Esempio n. 1
* Reply example
int main()
    // Set up the network binding
    zmq::context_t zmqContext(1);
    zmq::socket_t * pZmqSocket = new zmq::socket_t(zmqContext, ZMQ_REP);
    std::string listenAddress = "tcp://*:5555";
    while (1)
        if (pZmqSocket->connected())
            // Create a REQUEST message pointer
            zmq::message_t * pZmqMsgIn = new zmq::message_t();

            char * buffer = nullptr;

            // Receive the REQUEST message
                    if (pZmqSocket->recv(pZmqMsgIn))
                        std::cout << "REQUEST Message Received" << std::endl;

                        buffer = (char *)(pZmqMsgIn->data());
                        std::istringstream iss(buffer);

                        TestMessage recvData = TestMessage();


                        std::cout << "REQUEST Message NOT Received" << std::endl;
                catch (std::exception& e)
                    std::cerr << "Exception caught during socket.recv(): " << e.what() << std::endl;


            // Create the REPLY message and copy data from the REQUEST message
            zmq::message_t * pZmqMsgOut = new zmq::message_t(sizeof(pZmqMsgIn->data()));
            memcpy((void *)pZmqMsgOut->data(), pZmqMsgIn->data(), sizeof(pZmqMsgIn->data()));

            // Send the REPLY message
                    if (pZmqSocket->send(*pZmqMsgOut))
                        std::cout << "REPLY Message Sent" << std::endl;
                        std::cerr << "REPLY Message NOT Sent." << std::endl;
                catch (std::exception& e)
                    std::cerr << "Exception caught during socket.send(): " << e.what() << std::endl;

            delete pZmqMsgIn;

    delete pZmqSocket;

    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	po::options_description desc("Usage");

		("execute", new ArgTypeString(std::string("<directory>")), 
          "Backtest the configuration file in <directory>. Various files are output to the same location. The configuration file must be named config.xml or _config.xml.")

        ("genetic-algo", new ArgTypeString(std::string("<config template>")), 
            "Run a genetic algo using the supplied file as the template. Requires an HTCondor cluster.")

        //   ("tcp-port", new ArgTypeInt(std::string("<Port Number>")),
     //       "Used with --genetic-algo. Specifies the TCP port node comminicate with the GA server on.")
      //  ("test-send", "Send a test message to another DeepThought instance via ZeroMQ to test comms.")
      //  ("test-receive", "Test receiving messages via ZeroMQ to test comms.")
      ("version", "Print version info.")


	po::variables_map variablesMap;
        namespace po_style = boost::program_options::command_line_style;
        po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc).style(po_style::unix_style|po_style::case_insensitive).run(), variablesMap);
	catch (std::exception &e)
		std::cout << "Error parsing command line : " << e.what() << "\n\n" << desc << "\n";
		return 1;


    if (variablesMap.count("version"))
        std::cout << "GridGA Version :\t\t" << DEEPTHOUGHT_VERSION << std::endl <<
            "Build type :\t\t\t" << BUILD_TYPE << std::endl <<
            "Build host :\t\t\t" << COMPILE_HOST << std::endl <<
            "Compiler : \t\t\t" << COMPILER_ID << " " << COMPILER_VERSION << std::endl <<
            "Boost version : \t\t" << BOOST_COMPILE_VERSION << std::endl <<
            "Home directory : \t\t" << DeepThoughtLib::FileUtils::GetHomeDir() << std::endl <<
            "Binary install directory : \t" << DeepThoughtLib::FileUtils::GetExePath() << std::endl;
        return 1;

    std::string logFileName("ga.log");

    if (variablesMap.count("execute"))
        std::string	filesLocation(variablesMap["execute"].as<std::string>());
        logFileName = filesLocation + "/ga_execute.log";

    if (variablesMap.count("genetic-algo"))
        std::string filesLocation(variablesMap["genetic-algo"].as<std::string>());
        logFileName = filesLocation + "/genetic-algo.log";


	if (variablesMap.count("help"))
		std::cout << desc << std::endl;
		return 0;

    if (variablesMap.count("genetic-algo"))
        zmq::context_t zmqContext(1);
        GridGALib::GeneticAlgo geneticAlgo(variablesMap["genetic-algo"].as<std::string>(), zmqContext);
        if (!geneticAlgo.ReadConfig())
            return 1;
        return 0;

    //if (variablesMap.count("test-send"))
    //    DeepThoughtLib::AppContext appContext;
    //    appContext.TransmitTestData();
    //    std::cerr << "finished" << std::endl;
    //    return 0;

    //if (variablesMap.count("test-receive"))
    //    zmq::context_t zmqContext(1);
    //    DeepThoughtLib::GeneticAlgo geneticAlgo(false, "", zmqContext);
    //    std::deque<DeepThoughtLib::GenomePtr> genomesToTest;
    //    geneticAlgo.WaitForResults(genomesToTest);
    //    return 0;

	if (variablesMap.count("execute"))
        std::string filesLocation = variablesMap["execute"].as<std::string>();

        if (!boost::filesystem::exists(filesLocation))
            std::cerr << "Cannot find location \"" << filesLocation << "\"" << std::endl;
            return -1;

        //DeepThoughtLib::AppContext appContext;

		return 0;

	std::cout << desc << std::endl;

	return 0;