Esempio n. 1
eecs467_default_display_finished (vx_application_t *app, vx_display_t *disp)
    eecs467_default_implementation_t *impl = app->impl;
    pthread_mutex_lock (&impl->mutex);

    vx_layer_t *layer = NULL;
    zhash_remove (impl->layers, &disp, NULL, &layer);
    vx_layer_destroy (layer);

    pthread_mutex_unlock (&impl->mutex);
Esempio n. 2
File: vx_demo.c Progetto: DH-std/A3
static void display_finished(vx_application_t * app, vx_display_t * disp)
    state_t * state = app->impl;

    vx_layer_t * layer = NULL;

    // store a reference to the world and layer that we associate with each vx_display_t
    zhash_remove(state->layers, &disp, NULL, &layer);


Esempio n. 3
static void display_finished(vx_application_t * app, vx_display_t * disp)
    state_t * state = app->impl;

    vx_layer_t * layer = NULL;

    // store a reference to the world and layer that we associate with each vx_display_t
    zhash_remove(state->layers, &disp, NULL, &layer);


    // Exit after the last remote connection is closed
    if (zhash_size(state->layers) == 0) {
        state->running = 0;

Esempio n. 4
// Pass in a codes describing which resources are no longer in use. Decrement user counts,
// and return a list of all resources whos counts have reached zero, which therefore
// should be deleted from the display using a OP_DEALLOC_RESOURCES opcode
void vx_resc_manager_buffer_resources(vx_resc_manager_t * mgr, const uint8_t * data, int datalen)
    if (0) print_manager(mgr);

    vx_code_input_stream_t * cins = vx_code_input_stream_create(data, datalen);
    int code = cins->read_uint32(cins);
    assert(code == OP_BUFFER_RESOURCES);
    int worldID = cins->read_uint32(cins);
    char * name = strdup(cins->read_str(cins)); //freed when cur_resources is eventually removed from the buffer map
    int count = cins->read_uint32(cins);

    zhash_t * cur_resources = zhash_create(sizeof(uint64_t), sizeof(vx_resc_t*), zhash_uint64_hash, zhash_uint64_equals);
    vx_resc_t * vr = NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        uint64_t id = cins->read_uint64(cins);
        zhash_put(cur_resources, &id, &vr, NULL, NULL);
    assert(cins->pos == cins->len); // we've emptied the stream

    // 1 Update our records
    zhash_t * worldBuffers = NULL;
    zhash_get(mgr->allLiveSets, &worldID, &worldBuffers);
    if (worldBuffers == NULL) {
        worldBuffers = zhash_create(sizeof(char*), sizeof(zhash_t*), zhash_str_hash, zhash_str_equals);
        zhash_put(mgr->allLiveSets, &worldID, &worldBuffers, NULL, NULL);

    zhash_t * old_resources = NULL;
    char * old_name = NULL;
    zhash_put(worldBuffers, &name, &cur_resources, &old_name, &old_resources);

    // 2 Figure out which resources have become unused:
    if(old_resources != NULL) {
        removeAll(old_resources, cur_resources);

        zarray_t * dealloc = zarray_create(sizeof(uint64_t));

        // now 'old_resources' contains only the resources that are no longer referenced
        // iterate through each one, and see if there is a buffer somewhere that references it
        zhash_iterator_t prev_itr;
        zhash_iterator_init(old_resources, &prev_itr);
        uint64_t id = -1;
        vx_resc_t * vr = NULL;
        while(zhash_iterator_next(&prev_itr, &id, &vr)) {
            // Check all worlds
            zhash_iterator_t  world_itr;// gives us all worlds
            zhash_iterator_init(mgr->allLiveSets, &world_itr);
            uint32_t wIDl = -1;
            zhash_t * buffer_map = NULL;
            while(zhash_iterator_next(&world_itr, &wIDl, &buffer_map)) {
                zhash_iterator_t buffer_itr; // gives us all buffers
                zhash_iterator_init(buffer_map, &buffer_itr);
                char * bName = NULL;
                zhash_t * resc_map = NULL;
                while(zhash_iterator_next(&buffer_itr, &bName, &resc_map)) {
                    if (zhash_contains(resc_map, &id)) {
                        goto continue_outer_loop;


            // If none of the worlds have this resource, we need to flag removal
            zarray_add(dealloc, &id);


