xmlDoc * Dp_ptr)
      TIXML_STRING S_expected, S_res;
      bool o_ok;

      S_expected = S_xpath_expr (Dp_ptr, cp_expr);
      printf ("-- expr : [%s] --\n", cp_expr);
      TinyXPath::xpath_processor xp_proc (XNp_root, cp_expr);
      S_res = xp_proc . S_compute_xpath ();
      o_ok = strcmp (S_res . c_str (), S_expected . c_str ()) == 0;
      v_out_one_line (cp_expr, S_res . c_str (), S_expected . c_str (), o_ok);
bool lvDCOMInterface::doXPATHbool_old(const std::string& xpath)
	if (m_doc == NULL)
		throw std::runtime_error("m_cfg is NULL");
	std::map<std::string,bool>::const_iterator it = m_xpath_bool_map.find(xpath);
	if (it != m_xpath_bool_map.end())
		return it->second;
	TinyXPath::xpath_processor xp_proc(m_root, xpath.c_str());
	bool res = xp_proc.o_compute_xpath();
	m_xpath_bool_map[xpath] = res;
	return res;
std::string lvDCOMInterface::doXPATH_old(const std::string& xpath)
	if (m_doc == NULL)
		throw std::runtime_error("m_cfg is NULL");
	std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator it = m_xpath_map.find(xpath);
	if (it != m_xpath_map.end())
		return it->second;
	TinyXPath::xpath_processor xp_proc(m_root, xpath.c_str());
	//	TIXML_STRING S_res = TinyXPath::S_xpath_string(m_doc->RootElement(), xpath.c_str());
	std::string S_res = xp_proc.S_compute_xpath().c_str();
	m_xpath_map[xpath] = S_res;
	return S_res;
Esempio n. 6
int main ()
   TiXmlDocument * XDp_doc;
   TiXmlElement * XEp_main;
   int i_res;
   char ca_res [80];
   bool o_ok, o_res;
   double d_out;

   XDp_doc = new TiXmlDocument;
   if (! XDp_doc -> LoadFile ("test.xml"))
      printf ("Can't find test.xml !\n");
      return 99;

   #ifdef LIBXML_CHECK
      xmlDoc * Dp_doc;
      Dp_doc = xmlParseFile ("test.xml");

   Fp_out_html = fopen ("out.htm", "wt");
   if (! Fp_out_html)
      return 1;
   fprintf (Fp_out_html, "<html><head><title>Result</title>\n<style>");
   fprintf (Fp_out_html, "em{color: red;}</style>\n");
   fprintf (Fp_out_html, "</head><body>\n");

   fprintf (Fp_out_html, "<h1>TinyXPath examples / regression tests</h1>\n");
   fprintf (Fp_out_html, "<h2>Input XML tree</h2>\n");
   v_out_html (Fp_out_html, XDp_doc, 0);
   fprintf (Fp_out_html, "<br /><br />\n");
   fprintf (Fp_out_html, "<table border='1'><tr><th>Expression</th><th>Result</th><th>Expected (%s)</th></tr>\n",
      #ifdef LIBXML_CHECK

   XEp_main = XDp_doc -> RootElement ();

   fprintf (Fp_out_html, "<h2>Results</h2>\n");

   TiXmlElement * XEp_sub = XEp_main -> FirstChildElement ("b");

   v_test_one_string (XEp_sub, "@val", "123" ); 

   // v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "//x/y/text()", "inner text" ); 
   // v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "//x[/y/text()='inner text']/@target", "123" ); 
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "//x/text()", "sub text");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "//*/comment()", " -122.0 ");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(//*/comment())", "2");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "sum(//@*)", "123");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "sum(//*/comment())", "378");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "true()", "true");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "not(false())", "true");

   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(//*[position()=2])", "2");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "name(/*/*/*[position()=2])", "c");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "name(/*/*/*[last()])", "d");

   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(//c/following::*)", "2");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(/a/b/b/following::*)", "3");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(//d/preceding::*)", "2");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "name(//attribute::*)", "val");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(//b/child::*)", "3");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(//x/ancestor-or-self::*)", "2");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(//b/descendant-or-self::*)", "4");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(//self::*)", "6");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(/a/descendant::*)", "5");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(/a/descendant::x)", "1");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(/a/descendant::b)", "2");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(/a/descendant::b[@val=123])", "1");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(//c/ancestor::a)", "1");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "name(//d/parent::*)", "b");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(//c/ancestor::*)", "2");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "name(/a/b/ancestor::*)", "a");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "name(/a/b/c/following-sibling::*)", "d");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(//b/following-sibling::*)", "3");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(//b|//a)", "3");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(//d/preceding-sibling::*)", "2");

