Esempio n. 1
zconfig_put (zconfig_t *self, char *path, char *value)
    if (*path == '/')
    //  Check length of next path segment
    char *slash = strchr (path, '/');
    int length = strlen (path);
    if (slash)
        length = slash - path;

    //  Find or create items starting at first child of root
    zconfig_t *child = self->child;
    while (child) {
        if (strlen (child->name) == length
        &&  memcmp (child->name, path, length) == 0) {
            //  This segment exists
            if (slash)          //  Recurse to next level
                zconfig_put (child, slash + 1, value);
                zconfig_set_value (child, "%s", value);
        child = child->next;
    //  This segment doesn't exist, create it
    child = zconfig_new (path, self);
    child->name [length] = 0;
    if (slash)                  //  Recurse down further
        zconfig_put (child, slash, value);
        zconfig_set_value (child, "%s", value);
Esempio n. 2
curvezmq_keypair_save (curvezmq_keypair_t *self)
    assert (self);

    //  Get printable key strings
    char *public_key = s_key_to_hex (self->public_key);
    char *secret_key = s_key_to_hex (self->secret_key);
    //  Set process file create mask to owner access only
    zfile_mode_private ();
    //  The public key file contains just the public key
    zconfig_t *root = zconfig_new ("root", NULL);
    zconfig_t *key = zconfig_new ("public-key", root);
    zconfig_set_value (key, public_key);
    zconfig_save (root, "public.key");
    //  The secret key file contains both secret and public keys
    key = zconfig_new ("secret-key", root);
    zconfig_set_value (key, secret_key);
    zconfig_save (root, "secret.key");
    zconfig_destroy (&root);
    //  Reset process file create mask
    zfile_mode_default ();
    free (public_key);
    free (secret_key);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
static int
s_save_metadata (const char *name, void *value, void *args)
    zconfig_t *item = zconfig_new ((char *) name, (zconfig_t *) args);
    zconfig_set_value (item, "%s", (char *) value);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
Java_zconfig__1_1set_value (JNIEnv *env, jclass c, jlong self, jstring format)
    char *format_ = (char *) (*env)->GetStringUTFChars (env, format, NULL);
    zconfig_set_value ((zconfig_t *) self, "%s", format_);
    (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars (env, format, format_);
Esempio n. 5
zconfig_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zconfig: ");
    //  @selftest
    //  Create temporary directory for test files
#   define TESTDIR ".test_zconfig"
    zsys_dir_create (TESTDIR);
    zconfig_t *root = zconfig_new ("root", NULL);
    zconfig_t *section, *item;
    section = zconfig_new ("headers", root);
    item = zconfig_new ("email", section);
    zconfig_set_value (item, "*****@*****.**");
    item = zconfig_new ("name", section);
    zconfig_set_value (item, "Justin Kayce");
    zconfig_put (root, "/curve/secret-key", "Top Secret");
    zconfig_set_comment (root, "   CURVE certificate");
    zconfig_set_comment (root, "   -----------------");
    assert (zconfig_comments (root));
    zconfig_save (root, TESTDIR "/test.cfg");
    zconfig_destroy (&root);
    root = zconfig_load (TESTDIR "/test.cfg");
    if (verbose)
        zconfig_save (root, "-");
    char *email = zconfig_resolve (root, "/headers/email", NULL);
    assert (email);
    assert (streq (email, "*****@*****.**"));
    char *passwd = zconfig_resolve (root, "/curve/secret-key", NULL);
    assert (passwd);
    assert (streq (passwd, "Top Secret"));

    zconfig_save (root, TESTDIR "/test.cfg");
    zconfig_destroy (&root);
    //  Delete all test files
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (TESTDIR, NULL);
    zdir_remove (dir, true);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
Esempio n. 6
static void
s_save_metadata_all (zcert_t *self)
    zconfig_destroy (&self->config);
    self->config = zconfig_new ("root", NULL);
    zconfig_t *section = zconfig_new ("metadata", self->config);
    char *value = (char *) zhash_first (self->metadata);
    while (value) {
        zconfig_t *item = zconfig_new (zhash_cursor (self->metadata), section);
        zconfig_set_value (item, "%s", value);
        value = (char *) zhash_next (self->metadata);
    char *timestr = zclock_timestr ();
    zconfig_set_comment (self->config,
        "   ****  Generated on %s by CZMQ  ****", timestr);
    zstr_free (&timestr);
Esempio n. 7
//  Set new value for config item. The new value may be a string, a printf  
//  format, or NULL. Note that if string may possibly contain '%', or if it 
//  comes from an insecure source, you must use '%s' as the format, followed
//  by the string.                                                          
void QmlZconfig::setValue (const QString &format) {
    zconfig_set_value (self, "%s", format.toUtf8().data());
Esempio n. 8
zconfig_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zconfig: ");

