cv::Mat ZipByteReader::Read(size_t seqId, const std::string& path, bool grayscale) { // Find index of the file in .zip file. auto r = m_seqIdToIndex.find(seqId); if (r == m_seqIdToIndex.end()) RuntimeError("Could not find file %s in the zip file, sequence id = %lu", path.c_str(), (long)seqId); zip_uint64_t index = std::get<0>((*r).second); zip_uint64_t size = std::get<1>((*r).second); auto contents = m_workspace.pop_or_create([size]() { return vector<unsigned char>(size); }); if (contents.size() < size) contents.resize(size); auto zipFile = m_zips.pop_or_create([this]() { return OpenZip(); }); { std::unique_ptr<zip_file_t, void(*)(zip_file_t*)> file( zip_fopen_index(zipFile.get(), index, 0), [](zip_file_t* f) { assert(f != nullptr); int err = zip_fclose(f); assert(ZIP_ER_OK == err); #ifdef NDEBUG UNUSED(err); #endif }); assert(nullptr != file); if (nullptr == file) { RuntimeError("Could not open file %s in the zip file, sequence id = %lu, zip library error: %s", path.c_str(), (long)seqId, GetZipError(zip_error_code_zip(zip_get_error(zipFile.get()))).c_str()); } assert(contents.size() >= size); zip_uint64_t bytesRead = zip_fread(file.get(),, size); assert(bytesRead == size); if (bytesRead != size) { RuntimeError("Bytes read %lu != expected %lu while reading file %s", (long)bytesRead, (long)size, path.c_str()); } } m_zips.push(std::move(zipFile)); cv::Mat img; if (grayscale) img = cv::imdecode(cv::Mat(1, (int)size, CV_8UC1,, cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE); else img = cv::imdecode(cv::Mat(1, (int)size, CV_8UC1,, cv::IMREAD_COLOR); assert(nullptr !=; m_workspace.push(std::move(contents)); return img; }
void _zip_set_open_error(int *zep, const zip_error_t *err, int ze) { if (err) { ze = zip_error_code_zip(err); if (zip_error_system_type(err) == ZIP_ET_SYS) { errno = zip_error_code_system(err); } } if (zep) *zep = ze; }
zip_int64_t zip_error_to_data(const zip_error_t *error, void *data, zip_uint64_t length) { int *e = (int *)data; if (length < sizeof(int)*2) { return -1; } e[0] = zip_error_code_zip(error); e[1] = zip_error_code_system(error); return sizeof(int)*2; }
/* * tests for file existence */ static exists_t _zip_file_exists(zip_source_t *src, zip_error_t *error) { struct zip_stat st; zip_stat_init(&st); if (zip_source_stat(src, &st) != 0) { zip_error_t *src_error = zip_source_error(src); if (zip_error_code_zip(src_error) == ZIP_ER_READ && zip_error_code_system(src_error) == ENOENT) { return EXISTS_NOT; } _zip_error_copy(error, src_error); return EXISTS_ERROR; } return (st.valid & ZIP_STAT_SIZE) && st.size == 0 ? EXISTS_EMPTY : EXISTS_NONEMPTY; }
static zip_int64_t compress_read(zip_source_t *src, struct deflate *ctx, void *data, zip_uint64_t len) { int end, ret; zip_int64_t n; zip_uint64_t out_offset; uInt out_len; if (zip_error_code_zip(&ctx->error) != ZIP_ER_OK) return -1; if (len == 0 || ctx->is_stored) { return 0; } out_offset = 0; out_len = (uInt)ZIP_MIN(UINT_MAX, len); ctx->zstr.next_out = (Bytef *)data; ctx->zstr.avail_out = out_len; end = 0; while (!end) { ret = deflate(&ctx->zstr, ctx->eof ? Z_FINISH : 0); switch (ret) { case Z_STREAM_END: if (ctx->can_store && ctx->zstr.total_in <= ctx->zstr.total_out) { ctx->is_stored = true; ctx->size = ctx->zstr.total_in; memcpy(data, ctx->buffer, ctx->size); return (zip_int64_t)ctx->size; } /* fallthrough */ case Z_OK: /* all ok */ if (ctx->zstr.avail_out == 0) { out_offset += out_len; if (out_offset < len) { out_len = (uInt)ZIP_MIN(UINT_MAX, len-out_offset); ctx->zstr.next_out = (Bytef *)data+out_offset; ctx->zstr.avail_out = out_len; } else { ctx->can_store = false; end = 1; } } else if (ctx->eof && ctx->zstr.avail_in == 0) end = 1; break; case Z_BUF_ERROR: if (ctx->zstr.avail_in == 0) { if (ctx->eof) { end = 1; break; } if ((n=zip_source_read(src, ctx->buffer, sizeof(ctx->buffer))) < 0) { _zip_error_set_from_source(&ctx->error, src); end = 1; break; } else if (n == 0) { ctx->eof = true; /* TODO: check against stat of src? */ ctx->size = ctx->zstr.total_in; } else { if (ctx->zstr.total_in > 0) { /* we overwrote a previously filled ctx->buffer */ ctx->can_store = false; } ctx->zstr.next_in = (Bytef *)ctx->buffer; ctx->zstr.avail_in = (uInt)n; } continue; } /* fallthrough */ case Z_NEED_DICT: case Z_DATA_ERROR: case Z_STREAM_ERROR: case Z_MEM_ERROR: zip_error_set(&ctx->error, ZIP_ER_ZLIB, ret); end = 1; break; } } if (ctx->zstr.avail_out < len) { ctx->can_store = false; return (zip_int64_t)(len - ctx->zstr.avail_out); } return (zip_error_code_zip(&ctx->error) == ZIP_ER_OK) ? 0 : -1; }