   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "-3 * 4", "-12");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "-3.1 * 4", "-12.4");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "12 div 5", "2.4");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "3 * 7", "21");

   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "-5.5 >= -5.5", "true");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "-5.5 < 3", "true");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "-6.0 < -7", "false");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "12 < 14", "true");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "12 > 14", "false");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "14 <= 14", "true");

   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "/a or /b", "true");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "/c or /b", "false");

   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "/a and /b", "false");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "/a and /*/b", "true");

   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "18-12", "6");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "18+12", "30");

   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(//a|//b)", "3");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(//*[@val])", "1");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "name(//*[@val=123])", "b");

   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "3=4", "false");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "3!=4", "true");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "12=12", "true");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "'here is a string'='here is a string'", "true");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "'here is a string'!='here is a string'", "false");

   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "/a/b/@val", "123");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(//*/b)", "2");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "name(/*/*/*[2])", "c");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "name(/*)", "a");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "name(/a)", "a");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "name(/a/b)", "b");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "name(/*/*)", "b");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "name(/a/b/c)", "c");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(/a/b/*)", "3");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "ceiling(3.5)", "4");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "concat('first ','second',' third','')", "first second third");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "ceiling(5)", "5");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "floor(3.5)", "3");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "floor(5)", "5");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "string-length('try')", "3");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "concat(name(/a/b[1]/*[1]),' ',name(/a/b/*[2]))", "b c");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(/a/b/*)", "3");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(//*)", "6");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(//b)", "2");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "contains('base','as')", "true");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "contains('base','x')", "false");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "not(contains('base','as'))", "false");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "starts-with('blabla','bla')", "true");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "starts-with('blebla','bla')", "false");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "substring('12345',2,3)", "234");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "substring('12345',2)", "2345");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "substring('12345',2,6)", "2345");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "concat('[',normalize-space('  before and   after      '),']')", "[before and after]");

   // test for u_compute_xpath_node_set

   unsigned u_nb;

   TinyXPath::xpath_processor xp_proc (XEp_main, "//*");    // build the list of all element nodes in the tree
   u_nb = xp_proc . u_compute_xpath_node_set ();            // retrieve number of nodes 
   sprintf (ca_res, "%d", u_nb);
   o_ok = (u_nb == 6);
   v_out_one_line ("//*", ca_res, "6", o_ok);

   // regression test for multiple additive expressions
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "2+3+4+5", "14");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "20-2-3+5", "20");

   // regression test for predicate count bug
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(/a/x[1])", "1");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "name(/a/*[2])", "x");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "name(/a/*[1])", "b");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "name(/a/x[1])", "x");

   // regression test for bug in position()
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(/a/b/c[1])", "1");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(/a/b/c[position()=1])", "1");
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "count(/a/b/d[position()=3])", "0");

   // regression test for bug in i_compute_xpath
   i_res = TinyXPath::i_xpath_int (XEp_main, "//*[@val]/@val");
   sprintf (ca_res, "%d", i_res);
   v_out_one_line ("//*[@val]/@val", ca_res, "123", i_res == 123);

   // regression test for bug in text in expressions
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "//x[text()='sub text']/@target", "xyz");

   // regression test for bug in o_xpath_double
   o_res = TinyXPath::o_xpath_double (XEp_main, "substring('123.4',1)", d_out);            
   if (o_res)
      sprintf (ca_res, "%.1f", d_out);
      o_ok = ! strcmp (ca_res, "123.4");
      o_ok = false;
   v_out_one_line ("substring('123.4',1)", ca_res, "123.4", o_ok);

   // testing for syntax error
   TinyXPath::xpath_processor xp_proc_2 (XEp_main, "//**");
   i_res = xp_proc_2 . i_compute_xpath ();
   if (xp_proc_2 . e_error == TinyXPath::xpath_processor::e_error_syntax)
      o_ok = true;
      strcpy (ca_res, "syntax error");
      o_ok = false;
      sprintf (ca_res, "error %d", xp_proc_2 . e_error);
   v_out_one_line ("//**", ca_res, "syntax error", o_ok);

   // regression test for bug in "text" being an element
   fprintf (Fp_out_html, "</table>\n");

   delete XDp_doc;
   XDp_doc = new TiXmlDocument ();
   XDp_doc -> Parse ("<xml><text>within</text></xml>");
   XEp_main = XDp_doc -> RootElement ();
   fprintf (Fp_out_html, "<h2>Input XML tree</h2>\n");
   v_out_html (Fp_out_html, XDp_doc, 0);
   fprintf (Fp_out_html, "<br /><br />\n");
   fprintf (Fp_out_html, "<table border='1'><tr><th>Expression</th><th>Result</th><th>Expected (%s)</th></tr>\n",
      #ifdef LIBXML_CHECK
   v_test_one_string (XEp_main, "/xml/text/text()", "within" ); 