    //  @selftest
    //  Create temporary directory for test files
#   define TESTDIR ".test_zconfig"
    zsys_dir_create (TESTDIR);

    zconfig_t *root = zconfig_new ("root", NULL);
    assert (root);
    zconfig_t *section, *item;

    section = zconfig_new ("headers", root);
    assert (section);
    item = zconfig_new ("email", section);
    assert (item);
    zconfig_set_value (item, "*****@*****.**");
    item = zconfig_new ("name", section);
    assert (item);
    zconfig_set_value (item, "Justin Kayce");
    zconfig_putf (root, "/curve/secret-key", "%s", "Top Secret");
    zconfig_set_comment (root, "   CURVE certificate");
    zconfig_set_comment (root, "   -----------------");
    assert (zconfig_comments (root));
    zconfig_save (root, TESTDIR "/test.cfg");
    zconfig_destroy (&root);
    root = zconfig_load (TESTDIR "/test.cfg");
    if (verbose)
        zconfig_save (root, "-");
    assert (streq (zconfig_filename (root), TESTDIR "/test.cfg"));

    char *email = zconfig_get (root, "/headers/email", NULL);
    assert (email);
    assert (streq (email, "*****@*****.**"));
    char *passwd = zconfig_get (root, "/curve/secret-key", NULL);
    assert (passwd);
    assert (streq (passwd, "Top Secret"));

    zconfig_savef (root, "%s/%s", TESTDIR, "test.cfg");
    assert (!zconfig_has_changed (root));
    int rc = zconfig_reload (&root);
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (!zconfig_has_changed (root));
    zconfig_destroy (&root);

    //  Test chunk load/save
    root = zconfig_new ("root", NULL);
    assert (root);
    section = zconfig_new ("section", root);
    assert (section);
    item = zconfig_new ("value", section);
    assert (item);
    zconfig_set_value (item, "somevalue");
    zconfig_t *search = zconfig_locate (root, "section/value");
    assert (search == item);
    zchunk_t *chunk = zconfig_chunk_save (root);
    assert (strlen ((char *) zchunk_data (chunk)) == 32);
    char *string = zconfig_str_save (root);
    assert (string);
    assert (streq (string, (char *) zchunk_data (chunk)));
    free (string);
    assert (chunk);
    zconfig_destroy (&root);

    root = zconfig_chunk_load (chunk);
    assert (root);
    char *value = zconfig_get (root, "/section/value", NULL);
    assert (value);
    assert (streq (value, "somevalue"));

    //  Test config can't be saved to a file in a path that doesn't
    //  exist or isn't writable
    rc = zconfig_savef (root, "%s/path/that/doesnt/exist/%s", TESTDIR, "test.cfg");
    assert (rc == -1);

    zconfig_destroy (&root);
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);

    //  Delete all test files
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (TESTDIR, NULL);
    assert (dir);
    zdir_remove (dir, true);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
Esempio n. 9
zconfig_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zconfig: ");

    //  @selftest

    const char *SELFTEST_DIR_RW = "src/selftest-rw";

    const char *testbasedir  = ".test_zconfig";
    const char *testfile = "test.cfg";
    char *basedirpath = NULL;   // subdir in a test, under SELFTEST_DIR_RW
    char *filepath = NULL;      // pathname to testfile in a test, in dirpath

    basedirpath = zsys_sprintf ("%s/%s", SELFTEST_DIR_RW, testbasedir);
    assert (basedirpath);
    filepath = zsys_sprintf ("%s/%s", basedirpath, testfile);
    assert (filepath);

    // Make sure old aborted tests do not hinder us
    zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (basedirpath, NULL);
    if (dir) {
        zdir_remove (dir, true);
        zdir_destroy (&dir);
    zsys_file_delete (filepath);
    zsys_dir_delete  (basedirpath);

