Esempio n. 1
zlistx_destroy (zlistx_t **self_p)
    assert (self_p);
    if (*self_p) {
        zlistx_t *self = *self_p;
        zlistx_purge (self);
        free (self->head);
        free (self);
        *self_p = NULL;
Esempio n. 2
zlistx_test (bool verbose)
    printf (" * zlistx: ");

    //  @selftest
    zlistx_t *list = zlistx_new ();
    assert (list);
    assert (zlistx_size (list) == 0);

    //  Test operations on an empty list
    assert (zlistx_first (list) == NULL);
    assert (zlistx_last (list) == NULL);
    assert (zlistx_next (list) == NULL);
    assert (zlistx_prev (list) == NULL);
    assert (zlistx_find (list, "hello") == NULL);
    assert (zlistx_delete (list, NULL) == -1);
    assert (zlistx_detach (list, NULL) == NULL);
    assert (zlistx_delete (list, NULL) == -1);
    assert (zlistx_detach (list, NULL) == NULL);
    zlistx_purge (list);
    zlistx_sort (list);

    //  Use item handlers
    zlistx_set_destructor (list, (zlistx_destructor_fn *) zstr_free);
    zlistx_set_duplicator (list, (zlistx_duplicator_fn *) strdup);
    zlistx_set_comparator (list, (zlistx_comparator_fn *) strcmp);

    //  Try simple insert/sort/delete/next
    assert (zlistx_next (list) == NULL);
    zlistx_add_end (list, "world");
    assert (streq ((char *) zlistx_next (list), "world"));
    zlistx_add_end (list, "hello");
    assert (streq ((char *) zlistx_prev (list), "hello"));
    zlistx_sort (list);
    assert (zlistx_size (list) == 2);
    void *handle = zlistx_find (list, "hello");
    char *item1 = (char *) zlistx_item (list);
    char *item2 = (char *) zlistx_handle_item (handle);
    assert (item1 == item2);
    assert (streq (item1, "hello"));
    zlistx_delete (list, handle);
    assert (zlistx_size (list) == 1);
    char *string = (char *) zlistx_detach (list, NULL);
    assert (streq (string, "world"));
    free (string);
    assert (zlistx_size (list) == 0);

    //  Check next/back work
    //  Now populate the list with items
    zlistx_add_start (list, "five");
    zlistx_add_end   (list, "six");
    zlistx_add_start (list, "four");
    zlistx_add_end   (list, "seven");
    zlistx_add_start (list, "three");
    zlistx_add_end   (list, "eight");
    zlistx_add_start (list, "two");
    zlistx_add_end   (list, "nine");
    zlistx_add_start (list, "one");
    zlistx_add_end   (list, "ten");

    //  Test our navigation skills
    assert (zlistx_size (list) == 10);
    assert (streq ((char *) zlistx_last (list), "ten"));
    assert (streq ((char *) zlistx_prev (list), "nine"));
    assert (streq ((char *) zlistx_prev (list), "eight"));
    assert (streq ((char *) zlistx_prev (list), "seven"));
    assert (streq ((char *) zlistx_prev (list), "six"));
    assert (streq ((char *) zlistx_prev (list), "five"));
    assert (streq ((char *) zlistx_first (list), "one"));
    assert (streq ((char *) zlistx_next (list), "two"));
    assert (streq ((char *) zlistx_next (list), "three"));
    assert (streq ((char *) zlistx_next (list), "four"));

    //  Sort by alphabetical order
    zlistx_sort (list);
    assert (streq ((char *) zlistx_first (list), "eight"));
    assert (streq ((char *) zlistx_last (list), "two"));

    //  Moving items around
    handle = zlistx_find (list, "six");
    zlistx_move_start (list, handle);
    assert (streq ((char *) zlistx_first (list), "six"));
    zlistx_move_end (list, handle);
    assert (streq ((char *) zlistx_last (list), "six"));
    zlistx_sort (list);
    assert (streq ((char *) zlistx_last (list), "two"));

    //  Copying a list
    zlistx_t *copy = zlistx_dup (list);
    assert (copy);
    assert (zlistx_size (copy) == 10);
    assert (streq ((char *) zlistx_first (copy), "eight"));
    assert (streq ((char *) zlistx_last (copy), "two"));
    zlistx_destroy (&copy);

    //  Delete items while iterating
    string = (char *) zlistx_first (list);
    assert (streq (string, "eight"));
    string = (char *) zlistx_next (list);
    assert (streq (string, "five"));
    zlistx_delete (list, zlistx_cursor (list));
    string = (char *) zlistx_next (list);
    assert (streq (string, "four"));

    zlistx_purge (list);
    zlistx_destroy (&list);
    //  @end

    printf ("OK\n");
Esempio n. 3
ziflist_reload (ziflist_t *self)
    assert (self);
    zlistx_t *list = (zlistx_t *) self;
    zlistx_purge (list);