   #ifdef LIBXML_CHECK
      xmlFreeDoc (Dp_doc);
   delete XDp_doc;

   fprintf (Fp_out_html, "</table>\n");

   fprintf (Fp_out_html, "<h2>RSS feed examples</h2>\n");
   fprintf (Fp_out_html, "These examples show how to decode a typical XML file : the <a href=''>TinyXPath RSS feed</a><br /><br />");

   XDp_doc = new TiXmlDocument;
   if (! XDp_doc -> LoadFile ("rss2_projnews.xml"))
      printf ("Can't find rss2_projnews.xml !\n");
      return 99;

   const char * cp_rss_count = "count(/rss/channel/item)";
   const char * cp_rss_ver = "/rss/@version";

   int i_nb_news, i_news;
   char ca_expr [1000];

   i_nb_news = TinyXPath::i_xpath_int (XDp_doc -> RootElement (), cp_rss_count);
   fprintf (Fp_out_html, "RSS version (XPath expr : <b>%s</b>) : %s<br />\n", 
            cp_rss_ver, TinyXPath::S_xpath_string (XDp_doc -> RootElement (), cp_rss_ver) . c_str ());
   fprintf (Fp_out_html, "Nb of news messages (XPath expr : <b>%s</b>) : %d<br />\n", 
            cp_rss_count, i_nb_news);
   fprintf (Fp_out_html, "<br /><table border='1'><tr><th>Xpath expr</th><th>value</th></tr>\n");
   for (i_news = 0; i_news < i_nb_news; i_news++)
      sprintf (ca_expr, "concat(/rss/channel/item[%d]/pubDate/text(),' : ',/rss/channel/item[%d]/title/text())",
               i_news + 1, i_news + 1);
      fprintf (Fp_out_html, "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",
               ca_expr, TinyXPath::S_xpath_string (XDp_doc -> RootElement (), ca_expr) . c_str ());
   fprintf (Fp_out_html, "</table>\n");

   delete XDp_doc;
   fprintf (Fp_out_html, "<br />&nbsp;<br /></body></html>\n");
   fclose (Fp_out_html);

   return 0;
Esempio n. 7
 /// Static function to compute a double XPath expression, without an error check
 bool o_xpath_double (const TiXmlNode * XNp_source_tree, const char * cp_xpath_expr, double & d_res)
    xpath_processor xp_proc (XNp_source_tree, cp_xpath_expr);
    d_res = xp_proc . d_compute_xpath ();
    return xp_proc . e_error == TinyXPath::xpath_processor::e_no_error;
Esempio n. 8
 /// Static function to compute an integer XPath expression, with an error check
 bool o_xpath_int (const TiXmlNode * XNp_source_tree, const char * cp_xpath_expr, int & i_res)
    xpath_processor xp_proc (XNp_source_tree, cp_xpath_expr);
    i_res = xp_proc . i_compute_xpath ();
    return xp_proc . e_error == TinyXPath::xpath_processor::e_no_error;
Esempio n. 9
 /// Static function to compute a string XPath expression, without an error check
 TIXML_STRING S_xpath_string (const TiXmlNode * XNp_source_tree, const char * cp_xpath_expr)
    xpath_processor xp_proc (XNp_source_tree, cp_xpath_expr);
    return xp_proc . S_compute_xpath ();
Esempio n. 10
 /// Static function to compute a bool XPath expression, without an error check
 bool o_xpath_bool (const TiXmlNode * XNp_source_tree, const char * cp_xpath_expr)
    xpath_processor xp_proc (XNp_source_tree, cp_xpath_expr);
    return xp_proc . o_compute_xpath ();
Esempio n. 11
 /// Static function to compute a double XPath expression, without an error check
 double d_xpath_double (const TiXmlNode * XNp_source_tree, const char * cp_xpath_expr)
    xpath_processor xp_proc (XNp_source_tree, cp_xpath_expr);
    return xp_proc . d_compute_xpath ();
Esempio n. 12
 /// Static function to compute a string XPath expression, without an error check
 bool o_xpath_string (const TiXmlNode * XNp_source_tree, const char * cp_xpath_expr, TIXML_STRING & S_res)
    xpath_processor xp_proc (XNp_source_tree, cp_xpath_expr);
    S_res = xp_proc . S_compute_xpath ();
    return xp_proc . e_error == TinyXPath::xpath_processor::e_no_error;