Esempio n. 1
double storage_getOutflow(int j, int i)
//  Input:   j = node index
//           i = link index
//  Output:  returns flow from storage node into conduit link (cfs)
//  Purpose: finds outflow from a storage node into its connecting conduit link
//           ( non-conduit links have their own getInflow functions).
    int    k;
    double a, y;

    // --- link must be a conduit
    if ( Link[i].type != CONDUIT ) return 0.0;

    // --- find depth of water in conduit
    y = Node[j].newDepth - Link[i].offset1;

    // --- return 0 if conduit empty or full flow if full
    if ( y <= 0.0 ) return 0.0;
    if ( y >= Link[i].xsect.yFull ) return Link[i].qFull;

    // --- if partially full, return normal flow
    k = Link[i].subIndex;
    a = xsect_getAofY(&Link[i].xsect, y);
    return Conduit[k].beta * xsect_getSofA(&Link[i].xsect, a);
void evalContinuity(double a, double* f, double* df)
//  Input:   a = outlet normalized area
//  Output:  f = value of continuity eqn.
//           df = derivative of continuity eqn.
//  Purpose: computes value of continuity equation (f) and its derivative (df)
//           w.r.t. normalized area for link with normalized outlet area 'a'.
    *f  = (Beta1 * xsect_getSofA(pXsect, a*Afull)) + (C1 * a) + C2;
    *df = (Beta1 * Afull * xsect_getdSdA(pXsect, a*Afull)) + C1;
int kinwave_execute(int j, double* qinflow, double* qoutflow, double tStep)
//  Input:   j = link index
//           qinflow = inflow at current time (cfs)
//           tStep = time step (sec)
//  Output:  qoutflow = outflow at current time (cfs),
//           returns number of iterations used
//  Purpose: finds outflow over time step tStep given flow entering a
//           conduit using Kinematic Wave flow routing.
//  t
//  |          qin, ain |-------------------| qout, aout
//  |                   |  Flow --->        |
//  |----> x     q1, a1 |-------------------| q2, a2
    int    k;
    int    result = 1;
    double dxdt, dq;
    double ain, aout;
    double qin, qout;
    double a1, a2, q1, q2;

    // --- no routing for non-conduit link
    (*qoutflow) = (*qinflow); 
    if ( Link[j].type != CONDUIT ) return result;

    // --- no routing for dummy xsection
    if ( Link[j].xsect.type == DUMMY ) return result;

    // --- assign module-level variables
    pXsect = &Link[j].xsect;
    Qfull = Link[j].qFull;
    Afull = Link[j].xsect.aFull;
    k = Link[j].subIndex;
    Beta1 = Conduit[k].beta / Qfull;
    // --- normalize flows and areas
    q1 = Conduit[k].q1 / Qfull;
    q2 = Conduit[k].q2 / Qfull;
    a1 = Conduit[k].a1 / Afull;
    a2 = Conduit[k].a2 / Afull;
    qin = (*qinflow) / Conduit[k].barrels / Qfull;

    // --- use full area when inlet flow >= full flow                          //(5.0.012 - LR)
    if ( qin >= 1.0 ) ain = 1.0;                                               //(5.0.012 - LR)

    // --- get normalized inlet area corresponding to inlet flow
    else ain = xsect_getAofS(pXsect, qin/Beta1) / Afull;

    // --- check for no flow
    if ( qin <= TINY && q2 <= TINY )
        qout = 0.0;
        aout = 0.0;

    // --- otherwise solve finite difference form of continuity eqn.
        // --- compute constant factors
        dxdt = link_getLength(j) / tStep * Afull / Qfull;
        dq   = q2 - q1;
        C1   = dxdt * WT / WX;
        C2   = (1.0 - WT) * (ain - a1);
        C2   = C2 - WT * a2;
        C2   = C2 * dxdt / WX;
        C2   = C2 + (1.0 - WX) / WX * dq - qin;
        // --- starting guess for aout is value from previous time step
        aout = a2;

        // --- solve continuity equation for aout
        result = solveContinuity(qin, ain, &aout);

        // --- report error if continuity eqn. not solved
        if ( result == -1 )
            report_writeErrorMsg(ERR_KINWAVE, Link[j].ID);
            return 1;
        if ( result <= 0 ) result = 1;

        // --- compute normalized outlet flow from outlet area
        qout = Beta1 * xsect_getSofA(pXsect, aout*Afull);
        if ( qin > 1.0 ) qin = 1.0;

    // --- save new flows and areas
    Conduit[k].q1 = qin * Qfull;
    Conduit[k].a1 = ain * Afull;
    Conduit[k].q2 = qout * Qfull;
    Conduit[k].a2 = aout * Afull;
    (*qinflow)  = Conduit[k].q1 * Conduit[k].barrels;
    (*qoutflow) = Conduit[k].q2 * Conduit[k].barrels;
    return result;