        // 3 Issue dealloc commands
        if (zarray_size(dealloc) > 0) {
            vx_code_output_stream_t * couts = vx_code_output_stream_create(512);
            couts->write_uint32(couts, OP_DEALLOC_RESOURCES);
            couts->write_uint32(couts, zarray_size(dealloc));
            for (int i = 0; i < zarray_size(dealloc); i++) {
                uint64_t id = 0;
                zarray_get(dealloc, i, &id);
                couts->write_uint64(couts, id);

            mgr->disp->send_codes(mgr->disp, couts->data, couts->pos);


            // Also remove the resources we deallocated from remoteResc
            for (int i = 0; i < zarray_size(dealloc); i++) {
                uint64_t id = 0;
                zarray_get(dealloc, i, &id);

                assert(zhash_contains(mgr->remoteResc, &id));
                zhash_remove(mgr->remoteResc, &id, NULL, NULL);


    if (0) {
Esempio n. 5
void hsv_find_balls_blob_detector(image_u32_t* im, frame_t frame, metrics_t met, zarray_t* blobs_out)
    assert(frame.xy0.x < frame.xy1.x && frame.xy0.y < frame.xy1.y);
    assert(frame.xy0.x >= 0 && frame.xy0.y >= 0 && frame.xy1.x < im->width && frame.xy1.y < im->height);
    assert(frame.ex0.x < frame.ex1.x && frame.ex0.y < frame.ex1.y);
    assert(frame.ex0.x >= 0 && frame.ex0.y >= 0 && frame.ex1.x < im->width && frame.ex1.y < im->height);

    // Int to node
    zhash_t* node_map = zhash_create(sizeof(uint32_t), sizeof(node_t*),
            zhash_uint32_hash, zhash_uint32_equals);

    for(int i = frame.xy0.y; i < frame.xy1.y; i++) {
        for(int j = frame.xy0.x; j < frame.xy1.x; j++) {
            if((i < frame.ex0.y || i > frame.ex1.y) || (j < frame.ex0.x || j > frame.ex1.x)) {

                uint32_t idx_im = i * im->stride + j; // Indframe.ex relative to image

                // Pixel color data
                uint32_t abgr = im->buf[idx_im];
                hsv_t hsv = {0,0,0};
                rgb_to_hsv(abgr, &hsv);
                hsv_t error = {fabs(hsv.hue - met.hsv.hue), 
                                fabs(hsv.sat - met.hsv.sat), 
                                fabs(hsv.val - met.hsv.val)};

                // 'Acceptable'
                 if((error.hue < met.error.hue) && 
                    (error.sat < met.error.sat) && 
                    (error.val < met.error.val)) 
                    // Create new node, set itself up as a parent
                    node_t* n = calloc(1, sizeof(node_t));
                    n->id = idx_im;
                    n->parent_id = idx_im;
                    n->parent_node = n;
                    n->num_children = 0;

                    node_t* tmp_node;
                    uint32_t tmp_idx;

                    // Add node to node map
                    if(zhash_put(node_map, &idx_im, &n, &tmp_idx, &tmp_node)==1) 

                    //Check if apart of another blob, or starting a new blob 
                    // if apart of another, point to the parent, if a new blob, point to self 
                    //Check neighbours
                    if(!met.lines) {    // only check this if don't want lines for tape detection
                        if(j > frame.xy0.x) {
                            tmp_idx = idx_im - 1; // is Left neighbour similar color 
                            if(zhash_get(node_map, &tmp_idx, &tmp_node) == 1) {
                                node_t* neighbour = tmp_node;
                                connect(n, neighbour);                    
                    if(i > frame.xy0.y) { 
                        tmp_idx = idx_im - im->stride; // is Bottom neighbor similar color
                        if(tmp_idx > 0 && zhash_get(node_map, &tmp_idx, &tmp_node) == 1) {
                            node_t* neighbour = tmp_node;

    //count number of children for each parent, go through node_map
    // if a node is not a parent, add 1 to it's parent->num_children and delete from hash
    // if is a parent do nothing
    zarray_t* vals = zhash_values(node_map);
    for(int i = 0; i < zarray_size(vals); i++) {
        node_t* node;
        zarray_get(vals, i, &node);

        if(node->parent_id != node->id) {
            // key should exist, if it doesn't find out why
            assert(zhash_remove(node_map, &node->id, NULL, NULL));

    // search parent only hash and add to blobs out conditionally
    vals = zhash_values(node_map);
    for(int i = 0; i < zarray_size(vals); i++) {
        node_t* node;
        zarray_get(vals, i, &node);
        if(node->num_children > met.min_size) {
            loc_t pos;
            pos.x = node->parent_id%im->stride;
            pos.y = node->parent_id/im->stride;
            zarray_add(blobs_out, &pos);
            // printf("parent %d\n", node->id);
    zhash_vmap_values(node_map, free);