Esempio n. 1
int node_process(char cmd, mxml_node_t *tree, char *key, char *val, int num)
    mxml_node_t *node = NULL;

    switch (cmd) {
    case 'a':	
        node = xpath_create(tree, key, num);
        if(NULL != node) {
            // although node-text is empty, keep empty
            mxmlNewText(node, 0, val);
        } else {
            eprintf("%s exist\n", key);
            // return __LINE__;

    case 'd':	
        node = xpath_find(tree, key, num);
        if(NULL != node) {

    case 'w':	
        node = xpath_find(tree, key, num);
        if (node == NULL) {
            eprintf("not found: [%d]%s\n", num, key);
            return __LINE__;
        if (NULL != node->child) {
            // printf("set\n");
            mxmlSetText(node->child, 0, val); // mxmlSetTextf() doesn't work
        } else {
            mxmlNewText(node, 0, val);

    case 'r':	
        node = xpath_find(tree, key, num);
        if (NULL != node) {
           // mxml-2.8  vs mxml-2.7 -> (node->child) vs (node->child->value.text.string)
           // printf("%p\n", (node->child));
            if (node->child == NULL) {
                eprintf("%s __got_empty_text__\n", key);
                return __LINE__;
            } else {
                printf("%d %s %s\n", num, key, trimsps(node->child->value.opaque));
        } else {
            eprintf("not found: [%d]%s\n", num, key);
            return __LINE__;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
 * Check if folder of a node changed in Google Reader and move
 * node to the folder with the same name.
static void
aol_source_update_folder (xmlNodePtr match, AolSourcePtr gsource, nodePtr node)
	xmlNodePtr	xml;
	xmlChar		*label;
	const gchar	*ptitle;
	nodePtr		parent;
	/* check if label of a feed changed */ 
	parent = node->parent;
	ptitle = node_get_title (parent);
	xml = xpath_find (match, "./list[@name='categories']/object/string[@name='label']");
	if (xml) {
		label = xmlNodeListGetString (xml->doc,	xml->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
		if (parent == gsource->root || ! g_str_equal (label, ptitle)) {
			debug2 (DEBUG_UPDATE, "GSource feed label changed for %s to '%s'", node->id, label);
			parent = aol_source_find_or_create_folder ((gchar*)label, gsource->root);
			node_reparent (node, parent);
		xmlFree (label);
	} else {
		/* if feed has no label and parent is not gsource root, reparent to gsource root */
		if (parent != gsource->root)
			node_reparent (node, gsource->root);
Esempio n. 3
static void
google_source_quick_update_helper (xmlNodePtr match, gpointer userdata) 
	GoogleSourcePtr gsource = (GoogleSourcePtr) userdata;
	xmlNodePtr      xmlNode;
	xmlChar         *id, *newestItemTimestamp;
	nodePtr         node = NULL; 
	const gchar     *oldNewestItemTimestamp;

	xmlNode = xpath_find (match, "./string[@name='id']");
	id = xmlNodeGetContent (xmlNode); 

	if (g_str_has_prefix (id, "feed/"))
		node = google_source_get_node_by_source (gsource, id + strlen ("feed/"));
	else if (g_str_has_suffix (id, "broadcast-friends")) 
		node = google_source_get_node_by_source (gsource, id);
	else {
		xmlFree (id);

	if (node == NULL) {
		xmlFree (id);

	xmlNode = xpath_find (match, "./number[@name='newestItemTimestampUsec']");
	newestItemTimestamp = xmlNodeGetContent (xmlNode);

	oldNewestItemTimestamp = g_hash_table_lookup (gsource->lastTimestampMap, node->subscription->source);

	if (!oldNewestItemTimestamp ||
	    (newestItemTimestamp && 
	     !g_str_equal (newestItemTimestamp, oldNewestItemTimestamp))) { 
		debug3(DEBUG_UPDATE, "GoogleSource: autoupdating %s "
		       "[oldtimestamp%s, timestamp %s]", 
		       id, oldNewestItemTimestamp, newestItemTimestamp);
		g_hash_table_insert (gsource->lastTimestampMap,
				    g_strdup (node->subscription->source), 
				    g_strdup (newestItemTimestamp));
		subscription_update (node->subscription, 0);

	if (newestItemTimestamp) xmlFree (newestItemTimestamp);
	xmlFree (id);
Esempio n. 4
static void
google_source_check_for_removal (nodePtr node, gpointer user_data)
	gchar		*expr = NULL;

	if (g_str_equal (node->subscription->source, GOOGLE_READER_BROADCAST_FRIENDS_URL)) 
		return ; 

	if (IS_FEED (node)) {
		expr = g_strdup_printf ("/object/list[@name='subscriptions']/object/string[@name='id'][. = 'feed/%s']", node->subscription->source);
	} else {
		g_warning ("opml_source_check_for_removal(): This should never happen...");
	if (!xpath_find ((xmlNodePtr)user_data, expr)) {
		debug1 (DEBUG_UPDATE, "removing %s...", node_get_title (node));
		feedlist_node_removed (node);
	} else {
		debug1 (DEBUG_UPDATE, "keeping %s...", node_get_title (node));
	g_free (expr);
static void
theoldreader_source_check_for_removal (nodePtr node, gpointer user_data)
	gchar	*expr = NULL;

