Esempio n. 1
FloatImage *VectorField::get_divergence(int xs, int ys)
  int i,j;

  FloatImage *image = new FloatImage(xsize-2, ysize-2);

  float d = 0.1 / xsize;

  for (i = 1; i < xsize-1; i++)
    for (j = 1; j < ysize-1; j++) {
      float dx = xval(i+1, j) - xval(i-1, j);
      float dy = yval(i, j+1) - yval(i, j-1);
      float div = (dx + dy) / (2 * d);
      image->pixel(i-1, j-1) = div;

  FloatImage *image2 = new FloatImage(xs, ys);

  for (i = 0; i < xs; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < ys; j++) {
      float x = (i + 0.5) / xs;
      float y = (j + 0.5) / ys;
      image2->pixel(i,j) = image->get_value(x,y);

  delete image;
  return (image2);
Esempio n. 2
FloatImage *VectorField::get_vorticity(int xs, int ys)
  int i,j;

  FloatImage *image = new FloatImage(xsize-2, ysize-2);

  float d = 0.1 / xsize;

  for (i = 1; i < xsize-1; i++)
    for (j = 1; j < ysize-1; j++) {
      float dx = yval(i+1, j) - yval(i-1, j);
      float dy = xval(i, j+1) - xval(i, j-1);
      float vort = (dx/d) - (dy/d);
      image->pixel(i-1, j-1) = vort;

  FloatImage *image2 = new FloatImage(xs, ys);

  for (i = 0; i < xs; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < ys; j++) {
      float x = (i + 0.5) / xs;
      float y = (j + 0.5) / ys;
      image2->pixel(i,j) = image->get_value(x,y);

  delete image;
  return (image2);
Esempio n. 3
int Redraw() {
  Window     root;
  int        xPos, yPos;
  unsigned   width, height, widBorder, depth, x, y, i, n;
  float      fMax, fMin;
  char       str[kSTRMAX];

  if(!XGetGeometry(dpy, win, &root, &xPos, &yPos, &width, &height,
		  &widBorder, &depth))
    return 1;

  XSetBackground(dpy, gc, clrWhite);
  XSetForeground(dpy, gc, clrBlack);

  if(nSamples < 1) {
    strcpy(str, "WAIT");
    XDrawImageString(dpy, win, gc, 3, CHARY, str, strlen(str));
    return 0;

  fMax = ((int)((fMaxTemp + 10.0) / 10.0)) * 10.0;
  fMin = ((int)(fMinTemp / 10.0)) * 10.0;

  // Erase Y-axis area
  XClearArea(dpy, win, 0, 0, AXISX, height, 0);

  sprintf(str, "%.1f", fMax);
  XDrawImageString(dpy, win, gc, 3, CHARY, str, strlen(str));
  sprintf(str, "%.1f", fMin);
  XDrawImageString(dpy, win, gc, 3, height, str, strlen(str));

  XSetForeground(dpy, gc, clrBlue);
  y = yval(fMinTemp);
  sprintf(str, "%.1f", fMinTemp);
  XDrawImageString(dpy, win, gc, 3, y+CHARY/2, str, strlen(str));

  XSetForeground(dpy, gc, clrRed);
  y = yval(fMaxTemp);
  sprintf(str, "%.1f", fMaxTemp);
  XDrawImageString(dpy, win, gc, 3, y+CHARY/2, str, strlen(str));

  if(fTemps[nLastSample] >= fTempLimit)
    XSetForeground(dpy, gc, clrRed);
  else if(fTemps[nLastSample] >= fTempWarn)
    XSetForeground(dpy, gc, clrOrange);
    XSetForeground(dpy, gc, clrBlack);
  y = yval(fTemps[nLastSample]);
  sprintf(str, "%.1f", fTemps[nLastSample]);
  XDrawImageString(dpy, win, gc, 3, y+CHARY/2, str, strlen(str));
  for(x=width-1, i=nLastSample, n=0; x > AXISX && n < nSamples; x--, n++) {

    y = yval(fTemps[i]);
    XDrawLine(dpy, win, gc, x, y, x, height);
    i = (i - 1) % kMAXSAMPLES;
  // Now fill-in the upper "clear" section
  XSetForeground(dpy, gc, clrWhite);

  for(x=width-1, i=nLastSample, n=0; x > AXISX && n < nSamples; x--, n++) {

    y = yval(fTemps[i]);
    XDrawLine(dpy, win, gc, x, y, x, 0);
    i = (i - 1) % kMAXSAMPLES;

