Esempio n. 1
void setNewLinkState(int j)
//  Input:   j = link index
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: updates state of link after current time step under
//           Steady Flow or Kinematic Wave flow routing
    int   k;
    double a, y1, y2;

    Link[j].newDepth = 0.0;
    Link[j].newVolume = 0.0;

    if ( Link[j].type == CONDUIT )
        // --- find avg. depth from entry/exit conditions
        k = Link[j].subIndex;
        a = 0.5 * (Conduit[k].a1 + Conduit[k].a2);
        Link[j].newVolume = a * link_getLength(j) * Conduit[k].barrels;
        y1 = xsect_getYofA(&Link[j].xsect, Conduit[k].a1);
        y2 = xsect_getYofA(&Link[j].xsect, Conduit[k].a2);
        Link[j].newDepth = 0.5 * (y1 + y2);

        // --- update depths at end nodes
        updateNodeDepth(Link[j].node1, y1 + Link[j].offset1);
        updateNodeDepth(Link[j].node2, y2 + Link[j].offset2);

        // --- check if capacity limited
        if ( Conduit[k].a1 >= Link[j].xsect.aFull )
             Conduit[k].capacityLimited = TRUE;
        else Conduit[k].capacityLimited = FALSE;
Esempio n. 2
void setNewLinkState(int j)
//  Input:   j = link index
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: updates state of link after current time step under
//           Steady Flow or Kinematic Wave flow routing
    int   k;
    float a, y1, y2;

    Link[j].newDepth = 0.0;
    Link[j].newVolume = 0.0;

    if ( Link[j].type == CONDUIT )
        // --- find avg. depth from entry/exit conditions
        k = Link[j].subIndex;
        a = 0.5 * (Conduit[k].a1 + Conduit[k].a2);   // avg. area
        Link[j].newVolume = a * Conduit[k].length * Conduit[k].barrels;
        y1 = xsect_getYofA(&Link[j].xsect, Conduit[k].a1);
        y2 = xsect_getYofA(&Link[j].xsect, Conduit[k].a2);
        Link[j].newDepth = 0.5 * (y1 + y2);

        // --- update depths at end nodes
        updateNodeDepth(Link[j].node1, y1 + Link[j].z1);
        updateNodeDepth(Link[j].node2, y2 + Link[j].z2);
Esempio n. 3
void setNewLinkState(Project* project, int j)
//  Input:   j = link index
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: updates state of link after current time step under
//           Steady Flow or Kinematic Wave flow routing
    int   k;
    double a, y1, y2;

    project->Link[j].newDepth = 0.0;
    project->Link[j].newVolume = 0.0;

    if ( project->Link[j].type == CONDUIT )
        // --- find avg. depth from entry/exit conditions
        k = project->Link[j].subIndex;
        a = 0.5 * (project->Conduit[k].a1 + project->Conduit[k].a2);
		project->Link[j].newVolume = a * link_getLength(project, j) * project->Conduit[k].barrels;
		y1 = xsect_getYofA(project, &project->Link[j].xsect, project->Conduit[k].a1);
		y2 = xsect_getYofA(project, &project->Link[j].xsect, project->Conduit[k].a2);
        project->Link[j].newDepth = 0.5 * (y1 + y2);

        // --- update depths at end nodes
		updateNodeDepth(project, project->Link[j].node1, y1 + project->Link[j].offset1);
		updateNodeDepth(project, project->Link[j].node2, y2 + project->Link[j].offset2);

        // --- check if capacity limited
        if ( project->Conduit[k].a1 >= project->Link[j].xsect.aFull )
             project->Conduit[k].capacityLimited = TRUE;
             project->Conduit[k].fullState = ALL_FULL;                                  //(5.1.008)
            project->Conduit[k].capacityLimited = FALSE;
            project->Conduit[k].fullState = 0;                                          //(5.1.008)