	if (IS_FEED (node)) {
		expr = g_strdup_printf ("/object/list[@name='subscriptions']/object/string[@name='id'][. = 'feed/%s']", node->subscription->source);
	} else if (IS_FOLDER (node)) {
		node_foreach_child_data (node, theoldreader_source_check_for_removal, user_data);
		expr = g_strdup_printf ("/object/list[@name='subscriptions']/object/list[@name='categories']/object[string='%s']", node->title);
	} else {
		g_warning ("theoldreader_source_check_for_removal(): This should never happen...");
	if (!xpath_find ((xmlNodePtr)user_data, expr)) {
		debug1 (DEBUG_UPDATE, "removing %s...", node_get_title (node));
		feedlist_node_removed (node);
	} else {
		debug1 (DEBUG_UPDATE, "keeping %s...", node_get_title (node));
	g_free (expr);
Esempio n. 6
static void
google_source_merge_feed (xmlNodePtr match, gpointer user_data)
	GoogleSourcePtr	gsource = (GoogleSourcePtr)user_data;
	nodePtr		node;
	GSList		*iter;
	xmlNodePtr	xml;
	xmlChar		*title = NULL, *id = NULL;
	gchar           *url = NULL;

	xml = xpath_find (match, "./string[@name='title']");
	if (xml)
		title = xmlNodeListGetString (xml->doc, xml->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
	xml = xpath_find (match, "./string[@name='id']");
	if (xml) {
		id = xmlNodeListGetString (xml->doc, xml->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
		url = g_strdup(id + strlen ("feed/"));

	/* Note: ids look like "feed/" */
	if (id && title) {	

		/* check if node to be merged already exists */
		iter = gsource->root->children;
		while (iter) {
			node = (nodePtr)iter->data;
			if (g_str_equal (node->subscription->source, url)) {
				node->subscription->type = &googleSourceFeedSubscriptionType;
				goto cleanup ;
			iter = g_slist_next (iter);
		debug2 (DEBUG_UPDATE, "adding %s (%s)", title, url);
		node = node_new (feed_get_node_type ());
		node_set_title (node, title);
		node_set_data (node, feed_new ());
		node_set_subscription (node, subscription_new (url, NULL, NULL));
		node->subscription->type = &googleSourceFeedSubscriptionType;
		node_set_parent (node, gsource->root, -1);
		feedlist_node_imported (node);
		 * @todo mark the ones as read immediately after this is done
		 * the feed as retrieved by this has the read and unread
		 * status inherently.
		subscription_update (node->subscription, FEED_REQ_RESET_TITLE | FEED_REQ_PRIORITY_HIGH);
		subscription_update_favicon (node->subscription);
	} else 
		g_warning("Unable to parse subscription information from Google");

	if (id)
		xmlFree (id);
	if (title)
		xmlFree (title);
	g_free (url) ;
Esempio n. 7
static void
aol_source_merge_feed (xmlNodePtr match, gpointer user_data)
	AolSourcePtr	gsource = (AolSourcePtr)user_data;
	nodePtr		node, parent = NULL, subnode = NULL;
	GSList		*iter, *iter_sub;
	xmlNodePtr	xml;
	xmlChar		*title = NULL, *id = NULL, *label = NULL;
	gchar		*url = NULL;

	xml = xpath_find (match, "./string[@name='title']");
	if (xml)
		title = xmlNodeListGetString (xml->doc, xml->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
	xml = xpath_find (match, "./string[@name='id']");
	if (xml) {
		id = xmlNodeListGetString (xml->doc, xml->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
		url = g_strdup (id + strlen ("feed/"));

	/* Note: ids look like "feed/" */
	if (id && title) {

		/* check if node to be merged already exists */
		iter = gsource->root->children;
		while (iter) {
			node = (nodePtr)iter->data;
			if (node->subscription != NULL
			    && g_str_equal (node->subscription->source, url)) {
				node->subscription->type = &aolSourceFeedSubscriptionType;
				aol_source_update_folder (match, gsource, node);
				goto cleanup;
			} else if (node->type->capabilities
				iter_sub = node->children;
				while (iter_sub) {
					subnode = (nodePtr)iter_sub->data;
					if (subnode->subscription != NULL
					    && g_str_equal (subnode->subscription->source, url)) {
						subnode->subscription->type = &aolSourceFeedSubscriptionType;
						aol_source_update_folder (match, gsource, subnode);
						goto cleanup;
					iter_sub = g_slist_next (iter_sub);
			iter = g_slist_next (iter);

		/* if a new feed contains label, put its node under a folder with the same name */
		xml = xpath_find (match, "./list[@name='categories']/object/string[@name='label']");
		if (xml) {
			label = xmlNodeListGetString (xml->doc, xml->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
			parent = aol_source_find_or_create_folder ((gchar*)label, gsource->root);
			xmlFree (label);
		} else {
			parent = gsource->root;
		g_assert (NULL != parent);

		debug2 (DEBUG_UPDATE, "adding %s (%s)", title, url);
		node = node_new (feed_get_node_type ());
		node_set_title (node, title);
		node_set_data (node, feed_new ());
		node_set_subscription (node, subscription_new (url, NULL, NULL));
		node->subscription->type = &aolSourceFeedSubscriptionType;
		node_set_parent (node, parent, -1);
		feedlist_node_imported (node);
		 * @todo mark the ones as read immediately after this is done
		 * the feed as retrieved by this has the read and unread
		 * status inherently.
		subscription_update (node->subscription, FEED_REQ_RESET_TITLE | FEED_REQ_PRIORITY_HIGH);
		subscription_update_favicon (node->subscription);
	} else {
		g_warning("Unable to parse subscription information from Google");

	xmlFree (id);
	xmlFree (title);
	g_free (url) ;