    //  Create temporary directory for test files
    zsys_dir_create (basedirpath);

    zconfig_t *root = zconfig_new ("root", NULL);
    assert (root);
    zconfig_t *section, *item;

    section = zconfig_new ("headers", root);
    assert (section);
    item = zconfig_new ("email", section);
    assert (item);
    zconfig_set_value (item, "*****@*****.**");
    item = zconfig_new ("name", section);
    assert (item);
    zconfig_set_value (item, "Justin Kayce");
    zconfig_putf (root, "/curve/secret-key", "%s", "Top Secret");
    zconfig_set_comment (root, "   CURVE certificate");
    zconfig_set_comment (root, "   -----------------");
    assert (zconfig_comments (root));
    zconfig_save (root, filepath);
    zconfig_destroy (&root);
    root = zconfig_load (filepath);
    if (verbose)
        zconfig_save (root, "-");
    assert (streq (zconfig_filename (root), filepath));

    char *email = zconfig_get (root, "/headers/email", NULL);
    assert (email);
    assert (streq (email, "*****@*****.**"));
    char *passwd = zconfig_get (root, "/curve/secret-key", NULL);
    assert (passwd);
    assert (streq (passwd, "Top Secret"));

    zconfig_savef (root, "%s/%s", basedirpath, testfile);
    assert (!zconfig_has_changed (root));
    int rc = zconfig_reload (&root);
    assert (rc == 0);
    assert (!zconfig_has_changed (root));
    zconfig_destroy (&root);

    //  Test chunk load/save
    root = zconfig_new ("root", NULL);
    assert (root);
    section = zconfig_new ("section", root);
    assert (section);
    item = zconfig_new ("value", section);
    assert (item);
    zconfig_set_value (item, "somevalue");
    zconfig_t *search = zconfig_locate (root, "section/value");
    assert (search == item);
    zchunk_t *chunk = zconfig_chunk_save (root);
    assert (strlen ((char *) zchunk_data (chunk)) == 32);
    char *string = zconfig_str_save (root);
    assert (string);
    assert (streq (string, (char *) zchunk_data (chunk)));
    freen (string);
    assert (chunk);
    zconfig_destroy (&root);

    root = zconfig_chunk_load (chunk);
    assert (root);
    char *value = zconfig_get (root, "/section/value", NULL);
    assert (value);
    assert (streq (value, "somevalue"));

    //  Test config can't be saved to a file in a path that doesn't
    //  exist or isn't writable
    rc = zconfig_savef (root, "%s/path/that/doesnt/exist/%s", basedirpath, testfile);
    assert (rc == -1);

    zconfig_destroy (&root);
    zchunk_destroy (&chunk);

    //  Test subtree removal
		zconfig_t *root = zconfig_str_load (
			"    iothreads = 1\n"
			"    verbose = 1      #   Ask for a trace\n"
			"    type = zqueue    #  ZMQ_DEVICE type\n"
			"    frontend\n"
			"        option\n"
			"            hwm = 1000\n"
			"            swap = 25000000     #  25MB\n"
			"        bind = 'inproc://addr1'\n"
			"        bind = 'ipc://addr2'\n"
			"    backend\n"
			"        bind = inproc://addr3\n"

        zconfig_t *to_delete = zconfig_locate (root, "main/frontend");
        assert (to_delete);

        zconfig_remove (to_delete);

        char *value = zconfig_get (root, "/main/type", NULL);
        assert (value);
        assert (streq (value, "zqueue"));

        value = zconfig_get (root, "/main/backend/bind", NULL);
        assert (value);
        assert (streq (value, "inproc://addr3"));

        value = zconfig_get (root, "/main/frontend", NULL);
        assert (value);

        value = zconfig_get (root, "/main/frontend/option", NULL);
        assert (value == NULL);

        value = zconfig_get (root, "/main/frontend/option/swap", NULL);
        assert (value == NULL);

        zconfig_destroy (&root);

    // Test str_load
    zconfig_t *config = zconfig_str_load (
        "    endpoint = ipc://@/malamute\n"
        "    producer = STREAM\n"
        "    consumer\n"
        "        STREAM2 = .*\n"
        "        STREAM3 = HAM\n"
        "    verbose = true\n"
    assert (config);
    assert (streq (zconfig_get (config, "malamute/endpoint", NULL), "ipc://@/malamute"));
    assert (streq (zconfig_get (config, "malamute/producer", NULL), "STREAM"));
    assert (zconfig_locate (config, "malamute/consumer"));

    zconfig_t *c = zconfig_child (zconfig_locate (config, "malamute/consumer"));
    assert (c);
    assert (streq (zconfig_name (c), "STREAM2"));
    assert (streq (zconfig_value (c), ".*"));

    c = zconfig_next (c);
    assert (c);
    assert (streq (zconfig_name (c), "STREAM3"));
    assert (streq (zconfig_value (c), "HAM"));

    c = zconfig_next (c);
    assert (!c);

    assert (streq (zconfig_get (config, "server/verbose", NULL), "true"));

    zconfig_destroy (&config);

    //  Delete all test files
    dir = zdir_new (basedirpath, NULL);
    assert (dir);
    zdir_remove (dir, true);
    zdir_destroy (&dir);

    zstr_free (&basedirpath);
    zstr_free (&filepath);

#if defined (__WINDOWS__)
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");