#if defined (HAVE_GETIFADDRS)
    struct ifaddrs *interfaces;
    if (getifaddrs (&interfaces) == 0) {
        struct ifaddrs *interface = interfaces;
        while (interface) {
            //  On Solaris, loopback interfaces have a NULL in ifa_broadaddr
            if (interface->ifa_broadaddr
            &&  interface->ifa_addr
            &&  interface->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET
            &&  s_valid_flags (interface->ifa_flags)) {
                inaddr_t address = *(inaddr_t *) interface->ifa_addr;
                inaddr_t netmask = *(inaddr_t *) interface->ifa_netmask;
                inaddr_t broadcast = *(inaddr_t *) interface->ifa_broadaddr;

                //  If the returned broadcast address is the same as source
                //  address, build the broadcast address from the source
                //  address and netmask.
                if (address.sin_addr.s_addr == broadcast.sin_addr.s_addr)
                    broadcast.sin_addr.s_addr |= ~(netmask.sin_addr.s_addr);

                interface_t *item =
                    s_interface_new (interface->ifa_name, address, netmask,
                if (item)
                    zlistx_add_end (list, item);
            interface = interface->ifa_next;
    freeifaddrs (interfaces);

#   elif defined (__UNIX__)
    int sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
    if (sock != -1) {
        int num_interfaces = 0;
        struct ifconf ifconfig = { 0 };
        //  First ioctl call gets us length of buffer; second call gets us contents
        if (!ioctl (sock, SIOCGIFCONF, (caddr_t) &ifconfig, sizeof (struct ifconf))) {
            ifconfig.ifc_buf = (char *) zmalloc (ifconfig.ifc_len);
            if (!ioctl (sock, SIOCGIFCONF, (caddr_t) &ifconfig, sizeof (struct ifconf)))
                num_interfaces = ifconfig.ifc_len / sizeof (struct ifreq);
        int index;
        for (index = 0; index < num_interfaces; index++) {
            struct ifreq *ifr = &ifconfig.ifc_req [index];
            //  Check interface flags
            bool is_valid = false;
            if (!ioctl (sock, SIOCGIFFLAGS, (caddr_t) ifr, sizeof (struct ifreq)))
                is_valid = s_valid_flags (ifr->ifr_flags);

            //  Get interface properties
            inaddr_t address = { 0 };
            if (!ioctl (sock, SIOCGIFADDR, (caddr_t) ifr, sizeof (struct ifreq)))
                address = *((inaddr_t *) &ifr->ifr_addr);
                is_valid = false;

            inaddr_t broadcast = { 0 };
            if (!ioctl (sock, SIOCGIFBRDADDR, (caddr_t) ifr, sizeof (struct ifreq)))
                broadcast = *((inaddr_t *) &ifr->ifr_addr);
                is_valid = false;

            inaddr_t netmask = { 0 };
            if (!ioctl (sock, SIOCGIFNETMASK, (caddr_t) ifr, sizeof (struct ifreq)))
                netmask = *((inaddr_t *) &ifr->ifr_addr);
                is_valid = false;

            if (is_valid) {
                interface_t *item = s_interface_new (ifr->ifr_name, address,
                                                     netmask, broadcast);
                if (item)
                    zlistx_add_end (list, item);
        free (ifconfig.ifc_buf);
        close (sock);

#   elif defined (__WINDOWS__)
    ULONG addr_size = 0;
    DWORD rc = GetAdaptersAddresses (AF_INET, GAA_FLAG_INCLUDE_PREFIX, NULL, NULL, &addr_size);
    assert (rc == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);

    PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES pip_addresses = (PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES) zmalloc (addr_size);
    rc = GetAdaptersAddresses (AF_INET,
                               GAA_FLAG_INCLUDE_PREFIX, NULL, pip_addresses, &addr_size);
    assert (rc == NO_ERROR);

    PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES cur_address = pip_addresses;
    while (cur_address) {
        PIP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS pUnicast = cur_address->FirstUnicastAddress;
        PIP_ADAPTER_PREFIX pPrefix = cur_address->FirstPrefix;

        PWCHAR friendlyName = cur_address->FriendlyName;
        size_t asciiSize = wcstombs (0, friendlyName, 0) + 1;
        char *asciiFriendlyName = (char *) zmalloc (asciiSize);
        wcstombs (asciiFriendlyName, friendlyName, asciiSize);

        bool valid = (cur_address->OperStatus == IfOperStatusUp)
                     && (pUnicast && pPrefix)
                     && (pUnicast->Address.lpSockaddr->sa_family == AF_INET)
                     && (pPrefix->PrefixLength <= 32);

        if (valid) {
            inaddr_t address = *(inaddr_t *) pUnicast->Address.lpSockaddr;
            inaddr_t netmask;
            netmask.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl ((0xffffffffU) << (32 - pPrefix->PrefixLength));
            inaddr_t broadcast = address;
            broadcast.sin_addr.s_addr |= ~(netmask.sin_addr.s_addr);
            interface_t *item = s_interface_new (asciiFriendlyName, address,
                                                 netmask, broadcast);
            if (item)
                zlistx_add_end (list, item);
        free (asciiFriendlyName);
        cur_address = cur_address->Next;
    free (pip_addresses);

