Esempio n. 1
int testing_zsymm(int argc, char **argv)
    /* Check for number of arguments*/
    if ( argc != 7 ){
        USAGE("SYMM", "alpha beta M N K LDA LDB LDC",
              "   - alpha : alpha coefficient \n"
              "   - beta : beta coefficient \n"
              "   - M : number of rows of matrices A and C \n"
              "   - N : number of columns of matrices B and C \n"
              "   - LDA : leading dimension of matrix A \n"
              "   - LDB : leading dimension of matrix B \n"
              "   - LDC : leading dimension of matrix C\n");
        return -1;

    PLASMA_Complex64_t alpha = (PLASMA_Complex64_t) atol(argv[0]);
    PLASMA_Complex64_t beta  = (PLASMA_Complex64_t) atol(argv[1]);
    int M     = atoi(argv[2]);
    int N     = atoi(argv[3]);
    int LDA   = atoi(argv[4]);
    int LDB   = atoi(argv[5]);
    int LDC   = atoi(argv[6]);
    int MNmax = max(M, N);
    int MminusOne = MNmax - 1;

    double eps;
    int info_solution;
    int i, j, s, u, info;
    int LDAxM = LDA*max(M, N);
    int LDBxN = LDB*N;
    int LDCxN = LDC*N;

    PLASMA_Complex64_t *A      = (PLASMA_Complex64_t *)malloc(LDAxM*sizeof(PLASMA_Complex64_t));
    PLASMA_Complex64_t *B      = (PLASMA_Complex64_t *)malloc(LDBxN*sizeof(PLASMA_Complex64_t));
    PLASMA_Complex64_t *C      = (PLASMA_Complex64_t *)malloc(LDCxN*sizeof(PLASMA_Complex64_t));
    PLASMA_Complex64_t *Cinit  = (PLASMA_Complex64_t *)malloc(LDCxN*sizeof(PLASMA_Complex64_t));
    PLASMA_Complex64_t *Cfinal = (PLASMA_Complex64_t *)malloc(LDCxN*sizeof(PLASMA_Complex64_t));
    PLASMA_Complex64_t *WORK   = (PLASMA_Complex64_t *)malloc(2*LDC*sizeof(PLASMA_Complex64_t));
    double             *D      = (double *)            malloc(LDC  *sizeof(double));

    /* Check if unable to allocate memory */
    if ((!A)||(!B)||(!Cinit)||(!Cfinal)){
        printf("Out of Memory \n ");
        return -2;

    eps = LAPACKE_dlamch_work('e');

    printf("------ TESTS FOR PLASMA ZSYMM ROUTINE -------  \n");
    printf("            Size of the Matrix %d by %d\n", M, N);
    printf(" The matrix A is randomly generated for each test.\n");
    printf(" The relative machine precision (eps) is to be %e \n",eps);
    printf(" Computational tests pass if scaled residuals are less than 10.\n");


    /* Initialize A */
    LAPACKE_dlarnv_work(IONE, ISEED, LDC, D);
    zlaghe(&MNmax, &MminusOne, D, A, &LDA, ISEED, WORK, &info);
    free(D); free(WORK);

    /* Initialize B */
    LAPACKE_zlarnv_work(IONE, ISEED, LDBxN, B);

    /* Initialize C */
    LAPACKE_zlarnv_work(IONE, ISEED, LDCxN, C);

    for (s=0; s<2; s++) {
        for (u=0; u<2; u++) {

            /* Initialize  Cinit / Cfinal */
            for ( i = 0; i < M; i++)
                for (  j = 0; j < N; j++)
                    Cinit[LDC*j+i] = C[LDC*j+i];
            for ( i = 0; i < M; i++)
                for (  j = 0; j < N; j++)
                    Cfinal[LDC*j+i] = C[LDC*j+i];

            /* PLASMA ZSYMM */
            PLASMA_zsymm(side[s], uplo[u], M, N, alpha, A, LDA, B, LDB, beta, Cfinal, LDC);

