Esempio n. 1
//  Receive a 'picture' message to the socket (or actor). See zsock_send for
//  the format and meaning of the picture. Returns the picture elements into
//  a series of pointers as provided by the caller:                         
//      i = int * (stores signed integer)                                   
//      4 = uint32_t * (stores 32-bit unsigned integer)                     
//      8 = uint64_t * (stores 64-bit unsigned integer)                     
//      s = char ** (allocates new string)                                  
//      b = byte **, size_t * (2 arguments) (allocates memory)              
//      c = zchunk_t ** (creates zchunk)                                    
//      f = zframe_t ** (creates zframe)                                    
//      U = zuuid_t * (creates a zuuid with the data)                       
//      h = zhashx_t ** (creates zhashx)                                    
//      p = void ** (stores pointer)                                        
//      m = zmsg_t ** (creates a zmsg with the remaing frames)              
//      z = null, asserts empty frame (0 arguments)                         
//      u = uint * (stores unsigned integer, deprecated)                    
//  Note that zsock_recv creates the returned objects, and the caller must  
//  destroy them when finished with them. The supplied pointers do not need 
//  to be initialized. Returns 0 if successful, or -1 if it failed to recv  
//  a message, in which case the pointers are not modified. When message    
//  frames are truncated (a short message), sets return values to zero/null.
//  If an argument pointer is NULL, does not store any value (skips it).    
//  An 'n' picture matches an empty frame; if the message does not match,   
//  the method will return -1.                                              
int QZsock::recv (const QString &picture,  ...)
    va_list args;
    va_start (args, picture);
    int rv = zsock_vrecv (self, picture.toUtf8().data(), args);
    va_end (args);
    return rv;
Esempio n. 2
//  Receive a 'picture' message from the socket (or actor). This is a    
//  va_list version of zsock_recv (), so please consult its documentation
//  for the details.                                                     
int QZsock::vrecv (const QString &picture, va_list argptr)
    int rv = zsock_vrecv (self, picture.toUtf8().data(), argptr);
    return rv;
Esempio n. 3
//  Receive a 'picture' message from the socket (or actor). This is a    
//  va_list version of zsock_recv (), so please consult its documentation
//  for the details.                                                     
int QmlZsock::vrecv (const QString &picture, va_list argptr) {
    return zsock_vrecv (self, picture.toUtf8().data(), argptr);