#   else
#       error "Interface detection TBD on this operating system"
#   endif
Esempio n. 4
//  Remove all items from the list, and destroy them if the item destructor
//  is set.                                                                
void QZlistx::purge ()
    zlistx_purge (self);
Esempio n. 5
static ztrie_node_t *
s_ztrie_parse_path (ztrie_t *self, const char *path, int mode)
    int state = 0;
    char *needle, *beginToken = NULL, *beginRegex = NULL;
    ztrie_node_t *parent = self->root;
    if (zlistx_size (self->params) > 0)
        zlistx_purge (self->params);

    int len = strlen (path);
    needle = (char *) path;
    char *needle_stop = needle + len;
    //  Ignore trailing delimiter
    if (needle[len-1] == self->delimiter)
        needle_stop -= 1;
    while (needle < needle_stop + 1) {
        //  It is valid not to have an delimiter at the end of the path
        if (*needle == self->delimiter || needle == needle_stop) {
            //  Token starts with delimiter ignore everything that comes before
            if (state == 0) {
                beginToken = needle + 1;
                if (mode == MODE_INSERT || mode == MODE_LOOKUP)
                    // Increment so regexes are parsed which is only relevant
                    // during INSERT or LOOKUP. Using different states gives a small
                    // performance boost for matching.
            //  Token ends with delimiter.
            if (state < 3) {
                int matchType = zlistx_size (self->params) > 0? NODE_TYPE_PARAM:
                                    beginRegex? NODE_TYPE_REGEX: NODE_TYPE_STRING;
                char *matchToken = beginRegex? beginRegex: beginToken;
                int matchTokenLen = needle - matchToken - (beginRegex? 1: 0);
                //  Illegal token
                if (matchTokenLen == 0)
                    return NULL;
                ztrie_node_t *match = NULL;
                //  Asterisk nodes are only allowed at the end of a route
                if (needle == needle_stop && *matchToken == '*') {
                    if (zlistx_size (parent->children) == 0) {
                        matchType = NODE_TYPE_ASTERISK;
                        matchToken = needle - 1;
                        matchTokenLen = 1;
                    //  Asterisk must be a leaf in the tree
                        return NULL;
                else {
                    matchType = zlistx_size (self->params) > 0? NODE_TYPE_PARAM:
                                        beginRegex? NODE_TYPE_REGEX: NODE_TYPE_STRING;
                    matchToken = beginRegex? beginRegex: beginToken;
                    matchTokenLen = needle - matchToken - (beginRegex? 1: 0);

                //  In insert and lookup mode only do a string comparison
                if (mode == MODE_INSERT || mode == MODE_LOOKUP)
                    match = s_ztrie_compare_token (parent, matchToken, matchTokenLen);
                //  Otherwise evaluate regexes
                if (mode == MODE_MATCH)
                    match = s_ztrie_matches_token (parent, matchToken, matchTokenLen);

                //  Mismatch behavior depends on mode
                if (!match) {
                    //  Append to common prefix
                    if (mode == MODE_INSERT) {
                        //  It's not allowed to append on asterisk
                        if (parent->token_type == NODE_TYPE_ASTERISK ||
                                (zlistx_size (parent->children) == 1 &&
                                ((ztrie_node_t *) (zlistx_first (parent->children)))->token_type == NODE_TYPE_ASTERISK))
                            return NULL;
                        parent = s_ztrie_node_new (parent, matchToken, matchTokenLen, self->params, matchType);
                    //  No match for path found
                    if (mode == MODE_MATCH || mode == MODE_LOOKUP)
                        return NULL;
                //  If a match has been found it becomes the parent for next path token
                else {
                    parent = match;
                    //  In case a asterisk match has been made skip the rest of the route
                    if (parent->token_type == NODE_TYPE_ASTERISK)
                //  Cleanup for next token
                beginRegex = NULL;
                if (zlistx_size (self->params) > 0)
                    zlistx_purge (self->params);
                //  Token end equals token begin
                beginToken = needle + 1;
        //  regex starts with '{'
        if (state == 2 && *needle == '{') {
            beginRegex = needle + 1;
        //  in the middle of the regex. Found a named regex.
        if (state == 3 && (*needle == ':')) {
            zlistx_add_end (self->params, s_strndup (beginRegex, needle - beginRegex));
            beginRegex = needle + 1;

        // regex ends with {
        if (state == 3 && *needle == '}') {

    //  In matching mode the discovered node must be an endpoint
    if (parent && mode == MODE_MATCH && !parent->endpoint)
        return NULL;

    return parent;