  // Send all the requests to the server

  return 0;
Esempio n. 4
Eigen::MatrixXd RmullwlskCCsort2( const Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> & bw, const std::string kernel_type, const Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd> & tPairs, const Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd> & cxxn, const Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> & win,  const Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> & xgrid, const Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> & ygrid, const bool & bwCheck){ 
// Assumes the first row of tPairs is sorted in increasing order.
  // tPairs : xin (in MATLAB code)
  // cxxn : yin (in MATLAB code)
  // xgrid: out1 (in MATLAB code)
  // ygrid: out2 (in MATLAB code)
  // bwCheck : boolean/ cause the function to simply run the bandwidth check.

  const double invSqrt2pi=  1./(sqrt(2.*M_PI));

  // Map the kernel name so we can use switches  
  std::map<std::string,int> possibleKernels; 
  possibleKernels["epan"]    = 1;   possibleKernels["rect"]    = 2;
  possibleKernels["gauss"]   = 3;   possibleKernels["gausvar"] = 4; 
  possibleKernels["quar"]    = 5; 
  // The following test is here for completeness, we mightwant to move it up a 
  // level (in the wrapper) in the future. 

  // If the kernel_type key exists set KernelName appropriately
  int KernelName = 0;
  if ( possibleKernels.count( kernel_type ) != 0){ 
    KernelName = possibleKernels.find( kernel_type )->second; //Set kernel choice
  } else {
  // otherwise use "epan"as the kernel_type 
    //Rcpp::Rcout << "Kernel_type argument was not set correctly; Epanechnikov kernel used." << std::endl;
    Rcpp::warning("Kernel_type argument was not set correctly; Epanechnikov kernel used.");
    KernelName = possibleKernels.find( "epan" )->second;;

  // Check that we do not have zero weights // Should do a try-catch here
  // Again this might be best moved a level-up. 
  if ( !(win.all()) ){  // 
    Rcpp::Rcout << "Cases with zero-valued windows are not yet implemented" << std::endl;
    return (tPairs);

  // ProfilerStart("sort.log");
  // Start the actual smoother here  
  const unsigned int xgridN = xgrid.size();  
  const unsigned int ygridN = ygrid.size();  
  const unsigned int n = tPairs.cols();
  // For sorted x1
  Eigen::VectorXd x1(tPairs.row(0).transpose());
  const double* tDat =;
  Eigen::MatrixXd mu(xgrid.size(), ygrid.size());

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != xgridN; ++i) {  
    const double xl = xgrid(i) - bw(0) - 1e-6, 
                 xu = xgrid(i) + bw(0) + 1e-6;

    unsigned int indl = std::lower_bound(tDat, tDat + n, xl) - tDat,  
                 indu = std::upper_bound(tDat, tDat + n, xu) - tDat;

    // sort the y index
    std::vector<valIndPair> yval(indu - indl);
    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < yval.size(); ++k){
      yval[k] = std::make_pair(tPairs(1, k + indl), k + indl);
    std::sort<std::vector<valIndPair>::iterator>(yval.begin(), yval.end(), compPair);

    std::vector<valIndPair>::iterator ylIt = yval.begin(), 
                                      yuIt = yval.begin();

    for (unsigned int j = 0; j != ygridN; ++j) { 
      const double yl = ygrid(j) - bw(1) - 1e-6, 
                   yu = ygrid(j) + bw(1) + 1e-6;

      //locating local window (LOL) (bad joke)
      std::vector <unsigned int> indx; 
      //if the kernel is not Gaussian
      if ( KernelName != 3) { 
      // Search the lower and upper bounds increasingly.
        ylIt = std::lower_bound(ylIt, yval.end(), valIndPair(yl, 0), compPair);
        yuIt = std::upper_bound(yuIt, yval.end(), valIndPair(yu, 0), compPair);