static zip_int64_t decompress_read(zip_source_t *src, struct deflate *ctx, void *data, zip_uint64_t len) { int end, ret; zip_int64_t n; zip_uint64_t out_offset; uInt out_len; if (zip_error_code_zip(&ctx->error) != ZIP_ER_OK) return -1; if (len == 0) return 0; out_offset = 0; out_len = (uInt)ZIP_MIN(UINT_MAX, len); ctx->zstr.next_out = (Bytef *)data; ctx->zstr.avail_out = out_len; end = 0; while (!end) { ret = inflate(&ctx->zstr, Z_SYNC_FLUSH); switch (ret) { case Z_OK: if (ctx->zstr.avail_out == 0) { out_offset += out_len; if (out_offset < len) { out_len = (uInt)ZIP_MIN(UINT_MAX, len-out_offset); ctx->zstr.next_out = (Bytef *)data+out_offset; ctx->zstr.avail_out = out_len; } else { end = 1; } } break; case Z_STREAM_END: ctx->eof = 1; end = 1; break; case Z_BUF_ERROR: if (ctx->zstr.avail_in == 0) { if (ctx->eof) { end = 1; break; } if ((n=zip_source_read(src, ctx->buffer, sizeof(ctx->buffer))) < 0) { _zip_error_set_from_source(&ctx->error, src); end = 1; break; } else if (n == 0) { ctx->eof = 1; } else { ctx->zstr.next_in = (Bytef *)ctx->buffer; ctx->zstr.avail_in = (uInt)n; } continue; } /* fallthrough */ case Z_NEED_DICT: case Z_DATA_ERROR: case Z_STREAM_ERROR: case Z_MEM_ERROR: zip_error_set(&ctx->error, ZIP_ER_ZLIB, ret); end = 1; break; } } if (ctx->zstr.avail_out < len) return (zip_int64_t)(len - ctx->zstr.avail_out); return (zip_error_code_zip(&ctx->error) == ZIP_ER_OK) ? 0 : -1; }
static zip_cdir_t * _zip_find_central_dir(zip_t *za, zip_uint64_t len) { zip_cdir_t *cdir, *cdirnew; zip_uint8_t *match; zip_int64_t buf_offset; zip_uint64_t buflen; zip_int64_t a; zip_int64_t best; zip_error_t error; zip_buffer_t *buffer; if (len < EOCDLEN) { zip_error_set(&za->error, ZIP_ER_NOZIP, 0); return NULL; } buflen = (len < CDBUFSIZE ? len : CDBUFSIZE); if (zip_source_seek(za->src, -(zip_int64_t)buflen, SEEK_END) < 0) { zip_error_t *src_error = zip_source_error(za->src); if (zip_error_code_zip(src_error) != ZIP_ER_SEEK || zip_error_code_system(src_error) != EFBIG) { /* seek before start of file on my machine */ _zip_error_copy(&za->error, src_error); return NULL; } } if ((buf_offset = zip_source_tell(za->src)) < 0) { _zip_error_set_from_source(&za->error, za->src); return NULL; } if ((buffer = _zip_buffer_new_from_source(za->src, buflen, NULL, &za->error)) == NULL) { return NULL; } best = -1; cdir = NULL; if (buflen >= CDBUFSIZE) { /* EOCD64 locator is before EOCD, so leave place for it */ _zip_buffer_set_offset(buffer, EOCD64LOCLEN); } zip_error_set(&error, ZIP_ER_NOZIP, 0); match = _zip_buffer_get(buffer, 0); while ((match=_zip_memmem(match, _zip_buffer_left(buffer)-(EOCDLEN-4), (const unsigned char *)EOCD_MAGIC, 4)) != NULL) { _zip_buffer_set_offset(buffer, (zip_uint64_t)(match - _zip_buffer_data(buffer))); if ((cdirnew = _zip_read_cdir(za, buffer, (zip_uint64_t)buf_offset, &error)) != NULL) { if (cdir) { if (best <= 0) { best = _zip_checkcons(za, cdir, &error); } a = _zip_checkcons(za, cdirnew, &error); if (best < a) { _zip_cdir_free(cdir); cdir = cdirnew; best = a; } else { _zip_cdir_free(cdirnew); } } else { cdir = cdirnew; if (za->open_flags & ZIP_CHECKCONS) best = _zip_checkcons(za, cdir, &error); else { best = 0; } } cdirnew = NULL; } match++; _zip_buffer_set_offset(buffer, (zip_uint64_t)(match - _zip_buffer_data(buffer))); } _zip_buffer_free(buffer); if (best < 0) { _zip_error_copy(&za->error, &error); _zip_cdir_free(cdir); return NULL; } return cdir; }