            /* Check the solution */
            info_solution = check_solution(side[s], uplo[u], M, N, alpha, A, LDA, B, LDB, beta, Cinit, Cfinal, LDC);

            if (info_solution == 0) {
                printf(" ---- TESTING ZSYMM (%5s, %5s) ....... PASSED !\n", sidestr[s], uplostr[u]);
            else {
                printf(" - TESTING ZSYMM (%s, %s) ... FAILED !\n", sidestr[s], uplostr[u]);

    free(A); free(B); free(C);
    free(Cinit); free(Cfinal);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
int testing_zcposv(int argc, char **argv)
    /* Check for number of arguments*/
    if (argc != 4){
              "   - N    : the size of the matrix\n"
              "   - LDA  : leading dimension of the matrix A\n"
              "   - NRHS : number of RHS\n"
              "   - LDB  : leading dimension of the RHS B\n");
        return -1;

    int N    = atoi(argv[0]);
    int LDA  = atoi(argv[1]);
    int NRHS = atoi(argv[2]);
    int LDB  = atoi(argv[3]);
    int ITER;
    double eps;
    int uplo;
    int info;
    int info_solution = 0; /*, info_factorization;*/
    int i,j;
    int NminusOne = N-1;
    int LDBxNRHS = LDB*NRHS;

    PLASMA_Complex64_t *A1   = (PLASMA_Complex64_t *)malloc(LDA*N   *sizeof(PLASMA_Complex64_t));
    PLASMA_Complex64_t *A2   = (PLASMA_Complex64_t *)malloc(LDA*N   *sizeof(PLASMA_Complex64_t));
    PLASMA_Complex64_t *B1   = (PLASMA_Complex64_t *)malloc(LDB*NRHS*sizeof(PLASMA_Complex64_t));
    PLASMA_Complex64_t *B2   = (PLASMA_Complex64_t *)malloc(LDB*NRHS*sizeof(PLASMA_Complex64_t));
    PLASMA_Complex64_t *WORK = (PLASMA_Complex64_t *)malloc(2*LDA   *sizeof(PLASMA_Complex64_t));
    double *D                = (double *)malloc(LDA*sizeof(double));

    /* Check if unable to allocate memory */
    if ( (!A1) || (!A2) || (!B1) || (!B2) ){
        printf("Out of Memory \n ");

    eps = LAPACKE_dlamch_work('e');


    /* Initialize A1 and A2 for Symmetric Positif Matrix (Hessenberg in the complex case) */
    LAPACKE_dlarnv_work(IONE, ISEED, LDA, D);
    zlaghe(&N, &NminusOne, D, A1, &LDA, ISEED, WORK, &info);

    for ( i = 0; i < N; i++)
        for (  j = 0; j < N; j++)
            A2[LDA*j+i] = A1[LDA*j+i];

    for ( i = 0; i < N; i++){
        A1[LDA*i+i] = A1[LDA*i+i] + N ;
        A2[LDA*i+i] = A1[LDA*i+i];

    /* Initialize B1 and B2 */
    LAPACKE_zlarnv_work(IONE, ISEED, LDBxNRHS, B1);
    for ( i = 0; i < N; i++)
        for ( j = 0; j < NRHS; j++)
            B2[LDB*j+i] = B1[LDB*j+i];

    printf("------ TESTS FOR PLASMA ZCPOSV ROUTINE ------  \n");
    printf("            Size of the Matrix %d by %d\n", N, N);
    printf(" The matrix A is randomly generated for each test.\n");
    printf(" The relative machine precision (eps) is to be %e \n", eps);
    printf(" Computational tests pass if scaled residuals are less than 60.\n");

    uplo = PlasmaLower;
    info = PLASMA_zcposv(uplo, N, NRHS, A2, LDA, B1, LDB, B2, LDB, &ITER);

    if (info != PLASMA_SUCCESS ) {
        printf("PLASMA_zcposv is not completed: info = %d\n", info);
        info_solution = 1;
    } else {
        printf(" Solution obtained with %d iterations\n", ITER);

        /* Check the factorization and the solution */
        info_solution = check_solution(N, NRHS, A1, LDA, B1, B2, LDB, eps);
    if (info_solution == 0){
        printf(" ---- TESTING ZCPOSV ..................... PASSED !\n");
        printf(" - TESTING ZCPOSV .. FAILED !\n");

    free(A1); free(A2); free(B1); free(B2); free(WORK);
    return 0;