        // The following works nice for the Gaussian 
        //  but for very small samples it complains  
        //} else {
        //  ylIt = yval.begin();
        //  yuIt = yval.end();

        for (std::vector<valIndPair>::iterator y = ylIt; y != yuIt; ++y){ 
      } else { //When we finally get c++11 we will use std::iota
        for( unsigned int y = 0; y != n; ++y){

      // for (unsigned int y = 0; y != indx.size(); ++y){
      //  Rcpp::Rcout << "  " <<<< ", ";
      //  }
      unsigned int indxSize = indx.size();
      Eigen::VectorXd lw(indxSize);  
      Eigen::VectorXd ly(indxSize);
      Eigen::MatrixXd lx(2,indxSize);

      for (unsigned int u = 0; u !=indxSize; ++u){ 
        lx.col(u) = tPairs.col(indx[u]); 
        lw(u) = win(indx[u]); 
        ly(u) = cxxn(indx[u]); 

      // check enough points are in the local window 
      unsigned int meter=1;  
      for (unsigned int u =0; u< indxSize; ++u) { 
        for (unsigned int t = u + 1; t < indxSize; ++t) {
          if ( (lx(0,u) !=  lx(0,t) ) || (lx(1,u) != lx(1,t) ) ) {
        if (meter >= 3) { 
      //computing weight matrix 
      if (meter >=  3 && !bwCheck) { 
        Eigen::VectorXd temp(indxSize);
        Eigen::MatrixXd llx(2, indxSize );  
        llx.row(0) = (lx.row(0).array() - xgrid(i))/bw(0);  
        llx.row(1) = (lx.row(1).array() - ygrid(j))/bw(1); 

        //define the kernel used 

        switch (KernelName){
          case 1: // Epan
            temp=  ((1-llx.row(0).array().pow(2))*(1- llx.row(1).array().pow(2))).array() * 
          case 2 : // Rect
            temp=(lw.array())*.25 ; 
          case 3 : // Gauss
            temp = ((-.5*(llx.row(1).array().pow(2))).exp()) * invSqrt2pi  *   
                   ((-.5*(llx.row(0).array().pow(2))).exp()) * invSqrt2pi  *
          case 4 : // GausVar
            temp = (lw.transpose().array()) * 
		   ((-0.5 * llx.row(0).array().pow(2)).array().exp() * invSqrt2pi).array() *
                   ((-0.5 * llx.row(1).array().pow(2)).array().exp() * invSqrt2pi).array() * 
                   (1.25 - (0.25 * (llx.row(0).array().pow(2))).array())  * 
                   (1.50 - (0.50 * (llx.row(1).array().pow(2))).array()); 
          case 5 :  // Quar
              temp = (lw.transpose().array()) * 
                     ((1.-llx.row(0).array().pow(2)).array().pow(2)).array() *
                     ((1.-llx.row(1).array().pow(2)).array().pow(2)).array() * (225./256.);

        // make the design matrix
        Eigen::MatrixXd X(indxSize ,3);
        X.col(1) = lx.row(0).array() - xgrid(i);
        X.col(2) = lx.row(1).array() - ygrid(j); 
        Eigen::LDLT<Eigen::MatrixXd> ldlt_XTWX(X.transpose() * temp.asDiagonal() *X);
        // The solver should stop if the value is NaN. See the HOLE example in gcvlwls2dV2.
        Eigen::VectorXd beta = ldlt_XTWX.solve(X.transpose() * temp.asDiagonal() * ly);  
      // else if(meter < 3){
        // // Rcpp::Rcout <<"The meter value is:" << meter << std::endl;  
        // if (bwCheck) {
            // Eigen::MatrixXd checker(1,1);
            // checker(0,0) = 0.;
            // return(checker);
        // } else {
            // Rcpp::stop("No enough points in local window, please increase bandwidth.");
        // }
      // }

  if (bwCheck){
     Eigen::MatrixXd checker(1,1); 
     checker(0,0) = 1.; 
// ProfilerStop();
  return ( mu ); 