static zip_cdir_t * _zip_read_cdir(zip_t *za, zip_buffer_t *buffer, zip_uint64_t buf_offset, zip_error_t *error) { zip_cdir_t *cd; zip_uint16_t comment_len; zip_uint64_t i, left; zip_uint64_t eocd_offset = _zip_buffer_offset(buffer); zip_buffer_t *cd_buffer; if (_zip_buffer_left(buffer) < EOCDLEN) { /* not enough bytes left for comment */ zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_NOZIP, 0); return NULL; } /* check for end-of-central-dir magic */ if (memcmp(_zip_buffer_get(buffer, 4), EOCD_MAGIC, 4) != 0) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_NOZIP, 0); return NULL; } if (eocd_offset >= EOCD64LOCLEN && memcmp(_zip_buffer_data(buffer) + eocd_offset - EOCD64LOCLEN, EOCD64LOC_MAGIC, 4) == 0) { _zip_buffer_set_offset(buffer, eocd_offset - EOCD64LOCLEN); cd = _zip_read_eocd64(za->src, buffer, buf_offset, za->flags, error); } else { _zip_buffer_set_offset(buffer, eocd_offset); cd = _zip_read_eocd(buffer, buf_offset, za->flags, error); } if (cd == NULL) return NULL; _zip_buffer_set_offset(buffer, eocd_offset + 20); comment_len = _zip_buffer_get_16(buffer); if (cd->offset + cd->size > buf_offset + eocd_offset) { /* cdir spans past EOCD record */ zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INCONS, 0); _zip_cdir_free(cd); return NULL; } if (comment_len || (za->open_flags & ZIP_CHECKCONS)) { zip_uint64_t tail_len; _zip_buffer_set_offset(buffer, eocd_offset + EOCDLEN); tail_len = _zip_buffer_left(buffer); if (tail_len < comment_len || ((za->open_flags & ZIP_CHECKCONS) && tail_len != comment_len)) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INCONS, 0); _zip_cdir_free(cd); return NULL; } if (comment_len) { if ((cd->comment=_zip_string_new(_zip_buffer_get(buffer, comment_len), comment_len, ZIP_FL_ENC_GUESS, error)) == NULL) { _zip_cdir_free(cd); return NULL; } } } if (cd->offset >= buf_offset) { zip_uint8_t *data; /* if buffer already read in, use it */ _zip_buffer_set_offset(buffer, cd->offset - buf_offset); if ((data = _zip_buffer_get(buffer, cd->size)) == NULL) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INCONS, 0); _zip_cdir_free(cd); return NULL; } if ((cd_buffer = _zip_buffer_new(data, cd->size)) == NULL) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_MEMORY, 0); _zip_cdir_free(cd); return NULL; } } else { cd_buffer = NULL; if (zip_source_seek(za->src, (zip_int64_t)cd->offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) { _zip_error_set_from_source(error, za->src); _zip_cdir_free(cd); return NULL; } /* possible consistency check: cd->offset = len-(cd->size+cd->comment_len+EOCDLEN) ? */ if (zip_source_tell(za->src) != (zip_int64_t)cd->offset) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_NOZIP, 0); _zip_cdir_free(cd); return NULL; } } left = (zip_uint64_t)cd->size; i=0; while (left > 0) { bool grown = false; zip_int64_t entry_size; if (i == cd->nentry) { /* InfoZIP has a hack to avoid using Zip64: it stores nentries % 0x10000 */ /* This hack isn't applicable if we're using Zip64, or if there is no central directory entry following. */ if (cd->is_zip64 || left < CDENTRYSIZE) { break; } if (!_zip_cdir_grow(cd, 0x10000, error)) { _zip_cdir_free(cd); _zip_buffer_free(cd_buffer); return NULL; } grown = true; } if ((cd->entry[i].orig=_zip_dirent_new()) == NULL || (entry_size = _zip_dirent_read(cd->entry[i].orig, za->src, cd_buffer, false, error)) < 0) { if (grown && zip_error_code_zip(error) == ZIP_ER_NOZIP) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INCONS, 0); } _zip_cdir_free(cd); _zip_buffer_free(cd_buffer); return NULL; } i++; left -= (zip_uint64_t)entry_size; } if (i != cd->nentry || left > 0) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INCONS, 0); _zip_buffer_free(cd_buffer); _zip_cdir_free(cd); return NULL; } if (za->open_flags & ZIP_CHECKCONS) { bool ok; if (cd_buffer) { ok = _zip_buffer_eof(cd_buffer); } else { zip_int64_t offset = zip_source_tell(za->src); if (offset < 0) { _zip_error_set_from_source(error, za->src); _zip_cdir_free(cd); return NULL; } ok = ((zip_uint64_t)offset == cd->offset + cd->size); } if (!ok) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INCONS, 0); _zip_buffer_free(cd_buffer); _zip_cdir_free(cd); return NULL; } } _zip_buffer_free(cd_buffer); return cd; }